THE WOLVERINE THIP T NIAGRA FALLS PLANNED FOD NEXT WEEK Sindenlfs of Geology Io Study Country So A1nul Suninmer School Exeorsiou As an extra educational feature of the summer session, the student who is of the nso)adi type and loves to travel ci i bgiven an extraordinary' opportunity to enjoy a trip to the won- ders of Niagara Pails. The excursion is under the personal supervision of' Dr. C. 0. Saler, instructor in geogra- phy, mid sill be of three days' dura- tion. The party will leave Ann Arbor Friday, July 21, and return Monday, July 24. Preceding the excursion will be a lecture by iDr. Saucr, Wednesday, July 19, in the auditoriumi of the Science building. The suhject will be, "The Geology of Niagara Falls." The ex- cursion will not be limited to students of tle University, and accomiiodations will be madc for a certai number of outsiders who wish to go. The party will journey to Buffalo from Detroit by boat, as special rates have been made with the company., Those wishing to go should consult with Dr. Saner to room G 440, in the new Science building before the trip, for only the ones who have made pre- vious arran-ements and have been as- signed to proper quarters will be al-1 lowed to go. More than the usual time allotted to visitors will be given the party while at the Falls, making the excursion especially attractive, as well as of educational value to those who can take advantage of its excel- lent opportunities. INFANT ISEATBS CONTINUE American Athletes Show True Sportsmanship In Difficulties LYNDON'S, 719 N. University Ave. FOR Who says that true sportsmanship forms no part of the American ath- letic system? Where is the man who sees the spirit of professionalism per- vading all collegiate sports? To this man we refer the stories of Harry LeGore and Arlie Mucks. A year ago last spring, the bright- est star on the Yale baseball team was Harry LeGore, the shortstop. Jle re- ceived several offers to play with big league teams but refused them all. That summer he played ball for sev- eral weeks on the representative team of a Long Island summer-resort hotel, in remuneration for which he received his room and board. For this heinous crime he was declared a professional athlete by the governing board of Yale University. LeGore was also a brilliant football player but was, of course, barred from playing last fall by the action of the board. The ma- jor league teams, as soon as they heard of the Eli star's plight, renewed their offers. But LeGore turned a deaf ear to the siren call of the al- Eastman Kodaks mighty dollar and offered his services as. an assistant coach to the Yale athletic association without remun- eration. He spent many hours last fall in. teaching the Yale backs the art of punting. This spring his care- ful coaching was a large factor in the success of the Blue baseball squad. This man will still be ineligible next year, but when the Yale baseball team met the other day to elect the captain. of next year's team, the man chosen for the honor was Harry LeGore. To this 'case must be added that of Arlie Mucks, the giant weight-thrower of the University of Wisconsin track team. At the Western Conference meet last month, harry Liversedge, of the University of California, won first place i4 the shot put but was dis- qualified on a technicality. Mucks, having placed second, was declared ,winner. But when the big Oshkosh boy received his medal a week or so ago, he straightway sent it out to Berkeley, California, addressed to Har- ry Liversedge. Eastman Films Guaranteed Amateur Finishing Enlargements from your Negatibes a Specialty I have led while others followed in amateur finishing for twelve years. Now we are still leading. We guarantee perfect results or no charge. We give you "Peace Time Results," as we have a plenty of Metal (which we could sell at $50.00 per lb.) and we venture to say that no other firm is using Metol for finishing. If you want the best results you will bring your films here. Two Ooors from H-ill Auditorism LYNDON'S 719 North University Avenue £ E Noted Track Han Enjoys War Life Howard Berry, Pejmsylvaia's All- Around Athlete Goes to 1el1 licik the exiealo Pennsylvania's famous pentathlon performer, Howard Berry, has listen- ad to the call of the border and has left prospects of a brilliant athletic carrer in two years competition, for the prospects of a varied soldier's life in lively competition with Mexican guerillas, which will last perhaps for the length of three years. His value to the university as a future depend- able star in relay carnivals to come will not be overlooked by his ardent followers, and with the corresponding loss of Ted Meridith by graduation, Penosy will look far before her ath- letic hopes on the track and field will brighten as these men might still be able to add as they have done in the past. Berry was not only a track artist but showed himself able to hold down a good position on the football team of the 1915 season; however his temperamental nature seemed to make it hard for the coach to realize his per- manent fitness for his place and as a consequence he left the squad. He has also been known to have tried baseball, but his main proficiency was on the track squad, and here while' a mats of many events, he may have .ieveloped into a creditable performer in single trials and added to Pennsy's laurels in the Intercollegiates. MAKE NEW RULES AT NEWBERRY Determine Study Periods and Pick Evenings When Visitors May Come Newberry Residence residents had a meeting last night wherein new rules were adopted, to be enforced for the coming summer. Quiet is to be main- tained during the following periods: Mornings, between 8:00 and 11:30, af- ternoons between 1:00 and 4:00, even- ings between 7:30 and 9:00, during week nights. Every Thursday evening is to be observed as guest night. The residents will be permitted to have guests for dinner, however, they are not limited to this night but that is to be ob- served as the special night. Those who are on the committees to enforce the quiet hours are: First floor, Dor- othy Towle; second floor, Marjorie Nicholson, Edna Johnson; third floor, Lois Black and Ruth Tubbs. Mrs. Wetterstboem was chosen as house sanitarian. The social committee is composed of Theresa Maley, Mable Morse and Flo Fitzpatrick. It was also agreed to have an informal dance Friday evening. CARELESS-KILLED INSTANTLY I-red Newton of psilanti, Receives Iischarge in Body; Was Atie In School Ypsilanti, Mich., July 11.-Fred Newton was just a little careless while he was cleaning his shotgun today, and paid for his negligence with his life. He had put in one load and was ramming in the second whens the weapon was discharged. The entire load entered his body and he was killed instantly. Newton had just finished the Nor- mal course and was takini advanced work in the summer school prepara- tory to teaching at Peliston next win- ter. He was active in athletics and school affairs. G,EMA0tNS REVEL IN CIANNEL. Baltimore, July 11.-Paul Koenig, skipper of the German submarine which slipped under the British block- ade and ran away with a tremendous value of dyestuff to the United States, says that when the British destroyers got too thick over the head of his sub- marine, his boat sat for a time on the floor of the British channel and isi men drank good French champagne and sang, until the destroyers gave his ship a hole in the roof to allow an es- cape. LOST-On or near Campus Saturday afternoon, July 8; enameled silver bluebird pin with safety catch. Finder return to Calkins Drug Store on State for reward. _I JMissouri :Me ntor Has New Stunts Track Coach instfalls lovies in New Method to lrnig OutBest in His Athletes In the last few years inventions have been coming fast in the mechani- eel line, but the latest innovation lies it theisethods of teaching track'ath- letics. Director C. L. Brewer, of the University of Missouri, to avoid phy- sical exertion and the other tiresome features of illustrating track methods himself, has inaugurated a system of pictures to show his points. When the class is studying the theory of sprints, he passes around a picture of a man on the mark waiting for the pistol, then comes another of the first step then the second and third. These pictures necessarily con- tain the correct form and the proper exertion; illustrating in the best way the remarks of the director. Thus it is with the other important track events, showing with the pictures of successful athletes how and why things should be done. Washington Says Boat Is Jeehant Polk Decides Deutschland is Freight Boat; Navy tran' Will Investi- gate Further Washington, D. C., July 11.-Until further investigation, the United States will consider the German submarine Deutschland, which arrived here yes- terday, as an underseas freight boat, entitled to ply its trade betwee tGer- man and American harbors. After receiving a report front Col- lector Ryan of the port of Baltismiore, which stated that the Deutschland did not carry arms and was manned by a merchant crew, Acting Secretary of State Polk, determined to take this view of the matter. By direction of the State departnsent, Captain C. F. Hughes of the navy, formerly inspector of ships for the general board has been assigned to give an expert opinion as to whether the Deutschland is or is not a ship of war. He will probably be assisted by other navy officials. Have You Ever ThoughtAboutIt? Among other factors to be found on the list of the things the summer stude is forced to endure in this season of radiating and zephyrless classrooms, is the region somewhere in the depths of the infrequently visit- ed but well-known parts of the Medic building, where is to be found the as- sociation and intimate study of that individual who is little known by the common lay-student, dreaded and con- versationally extinct as well,-let us mention him slowly, hesitatingly, with respectful hesitation,-the "Stiff." The summer course has seen these labor- atories of mystery well filled with am- bitious embryo physicians,-we note them well, the medics, 16 in number- the dent, of whom there are 32, each in his work so popularly considered of the "technique unrefined," of grue- some enrivonments, shrouded tables and greasy door knobs! We forgive you your misguided con- ception. Such is not the case. While we cannot set about making beautiful that which is rightfully abhorred, we with the urging of the medic say that he is quite happy. Mappy (?) as he sees with a glance stolen from his window during his long hours, the outlines of the ultra mode in .femimsine garb in contrast with the beauty of the campus green. Many other things he sees too. However there is his own private grievance he has to review to himself, one of long standing; it is for us to consider but not to under- stand. There is a majority of the dents! BRUSSILOFF (CONTINUES DRIVE Itussin Tactics Successful in East While French Gain in West London, July 11.-General Brussi- loff's Russians are sweeping over the Stokhod river toward Kovel, a great German base in Volhynia, and at the same time the British and French are battling desperately to advance both south and north of the River Somme iii France. The French by a brilliant attack have captured Hill 97 which commands a section of the Somme dis- trict. Berlin dispatches contradict the Rnssanrle ns Any time is the right time for a glass of Morning; noon; or night-Tor a thirst-quencher, or just for a delicious healthful beverage-you will find a new pleasure in every refreshing glass. THE COCA-COLA CO. Atlanta, Ga. Demand the genuine by full name- nicknamesencourage substitution.