Shows at3:o0, 6:30 8:00, 9:30
c s i-af ro: CcCon s in Whe
,oisiig," sd Mu{tt asdJeff
d. a-Edua Wallace oppere i "The
eoils W ivrc e"and Mutt and Jeff
urs. 13-Francis X. Bushamansand
ely Boes i ne"The Wall Between"
Re) and 1)ces"ossey.
)rpheum Theatre
e House of ramous Play byFaous
Ply ers
es ssNorma Oalosdg so The
hdire s inthe Houe, riange
osedy, "The Lion and the Girlts."
Svening, nc
rd. s e-]iouerise ClarkIn 1 iMice
sitd'Mev" Rebioked.
urs-Fei. 13-4-SeeseHauyokowa,Jap-
i Ae , to "AliensoSuis," oray
. 5-n. B. Warner in l"Te Beggoof
awopoc." Triangl Come,"His
itter Pi,." vening, i55.
seen Dtloit, Ann Arbor and Jackson.
run on Eastern tine, one hour faster
>cal tino.
'it Limited and Express Cars-8 a.
1 hourly to 7:10 p. m., :se p. n.
.ssazoo Limited Cars-8:48 a. m. and
two hours to 6:48 p. l.; to Lansing,
tl Cars, Easthound- :353 .10,, 6:40 a. so.,
so., and eoery iwohours to 7:05 p. u,
.ot.,:osp.i., to: p.In. To Ypsi
'fly, 8:48 a. m. (daily exslit 0S0lay)
no, . . ., :0 ,. om., I:4 P.
O a ..ii .'.(1 oa . sit
t Care, Wstound-6:os a. es., y:so a.
devery two hours to 7:50 p. s., S:2te
Aversity School of Music
'A Gathering Place for Advanced Students"
[nua1 Summer Session
eglar Fall Term begins Mon., Oct. 2, 1916e
s Catalogue and Inforuotion address
Ann Arbor Milch.
e Ann Arbor Savings Bank
>urity - Service - Location
p al ..,.....,.......... -S0000000
rplus adProfitt.......... $ 17,00000
Ud Office, N. W. Corner Hain
and Huron Ste.
ach Office, 707 North Unv-
ersity Avenue.,
Gates will be in her office in
iur Gym every morning from 10
except Saturday
:re are 67 women registered in
erry Residence this summer.
nut fifty women were present at
st party of the Womens League,.
n arbour ygm on ~riday.
erry irls ie Informal Dance
informal dance will be held by
omen of Newberry Residence on
y night of this wee-.
s is the first dance to be held in
utding this summer.
Il Banroft Leaves for New York
dab Bancroft, '11, assistant sec-
, of the University Y. W. C. A.,
ecently for New York on a visit
r brother, Erwin Bancroft, '12E,
as a position in that city.
ssor Allen Returns from Nor l
f. John I. Allen, of the mechani-
igineering department, returned
y from Newberry, Michigan,
he has been installing a heat-
stem in the state hospital at that
For Sale or Rent
milton Business College
State and William
The official student newspaper for
the University of Michigan summer
session. Published by the students on-
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday af-
ternoons. Twenty-five issues.
Subscription rates-By carrier, sev-
enty-five cents for the summer;
mailed to any address for one dollar.
Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap-
plication to the business manager.
Subscriptions and ads taken at Quar-
ry's and University Avenue Phar-
Office lours: Managing editor, 2:00
to 3:00 daily; business manager,
1:00 to 2:00 daily. Phone 960 or
Address, The Wolverine, Press Build-
ing, Maynard St., Ann Arbor.
Verne E. Burnett-Managing Editor
Phone-2414 or 1283-M
'. Verne Sellers-Business Manager
Phone-60 or 1460
Tom C. Reid-Associate Editor
H. C. Garrison-Sports Editor
Marian Wilson-Women's Editor
Walter Atlas-News Editor
Bruce Swaney-News Editor
M. H. Cooley R. T. Mann
George Corwin Frank Martin
M. N. Elsenan Phil Pack
H. F. Fitzpatrick Ward Petersos
H. H. Gellert Grace tose
H. H. Haag Jerome Zeigler
Business Staff
wm. H. Hogan Robert M. Schiller
Richard Goldsmith Allan Livingston
'TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1916.
Issue Editr-Walter Atlas
Last year 110 summer students ap-
peared in the membership of the short
term choral union. This year the
Scisool of Music management expects,
150 to enroll in the organization.
The arguments presented are thlse:
it will take one or two meetings a
week, and exeryone is supposed to be'
there. That is probably the only po-
tent argument against joining. Here
are the facts supporting the ideaof
membership: it will cost nothing, and
there are no preliminary tests re-
quired for admission; it will be ably
conducted; considerable practice will
be given in sight reading of music;
general musical appreciation and un-
derstanding of chorus workings will
be developed; attention will be given
to. shadings, attacks and releases is
phrases; and a concert will probably
he given at the end of several weeks
in Hill auditorium. Teachers of schools
have the special opportunity of get-
ting the standpoint of students better
by being put back into a chorus po-
I n acking a University organization:
by membership there are two'consider-
ations: will it help Michigan, and will
it help you. The chtoral union man-
agement promises to supply a living
yes for both of these questions.
About thirty years ago a young stu-
dent was introduced to an old student,
at a, banquet. The next morning they
met each other in front of the Li-
brary. The younger man thought it
proper to wait for the older to speak
first, and the older man thought the
other showed no signs of recognition.
So a possible college friendship was
Today one is a statesman and the
other a financier. Several days ago
they again 'met in front of the Library
when the alumni were swarming the
campus with reunions.- No longer
straight-jacketed by the petty scruples
about etiquette which too often takes
the frankness out of student life, they
spontaneously shook hands. But their
hair was gray.
A possible thirty years of perhaps
the finest of friendships had been
whisked away in the moment of a lost
It is pretty safe to estimate that a
dozen similar histories begin on the
campus every few days.
Numerous big college papers are be-
ginning to read the idea of "universe"
into "university." The University of
Michigan Daily has done that during
the past year by establishing a foreign
news service. The Wolverine manage-
ment is likewise undertaking toinstall
foreign news. It is apt to be rather
shaky and non-uniform for some time.
The big aim of, the paper consists
in covering the campus news, but
alongside of stories of gymnasiums, it
is well always to keep the background
of the world,-Gibraltar, Verdun or
Signain Front of a Chinese Restaurant
Boarding ilsuse Neutrality
Speaking of a German boarding
house, a man from Ola township rises
to inquisitate just what would happen
when some of those here French fried
potatoes were brought in with some
English tea.
Says the Office Oracle
"Why is a college bred man a
"le goes yeast and rises to the
Beverly Potts' Colytm
(Exhibit A)
Dear B.-May I properly wear a low-
necked one with the skirt ten inches
oft the cement, when I prom between
the Tapping Hall and Lawless build-
ing? Amelicia.
Dear Amel., etc.:- Properly? You
might. B. Potts.
(Exhibit B)
Dear B.-Will an orange blossom
necktie which looks like a towel be
all right to wear with a red ink tinted
shirt, this summer? Snooks.
Dear S.--Yes, indeed. n-rcoats and
velour hats will be also chic this
season. I suggest also a morning
negligee of a purple tulle top coat
trimmed at the throat with a hem of
yellow fur. With this should be worn
a leaf green Panama hat and also ver-
million overshoes delicately set off
with sea blue spats. These things will
be exquisite all August according to
all indications of thoseewho ought to
be competent to judge. B. Potts.
Stude (just arrived) - Will you
please tell me whre W. H. M. T. W.
T., is? I can't find it anywhere.
In spite of heat some optimists think
summer school is a picnic. Happen
to see any of these same eating their
noon day grub under the campus' his-
toric oaks?
(No but there are once in a while
fewdevouring the Library reference,
New and Second-Hand
Drawing Instruments, Loose-Leaf Note Books
StudentSupplies in General
l A
Canoe l@Fountain
Lunches Lunches
for and
Two Ice Cream
Michigan and Fraternity Jewelry
Leather, Gold and Silver
Extra Fine Repairs of Watches and Jewelry
A Certain Person Slhoteld Read This!
IDeep brown eyes, look in mine,
Whisper notes of love divine;
launlike eyes, twinkling 'yes,
Like thestars at night above, mise
Note:--This stanza was found on
Roomie's desk. Unless he flees the
country within 47 hours, we will pub-
lish the rest of this poem later, con-
taining names, etc., uncensored.
How Can Slee Do It-
We can't understand why the lady
on- the cover of the Cosmopolitan is
forced to hold her posture so long
without somebody going to her assist-
We make a similar observation that
there is a lady on the Pictorial Review
who has water-proof hair.
Only 166 more days to Christmas.
Ho, hum!
It Hit Her Hard
IlutShe Was Game
The Little Lady With the Silver Hair
leit aIer Smile in Spite
of Bad News
She was a tired little old lady in a
faded suit of gray and a little black
bonnet fastened above locks once
brown, but now close lined with sil-
ver. We would not have noticed her
but for her smile-you could not help
noticing that. It all happened in the
office of the secretary of one of the
largest colleges on the campus. Irre-
sistably we were caught by that smile
and the secretary, catching the infec-
tion, smiled too. "My son's grade?"
Sle gave the name and silence per-
vaded the room.
Swiftly the secretary found the
name, then paused--a quick look of
sympathy passed over her face-"Your
son has been dropped from our lists;
he failed-"
Somewhere in the vast building a
clocl ticked; outside a street car
Affairs with Mexico have resulted in
the call to the colors of Dr. Curtis B litte lady t ace greso white utilith
Pillsbury who left Wednesday for' theli ,,f , a , . h ieacni
t h d h l rf he air Se
nia c ue te coio o tir ni. mtt
ene Br Aiexicas border. He will jin th raised a trembling hand to her head,-
' Smmer ard At-e s Medical Relief Corps which will serve but she was game, that little woman.
sk rebored and som~e are simply in the work of the American Red The late afternoon sun stealing
sick already of monotony of grub Cross, providing relations will becomg
which is all right for the first few days strain noug to envolve us in war ougte windo again caght that
or so, but when it comes as regular as :e was accompanied as far as San uil Arlittle faiter perhaps, but
it was there.
.he alarm clock--well. Antonio by his wife. "I thank yoshe said, and was
But sually the Covers ell, However
Facetious Prof.-For example, sound Falls and Breals Ankle While Skating
is not always music, but music is al- Oscar Schumacher, a student resid- 'lickets' Selling fori Wrestling Match
ways sound. ing in the city, had the misfortune to The tickets for thCe Grand Patriotic
More Facetious Student (in a whis- break an ankle while roller skating at Wrestling Match, for the benefit of
per, of course)-How about sheet the Weinberg coliseum the other even- Company I fund will be on sale at the
music? ing. 'rffices of The Wolverine.
1 *9
abl oom
together with perfect service and delicious summer cooking, make it a place of
unequalled excellence for the enjoyment of luncheons and dinners.
(Second Floor-either elevator)
I Fn