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July 08, 1916 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1916-07-08

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VOL. VII No. 5



flnAII aiPE PD can You Do It?

Prof. It. I. Cross Talks on "The Story
of A lmeriCan Painting" Before
Enthusiastic Audience
Before an audience that filled the
auditorium of the natural science
building to overflowing, Prof. H. R.
Cross, of the Fine Arts department,
delivered the fourth lecture of the
series of summer school features.
Taking as his subject, "The Story of
American Painting," Prof. Cross pro-
ceeded to show how the principles of
American painting have developed
from the portarit painters of Revolu-
tionary times to modern impression-
ists such as Childe Bassan.
Prof. Cross divided the periods of
American art into three classes, 1st,
the Revolutionary art featured by such
men as West, Stuart and Trumbull.
When Stuart's Athenaeum portrait of
Washington was thrown upon the
screen, such a sweep of applause burst
forth from the audience, that Prof.
Cross had to stop until it was stilled.
In the second division of American
art such names are featured as Homer
Winslow with his realistic pictures of
the grim Atlantic, and George Inness'
nature scenes.such as "Autumn Oaks."
Other great men whve can call our
own in this period, though they are so
cosmopolitan as to belong to almost
any period and race, are: Whistler and
The modern period is featured by
many artists worthy of prominence as:
Alexander, Thayer, Walter. Alexand-
er's pot of Basil is a picture known to
all Americans. Redfield's landscapes
are commonly known to all lovers of
New England scenery.
In the ranks of the illustrators we
must not forget such men as Maxfield
Parish, whose delightfully fantastic
scenes have delighted people the world
over. "Joseph Pennell is an illustrator
whose works are not to be lost sight of
in the big mass,' said Prof. Cross at
the close. "The Americans are pro-
ducing great painters every day, and
It is we, the people, who must co-oper-
ate'wth them to help America come
into her highest realm of artistic
Victors" To Lead
Boys OfThe 31st
Mrs. M. X. Root and A. A. Times-News
Send Scores of Song to Major
Wilson at Grayling
Two complete scores of "The Vic-
tors," Michigan's most popular foot-
bail song, were sent to the Thirty-first
regiment at Grayling by Mrs. M. M.
Root'on the Fourth of July so that the
Ann Arbor boys will not lack their
favorite marching song.
The Ann Arbor Times-News, not
knowing of Mrs. Root's action, also
contributed to the cause by sending a;
complete score of the music to Captain
If the company goes south many a
yellow skinned native along the Texas
border will be stirred from his apathy
and keep time to the stirring strains
of the "Champions of the West"
Liberty St. to be -Widened and Paved'
When students return to Ann Arbor
next fall they will not be forced to
stage impromptu swimming matches
across Liberty street, between Fourth
and Fifth avenues.
At a meeting of the city council it

was determined to tear up the old
pavements and replace them with new
ones. The street will also be made
somewhat wider at these points.

That howl sbout the shortage in
dye-stuffs has been completely drown-
ed by the deafening screech from the
summer costumes now in evidence on
the Bored Walk between the Nuisance
building and U. hall. Perhaps it is
somewhat in the nature of a war cry,
but if the war keeps up someone will
have to invent a new Maxim silencer
for the ladies. Not satisfied with wide-
striped sport skirts, and vibrant outing
coats, they must needs run to check-
ered hose, and hats that remind one
of the wall-paper in tlat parlor at
Our only salvation lies in the hope
that the increasing heat will cause
them to resort to those sweet simple
white outfits which so delicately con-
ceal their costliness. (Cribbed from
the late lamented Richard Harding
Davis.) But only time will tell.
Sumner Gymn Course to Include Both
Practical and Lecture Work;
Dr. May at Head
On account of the repairs now be-
ing made on Waterman gymnasium,
the course in physical training this
summer will be given in the club
house on Ferry field. Apparatus has
been installed, which, together with
the excellent shower bath and locker
arrangements, will make the present
quarters much more desirable than,
the old gym.
An added feature to the course this
summer will be two lectures to be
given each week, thus making it in-
structive as well as developing. These
lectures will be given by Doctor
George May and will cover in the
main, how to command and why, how
to keep order on gymnasiumn floor and
to give directions for apparatus work.i
Besides these topics, reasons for the;
things done in the class room will be
explained and lectures will be given
on general physical training, methods
of teaching gymnasium classes, march-1
ing tactics, gymnastic nomenclature,
ad growth and development. Books
for outside reading will also be men-
tioned. These lectures will be made
interesting to the layman as well as to;
the man desiring to become a physi-1
cal director.-
The other part of the course will in-,
clude both indoor and outdoor instrue-]
tion, the indoor work being similar to
the regular session course, including
apparatus drill, marching, etc. The;
work out doors will be held ion the
Ferry Field track and field and will
take up the regular track events as
running, jumping, and the weights,;
also baseball, volley ball and other
games. At the present time there has
been enrolled about forty in this
course, with an enrollment of ten in
special work. About fifty others have
taken lockers for tennis and Doctor
May expects to soon have the club
house lockers filled.
The class will meet five tites a
week, the physical training to come
on .Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at
4:15 o'clock and the lectures Tuesday
and Thursday at the same time.

Michigan Dash-
away At End?
Hal Smuith, Last of Jctigan Sprint
t'1tai511, Grduates; Easen
Coaches Rejoice
"The Michigan Parade is over." This
is the cryptic message that passed'
frot college to college in the east last
'Thursday afternoon and caused grizzl-
ed track coaches to smile broadsy. 'he
occasion of the message was one name
in a list of those who had that day re-
ceived their A.B. degrees from the
University of Mliehigan, the name oft
H. L. Smith, of Minneapolis, Minn.
Ths. fifth of Michigan's wonderful
quintet of sprint champions had pass--
ed out from his Alma Mater.
The parade of star dashmein started
with Archie Hahn, away back in 1901.
Then came the phantom flyer, Ralph
Craig, in 1909, followed in 1913 by the'
twin stars, "Chink" Bond and "Howdy"
Seward, assisted in their senior year
by the last member of the quintet,
"Hal" Smith. But once in eight years
has Michigan failed to place in the
sprints at the Eastern Intercollegiates.
That was in 1912, before Bond and
Seward had reached the highest stage
of their development and just after
Craig had graduated. In that eight
years, Michigan men have taken firsts
four times, both in the 100 and the 220.
CAPTAIN "HAL" SMITH Craig in 1911 and Smith in 1915 ac-
complished the superhuman feat of
capturing both the century and the
PROFBURSEL SON furlong. In 1914, three men, Bond,
Seward, and Smith, rounded up 20
points in the dashes. Ralph Craig, in
conjunction with several others, holds
the Eastern Intercollegiate record of
9 and 4-5 seconds in the 100 and 21
Expert on Industrial Organization and 1-5 seconds in the 220.
Tells How New Devices Save This, then, is the Michigan Parade.
ime and Money Small wonder that Jack Moakley and
the other Napoleons of the cinder path
Prof. J. A. Bursley, in the second smile as they contemplate the passing
of the series of summer school ler- of what they believe to be the end of
tures, under the title of "Some Funda- the procession. Whether they are mis-
mentals of Modern Industrial Organ- taken or not in their surmise remains
met ,d O to be seen. It is true that Michigant
ization and Management," gave many retains no point winners in the dashes
examples of how the modern idea in for next year. But-the other day in
manufacturing has increased the speed practice on Ferry Field, Hal Smith
and productivity of the plants. ran the 100 twice in succession in 9
The method by which the modern and 4-5 seconds. And each time "Obie"
industrial expert times the work of O'Brien, a junior, ran but a step be-
men, locates machines in places where hind him. This man gained some good
they may be used with the greatest experience in this year's Intercolle-
efficiency, the proper storing of ma- giate and will bear watching next sea-
terials and checking of tools, were de- son. Then there. is Leland Schofield,
scribed at length by Professor Bursley. with two years of competition still
"The average manufacturer does not before him, who ran some very pretty
seem to understand that the stores in races this spring, although handicap-
the plant are actual money," said Pro- ped by injuries the greater part of the
fessor Bursley in showing some of the time. The All-Fresh team turns two
waste in the factories, "the door is promising youngsters over to the Var-
left open and any employee is free to sity in Horr and Parks. Horr took
help himself at any time. But under both dashes against M. A. C., while
the new system all is changed. The Parks made a splendid showing in-
store room is put under a special sys- doors. He failed to join the outdoor
tem of checking and no material other squad, however, preferring to play
than that actually used is sent to the baseball.
machines. The tools are all labeled The Hichigan Parade
and kept in a special room and before 1909-100, Craig, second.
the men come to work in the morning 1910-100, Craig, second; 220, Craig,
the tools for him to work with are al- first.
ready beside his place. 1911-100, Craig, first; 220, Craig,
"A motion picture machine and a first; Ross, fourth.
timing clock, a special invention, are 1913-100, Bond, fourth; 220, Seward
used in determining the speed of the i second; Bond, third.
workers. Then every workman is] 1914-100, Bond, first; Seward, third;
given a special task for each day, if he Smith, fifth; 220, Seward, first; Smith,
does it in the time set for him by the second; Bond, fourth.
test, he is given his regular pay and 1915-100, Smith, first; 220, Smith,
a bonus. If he does more than the first.
work required he is paid in propor- 1916-100, Smith, first; 220, Smith,
tion." second..


Rhetoric Ilead Denounces Billy Sun-
dlay for Iils Vulgar
Raking Billy Sunday over the coals
for using a vulgar sensational speech,
Prof. Fred N. Scott, head of the rhet-
oric department, read a paper yester-
day afternoon to a large crowd of
summer students in the Natural Sci-
ence amphotheater, on the subject of
"The Standard of American Speech,"
in which he appealed for the upholding
of the better elements in the native
American speech. The audience ap-
plauded three times: when Professor
Scott rose, when he concluded, and
when he strikingly condemned Billy
Sunday's diction and all who use sen-
sational unnatural American speech.
The speaker began with the defini-
tions propounded by Henry James to
the effect that in America the dull
round of democracy works a hardship
relieved in England by an aristocracy
which proves both social and conver-
sational. Kipling, said the lecturer,
considered American as provincial,
barbarous English, which must ulti-
mately conform to the British stand-
ards as soon as America is fully
enough educated.
"There is no utopian standard of
good English," said Professor Scott,
"to which Americans can turn. Even
in England there are great varieties.
Speech habits and affections acquired,
especially after adolescence, are in-
variably forgotten in moments of ex-
citability. We should use first of all
what is good American speech, espe-
cially the words and phrases which
are racy, rich in idea, and used by a
representative group of people. Dic-
tionaries are nerely a record of what
is regarded as the most uniform dic-
tion usages. If all people in Ann Ar-
bor were suddenly made to speak alike
within 24 hours noticeable discrep-
ancies from the norm could be dis-
. "Be genuine, true, sincere, moderate,
and use all that is best in human na-
ture. Cultimate tolerance in speech."
Newberry Girls
Women at Newberry Residence had
a thrilling time last Thursday night
in the midst of their dinner when
Acting Dean and Social Director Mrs.
E. L. Gates announced that the final
vote for house president and secretary
would be cast.
Miss Marjorie Nicholson, Miss The-
resa Maley and Miss Isabella Mac-
Donald were nominated for president,
whereupon Miss Maley at once asked
that her name be withdrawn because
she could not accept, then there came
a breathless suspense-and just when
suspension was at its height the dean
announced that Isabella MacDonald
had received the highest vote.
Miss Pauline Harris was elected
house secretary. Miss Harris is a
graduate of 1911 and has been here
for the past two years taking post
graduate work.
Francis F. McKinney, '16L, manag-
ing editor of The Michigan Daily dur-

ing the past year, has received a posi-
tion on The Poughkeepsie Evening
Enterprise, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Reuben Peterson, '14,, is one of the
editors of the paper.
John S. Leonard, '16L, business man-
ager for the past year, will leave for
Jamestown, N. Y., the latter part of
the week where he will go into the
practice of law,

Rev. Lloyd C. Douglas delivers the first Lecture in
the series on "The Secrets of Success" tomorrow
morning at the First Congregational Church at 10:30
o'clock. Summer Session students cordially invited.

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