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Do yoaz believe in preparedness
for issummer weather?
Why nao drop in and l'et uzs make
y i s;,tr*hat will give the fxzll-
i :t co.ort for these sweltering
d haya?
A ligho, airy fabric, neatly tailored to
eraphasiz yosur beast lines and create
dress s aefactloa.
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Eastman Kodaks Eastman Film
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I have led while others followed in amateur finishing for twel,
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If you want the best results you will bring your films here.
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Qi, 4 4 {~ y r 'Y~ Y ENRY
Arcade Tailor
Nickels' Arcade
"Pretty Soft,"
SighsOld Graad
An Ann Arbor business man stood
by the counter in The Wolverine office
and jingled coins in his pocket im-
patiently while he waited for the ad-
vertising staff to reliete him of it.
Burnett sat in his sanctum, coaxing
editorials from a more or less unwill-
ing typewriter, the while he cried
short space and threatened to omit
the classics of a busy squad of re-
porters. A sad faced alumnus weaved
his way through the thousand islands
of the office publications, and sat him-
self down, mumbling something to
"What is it?" asked a brisk young
member of the staff.
"Pretty soft, pretty soft," said the
Alumnus. "Pretty soft."
He pulled a copy of the Erie (Pa.)
Dispatch from his pocket, and thrust
his index finger through a two-column
"Dana was the other goat," he said,
reminiscently; and since the remark
meant nothing at all,- the reporter
nodded his head and let it go at that.
The Alumnus was disappointed.
"Yes, Dana hooked me, but he suf-
fered for it in the end. We lost about.
$37 apiece,"
The reporter somehow seemed to
understand what losing $37 meant,
and he looked his sympathy. "Tough
luck," he said. "How did you lose it?" So we dickered with Otto Hans, and
"Starting The Wolverine, of course," christened the tri-weekly,
said the Alumnus. "Dana had a poor sense of humor.
"I get you now," the reporter blurt- I chased the ads while he rustled copy
ed. "You're Lee A. White. You're for the early issues. When we looked
going to teach journalism here this over the results of my aggressions he
summer." remarked that it was well we decided
The Alumnus nodded his head as on a tri-weekly. It looked, he said,
though to say, "Yes, but what has that as though we would try one week and
to do wi itli it?" So the reporter took come out the next.
a new tack, and inquired about the "There wasn't a corporal's guard of
troubles of the first publishers of The newspaper men in the university that
Wolverine. summer, and we had a rough job
"Dana Jones was close to the admin- gathering a staff together. Willing-1
ness to have one's name in print at
istration," said Mr. White, who grad- the head of the editorial column was
uated in 1910 and took his master's about the only requisite to admission
degree the next year. "He was work- to that first staff. If we saw a man
ing in the office of Dean John 0. Reed, with any spark of talent we hurled
who died recently, and he had much titles at his head till he capitulated.
to do with Dean Kraus, Professor Ran- "One advertiser refused to come in
kmre and others who were vexed with so we made his son advertising man-
smmer session problems. They ager. Then father had to surrender
broached the matter of a summer to give the boy a flying start. We
newspaper, and I was roped into a didn't blackmail anyone, but we cer-
conference. It seemed there were for- tainly had a battle with the business
tunes to be made, and no one making men, especially those who had drained
thes. We were welcome to the profits their advertising appropriations in the
of our enterprise, if we cared to starttr arver,
a paper. Also we were welcome to year.
pas the hat among the members of "Perhaps the hardest thing to face
passthehatamog th meber ofwas the indifference of the students
the faculty if we failed. We fell for it. whe mdsfgtreir stbstidns
It as he ummr fte wegrauatdwhen we sought their subscriptions.
It was the summer after we graduated, Altogether they displayed an amazing
and ilce mest fledgling alumni we had interest in wakes. They sat around
no pressing business engagements. We itin to e The Wolvernd
were rather glad of a chance to stay highly resolving, they admitted, to,
in towin, with real money in prospect.
wt a y s subscribe if the paper appeared the
TYPEWRITERS for rent or sale at next summer.
Hamilton Dusiness Collage, State and "All our friends were located the
William. first two or three weeks ,and after that
debts and getting fitted for trousers
we didn't need but which paid for
space in The Wolverine, we were
about $75 in the hole. We didn't have
a hat that was fit to pass, so we kissed
the sheet good-bye, and wondered
who'd have the courage to face an-
other summer in its company,
"So now you're backed by the Board
in Control of Student Publications, eh?
Pretty soft, pretty soft."
"What became of Jones?" asked the
"Dana? Oh, yes. He went to Ash-
tabula, where he became city editor
of a paper. Later he went to Erie, Pa.,
and did editorial work on the Dis-
patch till they lost their advertising
man. He went over to the business
side, and spent five years making a
name for himself. This copy of the
Dispatch," he said, pointing to the
punctured portrait, "says he has been
made secretary of the Erie Manufac-
turers' Association-a big job down
there. He has resigned from the Dis-
"He helped me start The Gargoyle,
too, but that's my sin, not his.
won't say anything about that ex(
that it never lost money on a six
Mr. White is assistant professor
journalism at the University of Wi
ington. Frank G. Kane, '08, is hea,
that department. Both Mr. Kane
Mr. White were for several years
the staff of the Detroit News.
White's place in the summer ses
at Washington is being taken by (
H. Getz, who was a delegate to
Sigma Delta Chi convention in .
Arbor two years ago, and who will
teaching at Ohio State next year.
Geo. Currie Receives Prize from U
George Currie, an employee of
University hospital has just recei
the monthly prize of $5 offered by
regents of the University for sugs
tions in economy and better meths
begins July 3, 8:00 p. m. Private
sons by appointment.
Whew, It's Hot!
Let's go and get some good'old
When you're hot and thirsty,
or just for fun, there's noth-
ing comesup toitfordelicious-
ness and real refreshment.
Demand the genuine by full name--
nicknames encourage substitution.
Water Way is the Only Way
the business staff was such in name
only. It turned in to help the editors
-and they needed it.
"The hunt for news in the regular
session is pleasurable. In the summer
it was, in those days, a fit torture for
evil scribes in a life to come, We
DACE. used to hear that Jenny Jones, we'll
say, was going to Detroit for a few
days, so we'd run three stories. First
we'd say she was going. Then we'd
nes say she had gone. Finally we'd have
s e a squib saying that she had been go-
aces a ing, had gone and had returned. It
land made us think of Eugene Field and
his comment on such stories: 'My
Ift, '"od this literary work is killing me!'
isis. "I look back.on that summer with
TRIP, just one pleasant recollection. It gave
me a chance at Russian literature.
'etroil When the ads wouldn't come, and the
ress copy was all written, and the ther-
osneter registered 100 in the shado,
sral t'd coil up in a window in the Union
and swap morbid thoughts with Slav
"When we finished up, conceling bad
WANR1ED-Man student to run dish
washing 'machine during lunch and
di:iner hour.' Inquire of Miss Hunt,
ewberry Residence.
FOR RENT-Single rooms and suites,
umodern conveniences, cool, pleasant
location. Prices very reasonable.
802 Oakland Ave., corner of Hill Si.
Phoin 108 -J.
aspsotaonbtwee netroitandCleveand,D
ed pamphlet and Great Las Map. Add
A. A. SCHAsNTZ,Vicew-Pres. & Gesl.
ve and depart Third Amaesue arf. Ce
Eoo A C H E 'R S
You will find that if you can teach the commercial
branches you can procure a better position in the fall
Every student of law should be able to write short-
hand and operate a typewriter. You, ca use short-
hand in the class-room now and at court later on
A knowledge of stenography and bookkeeping is
the 42 centimeter gun that will open for you the way
into the business world
Join the summer classes at
Hamilton Business College
State and William Phone 342-R