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July 06, 1916 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1916-07-06

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[D AT| | || Prof.J. *ursley
I AL HI To Give Talk
EWHE T Nelure oil Industrial Organia-
lion at :00 'clock, land
Speech Postponed
Four 1eels of Travel Pictures to Be t
Shaown ill the Science
Shoni theSe l'ro. Joseph A. Bursley, of the me-
chanical enginering department, will
lecture at 5: 0 o'clock this afternoon,
'i'E i"LLtGE. ON CI' IEUIT2 in the Natural Science amphitheater,
en "Fundaincsntals of Modern Indus-,
There will be no Arcade or "Orph" trial Organization and Management."
for the wise tundent tonight. Instead 'kroesssc hursley as mad exten-
he will go to the auditorium of the lv -lady of this subject, and his
new science building at 8:00 o'clock, speech will be the result of years of,
where the first of a series of educa- research it the eastern part of this
tionsl movies will be shown. country. The speaker gave marked GEORGE SISLIER
Tonight's program will be of espe- satisfaction in previous lectures be-
cial length and variety, four reels fsre the student body, with whom he
totalling 3,700 feet, being billed. The is popular. The lecture will be illus-
views of Estes Park, Colorado, are re- trated and free to all students who
ported to be exceptionally beautiful, are desirous of attending. It is the
as that region abounds with remark- second in the series of affairs to be
ably picturesque scenery. The second sttged in the Natural Science audi-
recl will show views of Australian isriunt throughout the summer ses- ______
playgrounds. These pictures are said .ion, the first one having been deliver- i
to be extremely clear and distinct, due 's by first on be Flvr- George Sisler Playing Great Game
to the Australian light. A third ed.by.1With St. Louis Browns;
reel will be entitled, "Safety First." The talk this afternoon will replace Bats___er «300_
This will show the modern methods the iectur; announced on the sched-
in vogue in large manufacturing estab- ole as "Tuberculosis: its utltinat" (ALLEI FIND OF THE DECADIE
lishments for the safeguarding of the eradication, and the duty of the statt
employees' health. The fourth filn tow rd thr se afflicted," by Ite ent F. George isler, former Varsity base-
will show views of the animal life in B. Leland, of Detroit. The regent has ball captain and at present pitcher.
beautiful Yellowstone Park. been called to Texas because of the first baseman, outfielder and general
,A new series of these pictures will se aldt ea eas ftefrtbsraotile n eea
be sneery wfee ndts will freillness of his daughter, and will ad- jack-of-all-trades for the St. Louis
be shown every week and will be freedrsthstdt dyrmthsc- .. .
of charge. The University is a mem- . Browns, is surely cutting a wide
cnce lecture rostrum as early in the
ber of a summer circuit of films, which month as he is able to return and give swath in the big circuit. He has play-
icludes the University of Pittsburgh, it compatible with his gubernatorial ed in 5 of the 58 games indulged in
Indiana State University, Michigan so far this season by the Mound City
AgriculturAl College, and the Univer- crew, being forced out of three con-
sily of Kansas. tests by an injury to his ankle. He

Crowds Applaud
First Concert
Charles 1..Morse, Ada Grace Johusoc
and Frances Hamilton Please
in Auditor ium Affair
The first of a series of School of
,Music faculty concerts sas given last
night at 8:00 o'clock in Hill audi-
torium. For an hour and a half, the
concert was heartily enjoyed by a
large crowd which filled the first iooi
end overflowed into the balcoay.
Mr. Charles Frederick Morse, organ-
ist, was the visiting artist from De-
troit. ilis excellent technique and
mastery of the big organ were appar-
ent in his first two numbers, and from-
that time, the audience was his, and
each successive appearance was greet-
ed svith enthusiastic applause.
Miss Ada Grace Johnson, soprano,
who needs no introduction to Ann Ar-
bor audiences, acted as soloist. Last
night she was in excellent voice 'snd
particularly charming in a group of
seasonal songs.
Miss Frances L. Hamilton playest
accompaniments, expressing keen op-
preciation of the needs of the selsc-
Last .-inute News.
Told in -rief
London, July 6.-French, co operat-
ing with British, took the second lite
of German trenches near Peronne to-'
day when making big- gains in the
direction of that city, which is a rail-


rlany Students
A t Reception
Annual Faculty Affair Draws Big At-
tendance; President in
Receiving Line
A large number of students availed
themselves of the opportunity to meet
the officers of the University at the
annual faculty reception held in Alum-
ni Memorial hall yesterday.
Officers of the University and their
wIves in the receiving line were:
President Harry B. Hutchins and Mrs
Hutchins. Dean E. H. Kraus and Mrs.
Kraus, Prof. L. A. Hopkins and Mrs.
Hopkins, Prof. T. E. Rankin and Mrs.
Rankikn, Prof. C. W, Edmunds and
Mrs. Edmunds and Dean A. H. Lloyd.
After the students had passed do' is
the receiving line many of them pr"-
ceeded to hold an informal reception
of their own near the refreshments
stand at the lower end of the hall.
Dr,. Cantine and Miss Holuhauser May
Comet Canvass for Mission
'r. James Cantine, acting secretary
of the University Mission at Busralt,
Arabia, arrived in this city yesterday
to consult with Judge Victor Lane,
chairman of the board of trustees, up-
on the policy of the local University
Y. M. C. A. in the Busrah work for the
ensuing year. As a result of this I.-
terview it is probable that Dr. Bennett
who came to this country on furlougli
this month, will spend a part of tl'.o
summer assisting the local associaottor
In campaigning for funds forgnsta
It is hoped that M'ss Holzhauser,
'1111, who has been nursing at Busrah
and who returns to this country in
5eptember will also be able to tjsis
in this campaigli.
Student Arrested by Motor (cap
t Ggrdner, '171, was arrested yes-
terday by Officer Armbruster on Main
street, for driving on the wrong side
of Main street, and was fined $3.45
and costs by the court.


To lie Finest 'Trainilug School
Nurses in the tate
Says Official


Palmer ward, or the brown and red
houses perched on a sill near the
University power plant, are soon to
be transformed into a regular annex
of the University general hospitals,
and the 50 nurses now occupying the
two houses will be found other suit-
able quarters near the hospitals. The
proposed equipment will provide per-
haps the finest training school for
nurses of any in the state, according
to Dr. Reuben PFtersou, melical direc-
tor of the University hospitals.
Acccrding to present specifications,
the altered Palter ward will centain
30 beds for regular hospital service,
The third flopr will be transtormd in-
to serving recms, sd diet kitchens.
In addition to these there will be
roors ce aside for training root: s for
the nurses, a fine lecture rom, a
demonstration room, and one for
teaciieg diet..'is, and others fr lab-
oratories and rest rooms. One feat-
ure is the ptoposed library to con-
tain ass unusually large numbar of
voluites for the use of the nurses.
Stufirglsts Form ghes Alliance
The Womten's National committee
of the Hughes alliance started a fundl
of $100,000 on July 4 in New York.
Their slogan is "Hughes and Aoerica
First," and this fund is to aitl the
workers in their campaign,

ha~sa~bttig aerag of.30, wichway center.
toes a batting average of .106, which Both French and British conducted
slaces him ahead of such stars of the a furious offensive on both sides of tme
game as Chick Grandile, Larry Lajoie, river Somme today and all day yester-
Eddie Collins, and Frank Baker. He day.
ranks ninth in the list of run getters El Paso, July 6.-Germans have
and is very near the top of the base given 100 machine guns and twenty
stalitig column. As a garnerer of million rounds of ammunition to the
tong hits, "Sis" places tenth in the Carranzistas, according to General
league, having poled out during the Jose Gomez, of the Carranza army,
"ourse of his labors this season three who arrived here today from Cuba.
doubles, six triples, and two circuit The Germans, he said bought the sup-
cleats. plies to prevent the Allies from gett-
At the beginning of the present ing them.
season, Fielder Jones, newly appoinsted Washington, July 6.-Early resump-
'manager of the Browns, conceded tion of friendly diplomatic relations
Sisler an outside chance in the, out- with Mexico is expected by high offi-
field and no chance at all for the first cials here today. Eliseo Arredondo
sacer's job. This in spite of the lbse Mexican ambassador-designate
Michigan stan's excellent record the here has one much to quiet matters
season before. The training trip end- eering a t nte m
ed and Sister landed his outfield job by delivering a friendly note from
sands down. Then "Babe" Borton, the
highly touted and much-travelledT
Federal Leagurer, flivvered utterly and "MICTIGAN TROOPS SURE TO GO
"Sis" wass called to the rescue, with TO MEXICAN BORDER? RIR
the result that the cherubic "Babe"
has conmlned his subsequent efforts en- Canip Ferris, Grayling, Mich., July
tirely to the gracing of the Brownies' 6.-Distribution of quartermasters'
bench. And now that his high psiced supplies to members and the adminis-
staff of American and Federal League tering of the second dose of typhoid
hurlers has blown up with a resound- prophylaxis to one battalion is all that
ing "Boom," Fielder Jones admits. that remains to be done before the Thirty-
the former collegian would fit in very second regiment will be considered
nicely on the hill wvre he not needed ready t start for the Mexican border
so badly elsewhere. Sport writers all -and Brigadier-General Kirk and
over the country have been hailing other officers are convinced that peace
Sisier as the find of the decade. Fol or no peace with Mexico Michigan
?owing is one of these eulogies, put troops will see service on the border-
forth by the Chicago Herald; General Kirk declared today that
"The more the fans gaze on George there was no question but that the
Sisler of the Browns, the more they Michigan troops would go to the
become convinced that he is the' per- border.
feet ball player-a youth who, in time, "Whatever development may -result
msay dim the lustre of many of the in the iegotations between the United
brie test stars that ever shone is: the, States and Mexico," he said, "it is al-
baseball firmament. most a certainty that the Michigan
"Sister is a poem of mOton. He is brigade will make the trip south. Men
(Continued t Page Four) are ieeded there for patrol duty."

1120lED 1S15|MABK(
Yesterday's Registration Adds 238 to
List of Students; Hope to
Reach 1,800 Total
"I believe that the enrollment will
touch the 1,800 mark," said Dean Ed-
ward 13. Kraus, of the Summer Ses-
sion, last night.
The total registration up to last
night was 1,634, eclipsing last year's
mark by 112. Marked increases are
revealed in the enrollments in the Lit-
erary and Medical Colleges. A slight
falling off marks the registration in
the Law School, while the numbers in
the Pharmacy College and the Grad-
uate School arc approximately the
same as last year.
The departmental standings are as
Literary ...... .........755
Engineering ............ 327 '
Medicine ...............156
Law ....................163
Graduate School. ........ 215
Pharmacy . ............, 18
The literary college shows an in-
crease over yesterday of 138, the engi-
neering college 39, the medical school
21, and the graduate school 40.
London, July 5.--A new project for
saving life at the time of naval en-
counters is reported in an Exchange
Telegraph dispatch from Copenhagen.
It says a number of prominent Danes,
actuated by the idea that many sailors
mighthavebeen saved during the North
sea battle if boats had been sent out,
intend to organize a fleet of several
hundred motorboats along the west
coast of Jutland. These boats, flying
the Red Cross flag, will be sent out to
pick up the wounded after each sea
battle. The work of organization will
be undertaken as soon as possible.
H. Beach Carpenter, '14, and Samuel
Rubin, of New York City, have been
awarded the Toppan Prize of $150 at
Columbia University Law School, for
the best papers submitted in the as-
nual examination in constitutional
law. Carpenter, who is now visiting in
Ann Arbor, leaves tomorrow to enter
the summer session in law at Colum-
Beginning August 18, he will be-
come a member of the staff of the
Legislative Drafting Bureau, affiiated
with Columbia University.
John Jacob Thaler, an aged farmer
who lives shortly west of this city, was
found lying dead across the watering
trough on his farm, night before last,
when his son August Thaler, noticed
the water pail was not at its accus-
-tomed place on the hook beside the
kitchen door, and went out to see what
was the matter. Paralysis or strango-
lation was the cause.

Miss Bradbury, graduate of Sins-
mons College, Boston, has been ap-
pointed assistant matron of the Uni-
versity hospital., Miss Bradbury wil
have charge of the general kitchen of .
the University hospital under the di-
rection of matron, Miss Faith Elliot.
Miss Fantine Pemberton, superin-
tendent of the University Training
School for Nurses is spending her
month's vacation at Denver, Colo.

1 1

A fee of $1.00 is charged for use of Tennis Courts on Ferry Field during
Summer Session,
Tickets on sale at Ferry Field Gate or Athletic Office, Maynard Street.
Club House, Locker and Shower Bath privileges may be obtained at Club House,
Ferry Field, for 50c. See Dr. May.

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