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July 05, 1916 - Image 4

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The Wolverine, 1916-07-05

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FarultO To give
A. Develops films and plates (he devel-
oped his first film twenty-three years Summer Concerts
2. Makes prints-any kind you want. Cleral Union to be Given Under K. N
3. Makes enlargements-all sizes. Westerman; Enrollment Breaks
4. Takes pictures to order, indoors or Previous Record
71 3out, anywhere, any time, any size.
5. Has for sale the most artistic views The present enrollment of students
East Unjy in and around Ann Arbor ever made. of the regular school year and ad-
Drop in and look them over. vanced professional students back for
summer work indicates that the sum-
iner session of the University School
of Music will be a record breaker.
During the summer session the
Summer School Students Schcol of Music is planning a sie
of concerts to be given every Wednes-
day, the first of which will be held on
ATTENTIONJuly 5 at 8:00 o'clock in Hill audi-
torium, at which time Charles Fred-
crick Morse, a prominent organist of
Now that you have your University work arranged, Detroit will be heard as the soloist of
you should consider the advisability of taking a the evening. Miss Ada Grace Johnson,
a member of the School of Music fac-
ulty, vlil appear on the program.
Com miercial Course Another feature of the summer ses-
sion of the School of Music will be a
at the summer Choral Union similar to the
SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND one conducted last year, and will be
under the supervision of Kenneth N.
Westerman, a member of the faculty.
This School has for thirty years taught University students c nemnercial Mr. Westerman will also appear on
branches and placed thousands of them in the best professional and con- the program for the last concert of the
mercial positions in the United States. It has also fitted hundreds of
college men and women for commercial teaching positions and placed summer series.
them in the best high schools and colleges in practically every state in the A gooily number of teachers from
Union. If you want the best training available at a moderate rate, call the regular faculty will be present
at the during summer school. This number
SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND will include Theodore Harrison, head
Summer classes now being organized 711 N. University Ave. of the vocal department, and Albert
Lockwood, head of the piano 'depart-
ment. The violin department will be
"YOUR RAILROAD ROUTING tween eastern and western states to in charge of Miss Marian Struble, who
CHANGED AND A WATER forsake the hot, dusty cars and enjoy last year was head of that department
TRIP ARRANGED" the delights of a cool night's rest en at Hillsdale college.
route. Send two cent stamp for book-:
D. & C. Lake Line Accepts Railway let and Great Lakes Map. F. Foulk Employed by Cleveland Paper
Tickets Address Dept. R. Fred B. Foulk, ex-'16L, for several
lietroit & Cleveland Navigation Co., years on The Michigan Daily, has re-
All classes of tickets reading via the Detroit, Mich. turned from Harvard University where
Michigan Central, Wabash and Grand he has been studying for the past
Trunk Railways between Detroit, I year, and will start work on a Cleve-
Cleveland and Buffalo in either direc- "At Yo r Ioor Three Times a Week land newspaper in a short time. Foulk
tion are available for transportation We've heard of the Wolf at the door has been editor of the Cosmopolitan
on D. & C. Daily Line Steamers. This -now it's The Wolverine that's doing Student at Harvard during the past
arrangement enables the travelers be- the scratching. i year.

ISumIMOPSchool. Books.
And Suiplies
Students' Bookstore


IiALI'i IANiIN. '101

Continued on page four t Continued from page one
Grave (a 5 voci) discredited among students. tacoi )y
lettementrlM mien and townspeople .ho knew hits
Charles Frederickc Morse
. ein Ann Arbor. where he was a Meim-
Recitative: "And Coil said, I .et the inAn rbxveeesasatt-
Earth" : er in good standing of the Masons, a
Aria: "With Verdure Clad" (The fraternity, and the Presbyterian
Creation) .......... ...'......Haydn church.
Ada Grace Johnson According to reports by Professors
William Henderson and Peter Field,
Le Petit Derger...........idebusey and Mr. Hopkins, all of the engineer-
rom the Suite "the Children's ing faculty, Rankin was an excellent
Corner," transcribed by (as- student of an "A" grade, a mark which
en Choisnlel he received in Physics ;e. The faculty
Le Cathedrale Engloutie.... .Debussy men and students who knew him all
From Premiere Livre de Preludes gave the most complimentary reports
transcribed by Leon Roques of Rankin both as a student and a man.
Prelude and Aid dri Dance.... tebussy
From "L'Enfant produgue," tran- Zean Vaughan 'Leaves for Montana
scribed by Mr. Morse
That's the World in June...... Spross Dean Victor C. Vaughan, of the
The Star..... .... ... Rogers Medical school, left today to speak be-
The Year's at the Spring.....Beach fore the Montana State Medical So-
Miss Johnson ciety. .
Sonata, No. 5, Op. 30........ Guilmant Dean Vaughan will visit a number
Allegro appassionata; Adagio; of the western cities where he will
Scherzo ' meet a number of the medical alumni
Mr. Mrse 'of the University of Michigan.
. Morse
Accompatiments by Frances L.
Hamilton__ _ 'TV PEWRITE RS
TEACHERS: past, present or future, Fr Sale or Rent
you will find something in our ad on Hamilton Business College
page 3 to interest you. Hamilton Busi-
ness College. State and William

AT E. William

Florist LVNcH R o o m
1002S. NIVRSIY AE. 11UN SLS an :SDAS July 5, 5:00 o'clock-Reception by
2 E YJ the president for the students of the
Both Phones 115 Ann Abor, Mich. 338 SO. STATE STREET
summer session.
July 5, 8:00 o'clock-Concert, Fac-
alty of the School of Music, Hill audi-
' toriom,
July 6, 5:00 o'clock-Tuberculosis:
Its Ultimate Practical Eradication,
and the Duty of -the State Toward
Those Afflicted, Hon. F. B. Leland.
July 6, 8:00 o'clock-Educational
Motion Pictures.
July 7, 5:00 o'clock-Vocational Cul-
ture, Prof. F. N. Scott.
July 7, 8:00 o'clock-The Story of
American Painting, (illustrated), Prof.
H. R. Cross.
July 10, 5:00 o'clock-The Nation's
Forests, (illustrated), Prof. P. S. Love-
July 11, 5:00 o'clock-The Litera-
ture of the Maccabean Period, Rabbi
Delvered D. Lefkowitz, of Dayton, Ohio.
for the Summer July 11, 8:00 o'clock-The Discharg-
ing Ear, Dr. R. B. Canfield.
Unless otherwise specified, all lec-
tures will be given in the auditorium
B MAL$1..00 of the Natural Science building.

The Farmers & Mechanics Bank U STON BRO S.
South Main Street State Street Office The Finest Billiard Room in the State
Corner Huron 330 So. State'St
A' 0000 STRONG BANK WITH EVERY BANKING NEED' "We Try to Treat You Right"
The New Catalogue
of the
li'ver f ichlgal
Complete information concerning the eight Colleges
and Schools:
Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work,
Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education,
including Railway Administration and Insurance,
Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education
(affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation
Study), and a Course for those preparing for the
scientific administration of departments of sanita-
tion and public health.
For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or
Individual Information, address
The Dean of the School or College in which interested, or
Secretary University Ann Arbor, Mich.

A Bound Copy of the
FREE with each Subscription

Several to Receive Military Training
A score or so of University men
have taken the opportunity to go to
the Plattsburg training camp, having
left the city several days ago. At a
meeting of the Board of Regents, held
recently, it was voted to give two
hours credit to those attending the
camp. Among Michigan students who
went are Stanley Smith, '17, John Cur-
tis, John C. Parker, '17, and Wilford
V. Casgrain, '18.
Go to summer school and imagine
you are attending M. A. C.

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