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July 05, 1916 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1916-07-05

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VOL. VII. No. 3


Neasersa Iompresments Adde lby
Early Arrivers; Actual Work
Began onday
With an enrollment large than that
of any preceding camp, the junior civil
engineers opened their summer ses-
sion Monday at Camp Davis on the
shores of Lake boglas, under the
supervision of Prof C. T. Johnstn of
the surveying department. More than
20 of the men were in camp early pre-
paring for the arrival of their belated
brothers. Tents were pitched by these
nen and the stove moved from the old
kitchen to the new one which was
crected last year. Work has rapidly
progressed on the erection of the new
steel buildings which are gradually
takting the place of the ttents, due to
their added serviceability and the con-
veniences they offer to the occupants
A new dish washing machine has
been added to the kitchen equipment
by which it is expected that the work
in that department will be nearly cut
in two. The new sewage system, which
also was installed last year, has been
connected and is in splendid condi-
tion. Mail has been coming in daily
and has been distributed by Dr.
Charles P. Drury, of the University
health service, who is taking the place
as camp doctor filled by Dr. Clyde B.
Stouffer for the last three years.
The food so far has been splendid,
fresh milk being brought in twice
daily and green stuff being provided
by nearby farmers. The swimming
has also been greatly enjoyed by the
early arrivals, as the weather of 'the
last several days has been quite warm.
Sunday saw the arrival of the ma-
jority of the boys, as active work
started bright and early Monday morn-
ing. The day was given over to hikes
and an endeavor on the part of the
transit bearers to become somewhat
acquainted with the country in which
they are to Wvork for the next two
months. A number of those who ar-
rived Sunday came up by way of boat
via Detroit and the Cheboygan enjoyed
a very pleasant trip. The rest came
by train from Grand Rapids, arriving
in Pelleston, and walking the six miles
to camp. .
All mail should be addressed to
Camp Davis, Topinabee, Mich.
Four Lectures Given On Sex Hygienee
it KingstoOntario
Dr. Alfred S. Warthin, professor of
pathology, who has been lecturing on
sex hygiene at Barriefield, Ontario, to
Canadian soldiers, during the past
week, returned to Ann Arbor Monday
At the personal request of the mili-
tary chief of staff, Dr. Warthin gave
four lectures on sex hygiene to the
Canadian soldiers encamped at Ber-
riefield, near Kingston, Approxi-
mately 10,000 soldiers heard the lec-
tures, the tent being crowded each
The lectures are under the auspices
of the International Y. M. C. A.

Pres. Hutchins
Alumni Hal to be icene oAsnnial
A ffair for Seonner lshol
President larry I. Iiutchins wfll
ive a reception teO afternoon at
:00 eel lvI i L mos i m1 Alt-iloiai I3c1ll
fijr tall the- eWdllt: of tie eunanecl
sesson. The deans of all -he delpiast-
as well as the entire faculty will be
present and this will be the first and
best opportunity for the suiner
-school students to become acquantced
with the university officials. '
The reception will be tendered es-
pecially for students who havoe ot'
been in attendance at the university
for the last several years and will be'
informal. It is the desire of Cho e
who have the reception in charge that
everyone attending summer school be
present, as the purpose of holding'
such a function cat this time is to
create a spirit of friendship and
familiarity between the student body
and the faculty.
The reception will last for one
hour, being concluded sharply at 6:004
o'clock so as not to conflict with the
dinner hour or with other engage- L
ments. It is urged that all members i
of the summer school be present. e
Large Crowd
Attends Lecture
IV. B. Leffingwell Delivers First talk
of Series

Total of Colleges Beats Last Year's
Cark by 80; (amp
Davis Full
I p to last night the enrollment in
the Summer Session exceeded that of
last year at this time by 80. The total
number enrolled so far is 1396.
Owing to the Fourth of July com-
ing the day after official opening of
college it is thought that nany stu-
dents who contemplate entering have
taken advantage of the holiday to
spend an extra day at home. This is
thought more certain moreover be-
cause of the fact that 450 registered
after the first Monday last year.
In addition to those enrolled in Ann
Arbor, the outside departmenits of the
University are filled to overflowing.
The Biological station on Douglas
at- Lake is crowded with 33 men and
o- Camp Davis has a record breaking
attendance which threatens to, ex-
i- haust the camp capacities.
gan, The registration in the various de-
the partments is as follows: ,
1916 1915
Engineering .............288 293
Literary..............617 140
Medicine...........135 125
Law.................163 171
Pharmacy.... .... . ...18 17
Graduate School . 175 171
Ill? eonoit Leland

ean Edward Henry Kraus
Edward Henry Kraus, mineralogist, ter of Philosophy degree, shortly
educator, and author, was born in ter which he became professor ofM
Syracuse, N. Y., in 1875, and was grad- eralogy in the l'niversity of Syrac
uated from the University of Syracuse In 1907 he became professor ofm
in 185, receiving his Master of Sci- eralogy at the University of Michig
ence degree in 1897. In Munich Un- and since 1911 has been dean of
iversity, in 1901, he received his Doc- Sunmmer Session.


William Bruce Leffingwell, author,
ecturer and traveler, opened 'he ser- lVas Rhiding Cycle Which Policeman (ari',1 F. orse and Ada Grace John-
es of summer school lectures yester- 'hosght Was Sf0Iis; $ 1)7 sio Male First App'acasse
day with his illustrated talk on the ofissng s mner Prof. J. A. Ilursley Will Take Place a
Pacific Northwest," given in the new - -Regent in Thursday's
before a lscieeaud eung c detorun HAD EXCELLENT NAME HERE PROGRAM WILL BEGIN AT 8:00 Leture
The principal features of the lec- Sudden illness of a daughter calle
ure were the colored motion pictures Ralph R. Rankin, '13E, of Kansa The first of the series of summer Regent Leland to Texas early thi
of the Northwest showing scenes of City, Missouri, died in Grace Hospital, ticerts by the faculty of the Uni- week. As a result the lecture sched
the Columbia river, Portland, Oregom, Detroit, Saturday, after struggling v ery School of Music will be given uled to be given by Mr. Leland Theirs
Seattle, Washington, Mount Hood ass against death since Wednesday morn- in Hill auditorium this evening, day has been postponed to a late
Hosut Ranier. The Rose festival at
Portlnd an.Te oe stbeat- ing when he was shot by Policemstan Charles Fi r-derick Morse, of Detroit, date
Portland Was one of the most beauti- Kokowicz in an alley. It wass alleg --who will appear as the soloist in sev- Students, however, will not lack
ful of the illustrated subjects. that Rankin had stolen a motorcycie, eral numbers has a splendid reputa- lecture as Prof. J. A. Bursley of th
The opening of a rose from a bud but Ann Arbor people affirm that Ran- clon as an organist. engineering college has been se
to full bloom sas one of the very kiss had owned the machine. Miss Ada Grace Johnson, soprano, cured to talk on the "Fundamentals o
interesting of the motion pictsres. The After taking a shave in his room, itv who is so well-liked in the Twilight Modern Industrial Organization an
rose burst itso full bloom in a few the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milo ;. concerts during the regular sessions Management." Prof. Bursley ie an ex
seconds on the screen but m actual Hammond, at 503 E. Liberty ;e t, will sing in two vocal groups, pert along these lines having spent
making of the picture It took months Rankin left late Tuesday afternoon see The general public as well as the number of years in the eastern par
for the complete development of thse Iis motorcycle for Detroit.I hle1ad students are invited to attend the con- of this country studying the subjec
subject, the crank of the camera brig $200 in his pocket, and told his land- cert which will be free of charge. The The lecture will be illustrated an
given a few turns every day, lady that he was anticipating v'etfing program will begin at 3:00 o'clock. will begin at 5:00 o'clock.
a job in the Ford automobile pl P-t i Prelude H eroic-.-. . . .........Faulkes
S u rg e on s H ere and also was planning to sell an in- itaisle in I .major (Peters' Edi-! Julia Renwick Heads Women's Leags
vention of his, a new auto tire lug. tion)................... ... Bach Julia Renwick, '17, is acting pres
Called 7iTo .7 exic At 4:00 o'clock Wednesday nornin Tres vitement dent of the Women's League for t
he was shot in an alley by the police- Continued on page four Summer Session.
man who alleges that Rankin bar
Dr.RHugh M Beebe, and hisaassistant, stolen the motorcycle. Rankin las
Dr. C. B. Pillsbury, both of the surgi- credited with only $7 at the p.uearn
cal ~ ~ ~ ol d$7rmetat he othpaei o. .
cal department of the homoeopathic station, and Attorney Sid Erwi in s
school, received a telegram Monday pushing queries to solve the mn IO . .eal Jertnans O I in9gs
from the War department, ordering comitants of that conditioms.
them to report at once to the officer Charles B. Rankin, of Kansas Cite, (By largaret Cooley) American students, which was broke
in charge of Fort Sam Houston, Texas. received a wire telling him to c oni German conversation, German cus- up by the war, in 1914. She then can
Dr. Beebe is head of the honosouathid at once to Grace hospital in Detroit, toms, German food, German service, to America, and since Nnvember, 191
surgical dep rtmenf. late last week. He arrived in time to ,and a Gerssms lmsandlady-such is the she has taught German in the V. I
see his son alive, and then came on to idea which Fra Palm has in establish- G. A. of this city. However, as a r
Many Want Work in Library Methods Ann Arbor to have his son's belong- ing her 'Deutsches Haus", on Oakland sult of the hearty encouragement gi
The demand for work in library Ings shipped to Missouri. Avenue, for about a (ozen university en her by Dean Myra B. Jordan as
methods has been exceptionally large, Efforts have been made to work up women specialiing in German this the German faculty, she has consents
There are so many applications on file a Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde myth about summer, to act as the Mother of German hous
that many desirous -of entering the Rankin, but thus far the results are A iative of Berlin, for twelve years hold for girls.
course cannot be accommodated. Continued on page four i she conducted a German household for She has rooms for ten, and at Is
table, where German food will be ser
ed in German style, she can accomm
date many more. The girls are ask:
to co-operate with her in making fi
foreign element prevail, and only Ge
A fee of $1.00 is charged for use of Tennis Courts on Ferry Field during han wi bepspokeninthenhlouset
Summer Session, meals.
Little German entertainments w
Tickets on sale at Ferry Field Gate or Athletic Office, Maynard Street. be presented, and Frau Palm hopes
give the girls an idea of the soci
Club House, Locker and Shower Bath privileges may be obtained at Club House, and home life and customs of Ge
Ferry Field, for 50c. See Dr. May. many, as well as a versatile use
the language.


Fred A. Howlett, for the past fifteen
years in charge of the stamp depart-
messf of the local postoice, died$ sud=
denly Monday morning at his home on
Arch street,
Mr. Howlett was county clerk for
two terms and was prominent in local
Masonic circles and politics. He is
survived 'by his widow and three

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