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August 19, 1915 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1915-08-19

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_ Vol. Vt. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1915. No. 25.

'nnn-rrnrrbras Staff M~an Selects
REPOT I MONeftBest Books On Present War
Toa irIInIV 111 as' o the unvriy irr are nu- The second 1)00k soetioned by Mr.
1:30 ocok"h odr fRh eosboso h uropean scar, Gosdricb was, "The Great Wsar," by
Schedule For 1915 Comaposed of lonm' World," (illustratedt), Science Lee- acme dealing witls one plsrase of tbhelFrank H. Simnonds. The cbapters in
Gaines Except kast One ture room, Dight Srhool,. conflict, and others with anotber. Mr.
Wit P11eusy 2 :15 ro'clock- "tnt('rnational lBrother- Francis Goodrich, of the library staff, this wcre originally editorials or noag,
--hoie.J.'.uadradofB-when asked whirls of all these looks assase articles, which were written ini
HlOPE TO TURIN T'IC(K ON FOElS troit, Science lecture roons, High h le considered -the bcst, named two an attempt to answer thte duration,
- -Scihool. Iwbiclh he bselievedl to rants near the "Wisat Does it Mean? "The boots in-
ByIHasp ('lireli 3:15 o'ctocks-"Tuberculosis,", Dr. V. top. cludes comnttssiocnarly ivory step
Miciga'stwoscoe f fotbll G. anganScinceletur rom, Thse first of these was, "The Dipalo- in thse confltict:. In the clttsinsg cthapte'r
caa aeswl epr aHFryFe itgDht Schoosl. sacy of the War oat 19t4,",Iby Ellery the author cotncludies by sayinig thtst
ca~c~daeswil epot n ery ieU . Stowett. In tttis thse autiosti owsssathroughs tta'gtutat we havoyt'esss'tci se
Just a -nontha Irons today, as toasts b:00 o'clock -"Negro Dialects anad tel- thtat the war is dlecidinig ibet as a- twvo thsinsctearly:_ first, that tthe' te-
Yost lass set Monday, Sept. 20, as the oilies," ty studenats from thse Booker tioasliszan isansternsationsalismt, antd thsat cesaity for mans to udefendathte tttings
date ons which lie will begi whipping T. Washintgtont Institute. Adnmissiona the firainess of thse United States its le chesriases is as mostderna as thec new



While this fall's schedule msay nsot be
as alluring to the studens t as that of
last year, it has mnsy factors in its
favor which appeal to ftse coaches'aid
players, despite the fact that they
would all of thesi give a year of their
lives for another crack at haughty
The 19t5 schedule is ass adnmirably
balanced one, beginnaiang with four
minor games, aid then gradually
working up the teanm to the ICornell
and Pennsylvania clashes through the
medium of M. A. U. aid Syracuse.
This fall the Yostmens will renmain at
home until the fatal gauss of ftse year,
whsen they will jumsp to Phsiladeslphia
for the annsual game with the Quakers.
There is considerable opportunity
for the Varsity to avaenge itself this
seasons, as they hays' two dlefeats to
wipe, out. Syracuse' watlted all over
the weakened Wolverinses last falt,
when Yost wsatcomapetledtoIshosld
aunts of lils crippled veterans ina re-

0:00 o'clock-Rxamiationas for all
courses mseetinag at t1:00 o'clock,
10:00 o'clock-Rxamsinsationss for alt
courses nmeetinag at 7:01 o'clock.
2:00 o'closck--Ramainationss for all
cosurossameetinag at 1:00 o'clock.
4:00 o'clock-Rxanminations tsar alt
courses mseeting irregularly.
T I R Meyer and Stddard iefeat Mfack andt
IMontgoniery, Securing,
Nebraska. defeated Michaigans isa ala
finals sat the tennais adsoubles 1o deter-
saiaete suommsser schosol chsamspiona-
ship. 'twitNebaraska asess, ooatfstwhiom
hsasd wons ass "Ni" isate'nns,sdefeatedI
taco Michaigans sasi, oans of whsoshasd
alss r,caicca the Varsity letter.
las flares senssationsat sets, E. L.
Meyer sialdA. J. Stoddaardi sut-fouaght
Matsi:assailI. t'. Monstgomtery, grabs-
siag the chsamspioship for the wst-
eras state. .ltsyer and Mack, both Var-
sity asets frost differenst universities,
playedt remaarkable tenanis, while their
partnsers nsever lagged faa' behinad.
'Twos satthe Ithree setsasneedtedtto ate-
cide thes'wtiners wenst inato extra
gsamc. ls Isa'h first set, thse twit Michi-
gat asets startedt with a rush. 'The
Nebraskanas soon lil theair' s'd, auow-
'cer, siald finally ciaptuiredl the sat, 7-5.
Tise seconda set was a hesart-bireaker.
Macti ands Monstgomsery appeared ini-
vincsibte frsms the start, said captured
thas first ice gamaes. Witls hut onr
gamae anecessary-lasonaake thesiswin-
ters, Meyer anl Stoddard stagedal
seansationsat rally, anad captured sevens
straight gameas for' the set.
The woniderfut spurt of the Ne-
araskanas seenmed to take ftse life out

haer positions will lie a dl'e'rminsing maethosds sat warfare; sccondl, that the
factor, when the peace treaties are spirit sat sasis to dil that those thaings
dlrsan up. Germaany, lie says, lassviii- msighat survive is still unchianaged.
fated internsationsal law. If shec suc- Amothier book mseantionsed by Mr.
seeds, we are not yet ready for thse Goodricha was, "Amaerica Fattest," by
lig step toward a society of humaanity J. H3. Walker. 'T'his, thousghi fanceiful
which soll include all pesople. He anda maucha less imuportanat, is typical sot
shows that lthUited States is affect- a certaisn class of literatusre sasnft'e
ed store thans ecaoomically, bescause scar. This author imaaginstlas strag=
saver less amillions of our ppolaionasgte isa Rurope ratted, andalGer'a'nay
avers aoras isa balligerenst countries. raksiasg possoessions stfste UtiaedlStaitis.


1 ) . 1 . C'. IsA J P I N S K I '' O A D D R~l E S S '
Will Lecture to Ripley ('nty (Gather- H9F
hi1' oil .letllidoia chi g 'l'ti'iiiu'Pis
lem inArtliteV ILL ASSISI YOST

D~r. L. t'. Rarpisaski, soff ts' literary
faculty, will gas fa Versailles, Inadiansa,
to deliver a series of talks to this
leaches of Ripley cosunty at their ass-
sisal mseetinagIsolie held froms Augusot
3 00 toSeptemsber 3. 'hesssubject of
Arithmsaetic' will las coatsidlered as fol-
sacs: "Uractical l'robalemss," "Standl-
ardizatioan," "Short. tuts," "Guaressash
'Tricks With Nuasbers," "Graded L~es-
sonts,"sald a demonasstrationss will be
givens of this smethosds suggested., ta
additionasle aill speaks sss 'Studaeant
Life isa Foareign and~as."
ProftessoarKarpisitemasizes ftse
adhaptationss sa the arithmesatic work las
this lifeaid seeds satfste commasunity
said illustrsatcs Isis pointss by probles
dracwn frost every day dealinigs. A
nsumsbea'of a± iteea as ifleas by hima
save apiapeae isa thae Jouarnala of Edui-
cations, 'IhAmkaeric'an Boay, aid Tlia
AtticanstLumtitberans, asIt i taroas
U. t..%t s i, t.. ' a.,ii,",''i.5 tatisrep-
Faeulty -Ninie Boaid of Associate
Iitiorsa hofAiti n ing

Sclitulta A llniendings'i, Farrell, using-
las, IRaynsford mndt:McGitnnaisa
Il~e onta nlailug-Silitiad
l)0t('lAS ''0lA NDLE AIl.-l"IIESI
BeastCtases lieldinsg. II.Yosat, wlao
'as intsoswanyesterday, will hays' lis
largest sqhuadsat assistanats this toll
ahilt a Mbichigani football tatoe las
ever hash givens hiase. Six assistant
attaches wilt comsapose flh' staff of ths
Wolverine mseantor, "Hlaa'keassclsnist"
Alndiasger, the fialotacquisaitiona,j
saving just beeas signed.
Attaicosltasger was a Michaigoan star
aid All-Westerns guardt two sesass
ago. He scsacheda the South Dakota
Schoolt of inses last seasoan, hitsfitrst
otter graduastions, andh aas so success-
ful that lie hiss beets colled bask is hitsf
alaoater tat aid "Germitany" Satiate
its whipiiallarthtMichaigans lists'nt
'Trainer "Stece" F~arre'll will, sat
course, tar sithas ail gaianflits fists,
achies the'c'andtidastsreport.flir th
prelimaiary srill aabuat the is' ddthle'osa
Sept emsber.
Prenstiss Dlouglas, anothear formaer
Michigans star, will agains tavecrhlarge'
oat the All-Ftrrsh, alas short seaonusofi
this yerlins esnabling hits to takse
charge of this Varsity raids before' thai
tug games.
"Jimmasie" Raynasford;. capltan of lost
year's Varsity, wilt help Douglas weed

Masg'nificenI'i AEsier('sshilg $100,00(!
WIill Exsel iniipmn n
Whents soalleige 'iopsas".in, has'fall,
Mi ktigat'snsassc'ienceiis'builing sail
ha' 'easdy lar it's' att itus, Ere'sal atsa
ai cosatt f$400{30, thealstrture' l iisacll
tat sass' sitthat' itos otispete' saits
atndatina tie''isossity..\Nasexpensea'hast
aesi reud'sto ass kes s'this'datsignanssa
fixtuasies ti'assst ai'sitatats. Gasy i-
noasacatis astion 's've asenistualdatassit
straaasthen a sevcalsudepar~ten'ts.
The bauilinisafoirstotaris its height
anit shiaed approximiate'ly iles' atri-
anagle . Ihaextenids romitthe is'atgonual
wak 1s t ortla l'iv'ersitysia'v'nuei, as
dstances'f'2sat fetSsit, aiah isi tas' aoths
sti, 243tfeeit
ah rt flooii as osstrueted of
Bedfotsrad limt e,ti ittath Dereasad-
stonei enitranceass. 'lhe' 'reme'nt couns,
rasahalag tfioms tetirtst floor t hasteu
soo, ara' cocrrdaiths taprstry laic,
simsilar itotsat sitfIHilt Aditorium sdi-
T'tacm aist entranscs ri' sn the
ntorthlansdsieast staes,aitha tao sasll
esntrancessopeing ass the sdigonalh
Wassai is noiticabatal y its absnce'its
tas' iteartior' finisha sattha bi'auldig. Al
partitios ars' of fistic as'six ichsfits.
Ath dstastseadaisng ti roosas wh chhars
isa i'nasinsa'aualrspaeimenss, palce-
less resordt s'sasy large' asunt of
exploasices,.as's'fics' prooif. Tiarsare
sitate satfmetal, sc'e 'ed asiths ai spe'ciah
l'preparatton, c ald kataaeiu, whih
wiltacause' thamt apilpear like' Aodsan
dooisrs. All flooras alstairways are
asails' sa layer 'o'satc'hipped's marbs
whchth ass beens groud aailplanased
into a bailofsatsoft c'emen'at.
'The smaitlliaounsaat satwoodsulitrior'
flanishsis os akst, iths tar exeptions of
thainpss fitnis isa thernumesroius sark
A lsrgie auiitoriums, hldaisg 500 per-
suits, is situatead in thle first two
storis aosathtarspace, enclosesd ly steel
scor. Abovecstha t' raure cassiu, a en-
ersal sciece'sliay ail he titated,
wohitchswilllbe fittetd'5watsh altlhamoaern
appliance'as. 'laaotparalelroas'of
roomtis, s'psaad tby as corridor, are
locatsitsd ' aih looruu. Thus'inneir rosy
faa's'ona a ostv'arat aboust120ftet
Ecst de'pat't witaill has'assiganed
to at c'trttainihaitiosass sacsat h aflo ',,oand
will be.' procided twasthu saraaate lecturs
(Cin susual ass 'ags' 4)
Goinsg Aas A. M ., 5:37, 7:0tilt
7:2, :34, 1 :0; '. Mt. 2:42 a0
:5,500 :05f, 8:38, :4,
n11:14, 11:58.
Golig Wat--A. At., 1:"1,
*12':55, 1:47, 0:34, :22, :12,
9:17; ., 1:17, 2:29, 5:59,
0 62p 10:28,
Ann sArbor tines
Coing North- A. M., 7:t0,
mostor; :00, stams; 1156I, auo- a
to;. iM., 4:37, steams.
Go'insg Soustli-A. M. 4 :47, sio-
tire 7:10, amotosr;:1:30,ss-ass:;
* .M,1:50, allitas; 7:b2a, stam.
(Sstsaat ''ime)s'
lasetroit iats'tm sititeddE pess
Cas tta7:110 s. isa., ad tihourlycto
6- . sa.;:1011p. n.
Kaloiaaoio Limsie'dlCfrs-
7:5a.sa., ash scry' ts hours
so 8.45Ip. i.: sto ansing, 7:4
h. I.

nerve for Marvard. Cornell asat atala
loped Michigan in the fimnal gamte out
the local lot, which proved ass ansti-
climax to a poorly arranaged list. The
1914 conutest was the first victory tsar
Cornell on Ferry Field, and flue Vat'-
aity will have its hardest games of the
season in huandinag this dog back to
the Ithacans.
Possibly the mst inaterestinag bit of
pre-sasonm speculations hamngs arounud
Captain Cochran. Whuile this Varsity
leader played tackle hsst tall, he has
been quite genesrally consoidered as the
proap 'ctive cenater on this year's nsa-
chine. A. prep at thus list of asess whso
will be invited hack, hsowsver, dis-
closes this nasmes of two clever pivot
men who nay upset this dope. Noar-
ton, a Reserve linemsan for two years,
and Lamobert, who hailed front a West
Virginia Normtal school, are steady
passers and aggressive chargers. tIf
either of them make good, Yrost will
no doubt use Cuchranu elsewhere. The
loss of McHale by gradustions, aid
Traphagena's failure to becomer eligible,
leaves Yost ham this lurch to thte extenut
of two powerful guards, anad the wise
ones weouldn't hbs surprised to see
Cochranu ptay a guardt.
Quarterback is flue mosist troaublesome
posiionm to this dopesters, howuecer.
Hughuitt smith "thusehl have bhu grsad-
sated; l-- 'astara fell Nia thr satiates-
sionmal baseball canmpai-: ; aid flutis
is ineligible. Zieger is this onlhy Var-
sity or Reserve pilot heft, but it Bosyle,
who rssn the freshmna musainue sec-
srsi years ago, 'omues btack slts fath,
there will be little worry here.
(Continued on h'age 4)

sa th sasisuchiganmenoasisdoutheay loat tsarCHOICEIBASE) ON SC'HOLARBSHlIP!thus annalsregimsenut of yearlinugs doau
last sft,0-3. Iso asizeabte squad, oadtheta work
The winnes of yesterday's muatchwilYotss
ThefaultisthfuelaoDstrasona . the big felhows.
sill receive this fob awards in this efautyo theLweeatmn isaaeptiaothstu
have selee thfle reditors of'he issShid- M 'ns cpaiafchUiersity'
doubles. Mack, by loadinug lssmge a a eiwfi this ssingyea of Iowa a few seasonas ago, woill put
chanmpionship, gains the cup offeredsut a eve o h esigya
ass the basis of stcholastic sandinug, alash Reserves info shape to oppose ths
as prize far the best individual player, flos Yost meat in the practice scraps.
xhile Baker will receive a fob as run- follows___:____
ted-m ha on of his Lyhe 1G. Cliff, Bay City; W. C. Mul-
'lb ouneths been oeo h lendors, Rowvard, Rans.; W. t,.. Mit-' LAST CMAO'TAISQUA LECTURE '1'0
usust sccessful ataged at Michigan in her, North Benatons, Ohio; R. 0. Browns- ME DELIVERED) BY DRB. AitM'ON
the a eelentbrunad of tennis shuownas elI, Westfieldl, Pa.; A. J. Micetsesos,'
by heentans. hemathe weetalaumet; IH. B. Salter, Indaiansa,. Pa.; AnnstArboar's tivic Asasciationswith
alt welt playedh anstchose, keepinug up B. L. Hell, Vancebaurg, By.; John L. !chose its progranm of C'hautauqua Ira'-
istrrest isa thus result unmtil thus smas of Mecemsu, Battle Creek: Myron Mac~- tunes lis afternuaoon, whesn ti. Vietior
Laden, Amis Arbor; 'P.ii. Westlake, tC. Vaughans will gicv' his lectursesas
ta~~~. ~Clevelsad, Ohio; It. E. IRic'hardsonu, "Thuberculosis," inthfle Scienuce lecture
U'bly; W. IF. Whuitans, Grandsh Rapidsa; 'roomuu of this Anns Arbosr Bieh SchlssI
hslui Itrsisatheave~so Schoilarshtip Renville Whesat, Attn Arbuor; Wernser at 2:15 o'clock. A quartet picksed
Dr. Floarencer hhusoms, phllhathropist W. Schroeder, Kankkee, Ill.; fiotoe fdomuitfle staudents sat the Husker 'I.
anud soacial watcher sat Detroit, who diedh M. Reid, Oriskansy, Va. ; L. M. Spraguer, WashingtontInstitute, wvill gics a pcro-
in omthus ntcityf6,00reenatly, ohas heft ases nsAba;Muic eahegr -gatis of"er;euth ia h thai
loscuusua of$1,050 o thusUnicersity ass faiy, AbrMo.;:aurA.eA. Morruo, WstBedingb"ergtisAudionsuussaan1s
s' M~ichaigana for defrayinag thus expenuses.-Aexandier, Pa.: E. It. Mctall, Winster- o'cloek this sante eveinimg. Ass ahtusis-
at women.astaudensuh of theusnsiversity, set, Iowao; J. J. Herr, Ctswoarth, Ill., Siotn of 25 cents will be chuargedltlas
preferablytyhsessengauged faa at udyinugamid Russell II. Neilsons, West Dranchl, lusty de'fray flue exipenses oathfle ra ie-
inedaicinea. i optionual. i tiiueit

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