TH~E WOLVERINE -Prof. Elmer I 1' 111141dMrs.33Wale returnied from Syracuse, N. Y., yester- day. They have b~een making ao auo motbitoe tour for the last few (toys. -as h utos 11' mad1144 1 101141do sarit i is expec(tedt that Mayor C'. A. Saoer w~ill issue 0.poclrsaationOthat: atldg muot he nmouzzled for' a period of 3 days and fhat they must he kept oit thm sfreofo. ---eauii Effinger' returned14'4y'stera'1'1 from his usuatl5ve'ek-endit trip o folet(as- ant Lake. -1H. 31. Seulerl, of Ad~rianl, 0114o was recentty operatedt uton tonthe general hospital, is futty re'overedtanot toas leff the city. -Gaylord'4lT. ('lia,'14l, who hasat tended timetUniversittyof t'alifornoit the last year, to to Asn Arbor visititog. lie expects too attemidfloe Mtichigan taw school next year, -Dr. May, 4dir(ector1'o4fWatermban ,fy11 anioun0es5tflattall stuidents wh1(o tave clothes iir paraphoernalia in aniy of th gym lockers shoulid get tieiioby to end of the week, since floe huiloling wtl1 he locked after that timeo. -l1i11 for 44d1( (414s400'e144414 104401 for at ttoe Iluton Emooployumeootbooneau. A matruono for a frateronity houose autj several cookus wisthingto witch for house cluhs have fileud tocir apicto- tions with floetbureauo. Persos cisho- hog work- or wantinog too secure help shoolod see too'emopluoyoieoontbuoreaui at. --Telteel141do4or4'fo4r'1144' saftty deposit5 vaolt of the inew'ariers' andio- l chls' toanoon0Sft ate streetloos or- riced andt will tie pooltoon place is s0o00 as the concrete worklontoo eoo walls of floe vault has settleodsoufftcienotly too carry the great weight. 'Thoesr wecighish1t tonos ando it reoioiredl con- soderahle timoe andoototieooee toovE it to toe tooseooenot off toe tuildinog. -Alumnil 31411144151 114111 will 14441 ('e. mats openointooeiiieveninogs oter thbc sumnoer se'sshon. 'Tlehouoors of too Musoeum will conouiuoe toe saooe as too- fore. -Oljj.(5 workmenl14'ar41' ('1114101 ('1 in cleanhog thoe omaorble steps oanoo staoirs of flene socicteobiloding. Ioosiun' pumice stoneiiasootwaoger, 00000'of themoo operate's iaspocialeloot ricoal moochine for thaot puirpose. -No se4ri41o(0s cas1es1h4'e14411 141'4401011 10th tiotleotionooo o Ie teolthlo vice t duoring the laot foss otaos. 'Itly her of' imeno treateodaverao'ge' aotoit 211 per oday, owhileo'oto1tt00wo00000000 ceive daliy tr'e'otoiun'ut.' I I I 1 I 141ANY FIIA'IlNI1'IES TO'10IAVI -________________ NEWV 1A)CEfS NEtV' I i3I SIIRI Vsn artrnitie's111i114; Others.11 Bcuyx i~te oeidn ls tNew I Loca'0tions1 Maonyof too' fraferootfies aooo sororo- ti's at Miecoigano soill occupo~yonew' Proof. Le'roy Woteoeaoowlot1ooto'o loomes whten sc'hoool copes noot fall. jcouorso'eoin tooo'io's nexti foll. Noo marl: Tooare touitling, anoolseveratlowt11 ce- haboo oc'oo gico'oin toohitsolbjecinooce' moollbtetore moovinog. 1Pr'ofesosoro'Craigoeleft soomoeItioooo'ago). '1'I ('hot lcPsifroterooity oct11 leave j to tic' boeaooutfool 'esido'ooe 000Hurono Pr'of. A. J. Faorroolo.'90,1 odoano of floe streef, whctheyto'y wOO ocupy, adAaaoolA loooa tow schoool,oandolforomerly oa silt mooove inoto a noone000'owsteing oooo'ootoor of toe Michioganoloawo'facilty, cooosto'c'to'ol at1thoc cornoer of Stfatoe andool n. to ottistwcoolooAonooAroor. Moonroeo'stroots. 00' Tloe Phti AlpuhoaoDeltalawo'frosternitfy 'root. JtohooIt.lBrunimoo, oof theo'leo- oct11 moosc'tfoin 'to'oor'se' chaopier fo ~'tni oeao'toooo'ot.will gie' too'flrst, tiousono'00 too' 'orner'o'of lill stroet oooodlof tI tic'ttoeo'.ottvof Mticiganoo ;'0 F'oroesf avc'nueo, shoortly after'the openo- jsiuooo1ectuore's at EmeoorsoooLakoc, 00 ton0 bog of college. seven'o omilo's fromoo Allegaoo, too'loot of Th'eoo'htoa PilAphaosororityonosctils 000000to. professoor ltrooooooo oct1 loooatce1 at fit Eaost Hoooooo soreof, swoll -'pea'oon,000."'lToe''so'apo' Froooothoo' m-oo 00 opyt'heo'ololo'Noooooro'oo'resiocc o n ooopaoe." 'h'tocco'asionoofoor ftho'too- oo thoc corooer of Stato' andolMaotisoon, fooe is a granoge pic'oio'cid 'oaroooor's to a Ipermanenooofthoooe.picnice. 'Thoo Stigmoa PiEbpsilonoofrooterooity, 0000w locatedoo il000SouoofhoStoofestreot, 31 A Is I KI Sli'S 1AIN''I N~bS ('A 1.1, ncar Feorry Fiolodoo'illooomo'e intoo toe !FORTH'1'1STU'lD1E1NIT('13131EN IIAlION t'oooloo' oolouro'ccuppeod ty tMcs. Suomoner,- of 621.tiSothoStaotc'sot'c'ot, aood ftoho t'looy suooooor so'loool studooenots haoos bl'c'oifo so silt octropy theloo' seolio'inu ired i o'ofoItho' courator'of thoc .Alumnoij occupioedI ty' Sigmoa Pit tpciloo. 2.1o'oioo'Hollio'c ' 'onritho' idntolooty' 'fle Noow Yorkotbato'Clool, nostow1- atof L'onoA. Moicisi, whoose' paiotinogs sateoon00tho'e'cocre tBillandolState thiooooo illoo tooheo'owofostoxhubiioo-,0ro0000 strcets, woct11 oooocb'etoiro' falltto thocir 'of Memooorial Hooli, hooove'ro''ci'd suoo'h 00e ome aooo'ot t17Eit. Aooooscircot. foocorable0 0000cofn. Mr. tfaiio'i Ita Toohllotoo 1hi0awoss'to'oorooty ssill stoarteod a0younog moechoanoio' tootoe shoops iov froetooo thooir lpr'esent h ooooo'00 ofitoe Stuodoebakoieo' autooboilo' la'ctoy kaosteooaos avoenue,ooe Itoome oetoro' ittSoouotohBendo, Inooiaooa. Ilis woook Sep1o'oeomb Ir oobod sill occuply thoo'witho tho'broosh totorao'ted'othtooattoentiooo houoso' at 721 iS. Staf~ tfre'ot, ss'otolo of too'se'nior Studebakeoior, wssioo . goe toey hace purch'iase'hIsanoolare nows'itso hoeyctoo purosaelots o'are'er. IHc' havoiong reo'deloed',o$10100 hoeoog speoot stouoieoofromo119017 too 111011 tootie Act ti tots wcor'k. Iostituteo ooin'Chicago ooodlthoenostaiyedo L~ambdooa fhi Aiolhafroateoroity scill intolPori's froooo19t09ltoo2913. IHIcex- ooooce too 2511 'Wastteuasc avenuue', hibtitcotitosoitubrositohoc Go'ndoo lono Thlnejnrmers &. Mechanis Bank' For vactiofoods,ot' Travelet's, Checks soo't Iobobat. Payablo aonywhot'e. Ask us. almIds RoyaI FANCY WOlRK AND COIS 304 Ssutho MainoSSi University School of Music ALBERT A. STANLEY, Director "A lollerong Place Ilr Advaced Studenhs" Annual Summer Sess'ion EIGHT WEEKS-JUNE 28,- AUG. 20 Regolar Fall Tics begns Mon. Ict. 4, 1115 l'or Catalogue'an'Irooiaobsoaddrsos CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary Ass Arbotr, Mioh. I 1- I i i i I I V for your profit-drink Every uparldingg loss ofit boomfal of vigor, + o~ Tlhirat-Quenching hu ti odrtunhmeefehe n gaaouwnt TAKEC.0.I&C. BATlWHN YO GO ALOAT olHeestLes, vacationoilytheosGeatso es the m ttt0os snootblead pessnohecplouohotidinAer hs isTte ogollaes.FOreetShe EKLY boos Tolsedo o oenogttheooio shoodondteWxouostmerss blood byHithis Csompanyaepostie uarate~ses hatou wlenjpoy eeryeoomoiteof Tttsipeeandoreternoomesodreose. seleatdHgled'yoduBwen oesss TAKoos 1osoohE rolD. &TW OATRIWEKL YOU SPECILALTEAER Dl yriPSeteeoietrot sodleleddtoitogndBufslo.FrAomstuneoothp tooSptember1tSeaetsCity oo etoit DIIanditofCleeld Ithe dTo Gints otGaoeltoLakefsopoertedailyservion oth~e Bflo DvsonAdyouosaL.t(.ford to To.lP.o and fetoit tMackinactslandsand WoyoPortdaokinaseosladteHsoi PodtionsH.reonbleoraPeso. .S EEKLY.BViSeProALS.T&EAMR, RALODTCETOI&AVLANEFO NAIG RAT OFNY .&.Ln All steoamers arroveand depart. Third Avenue Wharf, Detroit. wvhere theoy'huavo' pu~rchuasedl aonesw Duomue. "1RESTY DPAT11'lltI.E111iNT .51 AltS 14G' N R11F11 O"11131 3(ll.'A N AlTENDI Ac coodnoog too 00repolro ecivedbyho 100' tooost cv odeolartmelOt out tile' uoi'eu'- o ily', thbo' Lasso' ol 'o cooof t'aiforo'iac. ! I~o coorptioonolbost Maouguoseodiou- Jucy too 5,01(01acre'os out landuoandoldo- - tu'ooyo 11 0.(,00,000feetot imbeiuourisno 'o'nerdageous. 'ThooelUitoulSlates Prso Sonrvtoo, auterooduoootinog a0 t~oIoou lisvst igaotionooinoothio' causo' ; ofboo' utolo us 05haseeded htu thoew'dboe'too sowswsaler rauoi ito thoc0rater anoolbetig eonvuertedl itoosto'ouou. 'The''tri'rof mudolando lo. s.v totoftoweoood'b lo'on ho' sto'leot (t'.I Inc '00000i0, snallpp'ed offb0r0,0-cseo'- (ra 'fteo'etoinodiameuoter'o'ikoc'tooot bhiek's. Stl Whierc theyn roseiedtuo'bmuou'o faorablec 'ommenoo'ot too Pari'ts too1912 anooh11112. Sinuco' thenubo'leuhs beome aou sl iou- struorin r tooeo' 'l'go' of Ar'c'hiteo'- tuore' ohtho Un'icv'rstyof Mithitganuo 'bloc subjetsc of(ho' piufure's shoooo illt Meo'ruilIHall 'anoge fromoo ilndscape.,I' patontedt tonf'aris, toorutrats. Ihoo Gh to 1014 tendos 314' o'Haz hoil est Dleanu Karl JA1.. ttho'left biast ''e' foro SoauotF'uouoo'tocoo sobruo''o' too' o t11 -ut to'nod omeetinogout of'the tAsoouttiooo cft AmicanO1.01 lit0eo'sttio-s baot toooc an'oo S~tic' t'ooto 'sittoso otl herkceloy, tolt- ornobeo, tw'eoecolAnugusl. 27 andt 1 hPr'sidecnt lHouthis soill also bl'oavo' hot- '0' iouthou'fouallondwIll h'be o'r'se'nitt theoso:uuueeo 00cc.s Re4m10o04ved 140 'c 1405Cau 1114B4041 Poison1 Vo'o Lio .. 5'.).ill, '151.,of Ihldo.o1, is tolloouni'o'rsity bo. 01101 f'(n fronuo 01sesure' u'o 00 o: Itoool 1 ... Sc'ovi loohd 0a botle'.ex io0''Oood tunoe aofo ndloul tufcoion s'octoo. li it t0 .{c1 til' N. I.b'. Th'bt\ I'll. .ttooolttooo is sero. oS, bout totsoily sic; +,., '.ulot~ii, 211 to. NitoSt.. t blie've''o'thatoulbu'wsillreO'u'oo''. Betsy 055sCildy BilhletillIli 8 vholut z Aoon Arboor, Mihb., .'oousf i. o, t Nos. 2 BETSY ROSS CANDIES The $1.00 Quality Sweets that sell for only 50c the full pound. 'Try them today Befosro'yco uoav uc' iuArbuour (oooo iltoo leth uh s poohy'ou up i ll bobo ou t' s Ruoy'boss O'aiesi'stoo tal one(uoo witho you. fBolsy Ibuss I 'arulite'c are o' lo freshifo thuo le case' 005y'ootouybl' themoo. Suutouolibobl' fruuouoloc' np o' poolt upinoo 1-2 Ito., It Ibo1. 2 ito., :t Ito. ()1, 11It. boxeos, oossoo'tu'ol as5yoou wuishi, oiato' l teound "Btsotbss Candoies are tboe hest Bletsy Rtoss C'andoies are sosld onoly' I hoave over o'aten," "Betsy' Ross froomroguolar Btsy Rtoss stoops, Candiehtos aroe so gouod I 'an't go boy'whers h euoo uy'are bode0(0' obtained'o y'uor store o'ithoout, stoslping.'' "Ifrc'shu tabby. otinkh youorICandooic'sare helter thanoou We pt poo ,00.wraplooandbomail o,1ly' $1.00 0 lopoundoh ool'oates I ever landoies to ooaohoadress. Nosextrau oale," '1 .. to . T'thul's whaot our coos cbarge excpt postage. We areo' hob- I ooooo'os sooy. 'boy' thoe'ouonceu''vodoui11o9ouroers nows'froomostoudentls wohoo o'oou oct11 soo th(bo' 5lnl0Owisbh thoe'edoliouus 0'aouolo"'whleo onotheir soummoer'va'aotiono. Bcitsy' Rtoss t'andiltos dhitf'o'foo {thoieuosouaiibosxod candoies'intoohrleu Bctsy Ros aos:otfusIos oout' 00 II f'esher ounodlboter Home Made Colonial Candies secondol Betsy' Iouss lounohto's au' o al hand-mae-no~c somao'hineo'goos, 600 E. LIBE3RTY SIT 10no tos orkoatoeveurco. ANN ARBIOR, MVICH. ''uoo l 000fsus oofu mc-thoOe o'puoud. IS FINDER KEEPER? You may recover many of those articles which you have lost this summer by using WoU'erine Want Adts They Bin I' 1