THE WOLVERINE We charge yo Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and FinishingPRN S O (nothing for devei- in Ann Arbor is at PRNSI oping roll films if LYV TK TUWI# A eu ELOX yo a idal ' , 7 9 N rh U i e st v nesingle defect ( Two doors from Hill Auditorum)(hnet ae ae Established 1905, and growing bigger every day I____________ FE~1~ARS PROE SS~IOhN.AS AiND sideiitsG itI I ll II) I -i .F LLINSRE A 'O ATHING9 NEW [ J. nghtat 0oclA)k hc itSAL Fall W oolens CALLS OFF RHETORIC GAM E dets of oliltr rebd aeaitnh'o on-All tCothng tt greatly re- F _______eon or temebrso(ho ( (ire, iced otcs. X F.AtLEN CO. At tutArie atttty. ou1r5new loaton 211 So. Mats St. tf Just ArivedBy shoalts" (o Bane 1 famed for tteir abitiy to throw, and Come In and look them over Fear tat the Woman's League was the Wof eater tttotght it was ot +. - securntg professional players for thes worthothe risk to play te game(. As wtrlt's chatmpionship gante Friday, led tlte Pipe Dreanm pennant is areatty J. .IIalcolm Manager Marsh to take no cattes wotn, tiers was nothing to gaiatttnd wih isWofteast yesterday. As a urt to lose i suchit cottest._ 604' E. Liberty Sireot result, tte gatos withth ie Retorit The Woves payed a otort prctie. ____________________________ Faculty was calletd off, the Pen Push- gatte at Witnore Lake Sturtay, atonds ra winning a nooinoal victory by the te fortm showtt by sotte tf ttte tettn-1 H(Jj jQN B O forfeit tcre, caused the matager to shift his litt- R j " Ysedymrigsvrlsrneu.H deietokeOufedrThe Finest Biliard Room in the State women were seeon on the canpus by Lemoot, and fartm out Utiliity Matn CIGARS and CANDY Players Kendrick, Barnum attd 'hurch. Hogan, who whiffedth tree ott of ftttr ager After an ivestigation, it be- will be turoed over to the Cut cluttit came certain tat the watderers were returtt for Pitcher Nismauotttwiwll THlE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS SANK from sonte other league, and strength- face the Woten for fle first titteSh r s C e rn Capiiat._........0.. 300.00.00 sued the Wolves' belief that te W- Wednesday. Oooptoinsld ndivided'oft$ro,oco.oo Nesoorce.... ..3. man'0 0 staLeague is trying to reinforce Theltetoe-up ftr the Wolves wl e.$ ovtlTasatt eealBaigB ote ter ieu eor omorw' ae sfolw:7ele,'.;MrscT i e 3 0er ceso interesttpaidt00onSving. teoits, As the cottest wito the Englishs Ei- Petersoon, I; Lemon, ef; Swntoy, vo'Poojo, 00-5Solicited. ttotsiasls would be sure to be hard- 2b; Parlk, ib; Jennittgs, rf; Welooeytr, ftt , a50 ctoui. E. t-iosssk, Pres., Oitra t J. rtz. 0'st'c As fv rotto o lg e soo sr a tnt oul ottt e t to choose0frooo. 'Three of w. 0. Harrimoan, vct'-11, roo, Astfought, Manager Marsh decided to takess; eimantoo, 'hotrh end ttoricko atttlthe counotry's bet skirotct ookersorerep treettedt ointe Ste. Casor, Will. wltz,,Asst. Castor Savnsfoo'etpt. too chattces. TheIRhetoriciastsare Barnoun, P'rToir naare toy ooodsto oxoomoggoot.od rssers. DETROIT UNIT ED LINES ILaws (Graduiate Mrries ('tileogo Girl ISSUE l)S('IISS EE'INC, AT Aonouncemnts haye just bests re- WItt('tt DEAN VAUG(HAN PRIESIEI The $1.00 Valuses are - - - 89C ANN ARBORd TIME TABLE ceivedl of fle marriage of Miss D-- (Easten Staondrd Toome) Laney D. Thayer, of Chticago, to Mr. "Public Helalfh," apeidclpo The $2.00 Values are - - .15 LimtedandExres Gas or etrit Clarence E. Eldridge ono August 2 at out by fle Michigano State Board ttf Listd slEprs oo o ooot700tocao lrig raose fo le elh o ecn sso ottio tt Alot lor looooo ooootto'(oto ayoot, sonoorbs a. n0. oaod0 toaoo o :0 . , :, ,as .0,hcg.tlrdegautdfomte h atio eeniseca nsa A dalohrsadr fr sig rmnc saf ong trbs Loa Coo(oDtso>0law collegeo teutiverity in1900 conI f etn f h pca "aofCterot accrootofraieetig.oftit6petalm.,sothtotllto ower (1 0 / / / o / Zefl. an0 0 t, ,, t1 60,, 7:115o o. and was very pronineonton thes campus tuberculosis conoveotion, of whoctic . m0, 8:59- 111000.,;. 0'...000 0 '0 19 00000 soa journoolist V. C. Vatghan, odeaooof the lMedticat Tro; vpioo stoIiou;________._____:_____ School, was c'hairmoan. Deano Vauoghonot a0.,"0.00U . 0. '000.0.000MusicaltIntruments, Strings, and after naking a slort preoolioary Lirrcitod C for ooJoison rasnale pecl, aald.00totto.o tasdront-" evr~y tooh, tos 4 o. . 'all Musical Supplies at raoal peh aldo ayo h aoi Lorl Caro tr Joaoso, 6; a . rco. Sclaberle & Son, Music renot dotors of ts stats whon weroe cn~ veryt,, o ors Oto 6:50 p ,at,, Hsouotse, 110 S. Main St. tf preseoof at lhs May moeeting. q5 05,0 00.. 000035100 "LE _IS G CA~"011% Calkins' Pharmacy COUSINS & HALL i (e e TUTsBTLE' S 324 S. State St. ...flortat. Intcrcol-site t ieradMi n Sts. LUCH[[LO O M Candy and Soda Water 1 002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. AIotCovnet-lc-orYu LNHSaI OA q KtS H R A Y ohhns15 Ass Abo,, HIich. 338 S. STATE ST. CAL~NS' HARM CY I aso~haoo 5 iA ost onvninglc trYu NH SanIOA "The next trunk I buy will be an Indestructo" BUY ESTRU a . a This is t he opinion of people everywhere who kno wlhehandsome appear- onre and durability of In- desfruoo runkoz, or who 10ave sern how wonderfully ronovenient they are for a travellioog and varation toip. We have a new lioe of Iodestructofrunosaa n d- leather goods. Come in and see them before you go west this sumner. f todestruclo trunks are absoltutely guoaranteed for fosse years0 no matter how hard the wear Sou give them. Summer Furnishings for Men 1& Fiegel MINGTON Nelson Metcalf, for three years enootl 000lbthberlint College football eleven, has besot seleocted to coacho tie olum-00 bia university football teatt, accordlitg too an annotounocemtoo m oadtebtoelocuni- versity comtteeofl o000atholetics. if will be floe first football teamootColumo- bia boosload sioctefle sport wvas abtan- otoneod ito1905, aond tuoderftsetootdi- tins otafed by floe faculty as prece- dent to the re-establishoment of floe sport on Morninogside Heights, floe coacto will have to be a onenober of floej deparftent of physical eduocatioon andol a paid offier of floe uooivsity. Met- calf is now in New York gettinog ito touch witho fle tColuonbia situationo. IPractice will begino on Sept. 27, anod lhs (trot gamoe svill be schoeduleod foor Oct. 23, 00ofloat thoere will be five weeks ott practice for floe initial encouonter. "'ied" :Meredith, the remarkable University of Pcoonsylvanaia qutarter- 0 msiler, moay ooake aothler effort to beat the worold's record for floed44i, if treso- soot 101a000are carried out. A Nets York sheriff hoas wired Mereditho that he will fiooaoce thoereconsruoctiono of thoe Guttenaberg race track, whoere thoe present world's record of 47 scotods waas onade ito 1900 by Maxey L~ong, if flote iPenon 05a00will rcooentfto ruto. f0. It. Choorcho, of Pritoceto, anod Alex Soquare, of Chicago, are pitted againtoot each oftoer for the Westeron ftnnis I Ichaomopioooship ito Chicago. Hillsdale college football teano wilt play seven ganoes tbis fall, three at honoe and four away. ! The New Catalogue of the Ulliversity Of LMichigall IS NOW READY Complete infoirmation concerning the eight Colleges and Schools: LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS, ENGINEERING, MEDICINE, LAWT, PHAR- MACY, HOMEOPATHY, D EN T I S T R Y, GRADUATE, AND THE SUMMER SESSION Special Couorses in Fore:try. Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, inciuding Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a course for those preparing for the acientific administration Of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or- Individual Informtation, address the Dean of the School or College in which interested, or SHIRLEY W. SMITH, Secretary University Ann Arbor, Mich. r ..,.... .y . Ruele, Conlir COR. MAIN & WAS g