PRICE 50ce'~ ,1F THE ONLY OFFICIAL FOR THE REMAINDER H I WLEI OF THE SUMMER I II SUMMER NEWSPAPER Vol. VI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURIDAY, .\AI',tY T14, 1115 o. 231 ......... ... ... . ....................... . . ........... . .. . --- - - - - - - -- ---- H IM NDN DVNN TO ROEfl-flI~rConcrert andt Address by lDeani Vauglhan -LOS T6 190'ITY Will be Features of ' ScoticT~ Difc liBar Athletes Next week will be the last week of Expected to Loomn Up Large in Fall YOST MUM' RIEPL.ACE LINEMA7v Reimann, Varsity left tackle, anti Dunn, quarterback of lie Al-Preslh, and heir apparent to Llughil's posi- tion, are both evidenily lost ts the Michigan gridlirois tis fall. With the / loss of the veteran Lyttns, tnd te probability that Traphtageit, Itwert, Graven, Lutz andi Whalen wilt alsit le barred for scholastic deiciences, Mich- igan's outlook for this fall is ittt s rosy as it was ins June, whten ft"e rott- ers rejoiced, because but tt quintet of veterans graduated. Reimuann was cotintetd tit this fall as the inainstay ttf the ftrwards, sinice Captain Cochsran is slated to play cen- ter, aisd wiii bt in the seconidary line of defense. It was lihe ig wrestler, who, with his teamminate, left guard Mci-ale, opeited tip ftse big holes at Cambridge which were largely re- sponsible for tse twot famtous one-mian drives of te redtlitiable Maulbelach against thse hsosts itt Harvardl. Mlichigani Mlentor Who Will Save lash of Bluildiug Up leamn Since F ailure f Stars As Me~lale has graduated, aitt Re- miann is apparenitly ott tf i; Yost will have to rebuiltd his left wiitg, 'Te news that Reimnsi tad failedl in three courses in the law idepartmet was a distinct surprise tin thei caitputs, bti is autihenitic gossip. Rteinmann, wits is the presideiit of thte uniiversity Y. M. C. A., was proineint it the recent baseball scaiidal, weorkitng with thne Webber-Carpeitler purity commttiittee. He is canmpaigning' for fuinds for le "V'" buildinig funid with Coacht Yost itt Detroit this suittier. With H-ughitt attd Butsisel, the two Varsity q :arterbaeka. bthi gradutatiitg Duini, te little star of the All- Fresh, was tioutetd tot fili lie imtportaint vacanicy at thte hielm tis fal. M- - Namara, onte of thie qusarterbiat'ks itn the Reserves, will lie ieligible itwitg 1o his being iinvotved it tile basebltl scandal, anid Duiti had almost a clear field for the big Job. Zieger, of the Reserves. is nttw the only available quarterback; anti Yost will have to dig up soite imore steer- ing material for his itacinie, ax "Zip" is a little feliw scarcely atlt' to staiid the xear andi tear itt at big game, eveni if lit maktes gooid a. ts - regular. 'Traphtageti, linemiait twit years,, ago, entered college last February, situ was a possibility. i-i weatitheritd all his work, according o stuident reptirt ott the canmpus, but lii notl tsttit suffi- ciently high graides til which ft base hopes that thes facilty will ri'moivi' hll front probationt. Graven, Varsity endi, is attothtir Var-' sity nian wohaiss beein placid ont the (Conitinited onl Pagt' 4) 'hlumrlctrso h AnAbrCvii' Associaion and the conmittee in' charge have plantned to mae it the best. Memters of the Booker T. Wash- igtnInis ttitutie will give a special concert with it, program consitiig of old-time Soutthertnelodies and dialect recitations Wednesday ii the High Schotol Aditioriunt at t:1.t o'clock. 'ihursday iDai Vaugai, of the ued- cal department, will gle a lecture si, "'Piberculosis," xhici will be of special interest because of the fact lit Friday, the 2th, will ho "Tuber- ctlosis Day," its which all the pysi- cans of Ann Arbor will give free med- ical atteintio to those who believe they have that dreaded idisease. NOIES MOSICINS ON CONCEDIU[S Padec('wvski and Others of Wide Rep. tationi to Appear in C'horal Union Next Sring AnnisAi'botr'st'hoiraiStiinanti May Fesiiva coicers will againinc sslue sevral woirdi fainsts atists. act seasoni eleven coterts are givet in his si es, five uring the winter aid lie remiainitig six during the middle it Mty. In aiditioi, leadiignmuical organiztio~ins of this country aittIEu- ropt' til be heard in several of the progranms. 'Tse atractiois already scheduled str tse comig seasoit are as follows: Otctitber t.9-Pasqual Anato, lead- iitg aritone of the Metropoliani Opera tomipaity, lt iniongrecital. Noetmbei'2-Floitaley Quartet, ii a priogramof Cthantber Music. December 1.3-Mish'ita inat, in vi- liii recital. January 20 - Ignace Padrewski, celebrated Polish paits, in piano re- cital. March 17-New York Philarmoiic Orchestra, xitt its fitll quota of play- ers, uider Josef Stranshy. At tie tweity-third ainual. May Festival, the exac daes of which are as yet tundetermtinesd, the Chloral tUniin with a supplementary chorus of sev- eral hundred school children, will be act, while the orchestral background will be furiishted by the Chicago Sym- pitoity Orchestra. It is inpossible at this early date to announce teiaes 'it te artists wits are to participate, but they will e of the saite high saindardi as those wits have appeared on former occasions. "Y"SOLCITlORIS SC'UR SM, lilDlUCING IVALANCETi:'O $2,00t Workers for the "Y" cmpaigit are mcaking rapid strides toward the amoutnt set, and with $8,000 raised his week, have lowered the sum nec- essary to guarantee the success of the protject to between $2,000 aid $22,- t000.'Pitsusibsiriptins are not large, hut represent the interest of may petipe in seintg this tew building a reality. 'Tbs largest itdividual coi- tribiutioni of the week was $2,000, and tile isoters range betwen this aionuti .a fi'wdolars. Mrs. { at Elected Regent of I. A. R. Mrs. V.'. I. Wait, wife of Professor Wtait of the modertn Languages de- paisenit, testsre-lectedi to the oies itt state regentt o te D. A. R. Ann Arbor tas 'host's as this llacs for the state coseriene next year. POOMINENI SOCIAL WODKED SVCCVMDS Dr. Florence Hu sont Aids Many Werlt- ilug irls in 11cr Career in lDetroit INTERMEN''T) UBE IN 'THIS CIlY Dr. Floretice H-usons, '851M, tileather in xvork amonotg wominsaid girls, sitd one of the forenstphsysicias of thet slate, tiled Thursday aftenssnsfrom paralysis with whsich shsli'was st rickest its May. Dr. tHusots led a very atist life andh hroke down after persistig in her work utter hiavitig seesnstivistd against it. Shse assisted in the founinitg of th DetrittAssitciationioftitt ver'sityiof Michigans Wotisetsauthsered suliprusi. detit itt thisCollegedishbiduring thie third terms. Dr. Husont was tismessbher of this Fits Arts stciety anth thisSit- ciety itt Arts atidtrufts. 'Pbs orgaizations stflt' D Blckell sosciety tsr this wotmsensphysiciants. of Detroit was Idis to Ithisefftsof ir. Ruost, and shie was atctive in thie 'Wo'- met's Free hospital atndl disp~enisary it t'usii thte end (A'lthess-utit's' i ngs a wteel , t e .lit uutc h st ut sssttort: Ibe gis t er ithIIi-eis smi i s le artl't 'I 'list' erlisist'tt t'i' r.A.susl thid of u''sth i sa itry 1ui .'i. ni do- prnettut's hut in prtinls ontuskftundaxtin is itu p",teitig e 'hsis jolt is stltn'der - s-the i iti tof rs. tC. N. 'ards, issttitut,' ii suitveyitie. Nuts stiul housest'tareu'ills() IuWicgciii- illy u'r'ti'I, anth it is expec-tedi tha hiby flt it t5ttheenhoute lamigsetisontti15 'till tius've steen put til. Amongtiic the'sei-it visit or its it this 'amth stat suito. WiW ot't hls. l otf thei fotr'ty depattmen ti t 'odaytutis visito' daItsat thecai. MACK PgLS BAKED CflD TEMMIC TITI1 E New ses o PrioI'vide Cstilt tnd l WIill ae '1 lst ' -llniitr EquptnitMAUL F' AEISIINC te titseoilier deaths. IUVII I LI 1U11.1 I ILLr In addition to a large privati' prati' lice, Dr. Hituss gate mucti mes t o u this servic'e of deservisig puits, wioliut mbeilt'oftEnirtitis tash xi it'dwMake could not afford ho pay for meicalit-i Summiier 'l'unamntl attesitioss. Site was partic-ulsrly in-'cessfuil terested in workinig girls asid gave freely of hier tissie hitthiir c'se. Sli T'h s.- tut teschool acutiit. - served actively ott this dire'ctorate'sofIttpilts will bei'pickt-I h imoinitgtiwtcwheni'i msany of this ittiil Iwelfarei' lst i- 11'inC'is, lutul.,of t'e itursil ty m tutios of thie cihy.still msit-i-I keru, theItuer-iti' . tlt lis Di'. Hutsoin will hut' huriutd iniAnnsifgttiteisill blit'agi-etditilit0: ti'lt t-tu I Ashior aftir thhesfunseral, st-ilehiwillion a coutea-t .CerryI 'iel l are he hteldtinit le's'Detroit residen'iceu. Itrsi-ot iswi'sttt' ittnax t t hti t o ibe itt-tley, tiati-lu'u. Y e Staff Tlakes Di: - I-.s eu ~assedto iste-fisal D ay' s ~.u'ehtx ititunrtitig by ati l-2.-2scre situ it is ightly ptrobahetiha ot hit'a (Sliecial In Wolverine) carrysotilthlvinittg cul todtiay. Whitmore Ltke, Aug'. 14, 11:001 A. -'Ithits stasust'rs'beentasghut-itt AL:.:la tanger James Burike, f i t ' Sits'hetenn'its et'usitsst s, ilusuit' lt Lake Vie HItid, ri't'hthat iiiveriy- itotir weattherucon'itttulis, us ilt-l itait Iting is ini readiness for the i'(lt'brItipr'e'tvail e lst lutist weekot s'i',i. lionl which T'le Wolverine staff swillhMotre' imen hstite til'nt-ild, smituctwatistes stag-c here this afternoon. 31i. IBiiike'are offt'et-i, asmitotste'generactl ini t-st las male arrangements to feed:130, hiss hiei-sowthan Iis n isthu patus. although only htlf that mnmber are' 'htsublehts, huts-ue-, tir' stillon expiected. deidued,- 'inti havinsg droppedIthitstii --- - lst etk'si, at dUt)Imti t t co d Ye Wiolverinesecrihusshatt'sarneit-l i iuisslsthe uiscom iu'itteas sd's-idedilthat, I~ I otim-' ltachie es r liyt Ietseitof -Its Nom-hechiihctalChartcter; Shoust3M4umit iws 1,111's 6F5(I- SIN, (14) 11PO SI 1ON lieP. . I'NVIt-citts letti u-'hursay uaft sriosn, -outut'ltttu'ut hu' 'liTriti pis ini Astrot ititttt" w tasttnon-tchnuiclinit c-iirii.t-i ;1111 var inelust tinsgleto the' la ' mmi. it- 11 i-iill itsinotedtusome oft lt tu'iiithethis-nitt uenn's in ia s- trnoyIt-, eshiluiltt-tttheueot'ithit rlitorii'telesc'e,'ttw'.ichitiis hitefera'tbe io the refritatc lto'ectse'itsusuet'elin- ina tituchtolttic hitrrationusatndthother Ieecs ctausediihb9 liht tpassntg tli euii-utglits;atdtlluthsuts'thu she- troscpeia diiuotuuttutliu tuatu' hiss' enormitosuslystii'rotuthe il-uhof 55- -tt hukill--ireiseariti-l. prosenlo, shoingtti the l moonutuas'tiCit io ei uingtitle tittIh, poitctg~ he Ihest ie fuo-rtiuobservtion.u tut hi wheni it t is hatififull slutcu-iit'eulaitlis li to stturfacearc side t'moist humie- 'ii t 'it Ill t timhu ' Iy Ihit-uffeti' t ti slarits trays f this'su. ituihi mi- I i-i of it- samtis tlts's shotx''d iiiintisiutsisss, oitt i ilt-l t-u-cire -iiiitii i he us moon tantonithits-earth, and craitelts, whslit-i tt rcmusihlimore numros ndmu hlgt-s--i theti Pictsto' theii tlsit' werethit-itshowni, hoin;tth ii-e ii slittle. Astilt-is of lthe that iltltish'' tdi lls'erofson hise.ospsots is seest-iiteus gtut of tis'satth I. "Tesiu ;s sh.'itit i11%'.Mut' ill, ''ist- itat iellt-ioit shatitis goingsit ithi su. Th'lsn--i s noti, tue tmtny pol mgnsolid, ut isggateous. Ais i his'siu oeisosn-lut s axis, ts (CothtinuetdsotiltPaggi-44 I- EN. IllDR.11'(If SAWYERlhh Regnt of Ililldale ICollg' l'lteos it 15a o Fture iiiteea'nt lDevlopmen "lTiei-s an iindiite uil-limi o this stsit of Ihuits'niilift s his uslways litn u- t sutthis limuit .sl ltti romostshat it sihosulibe," staidhD. 'u's'1hiSwyver inti lsu ig adsr's-se t be civen dusc Issing t- usmer su'ti t. lhis sub iot-Is T'he iss'itingifc1sitrs iiht ha its, ussidthis'possibililties soh elites inatng its' D. Sawssyeruhusies beiig aregt'tsif sthillist its cllegeccis Il ittsclu'ssedshislesubiject maily li-suithltestulssstnpit o ittsuetassthe fator ut thu-t m'sstuuc hlnrodscup~si~on bsuanseiseet'5', tush shutut sufig~urs ts shows'Ili i Ilutt-tied at -tt ro itu feigrt thitles oisetstes-sits this-itedf-uSatis. Hi'.si1slustsntutu'dinguuawsoay'wstillssuit-i hi-est of'"limsitingfautrs'' was hy tittea sit of educattionio helst'ituplei'to the nesit- ofs stomubaltuing disease, and -by propesr legislaitioni that should es- tablishseffiitent- health oficers to lolk oser ces-caims districts of the stat. Hi- ssouded the death knell of the flus doi tour swhens heisaid, "The faily diocustr's fit-huhis talrasyso en- its-u' 1stsi iu111n1btugthis'rtpidh advace ini mltdicsit, thatut se tiresut he is islegan ilacei'is ts buStken luy indsividulsheal-tti offiers apphuintf- lugbythue'sttu. Out of15,000 deahsinmuthis' hnied Sluts'sdluing tthus'asut yearuuri'.Suw- or susi thu-t suitshaitfitsru- prvenmt- SetvemrathStiidett tendtiItncampmnet tsoius Lustsry, '1, W'.. Jhnuusn,-'16i,, andustI:sut \ttylust, ut sleit-ulutulut sums atitesndsinugthus' 'uu'uuss ii-t I ofluhe Na- I tinlsIGuarduct t r 'tyhuu, 1Mih. And isow they are gotinugt gut it. Til afterioonsthey journeytyosWihtuore Luke, whuichs fley' lustspuirchuasuedfor this day. Frcoin sail boats ho frog hugs, it is theirs. It will he a regular party. 'Tt-re will be a baseball caste, ihutsiichs thus Wolves, under this leadership pri humus, of "Pets" Petersons, still oppose thit Cubs headed by "Rose" Wslumstyer. 'Phece will be swinsmuing for thosecwit- waist to nmix printfer's ink wills stter of thse labs. 'T'here will be sailinug smit sitngitng anth sailinug. But ftse croiwnitug evetnt will bhueu bansquet. Frostssoup ft nuts iftstill be an hottest-to-goodness affair. Titers will be speeches amid songs at the stud of it, too. And if there is no Wol- verine published next week, look for the scribblers at Whitmor'e; they are going to have a bard floss gettinug away from there. ARCADIE tONM'S'lC1'M)NWORK CO''IM'ES R11 P R POGRES-SM Work ott Nickel's arcade is mussyirut- if tshe' ui'ls arus'still sulitiis'si sty Suiturdaytis tutu ,his elimsinsste all suitu Itt- t y hisait-ceIt ttshe sm-f iss firsitItoshlays tuf usc'sweekltn'sui oi select ths- winnuses. 1 A1' N i l It01 III 1'IIl 1.111 ND? tier stay tutn st'e s-hut-iters'buildli duinsg ft'sesunist' sussli, uts oto puracsticatlly comssple'teds. All i-lass rusussu hasvltis'recesits's 1 fresh uscoau stino v hite-paitsi. St-s'srat of thus laboratories hissesbeesnremodtuel- ed its order ft accommnosdasteia greater isnuber of stuideots.'Phose tattles wehich fonurmerlyontainedhruelhis- ens, have hash tii u-trutonissnstalleds, tundulthous se hihfourmserls' scsuta itsd it twitnowst'huavi' thre'su'plss'ss. There ;1(1- dhitioluu fatciliies-wiltenabtle'ths labora'utorissftotuaccommiodatehsisfromus 20 hto 411mot sit tudet-ss. IC'imneyiu.s tutu tis- chuemuistry bsihuiighlut erist t -sctsedu sto prov'iide'btuer vetilaiutin for ths hoodtus. buildinug immediuhaely nourh of thi'est'w batik buildinug is hbeing turnsoutstntus tstt Ii' 'Ii'tiltiW1ill b It'el itChiltd ftse south wail tremsodeledI ttisiset:wills Os-lug t i te ul-litfslugt tiby cturaid this requiremenits of this proposedi se--huigupountithihitles'six-year-old I hu ugli,- caude. Thistront of this structure usill ten it Mrs.I'Carti,ositrit, thscildu also be razetd to make way fun hehit-seins brosughs tsothus'gettn'ratlluss decorative features of thtsnustybutildl-piftal hui AuuAn arbotrfur thes-basts usr in5g. tretlmnt.