SHNE WOLiVERINE. Rtemodeling'Oi1: Lghleoi'1 )R1i ogNO(I Al lT, ;'' ON "MC11 II. Office rooms are beiog installed inEI 111101) II" Y 1L0(tllE POIA( IN the rear of the foost floor of tloe old - Engineering boulding, wihere there woos AnnioAilsor's poliee force 0\005 bee formerly a large recitation room. Be- !lousy yesterday keeping th e erowd, sides this a general rearraygemenl of that p0ourNd in Ainn Artor out (01 ole- floe first floor 10 beinog made to pro- choif.Aooioo's fromno ry city eide better means of access 1toflhe in the southern tart of "dliehioan 'wore recitation roomo. irereseted in doe ostead tlf o ramnothiai _______________c_ 'icle'd ttfownooobetween Mai00000 ItOEJrISSOlI SPEAKS ;Slate streets. P"aly 5as oo oofe n-j (}\ igLENIi SPIITJ nesseol the races at the fair grouindh in floe afternooon andolif requiaredifloe (Cotinedfro Pge .) attention of floe officers too keepo the reption of life. Tloe ideals of beautycrwsiode.Mndrks r' and faith developoedftioo a spfirit flohe mooot oaoonoyioog feature atftheooo troth, order, standoarod, oooderatioo, fro 10000thofle poleekept floeano 1roo universality, preelsion, eleaornoess.'sowxo ing; anye cialeothoosiaosm noo Beauty, refinement, elegoance, good tooe ravsotheo r ha. l'ioe froo hcii of! taste becamoe rooted iio the moannoeosterfvrt oss Tetano and habits of tfloelopolle.''1" Iore oo ooiloco oeoofo "'Franceelossdomooinated 11he'wrord. so oftoenofolloooin ohtlofrail 0 o eo Not by brute force, phlysical power,' raorn10s0 olflooissort vereo o ootlefoly strength, hot iootellectuolly saod 0000 t'oloooong 'ooooltoeoli0c(0'repoort .ao 0' ally. restfo too'elday.o "Begininiig witho fle 17th rentufry iIMTCS1A 11'E , her fornoer ideals led to truothoaiod justice, the souprenoe reigno of floe in- i 11I XTStP1 iltI telleet. In the spirit of croothooool a iindo"oo rorjueso01-00 tire Franoce domoinated the world. She Mihtanstaktaapre iat proclaimoeod individoality. The per loothoere oieol a decidoed boot,0a o. sonoal merit of floe inudividuaol wsr-reutocoorprtta uryGe spected, esteenoed aood rewcarded. lolz, form000r0inotorschoolastice;:tar is "Thoe whole lthitloenotury vswo exo panig oe500te nvesiyr'x pansionof01thouoght, feelioog, duoloove,100. the sense of the aesthetic saodjuodio'ialis on of0 the( ooolyoo enflo edi'ooo oo discipline, clearness, logic, ouniversaKewtncdiyinheMh,,ar - iterest. The 17th ('entury' oade tla- NO bolatisfomeeto'twooyoorfore o,oflo- ditions, floe 18th centufryowas fraot tolte woosfloe idividuaol stoor of thoo lions and the 19thocentolbry waso liberty 0000eof,1He 10000 sevoecol firstsoooood seoc- Perfect freedom foro'veo'yonoe was aosloeooo thfoeoorlo',Oorlt ideal.TOils so'i rit Ihas been calledoylaalofor )1twooof thiel 'd (o roofs. .rnoechlaos, bat if. is not lhaos, deI- N co lolt'otool io .oi 0 orsofo 01'oWisonsin, owhere toe show-o cadence, it is ioodivioioal liberty rona log ramopant. Bot ftorouoghoif all 0 'lgaoo onw10eo'frtI oo ls see floe polsinogof oo people sotrivfoog f'00 0bo tA O oor oS towarod0 defoonfo'goal. 0P0a00010510lostiSooturoday, tO0lo'ptiOnh' "The last ftwenty years ino ranceooagainst; thoo oost 0000ioolt'e ounootry, fe orooook aseonooindhot''440o-yarodoiloooo'o- has gioven bithtoto a regenrotioofl~ ot 0lif 0ro o oosool ideals. There loss beeno a greaftnoora and intellectuoal uplliff, floe odoals o lofst 000000 beoouty, liberty, faith, odro l'o' diotg, toloe 00 illboot fer li ill ' or thoo to inter'nationoal soliodority, anow oard 000,000toa'ik foeaoneosh yoa r, botof ho a foutoro'Uthed Stat's of Eur0oe. '1' folloooing" yeaor locoal Itroockofoollow0 r" .idea of woorload beome orabhoorro'o. tooelooee to' o'l fill theoosorooftal;- "Brothoerhoood, altru'oismo, aal oll fhotooain1"Hal" Sinito, wooo00ill haboo d 00t,00 laooodhobcoe thoo iooolid loair0 these words liply haoveo'boeo'toefloe soult of floe wondeorfuil record of the0o0 tho' teoam. spirit -of Fremocho civilizationo. -N heoccer ore enooontoer loaste, style, nomoem'm o InlamoI.noiio'i form, char'om, elegance'o, logic, bro'odtho 'ooooo 000 os o''00000 0 ~ 000 0 0 olorool of''oWilbeorofIf. 'oifo'o, '15, of outlook 000lito', owe oooo bho'sor to fooldtoe trooce of Freoochoionfou'enoe.~oanol "tolla A. Casoe, a0 1, 0 lot il0i 000 theo 000000 silO' tast 00e00, aonoda 0000mooeoroo~lfloohe Alplia0CIol loooo '00 NF.ALLEN'S 11111)TAG PCLOTHING orofy SALE W ork ovathe Stote' streethi .iiiliof theo Glermoan- Amoericaono banok is poro-, gressinot roopiodly. 'Thecstoneo facade is noearl y comopleto'o, andol fle bouidingt wxill too'ro'ady for oocupaoncytoy Setp- ('Cilloc' oin ,efiei'soii oh i'(el fr'om Stateoolo'0'l'oooosooo has beenro mp000lletedl tis ooeek0, oanoitifislprobl thflat fih' wor or of 1000ving too' stroeetorill begino oorli. hostf Noero. -Preiiari'oiis ire being maode for r'e- poairinog toh'oatr'maoioos loadinog iho floe ooortho slob'of 0t'e'Poysiocs bouilding. -hecause of illness, Librarian Koch boo000s oo'o enino lis office regolarly. --Fridlay e'eniing' friom 9):4) )o'clock unlob12050000 00o'b o hlichigooof'oiono woill a'ioo'thloo iso't of ifs iooformooal a da-c foor theo'sooooo 00' o. Sb'. ff007' K. boo- oooo'f anoofMrs'. lonooool ooill beo (hal;- orools, ooaodlTooerono 10. W'oeo'er, '16,P], ooilflo"bfloe o-tairoooaio. "''eFo ischoor': fouor -1 oco'orochestra-' wil00ff1uro'oishtohle -HaaroldlPelhaomt'11-I13,, is vs itin' tr'oeds oftf t'e De'taoCbi houoso.lHe is loced at"i Bof inghlolamo, OAlaoama. Io aodoiionoo 00 o'ootio'iooo tooooflore, lb' 1.0000 olc'oaos orefoeo'e at se'vorool of thoe OOiof oitoro'f ooftof oll g00000s 100 tloo southf. 0010000 100 (olle-o to'1e00 p layedohal ---Pouf'essor' hinoson oftolii'elooianydo- I 'ool aloof 10)wil000 1,0000'f'ol itheoo'Bisolo - The Farmers & Mechanics Bank' t<