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August 12, 1915 - Image 2

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The Wolverine, 1915-08-12

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____________________________- ' LIE VI(I)V E I IN Epresent 2,00i men living in private
TbOrpheum Theatre i homes. A large majority o these areSe o d H n
Thsosensof me iiou iyFssRmoss The offieial student newspaper formmiobdly isatisfed woth thm relvu m
cia5 ili~te Univers-ly of Michigan summer i noidittiosm. lhe ordiiairy roonming I~ IIU ~ ID JJ
session. Publishmed by the students on lose is nearly devoid of conveniences Woodruff's Quasi-Contracts
Ttmml nsimml,1', I dS TuesdayThsursday and Saturday af- for comifort and sociability. Tfhe reniBaesCimnlPlaigadPatc
Iss'Ssls ll __________-____________edy seeis in be ini prviding dori- Mickell's ases in Criminal Proedure
tunies for the miem. Hall's Cases Constitutional Law
Sammiud m.mm1m i am t.1 Subscriptiioimrales-By crnier, se- lTe advamtages of a dorimitory sys- Wigmore's Cases in Evidence
Am eity-five ents for the suinner; ltiii or the sien are ovios. It woili Ame's Cases on -Equity
raili."ailed to any address for se do- einourae a spirit f omiy, in addi-
far. thou Is providiiig hygenici aid oenmm
________________________________Ailsertisiiig rates--Furisiheid upon p- 'etable lodgings for mei at a rate
Subriptioms aind ais taken at Quar- imamny other organizatiiins for iimae UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE
Temple Theatre ry's, Cushinmg's anid Uniiversity Ae-
Dormiiiorie for miei iiay seiiiia
iioe Pharmmay. long sway off. I the advaitages of x
lioh s i e Offiie Itour: Mlainaging editor, 2:00 temi were udertoodl perhaps there{ They've Arrived
sod emmisidi tm 3:00 daily; business maager, eimmecudb afme.Tm uate epis edems fet
1:00 to 2:00 daily. Phlomne 910 or Thsatet__apistndmst__et
ii ii Soi i mmvime ~moi.' 2a4.eve a1al amd Winter Fabrics that ever
--___________________lft alo1
immimAdrssiheWoveinPSisBuld umumer school stumets who wish to.
1 ilieg, Teyn olrd rit., A rebo ildormer their fol siigo before eaving-
SiimsndS gi miit iiiig Mymain S.,Ami Abo.win1 find a ha-nsome assormeunt of new
Iltoward 1t. lirh-Managing Emitr WViaremt going to say amything.m/
Ilmonme- -414-1005o aoutlmeimlbaciii idais;isithiouitsimear- r
Ferris I. Fich- Ituiness Manager in, iii caim t say iythimni.
AraeTetePoe9026SOWSAFTERNOONS 400. EYE. 115; 7:45; 9:15 -+ r 4 "__
Assilomi to lmiimies Mamave- Atimmigli effots ave been mimade by
l'1,1 mimi,x Sima mm 'ht1mm S i mii imim icao md Ne York tapers Is sigmimn
a imlie lt- f inimum.Son~-- WilliamH. Ii.logaim ip tlma mdior of this col'yomi to rums
oi i~ti p ill1, 'fooid. --theirhummor, we promis.to ostay si tim K Y E RW L W UI1 K E R
SuilynA;. rmm ii mm ,eliamlim. Is Contributintg Edior yuInilth.pe.eaonsars
a m'r mm rlur. .Si" cimimiillmaoaiisaom tat.For TableSupplies-Wholesale and Reail
ct~mariim, mmy'siimt;. tm .' "P. yM. Chumrchm-I 1-14-1 16 E. Washingon St.Phn82
Notemic t i, iii nn ii mm y,mmmm m min Issue Editors SIITH'ARE~S ONE
mie Seea.' silfVJmomg 511 (.IN'I) AT l"IS('O
Dwillhst.F oidennigs Headliie, Wmmlverine.
WillisC__________ineWatchJewelladNat._Thompsol mt tie ns itemmisaidflint it took FnsWth Jw ly adEyeglass'
Nml.Tommioimliii1i1-5 seconds. ...REPAIRING...
11liiiPhlPack Bloots amd raimi coatiere iii style F 0 U N T A I N. P E N S
WSardi Peterson at the' tamgo pmarty mm front: of tie court - CONKLIN, SWAN & OUR S1 SPECIAL
-Yrmmmimi Ssi'mmm'3v hmisi'last ight.
D iavimiRosthambl Lenses Cround to Order
Ka.lIS. imiou l--!SimarmPsii Alarm CockCs 75c. to $3.00
arWemimccIMmsmilmime 1 s AliiNew YorkI
Jeroumie'Zeiglem'rrerucg11( 'tpann
-Hiadlime, Free Press. 7H L E E E R o
(AEItICTf'AK I THER, flowt 'II inmmthuner derecomillone umoquito d uhabgjb
For the seventh week of her Dtetroit _______________ TT TETJWLR
engagement at tse Garrick Tfieatr, Isu0dtrNt hmpo ~oT a~ . S. Postal Station 3'TELEPHONE 584
Detroi, Miss Sonmstele is minhug Ol______an_____________ No. S-Siamme's-"Everybomdy Rag
unusual revival of F. Marion Craw- XP1 iti Me.' Mrs. MNeek sas cleamimg house. Thee 'MOVIE AT:,
Tit'RSDAY, AhUGUST 12, I9ll.
fords great story, 'Time While Sister," Nin. 9-Tie Faro Dealers-"Downm attic was stripmped of its accumnulatos A dying mother on a bed-
whichs proved one of Vioa Allen's Bm'meath tie Sheltering Pamlms." of a year, and tie cear had givenm up Or else a mother's dyimgid
greatest starring vehilces. Special at- DifiThit.N.il'~eFrmim'-Te~ t ed The drunkmh to shom she once was
teetion'is beinmg givenmtie prmomumtimmn,. Withmtieenl~ig of colege in tie Lile Spark of Love Still Burning." Mlrs. Yitchi M~eek wsa on tie wed-
experiments on special paimtinig anmdfll, miorm thanmum225 Iwomewil ivli makam' No. 1.1 TheInceumam's-"Vait. Till verge of peeking into fle coests iiWho's rm' away oil left his "mid"-
ightingc already being uner way. their hommes in dor'mitories. This mewatie OioShinieis, Nellie." ter hmmsbads room. Who pemiteit coues oi the scene-
When Miss Bonstelle gove her firt palnusofthoiuig MSichigani woumen will Froum the street beosv came a For that's his part-
performance in Detroit, the htter part result fni a re'aadjustmnt of the social 01111 11ll1,1" FAME hoarse cry: "Ot cotes, ot clothes. To sob up there upon the screen-
of July, 1910, "The White Sister" woo orgaunizationi As tie system is em- Ni. 8-All-American Optimist-We Ve py de ed brces fe old clothes." That's "movie art."
selected as the opening bill. It intro- larged the change sil be msore evi- accept the uomiation, if it rains to- Mrs. MNeek fesv to tie wuindow.
duced her to theater-goers im a stromng dett Womieuneuterinig the osniversity msorrow.Amasoofa ilonre
emotiomna role, for few posess tlie fr lie first time inill e assured of _____ "Coue right up here," she cried toAmasoofa ilonre
dramatic strengthe of SisherfGimvannua, consgm'mial surromuinligs, fosud hereti- AA rbIor p'hyiiashae ceased tm l lte o.A arkca nlcody, opivyngt
when she is marchemd forli h ie Pt-faore' for 11hemm'11sf part only inm soror- prescribinsgchamges of climate for tHe came right up. Of full-dress "filberts" wooy tight
the of earthly ove andl spiritmal vows. ity houses aund therefore usertaiss to tbeir patients. We haysesll tie "I have two closets foil at old A bullet swhizes down the line
Miss Bonstelhe mmd torliss Gi'sftlsi' first year waomanms. Onim'esiult mmill chansse sceary lre. clothes of may iusband's, and as I Right through a heart--.
will have tie leadimig roles, mad the be, that nmore parents will scud their n- eed these closets for fable linen, I A scene dranaticaly fine-
other members of lie ash. are in well daughttters to Michigansandmidsorn' An abse'nt-msinmdesd prof wenut to his sall sell you Mr. MNeek's clothes 'That's "movie art"
suitemd parts. duamghters winstl wanut t1mmeuse. otfice a little earlir thssim usual yes- ery cheap" she told the Od Clothes
- ----'mie immeds'iae reuists will lie mon' trday. Seeim hIis sign on tie door, Mau. A pretty daughter, sweet ixteem,-
3I0('lAN lMAN AFFOINITEI) '')) far reachsissgthani ths, howevr.'liii'"Backlatnil o'clock," he sat down 1o The old cloheo man lolked at nine A villain with a cred mustache-.
PRtOF'.SSOlhSI' Al'T lhIC NSON nwsIsieminAl ave al liii' ailsas- sat for hisamsef. suits, eghtaen pairs of shoes, seven Makes off with her, tie vilage queen-
agins of or -umilatioms over disorgansi - old hats, amd six pairs of odd trous- A night thoe automobile dah-
naston. It swill providec aequae, com- "Smsokae folluws beuasty,' said the ers. A ursing father giving chase-
Wihliam A. Rtobinsn whomreelvem firtsbe asimihygieic roomis, swhich sopistiased profs mis iampshed the " imi yi't -hldyniDepie their start-
his M. A. mdegree this sprisig,hsibmaisenswre' auotienifoiudislprivaen'roosm-nsumeratlpitpe 015the trail of tie fll y' do der svhoe hoiness aind Good Lrd Must we forever face
appoinitemito fill tie hair mit assistantmin5g hosses'. Ih ilalinsablish asocial "Kaissiuiss wmeu. yu mmr it-iereidbdThis "movie art"
professior of Einuglishm at DlickinonuoIs um life a hgpi la.'salnd uder proper -scim' as hose it's you, lady, I'h make G. C. C.
Colege, Carlisle, Pennsy'lvania. P- fnu-asimroma . it mmaill insusre propear A cmrtainmesdic says lie does't like i ihyegt"grldte0 .M
lessor Robhimson for sevemn years was 1food ilmmealhy srroundis'.. It will to go duals hunitimg, becamse tie ducks
an instoructor ino rhetoric at thse Mini- smost of sll, furnishsinsnlso mouldtsrt os' personml minitiieir greetings. Mr. MNeek caue home to dinner N. F. ALLEN'S RIED TAG CLOHINGl~
igani Agriculurah College at East Lai-snot luau fri'nds elsinwhere,costntosmltuime, as he always did, amd the SALE
sing, and has assistedi Professor Gu- 15511 aiumiship. I short, te dorsmi- IBeginners is 0. Hery se still writ- first tiing Mrs. ilac said was tht she Nosyo-Al Clothing at greaty re-
gerich, of tie Englishs deparftmento, i lore pliii mil iroividem'greater healthintg Ishismec 0ip tlmscall slips at te had sold all hisisclotheo for eighty- doed prices. N. F. ALLEN CO. At
his semnmary courses in Emnglishm il- ansdlcomfhr, both phsysic'al anmmiiiss- library as thomgsle were aim Irioh- eight cents. our new' ocafion, I11. So. Main St. ft
erature. fyi.milo. "flHose fortunate," replied Mr. M-- '-
professor hRobimnsomm, bsides being a 'Thle 0systemsuemiss to be a gonod osne. N- eet, "that you got rid of thems. I Musical Instruments, Strings, and
graduate of Michigan, has also se- IWhy mit exesid it fsrther? Is addi- limimisile Novnelete loim,> ouldn' use amy of them again, aedl al Rsiest Supplies at reasonabe

cured degrees from AlbiomniColmlege tionuto huma mamnmusy somaensimmered for Alr. Aleiek is Pleased. besides, they weren't worth thai prices. Scaebere & Son, Music
and the Bostons 'heologicahlCollega. yetu'nderihe sim' mplaiss thee are at if was in the sprimg of tie year. suuh." ouse, fil0S. Main S.tft
a 1. ii



It's Cool in Mack's
Special Luncheon at noon, 50c

All Spring Suits 1-4 off All Furnishings 20%°/ooff


I' -'

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