_ T~~HE WOLVERINE '_ SL'dflEllLECT1UES - J (Continued fron Page 1) It is not feasible to teach other tian tiet nIttliott used in the locality - is tutuc the school i located. We' caot fech lomhr aine-oye to talk ie collee stotdent. The force cofyattlic opionis greater ttatn that at the taer. At one gets into high- MAist anueli ('ochrane4)ofit'eschool et ocieity Ite wilt leantto use better of nuicl, and a metmber of the Preoby- Figlithi at eaiy atIe dos how to teriant choir of this city, hitt become dres tand eat properly. Speech is fle the leader of the Prebyterian choir most denocraic ftiggoni earth. in Jackoson. "Slanig tmay he deied as aiysew fDrtaud )rs. C. 1. Darling have left cllotquialis. Its excesi e use is for a few weeks stay at Salt Ste objetionabte becatioe it preventts it Marie, Mich, fromitmoilgitylue ditittctint betwent -Di. aiid Mrs, Wartin will spn tittgshiht seemo alike atd alo pe- the conth at Crtystal Take.iear eats fle attiiring ci a reit Egliht Beulah, fillet.ivocalsary. Wh~lat is good Eglih it MUiss Leoctrt'. iles, slpranuo solis bit a ittestint of stritig an average of fheluetot May fetival, ard a ppi eteen the actuattand the ict 's.ua of Mr. Theodor tHarrisoni, head of it i i quesionst of mtaniers atdtir- the vocal departmetttfc the chool cia1s. mPsic, is ntlakingoa vacatioti in Po.'l'ahi Tad lks on Gades the wet. Beginninig next fall the Friday afternoo's lecture was given sill become an inttuctor i the de- in snTelititereting macner by Prof. partttett, atid ill alto giveocernoA. te tFthescbject, r"The votA- siottal cotierts. lio ofteFseGaditrtAn -Next '1ues. te class ini library ciii Tims to the Present Day." methods sill visit fle library of the As it was kowt to the ancintst, Normtat School at Ypilanti. se gardets represented sit enclosure: -Wrd lint beetn lreiedin An 1oitititg platts pertainitg to mied- Arbor of this itarriage cof Miss Elsa { icit andifood .Nci unfitltr tas' Heml, ', to Prof. Frank E. Hill, ;i cotivered to express the ornameita profsso of Enlis atStafor Un-iatd esteti. y steans itt exception- perofssoif nlshaytafr.ti ally beuatiful sites, Mr. Teaci totk -hiss Miariatr luble, whto has beetn Iis attiiences frosthfbi'cottceptioti of indisposed for a few dlays at the home ts old haninyug gardensof c Babylot, of her parents in Durand, will resutte 1orfr f1yta adn, hsr isore= at the Shol of Musictlis tosiati and lech s' y s, thrugh t" tuatititig. tdatk gso listniMlctksswrs' ftsesnly -Prof. A. S. Wiiney, of te edita- pesale to prpaate te atiistir side tiontal tdtpartmtent, has gote to Grnnd f trdeniing, to flti'Reniaisuttie std P tids for te week-cnd.truasgh lt'e\ictrianu agsswitoits fat- -Harry Hawley, ~I, while driviug tasti' styles, s'sdigth ils t'Ipreset through Ypsilanti, was arrested and day. find $0 ad cst fo spedig. "Practically every gtrdent totay" Its bnD.$illandJ.costs, fortse Cei, ysaid, "is a omtbitatiotn of the Dutch, department, left yesterday for Dayton, Ergisht'.FTrecadItianstleaorto- Ohio, where lie will visit his noterteiic.Tepulasyeofe- for some time. lung srus ito fattastic figires was -Ed. E. Lucas, accountuat of the ittrotuted frottiHollatnd." chemical laboratories, is enjoyitg i li e pleaded for the natral in or vacation at various Michigan sununu one'asc vry ay attemspt, sayitg resorts. hslcc"H-ovec'r stretng the leanig tosard 'rWork hsbensarted onithte ceai- iature, peoples should tuot fogt d- fog up of the property between May- color e cialrlywhihe setof mdithb card cnd State streets,wheore the iewsooee lwr hih'hudntbb arcade will be erected The old fronts too garish." structure next to the -school of nuicleHe pointed ut flat soe god types is beintg moved away antdfts builditigs of the latter swere to be teestsitoAn adjacent will soon give place to a arbr, adthfle baks of fle Hurn modern structure. were more beutiful thon flos at -Painters are at work othle third Bells hle atd other such places. He floor of the chemistry building rcoal- especially regretted that thore sas nt cimining saume of the rooms before the some faint of deoratiotonci the baitks opening of the regular session. Se- of ftshe-Hurono iifrott of fle Michigans ral classes have suffered tetporary ttta eit inconvenience on this account. -H. lX. Seter, fencer Adria football MusicQ player, is at the geteral hospital. lHe U niversit1{y School ot ui was operated cit by Dr. tCanfield for ALBERT A. STANLEY, Dieetor ass enolargemoett of this tasal septenm. "A Gaherng Place hor Advance Sdes" -Archibald F. Brown, INE, was mtar- ried to Euth S. Graves, of Ann Arbor, Annual Summer Sesson by the Rev. Arthur W. Stalker at fle EIGHT WEEKS-SUNE 28,- AUG. 20 Methodist parsosage last Saturday. Rglar Fall Term begn Mt. Oct. 4, 115 Brown is nanager ofthfle Ann Arbor ~r Catigieaout Ifanitation adies Parcel Delivery Co. The young co- CALSA IK ertr pe are planning cia a trip to Boston An Arbor, Mich. before fall._________________ --Fred 1. Foulk, 113-114L, is tassociate editor of The American Peace Society, issued from Washington. N w Q a t r -1t is cot yet definitely knouwat wei N v UUaror WW.Bishop will be here to take the place o Librarian Koch, who has beetsA TH L granted a year's leave of absence. -Bcueo h ud odto f C .the road during wet weather, a ma- cadamized paveenett will be contruct- Law, Medical and ed runnting ft-at North University Dental Books avenue to Utiversity halt. The work will be comspted tnext muonth. The Farmers & Mechanics Bank RTOM0 V Caphit1>,000. SsIrtitit$12.000 336 5. State Street For vactite fueds, our Traveiers,ti'c tif" tigts Checks can't be beat. Payable (se uhn sIri tr aeywbere. Asb cc. PHONE 761-M The Exquisite Corset ShopI Ena edQ rt s Neckwear, Hosiety, Underwear, td Waists LARGE1FST STOCK PHONE 162 1 IN MICIIRIAN 304 S !!ain Street EIIhTOhtEXPLAINS NAME ANN A-hIMht t('ontiuoed frsont Page 1 iuotive'ofsis ublecture wssthis arus- log of intlerestinitttheIsnduiantmunssi of Michsigan, iou orders'hflositoue acilont 'hulutle fakes for thseir pretl ion. 'Tle imsportasntmnusin hiloiansi 'Wiscotnsin have btet n dsstaste parks, their preserv'aionu beinog thtus isuiredi. hIs Mlichitano scsuch aitison hssbesot halest aninhtcosnsequestre siomse of the iunds have been ploiwedl up in thu 'oarse of cultivatison of ths landi, ansd flue rest, with have thus samse fate unsless some miueans are falsest to protect thins. Already Mbichigani's tost valuable ass- cieist relics, floe Inians gardesus, which' wvere tuique to thisa staie, aisi hays beets found isowhoere slseits thus world,. save beemniopletely idestroyed, andi itily roaugh skets'hes ii thesi exist. D~eain Hisdale showsed pictures of several of flue remoaining munuids anil stateil: "'Thesi'nondis were smade toy this ancestors of the Rted Indihans which the white people founid inhlabuitinog Isis ecuntry. 'Ihtey load a crude culture, ecuivatedt 'oris, ieans, niet'pottery. 'ashisus'itofacs anti ornsaimuestsstit of bluepr antd hadilsnort'orIii'scomut Iususo, i'"t'taiuhy luuig hinssofitraits- 'portaiois. "'Thuesuit lug if suipperswsctpec'sa fto Michuigani. 'PusheIdians sit Ohio probabily cam55e utitoiiMichiganotim- ,ltug flu itt55550' tilts iopp r, me.- '.issiuug its thusflthto escape thuslists, eliotin', 'hesir ionly moinisng tioissee use oaxes an tch n5e55sihisvilstei onmuhsiechuanical dhevices thshe leor ass, flue inclinedplatte. Witho these sis ugi'% outasts they load toi pry flu' methal trussi crevices intshle ratko ansI poundtintlot ls.apm'." tFORl' SAlE l1-iaino, uspright, mahaiy rase, gooud'condiiownusse'r Isavitus sity. taill11131. No. Oh1i9PStlsPift's S Ave. I1l-20 N. F. AlIENS 1E111 N' tCtLOT~HINGh ISALE Nts on--AllClt'h.hing sot gr'eatlhy re- ditchd rico. N. 1". .AMElN f's. As ! or ,s. w I seatiium, 11 S..Main StIL. tf Nase sit I-_ll Cuittls iat greathy r0'- daced ptitss. N. K".ALIEN fitO. At niur sew locat si, 21ll So. Min mSt..I f iI for your profit dric Eserysparklinggass ofutibirit ii;isr, enjosym'at and downsighit 'suss -. Tltirat-Qsasntcsil Trout COCA-COLA COs Whhnevesr Atlantas, t, Arrows bihil <4Cocai-Co~la A LAKE TRIP FOR R"ESTAN 'RCREATION. Have a real vacatiotn on the Great L--s, sthe most usjoyahic and econonmical outing in America. The sashlokebereezoes, tke ever-chati. - tug ocenes along the oshore and uhe luxur,,us stceamers '-pesated by chis Company are positive guarantees that you will enjoy every minute of the trip, .and return home refreshed and glad yac went. TAKE A h). & C. BOAT WHEN YOU GO AFLOAT, Dailyerie behtweenDetroitancd CleedaxdDetroitoanss t,oi.Fromt June 1thil to SeptetcherI tih SteomersCity of Deceoit IIIhaeshCtyoflClesveland l11,the "TweoGiants" of the Great Lekes, operate daily serv'ice on. tse Bufalo5Divson; youn o't afford so mist he rleasure ot a ride on theirflotieg palaces. POUR TRIPS WEEKLY froom Toledo cod Detrmit to Mackinslanod ond Woe Poris. Mackinac Istood, she Hisoric Summoer Resort of the Nortb Coonirs, iiseoming more epouareversesonowsthbshe Touistssekigtqiensmood repose. Exselent oteleaod ardigrosecscom- moodations at recuonable rates. TWO 'hRlPS WEEKLY BY SPECIAL STEAMER, ClevelatcoMachincsland odstoseoutie ecspatDeroituand Alena.DELIGHT. FUL DAY TRIPS betwerecnttnod Cleveland, dsriegJlisaned Aogust foor triso weekhly. DAILY SERVICE Juno14th soaSeptembherusOhhbeteeenToledsooad Put-in-Bce. RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR TRANSPORTATION onD..&a K. Line Steamersobetween Detroitnd Buao oretroit a.dleveld,,seither direcion. Sedlatwo-cetesta for illcstrated pamphlet aed GCeatLaog c SlopAddes S. G, Lecus, Q. P. ,4_.,Detroit,Micb.Setofpsoter sstmsmsieslefc-riecents. Philip H. McMillcn, Poem. A. A. ,1st tse s, Vsce Pues. & Gect Mgr. DETROIT & CLEVELAND RAVIG, TilON COMPANY All ostemers arriveeanddept, Third Avenue Whatf Desai,. L Kl,~ Ering in those _ , . , : E_ , Before you go. We do the Eest Dvi,~ in town 334-33 6 Sa State Street