THE WOLVERINE Orpheum Theatre The House of Faious Plays by Famous Players. Saturday, Aug. 7-Mignon An- derson in "Milestones of Life." Sunday, Aug. 8--William Far- num in "The Plunderer." Temple Theatre ADMISSION Go. (except Friday and Saturday) Saturday, Aug. 7-"The Profili- gate," with Ruth Stone House. Arcade Theatre SHOWS:AFTERNOONS 4:00: EE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 THE WOLVERINE The official student newspaper for Unitarian Church the University of Michigan summer session. Published by the students on State and Huron Sts. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday af- ternoons. Twenty-five issues. At 10:30 Rev. J. T. Sunderland will speak on: Subscription rates-By carrier, sev-s enty-five cents for the summer; IS THERE A JAPANESE PERIL mailed to any address for one dol- iving his views of tierelations of lar. Advertising rates--Furnished upon ap- America and Japan as obtained dur- plication to the business manager. ing his recent visit to the Orient. Subscriptions and ads taken at Quar- ry's, Cushing's and University Ave- nue Pharmacy. Unitarian Church Office Hours: Managing editor, 2:00 to 3:00 daily; business manager, 1:00 to 2:00 daily. Phone 960 or 2414. at least, until they realize the value of their use of the sidewalk, and feel Address, The Wolverine, Press Guild- less likely to violate the "care" quali- ing, Maynard St., Ann Arbor. fication. Unless some such solution is adopted, some of the irate pedestrians Howard R. Marsh--Managing Editor are going to declare an "open season" Phone--2414-1505 on all bicyclists who ride on the side- Ferris It. Fitch-Business Manager walks. Beware the early pot shooter. Phone 960-236 Second Hand Summer School Text Books Woodruff's Quasi-Contracts Beale's Crimminal Pleading and Practice Mickell's Cases in Criminal Procedure Hall's Cases Constitutional Law Wigmore's Cases in Evideuce Ame's Cases on Equity WAH UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Assistant to Business Manager- William H. Hogan Saturday, Aug. 7-dna Mayo in "The Reporters Quest of the Sacred Gem," four parts. Phil Pack Also Charlie Chaplin in "The Round er.",Ward Peterson Nathaniel Thompson sunday, Aug. 8-Free Show. Bruce Swaney David Rosenthal C. W. Lemmon Karl Wehmeyer Jerome Zeigler Willis C. Goodenow Issue Editor-Willis C. Goodenow SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1915. Heading the bill at the Temple theatre, of Detroit, for this week, will ON BICYCLES be Belle Blanche, direct from George M. Cohan's musical comedy, "Hello They make our strolls on the campus Broadway." Miss Blanche is a prima a little more exciting, as they sneak donna impersonator of rare ability, up noiselessly behind us and pass us and comes with a budget of new songs, with a whir of wind and a sharp ring caricature and imitations, and also a of the bell, after we have hardly keen sense of humor. The next on jumped as far as we could on such the bill is Powers, Walters and Crock- short notice. For our part, we have er, presenting an amusing comedy en- grown tired of such excitement, and titled, "The Three Rubes." They are would appreciate a little peace of a trio who present a merry melange mind whole on our walks. of music, singing, country dancing Bicycles otl the campus sidewalks and accentric falls. Third on the bill are a nuisance. Furthermore, we els- comes Galletti's baboons, who present tertain the view that 150 pounds of "A Day at the Races." The Misses man on a bicycle, traveling at a rapid Lightner and Alexander, two talented rate of speed, is a real menace to girls and a man in a delightful sing- those who travel afoot. Lawmakersj ing and dancing number are the are of the same opinion, apparently, fourth on the program. Others on the for they have passed laws relegating bill are: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Phil- bicyclists to the street, where they lips, who present a unique comedy, really belong. Just as a sporting prop- "Sweets to the Sweets," the Fridows- osition, a bicycle has a better chance ky thoupe of Russian dancers; George among the automobiles and wagons N. Rosener, character monologist. As than a pedestrian has among bicycles. usual the bill finishes with the Hearst- The regents of the university have Selig News. given bicyclists the right of riding on the campus sidewalks. Their reason probably was, that forbidding the ,EWf YORK LIBRARIAN GIVES CLASS SERIES OF LECTURES short cut across the campus would be an inconvenience to those who rely on wheels as a conveyance. Miss Marian P. Greene of the New But the permission granted by the York public library gave a series of regents was a qualified one. It's con- six lectures Wednesday, Thursday, and tituatio was made contingent upon Friday, to the library class. Her talks the care with which the bicyclists ex- dealt with reading work for children. ercised the license. The time has She discussed in her first lecture the cone, apparently, when the wheelers subject of selection of books for chil- have forgotten the qualification. No dren. In her subsequent discussions precaution is taken by them to insure she considered the value of illustra- the safety of those who are walking tions-to the child, the place of poetry, where they have a right to walk and history, biography, and travel, and the others have little right to ride. high value of using fun and humor in It seems that the time has come to dealing with children. put the bicycles back on the street; Have you learned the professor's favorite word yet? Ann Arbor will soon be just exactly like Cleveland; it will have an honest- to-goodness Arcade. We have had enough of this duck weather; even one-sheet weather would be a relief. KAZOO 111Y1' ''ROTs OFF -Headline, Detroit Free Press.' Hit it harder next time, and maybe it will lie still) Patent applied for-Non-skid ba- nana peel. HERE BROTHER WIth iTHE AXE! This little verse Is just a stall To see who'll add To it, that's all. -New York Sun. So here is one To give it length In union, then, There may be strength. -Youngstown Telegram. And here is one To spin it out: A little breadth Will help, no doubt. -Commercial Appeal. There is no reason, We contend, To add much more; So here's the end. -Tennessee Orange and White. Don't jim -the party, Let it run Until we get Our "Hancock" on. -Orpheum Bulletin. Where have I heard That gab before, There's always room For just one more. -Michigan Daily. We'll add what little Bit we can- To help some other "Colyum man." They've Arri fThe smartest, snappiest, and ice lull and Winter Fabric G ~left a loom, Summser school students w order their fall snitings bef -- 0 will find a hatdsoume assorty woolens. KYER. tC WHITKE For Table Supplies Wholesale and Retail 114-116 E. Washington St. Phor Fine Watch, Jewelry and E ...REPAIRINC... FOUNTAIN PE CONKLIN, SWAN & OUR $1 SP 10 5 ~Lenses Ground to Or Alarm Clocks 75c. to $; HAILER JEWELR- STATE STREET JEWELER U. S. PostalStation 3 TELE Let's get him,-the mas who reads Let me settle at east by t aloud every sentence thrown on the the street, screen. Where the dust and mi --- While I ruitsser at wagons o ANOTItER ARGUMENT and meat, "A Flint man stopped to buy a drink Like storm-beaten ships, and thereby escaped the fate of the And msy neighbors gay, b Eastland passengers." away- -News item. On asphalt avenues, Have another? See never a wagon the live Nor polish they their sho FAVORITE SONGS But why should 1 sit on myl No. 7-The baker's-"That's how I And damn Ann Arbor tow n.e3d not." ' j'Tis cabbies and teamsters ved most effect- s that ever ho wish to ore leaving ent of new RI ne 326 .yeglass NS ECIAL der 3.00 S PHONE 534 the side of clots fly- I dry goods go by. tt a block long lay- es. little stoop en? who loop G, C. C. s Will Wed Charlotte rried next t Andrews room has Episcopal Cambridge, rge of the , Mich. He connection ;'eatly re- N CO. At ait St. tf rings, and TODAY'S RIDDLE Why is the average summer school student like a German Zeppelin? IY THE SEAS OF MUTI) Inspired by Sympathy for the Ann Ar- lorite on North State Street (With Apologies to Sam Walter Foss) Let me live in my house by the side of the road, Where the taxicabs go by- Some are Fords, some are not, but each one has its loal, f._v._ g.h-ride low and high. And the brick wagons pass, and the laundrymen too, And joggle across the ruts-- While they fill up the air with their blasphemy blue- Which pierces our wayside huts. So 'why should I sit in my 'ottage small, And curse Ann Arbor town? the loop, And Alpine up and down. '140 Menibers of 1912 hiss (Clare J. Tinker, '12, and Prithard, '12, will be ma 'lhursday morning in Sait E'piiscopal church. 'the g completed the course in the Theological Seminary at Mass., isid is iiow ini cha imission station at Sandusky expects to reside there in with his work. N. F. ALLEN'S IED 'AG G Now on--All Clothing at uced rices. N. F. ALLI our new location, 211 So. Ma Musical Instruments, Str all Musical Supplies atr prices. Schaeberle & S House, 110 S. Main St. LAN), SEA AND SKY SWEPT IN ORATOR'S PRAYER FOR KAISEII -Headline, Detroit Free Press. Some sweeping! Campus janitors please note. 'Tis they who must flounder, bounce and fall, And voyage up and down. an(. reasonable on, Music tf 1 .11, It's Cool in Mack's Special Luncheon at noon, 50c JULY CLEARANCE SALE All Spring Suits 1-4 off All Furnishings 20Cc off THE MAN STORE OF ANN ARBOR NEXT TO ORPHEUM J. F.WUERTH CO. Firm J. F. WUERTH. F. P. HARRIS . 1i