THE WOLVERINE IT HE W 0 L V E I N E 2 numbers, depends upon you, the ______________________________audience. MajeticThe tre he ffiial tudnt ewspperfor Yet we promise that if loyalty to the nivrsiy o Miciga sumercampoa iotitution, faithfulness to Biggest and Best Photo Plays session Published by the students on fodughtnd theinntessho woTheWouver Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday a- inc puts on will be an interesting little Matinee 3 P. M. fenoons Twenty-five issues. slisw,-instructive and amusing, Eve. 7. & 8:30_ _ __ _ _ Subscription este--By carier, so- ALL SEATS 10 CENTS enty-five cents for fle summer; - maled to any address for one dol-L ___________________________ lar - Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap- plication to the business manager. Still, the campus didn't raise the Orpheum Theatre Subscriptions and ads taken at Quar- diagonal walk to be a boulevard. Theuse ofairarus as y FamSouets ry's, Cushing's and South Univer-__ StarcH.sity Pharmacy. That piano down stairs cut loose Junes o-stisy -"The esPart t Office Hours: Managing editor, 2:00 again?- thec spy" ail coediiy with Chalia to :00 daily; business manager, Chiaplini. 1:00 to 2:00 daily. Phone 900 or Sn h rn o eoeyutl Junte 29-9 iMoni. adTias.-iiami lanSn htukstbfoeyutl is "Nioial". 2414. te landlady that you will have to Jitne jo~edWeday-All star Cast isidefer payment. "TO'P CItRISTIAN",iby HiliCainie. ieiooked. s. Address, The Wolverinie, Press Build-- "ni zThuwsiedFr i.iscaeridithiin ing, Maynard St., Anti Arbo. The poets say Taveis. Ii their pretty way, - - IHoward R. iflarsh-Alaneing' Editor "There's a fool boric every sec. or s," Phne-2414-15l But the questiis here, Ferris H-. Fitc-Business Mhaage Which is not so clear, AraeTetePhone 960-236 Is what keeps the cused death rate Arcade___Theatre__ low? SHOW:IFTERNOONS 400: EE. 6:1; 7:4; :15 - Sat.nuiaG,-ANNi?,iTfi iLiDiEiMAN Nis iE bWha~t About YouI isugher.scspatceis Nett "Are they dents?" Miss.Junie a-isUitatOiANtistu S anAYdN 0 91 "Yes, quite. They're engineers." henriy Kigit,itliceesiid sletor fthie SAUDYJIN 26195 ftatius"wtH oAS" teries cintitledi "The P'siit at Pleasure" Alsoa Don't worry yet; there may have giadesactysad liaestte aily "MttAtRISA~?TAUS" been a nistake in the registrara office. 'Tes. Juaeie-tAadl-idHi'LIill i "His TytitigPlace," -part-s. Alioa At a recent naval review in New 3 partiFosffeture, ihe~tstts oatLife. York, an inspired decorator csoceived .Hait lit e11 ___________________________the idea of spelling the word "Wel- 'Ave you 'eard of the Law Beat Patrol? cosie" iii the sinal flags of the fleet., Ave you noticed the Law eat Pla- tte went to a reired arniy oficer for on Temple Theatre advice, aisc arranged the flags accorc- Where instead of just calling the roll, ADMISSION Sc. hoggfcc the officer's directionss, so thatThytnlgurteetewoea- tsospt Fiday and Saurday) wheun the visiting fleet dropped their tron aichoirs in the Hudson they were Wedniesitay Junie aS The Cliirvoyant greeted, not with the word "Welcne" 'silersawiih Msrin, Siar, als' Last week when I took ans exam, awarsccif tHetlren. but with the laconic sentesce, "The A youig proctor attached to my heels Tsry-'te talsTI,-,teatitSigy tnv srotn"(Tho' fr all that i care fee a d- Weekcy.att ca- lsiarsSle Neither do we intend to say "Wel- 'E could follow me out to my meals). Wed. 3o-Brack Sliep, witl, viola Aura., come" to you, 0 Felloxvy Sufferer! Yhurts. Jly-i,- In tiys o aulne a Whtdsituecoe en hnh licadwavayStar featre by Jamsc htde ecii enwe h There was company A in the 'll, ttlde Caciateci. _ folks are at the lke or seashore, and There was company B by the door, when She is at sene popular summer Hand a squadron to hanwer the calls resort fully exposed to the opportuni- If a bluebook was dropped lon the YALE PRtOFESSOR TO PRESENT tied offered by a nionlightsight and floor. FIRST SUMSniEI SCHOOL 'TALK anne more fortunate mats? Sympathy rather than a welcone i There was charts for the General-in- 1ormerly Taught History in Imperil what ysu need, atd we know, because- Chief, Government University we have been here before. Hand you 'ad to respond to th' bell. at Pekin It's ging to be hsst enough to melt The whole business 'as lent the belief ---- the lead in a pencil. It's going to e That this new kind of war his 'ell. Prof. Luther Anderson, of Yale Uni- work. We doit evens get a holiday oni -Harold . Shradki. versity, former professcr of hisifory in the Fourth. It's going to be poor feedicig, for the boardinig houses must We "conmmence" about Monday. thie Inmperial Govenment University make up in the sumimuer what they lose ___ of Pekin, China, will give the opening in fhe winter. And it's going to be Temtra utgo ie address of the 1915 sumnier sessisniat dry, because down town, where it is Temtra utgo ie :00 o'clock Monday. Preceding thissddaneothyc'teltotu watching the people pas him. addiess there will be an iitroductory dests. talk by President Harry . Hutchins. . STAY AWARE NIGHTS Prof. Anderson is one of the bestTOWRYBCUE kuown educators in the United States, CtURTAIN. T OR EAE Submarine "K" is called "a dog of and a forceful and entertaining speak- With this issue, The Wolverie war." or. He will speak on, "The Awaken- makes its bow on the 1915 college Thee ae 1? ereheofpopcorn in ing of China." His experience in sae h lton fta tgu the average five-cent sack. China particularly fits hina to speak the campus. You-students and would- Fodatnbiearofnsenn upon this topic. This lecture will be be students-are the audience. The givens in the west physics lecture room. Wolverine is the trained animal whoseMihgn The new science building will not _______ ~~antics you are to 'sitness. The Ct-beaolasUirithl. STUDENT HOARD. Clean a n d ersceetnuoe wsadrs Trains run opposite direction on a - homelike. $4. per week. Sheldon's- barsh single track on the T. & A. The Wolverine, we would have you _________ 114 Monroe St. 15 understand, ii a highly educated beast ________________________It will tell you the news, crack jokes.- HOSPITAL ENLARGEMENT MADE c'I veti answer yor quistionss, it they NECESSARY AS RESULT OF LAW jokes won't be jokes, and the answers last legislature, requirfig the univer- LaT ~ e l a will be wrong. But did you ever hear sity hospital to care for all indigent L of ans animal, evens hunman, which did persona in the state on order of the a ed c l the right thing all the time? probate court, an extenive addition, NE AN SEOD AN To us who are back of the scenes, costing from $500,000 to $1,000,000, will EWADSCODHN directing the show, the performacnce be necessary. For a number of years will be interesting; we will enjoy mak- the capacity of the hospital has been Complete line hg the lilte animal perform. Wheth- overtaxed, and it would be imposible Text Books er The Wolverinse can bow without to csnaply with this new law without Laboratory Books dodging at the end of its program of great enlargement. IL. Reference Books Dictionaries Com pends, etc. Call at the Daylight Store when Cash or exchange tor your old___oo __ Clothing and Furnishir Largst toc in ichganTHE MAN STORE OF ANN ARBOR Largst toc in ichganNEXT TO ORPHEUM C E. BARIIIELL F. J. WUERTH 326. Shale SI. Tel. 761-M Firm J. F. W UERTH. F. P. HARRIS SUMMER, SCHOOL TNEXT BOOKS New and Second-Hand Drawing Instruments, Loose-Leaf Note Books Student Supplies in General _WAH R'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE tHae tianreturnahomeon eon ahedrand Lades ye o sent. aben TAKE A D. & C. BOAT WHEN YOU GO AFLOAT. Dailyaserie between Detritad Ceelandaderiand Bffl. Feint June 10th to Septeamher l0th SteamersCity ofDetroit IIIand Ciet fCleeland IIIithe"TwoeaGintsa alikeefinest Lakes, apeente daily serviucean the Buffalo Division' ens cait fstio i miss the plesurneaf a ride an their tlating palaes. FOUR TRIPS WEEKLY frotm Toledosand Detrntio Mackinacnsland and WayrPPate. HachiacsIland, the Historis Sumer snResortofitheNorth Country, isbecing e ppasr eeytsenasn ihthe Touristsaseeksingquietnessaand repair. Exaellent Hie nd BoardingaHoutticcm mtodatios at reasnabhle eaten. TWO TRIPS WEEKLY BY. SPECIAL SrEAMER, Clevelandino Mana Isslnd;stonpstenaie exeptat etit and Alpen. DELIGHT- FUL DAY TRIPS betwteen Deiroit and Clevelaed, dernseJuleand Auguatfaue trip. weekly. DAILY SERVICE June 14thitoSeeerthhbeiteenaToledonnd Pat-ia-ay. RAILROAD TICEETS AVAILABLE FOR TRANSPORTATION an 0. & C. Usne Steamers between Detroitnd Buffalo an Deiroit and Cleeland nithee direction. Senditoestam orilusthrated pamphletand Geat Lakes Ma. Addess .. .Lews, G. P. ,g.,. Detract, Mich. Setofpoternstnmpstmiled far fiveicents. Philip H. McMillan, Pes. A. A, Sshaniz, Vise Pret. & Genl. Mgr. DETROIT & CLEVELAND NAVIGATION COMFANY All steantent arrieand depart, Third Avenae Whtarf Detroit. A.~ tan/ I 41 YOUR EXACT MEASURE in necessary in order ho have a perfect _ fiL. We know htow to do nmensuring, the. P culling and ltsa pulling together of garnments. Our made to measure soils rapresecits the highest degree of perfect- ion at incomparable prices. Have no tailor you one or Iwo summer suits, you - will thtan be correctly attired for your oting on lice "Pourthe" .f AT FREEMEN'S Board $4.00 803 E. WASHINGTON STREET - EVERYTHING GLEAN AND SANITARY 75.. per day Dinmier 358. WE BOIL OUERiaRINKING WATEOR ANDZICOTicLIT One block north fr-ant Hill Atadltrl,m 'I at We wash all goods in soft water We do your mending and sew on buttons free Buy a cash card and save 101% on your laundry Phone 2076-2077 and our wagon calls promptly in ne d of The Exquisite Corset Shop i in n ed of Nmkwtsr, Hosiery, Underwear lid Wailts PHONE 162 igs 304 S. Main Street Capital, $iosonoo Surpius, $i0,0a Undivaided Praofts, $30,000 C o The Farmers and Mechanics Bank coeANN ARBOR, MICH. Sate Banking and CourteousaTreatmntsoflOur Custonters Is Our Watahword 3 per cent Interest in our lacings Departm