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August 07, 1915 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1915-08-07

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ACAIN I_[AS and frienods, are today celebrating
thcir big outiog anid picoic for te
- season, at River Bank villa, the sums-
Varsity Traek ('aptain Will Clash With mer estate of Cot. George Fabyan, of
Fleetest Dash Athletes Chicago. It lies in one of the linesl
ini America neighborhoods around Chicago and
-- - provides pracfirally everything to
HAS IVAL IN WAIRD)01"CICAGO!) nake' an outing cijoyable. The guests
______ titay eiigage in baseball gasses, teiiiis

By H1ap (Church
Michigan's tractk captain will com-
pete this afterntoon against the great-
est sprinters its the world tin the it-
tional chamspionshlips of the A. A. I.
at the Saii Francisco expositioo. "Hal"
Smith will coiitest against H. . Drew,
"Joe" Loomis, "Bud" Ward, R. Mr-
Bride and every other amnateur dash
msan of iiote iii the country.
Wills the possible exception of
Taber's efforts iii the mile, the sprint-
ing events will occupy the linmelighit.
The best balanced fields of any event
aire fouind tiers, where half a dozein
stars appeat' to he on alimost an equal
ranking,, The struggle for sspremacy
should-be a niighty one, but thse Wol-
verin~e'leadei' lis by no meniis a poor
chiance to capture the longer event.
Smith's chtaisces in the century ai'ei't
as good as iii the furlonig, as the Mich-
igan toss is iiot as exceptionally thot
s tarter as spriiiters go. Is the hun-
dredl, the start piactically idecides the
race, where such capable performsers
are concerited; aiid for this reason
cinder critics look for Smith to do
better in the 2205.
'l'lhe man whioim Smith is mot
anxious to defeat is Ward, the Univer-
sity of Chicago crack. Next to win-
sing the events, placing ahead of the
Maroon sman is the heighth of Smith's
ambition, 'The fornier woii btts dashes
in the western itercollegiates, as did
Smith in the cast. This year the west-
ern msrks were a trifle faster, how-
ever, situ most critics have theicfore
ranked Ward ahead of Smith its the
college selections.
Smith believes lie can trim the Chi-
cagoan, howvever, and it lie does so to-
day there will be ino moss fur an argu-
ment, Performances ois the same track,
tinder identical weather conditions, is
the only fair test. It will prevail to-i
clay, and the Michigan sian expects to
humble the western conference repre-
satative, even if he can't win either1
"Johnisie" Lyons, end and halfback
on the Varsity football team for the
past two years, will he lost to the
eleven ti fall, according to curreiit
rumors onl the camspus.
Scholastic work is said to 'bar thet
P'ittsburg boy froim playing this fall,
although thu athletic authorities have
not yet 1;^:-ia checkitig sip the mnt.
Yost ts in Detroit, and is expected
out the first of the week to confer
with Director Dartelme on the candi-
dates who will be invited hack for
early fall practice.
The followving people hare received
positloiss through the Appoiintment
Committee lately:
Rstls Miller, Critic teacher, County
.Nornia'l, Cheboygan.
Florence Walbridge, '12, Skidmsore
Colle-ge of Arts, Saratoga Spriings,
New York.
Julio P. McGuiness, Mathematics,
Muskegon, Rich.
hatrry Caiver, '15, Mahiematics,
Indiaiiapolis, Ind.
Ruth Christenson, English History,
E~vart, Mich.
George Marlin, Superintenident, Deck-
erville, Rich.-
Johnt Parson, Greenville Academy,
Greenville, Miss.

sides tither spurts.
Dinner will he provided by a cots-
iuittee and servest in the open. All the
revellers will return fto Chicago ona
late traits tonight.
Civic Bcauity sild Art Excursion.'Thase
wsittt to atteind, photie 1779.
9:30 o'clock-"The Canadian Rockies,"
(illustrated), Geo. R. Swalin, ton-
gregational church.
105:30 o'clockt-"Is 'There a Japanese
Peril?" Dr. J. 'P. Suitderland, tUni
tarian church.
10:30 o'clock-"Thse Fitial Victory, is
illustrated iii 'Tennmysoni's, 'In Me-
oriami,' " Rev. Barret, Presbyterian
7:00 o'clock-Unioit services, Christian
Church, (D~isciplest, Rev. Br. F~isher.
Rev. Lloyi l . Douglas preaches at. the
First Congregational tchurch, on,
"''The Mysterious Chest."
2:15 o'clock---"Activities of the Daugh-
-tees of the Anserican Rtevolution,"
Mrs.t'. B. Kitnyoni suitMrs. 1I1. 1).
*Armistrong. Science lecture roost,
Bighi school.
'1:14 o'clock--Lecture, "Self Ctiltutre is
Citizeiship," P'rof. I. L. Sharftmant,
Science lecture irons, High school.

Honestly, What Dgo You
Really Think of Them?
why tdy theIy do it. lioithiy think litolistoolthecm? Do the atudests cii-
they lk hait i. =_lii it I iiithey dlorac atid believe in themi? Are they
hg ttre uat i iit nlec r1ci lot'. < r iteof fliwetioeelusive t ichigan teytradi
thetitans wi'nhearraboutv Do theynleiCin
the . ee y cl elit i ItutsCotmiitosphlere' to the campspa? Are they
they liii .er et -1t'hety play w5.ithtiartot tthe caimpuso beaittificatioit
the'iii atemie? Arcc the'yaptiroivcitby the
''here was a oegormeutuitit wonlatndsaspi';aritetera?
11a1 thiirs, a: on eiilwui as1011edlia h issht doth le womemi thinkitof them?
cltierict' ihit lhe'thorialitioiflihesi. Usothey 1ike thei'i',-er, al ohouks? Is
Ite saiid that h( ti .11lit they werecc there any utility for theti, cc ate they
atlrighi, ishit'' 11 itunconsciously :oveniaesthietic? Are they eitbleits of
strokledl lila. '(This a iratl 1 wiliibe jaristocracy, or hadlges of slavery-to
ttmiiy if youi recmmber it it et' ye ii tazinss"
havt'rcall the reatstofthe itt:dy. It blhat do youthtlinklof the various
weittld be' ititiier yet if 71111 tiiic seto eliot-ca, sorts anddsales of whiskers
te vice.) 'Whichthle tiottorable fatculty tilde be-
.#_t tailsfrgisltmy yStatid eutt.ilolts I ")EATIIEI IP1th VENT't ENNIS MEN
Aceorinig to a ltler rescee : to. i 011091 (O~tPLETING 'TOURINAMEiNT
Wtahingtionlby tJc. A. 1it. Whtei of---
the chiemistriy ideparltment., civil sece IhDtubles Also Reid Up, Bmmt by Lack
exa itiilitoPttfotriime~tlurgical theta- of Enthusiasm ini
fistsar scopen unitilt Aug,. 24. I Pt ]layers
per ceit will cut fotr ia thits, 411_
per ccitt for experiece, smut 40 per Because of the poom' tentis weather,
tie for edctttslio. ITose'appited it will tie impossible to conclude the
wit got to I+'raiikfiid ri sentall, IhilO- tournamsemit this week. Since the work
del oliia, at a salary tot $1,1111 a yearc. its thi'eteical School closes at the emid
'Phi: workiconits oittgiinmg the of thie week, it will be isecessary for
tret tiselit of'metals emtployed'ithe i all those in that school to see the
miss:usactusre ofssiall armsanam- iiicommisittee at omice. This may be donse
nia .iticus. Actringultl t'heitter ap-at 'The Wolverimie office ott Saturday
Phil iotassould wrsie tc lie I'. S. tivil eveinmgtrots 7:00 o'clock unstil 8:00'
Ser ce Cc'ommiissiion,Wash'ingitn, DLG.t'. lc

(,'imomd's tlshlim ''i il e It4sint'eu hd
.Ncxt Wctliesilay eveinmglt'e fioat
conscert ofthele icscnptisii'iai'y Schosol

'The dosubles are not likely to be
fisished tin schedule time unsless msore
emnthusiasms is showns. Although there
stints to tieito reasomi why the tour-
naiment is!tnmint be pitt through next
week, eaichs'sats is itot getting his up-
Scores weill be posted in Buston's,
as sctt Ia', a comoplete schetdule of
gasmsss its bith singles amid doubles.

1rof. Tatck Spetaks ot too! English
and Pof.'reaidi on.
Badt weather tdid nst sccetd iiOe-
privintg a good sized aidience of an
iterestinig lecture by ro. J.1.S. P.
'Tatlock last Thusday afternson 05
this subject, "What is tGooi Englyish: a
"Langiuage is always chaging,"
said Professor 'atlock. "two viivs
maiy' be takess of it: the scitifiic at-
titude whchiitenslto attic lagage
is at the sasmie time injurius, pleasamt,
pictresquieand agreable to local-
is; the atistic attiitue which is
coiservative is also unifyimg, aestliet-
catty peasinsg, amd good fr society.
"The quesstiomn as to what is good
Englis issins stistic ute, andhis
related tolanigiuge'asoatitaat. A liber-
'rat viesv is therefore both practical
amndt passible. Artidistingishes'sbe-
twet'n guod amd bai, and is a mseamis
tu amiemd. Good English is not a
concrete, defimable " thimg, because
tere is no simgli' stamndard by swhscs
it stay be judged. For all practical
puirposes, it may be said tat good
Enuglishi is that whichu is used by the
best writers anth speakers. Often
what is good for writtens English is
not good for sokemi Engish. Good
Eniglishi is a rather flexible ting.
W'ie sumld endeaor tos make ourselves
uniderstood. To do this it wilt often
hi' necesary to custier one's seech
thu it the locality its aehiuhe hatppies
t be.
(Continesdon Page )
Discusses Justice According to Law
tand Explains Jiustce
Without Laiw
More than 300 persons hecard the
interesting lecture on, "Justice Ac-
cordisng to Law," delivered by Prof.
Roscoe Pound, of the Harvard Law
School of Jurisprudence, yesterday ev-
emnimng. Bae was introduced by Dean
Bates of the L~aw School, who spoke
of hims as one of the nmost eminent
jurists of the age.
He consideresd the evolution of the
prcaset Law Code, the basis of Jus-
tice according to Law. This lode per-
tains to the settlemsemt of disputes as
established by 'precedent, and took
place by three nmain stages: first, the
desire fr "Peace at Ay1rie," irre-
spective of Justice; second, nt only
tu settle the dispute, but to settle it
imparially, or "nechaniuaty;" third,
to also solve the problem justly, or
the desire to "Let Justice be done
thought the Heavemns Fall." At the
present te we have arrived at the
third stage when dealing with idivid-
nat disputes, but arc stilt in the
throes of the first is the natter of
tin'h'ttrial altercations.
These evolutions ed to the cntro-
versy betweemn the Justice according
ft Law, a purely nmechanical Justice,
anti Justice without Law, or decidimg
according to the individual case with-
out regard to precedent. Both of these
ave their respective advantages.
Its commnsm practice, the former is
nominally in use, but this is tempered
to a great extent by the jury's private
opinions, which amply take care of the

Justice without Law. Therefore Law
as now administered is in reality a
combination of both. When this com-
bination is effected in a deliberate and
scientific manner, instead of the more
or less haphazard method nsow in
vogue, Law will have readieet its
proper basis,

Work ems fle new scieisce buildingsitfIMusicfisuolty coiscerts owill he givenm 111111111 L. lilEtU12 U fill V 11
is progressing rapidly. The plasterers its Hill Asuitcrium.1
wilt have comspletedh their wcork intt 'lsa programa wiltlhue fuirsnishedl by It. R. Johnmsoim, of the Amin Arbor
abosit three weeks. 'Phieehectriciaseu thfle sussmer 'choraluioniuu, wvhichs sos 'limies-News, '['ells Mow 'Towni
have finishued awiring flue basemntutbeets re'hearsinsg thuroughuthefl'past. Was Christened
smid ate unow workinag out the first flour. msontihsutter flue direcionm of Mr. Hems-
Several mnuwshose scork was install- meths N. 'Westermuan. Mr. Westermuans is , R. IIINSsAOE 1DESC'RIBES HtOUNDIS
hug, the blackboards of flueinewc lbuild- asesistaint directoarsit thus' regula~r choral
imng started last week but were unabile ansiosn,stud iudler isis suipervisionm, a Three lectures were deliveredl
to continue sit aecoiut of flue other finiased prouct ionis: beenulu e arfecit. 'Phursay evenimng at thse High School
swork goinug omn.'Phey expsect to stairt 'hie cluoruss stfuuaut 1110 voices will Audhituriums. 'hessfirst was a report ems
agaimi next week. appear omslflue prougramssits tuimuud's, te locationa of Anti's Arbor, by Mr.
Sawddust is beinig need as a floor "Gallia." 'Phe sospranosolosu will be11. H. Johnmsons, editor of 'Phie Attn Ar'
coverimig for the cemnt floors to pre- carriedhby Ms~ls Ails Gras's Johnmsons, bor 'Tiies-News. Thee second was an
vemit their beinig scratched by the pl1as- whit hissalreadly appearedl tus the susm- illustrated lecture out "Imndians Mounds
ter andI nails that tall sins thur floor,. suer series, whsile' chi c s''cmpansimuents sat Michsigans." The third was a pres-
ou t haetug sorganu withlhuehby Sir. :hurltIentation of views of Annm Arbor and
ElectriciaimiImnvemnts Isigemilois lth'ice V. Mocore, whithisasasa appeared thus scensery alomng this Huron river.
F. It. Hlongh, who hiss beseuempoy- Itsaditionus.taci otheur artists irons Annm's Artior is the spot where John
ed as sins electricianmsou thtteues' fle schooaul satnasac with behueaurd at Allens std Ass Brunswick, ansI their
scienuce biinimg, hiss invented a flits u'oncert, Miss Norca Huntt, whouse families, flue first white settlers of Ants
scemsue for installinig the awires whtich coantraltoa voice hiss wits her smsuchF Arbur, ived for sumne time after com-
shsorten the tinse required to wire a favoarhut Ansi Arbori, smit Mr. Albiert mug here in the year 1824. It was
buildinug. Loickwooud, whousse repatations as aj nansed after the wives of these men,
Instead uf passing the awires through piamnist is wsell establisheud. the Chtristians names of both Mrs. Allemn
the hules where they are to be its- Because of flue variety and interest stud Mrs. Brnswick having beets Ann.
stalled, hue merely blows a strinag of thus programu, a large aoudience is Thus conclusion reachued by the report,
through the lisle by measofsi cost-' expected. 'Phemaagser'osithfle con- of Mr. Johnson was that Ann's Arbor
pressed sir, stud then pulls the wire c'enc wishes to anuncssme' againt that' is lucated on Allen's creek, at the
throiugh by menss of thus string. 'Pisathle concert will begiun at 14:00 oaclock south side of West Huron street.
processe savces this tisse audtr touuble sharply, smi thahus thur doours with be Urges Preservatiomi of Mioiiids
casused by' this wire getting caught its kept shut ho thur public bu'tweuenu suus Deats W. B. Hinsdale said that thur
anmy rotighsurevices of the wall. hers sithele prougraim. t('ontinuued on Page 4)


'Te last in the serie of Atidreisses onl the Religiouts Spirit mml Literature will be given by
Mr. LEONARD A. BARRETT, Sunday, at 19:30 A. M.
THEME: THE FINAL VICTORY- As illustrated in Tennyson's "In Memoriam"

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