THE WOLVERINE [ We charge you Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and FinishingPRN S O nothing for devel- in Ann Arbor is at IRN S O oping roll films if LYVND0NS VELOX you cn finYaN 'S, V719 North University Avenue (tebsparmd) single defect (Two doors from Hill Auditorium) 1wbtppema) Established 105, and growing bigger every day ___________-= Doctors Succumb to Germs NEWt( Fall Woolens own____ And Wolves Grab Contest icctcit JutArvdJeaoette Armstrong, '17, general By "hpe" (oe Kane operating ott the montd for the Medics, Come In and look them over ciriman of the Woman's League thio There was little worthty o(itecording wa s opzzle to the Wolves, wto 1 _________________ snutnerlhao atnnoutncedl that the Pre- inocconnection with the game tetwecit landsd on his ast st railht icisions 'Twoys scaty tmeinircently won le I xantpanly whicih was to have been te Wi'olves amd the Medical facltywihavneceteeidityIat esttisttitiottitofoeo- J ti~n othintg ut his fot oe adtethi eci iis jv,-sity of Wshtitgtoi, t7. thares ,ivent itt Barbour Gynmnasiutm Satr- yesterday afternoon., The gane lacked ohis professit. oetrtgte iilssi nl 604 E. Liberty Streot daAgs14wilieivnitci all semblanice of a contest, as the vet- A peculiar feature of lie gatme ws ittrtitg tititDlit. It. I]fIall the doubles dayAugst 3, rom :00to :00erant Wolves trampled all over rte the fact that the Meois alt wre riu- otcltock. Aity mieititers oi the league ter goves, istettitof te usual latter-- - j~r BR S. ho ave otpai thir cuesforthehelpless doctors w ts ThaviuigtinpsttIdtheirgdostforlthe,- onis. "Siorty'' Pit,whit caught, wseeeSity-titr derecoanitiplipomas H USTON BR S. otnostr are tireil to dosit at ths e srgeo'sisydtomastgefor h n u a gauze nasok, ut as ione f the tballs 'sysiitlt h tttie eso The Fittest Bilitard Room itt the!tate lparty or to comimiuiiicate with theIthrtwi tothle Wolves ivrgtt 'st i tett s tliItheUiverity of Wsst- CIGARS and CANDY ciimi 1iir.a veeattirbrlri, t their imigtydls, ii httatisws dlein ttitls Iiists D.Ier his nmates had piled up several eas s __-e TratagTrat1Youtight" llewitttevtcwtsnwisetoSlak partn tittutitsyOldhPasin flettli gvettheeatTage MateraeMeiYioi vigthiiujt'of toiunts.itOllitPutiicy 'ealttitgpveitten tilewteitii wotisheiltstk titet'is epitt a mightiy shove itt the ftrl 's tbithi ietIefore expoitg teii to of Wastigttn, sigaiedthei ocasion~ anittereacheduInaeefirstsofficesteriCri's germs, btulnotitoftthemswithIthis irst foitt ad ttietii'ai- T~E NNARO SVIGSBAKatIarhour Gymnasiun at snre in hswa ates iligAepoere atle ttstrvive' te libafflitg list- tlt'i's sthelit'aditteinsit tstittiotn. Curptisi. ..niiddl't..tiooso. rier to e inclutdedin i the schedule cou'ldi't use tle pill very freely, hittriea that the veteatie t fly itt their Resneso.......,f.oo,ooio,oo Iohiti Miss Wootd is making out. kept le rutiter alive by artificial e- tdiretiot, atot the atse was atiope- ttrt'tfootsl tt~orottlsisi Tr-ates -"ariDaknoasbes iratiot;sod fitally brought tlsiooidsiettefhtiotl ii il Mt'sa esotonablotooy srottfitotpeting nlC t eestoipvutto~iu 5 iviig' iositi,p.; Yoiisflut reiso ieivc. , OST AN!) ieGTAN IN TOWN hom~ie froum this third hospital for -their tir hattrefusiedtto play' uttitfhu'c'lt to' sesootit i ewto ttifttctts thisai- Chas, It.iset cks, t e iact J. tti.O',se '(E((NF l ~t Atitti tusy scre.hattagreed uotte to e its spit ttall. hn tar'''u u hutwpu WO tit siutitut Oto ices C onionliscre.imn du toi.vecet freAhat wied C.D as wtiv Vice t .iiiGarr V,'iui g Det. C''ittldugIlstadCah Justhoiwtmiauy rutns this Wolves Matager Marsh anouuntcedlast night sutte' thaca uierity griuiroutsuip Dsanit letl Gat, of Vsandeebilt Ifi- nade is not known, but this Meical, that e hatt cmtpletedl thinluho''she- ltieis.Spontanouuus 'omblustions is DETROIT UNITED LINES vesrsity, wone iii towti yeterday and outfielders were as buy as countrly tie as follouws: --haisil rot'tte' tri' whihitrihi'outu sotui this returns of Athletic Direcor practitioners on a rainy tnight; andul Aug. 6Cfatnpus Janiors iite athletic stck roomuisitt S'heel'- ANN AIZOOI TIME TABLE I-'(u. Patelist, it is thougt hflat fle this gane was finally called out accoutnt Aug. 9 Buildinugs andu Groundits Di- toutf itemutteis salt andhdest royeud tuors (Easera Stasdard Tirne)tuts fosu o ti aly alof darktness in this first half of this partuiett titun a ittittissu dlluars wotrthi of foot- Liiedad xreCasfo etot-:,nIfootball lractice will hi'e utade at flis 'fifth, It serveud as a good c atce to A g.tuoua F elt alt utuiforts, tblukt s and thttlst a. Is. sand ihourly usto ,atop. ,"i., also & i: o t ', ol 5Itot scu d sutethu invitatincu totusyiiidu re- agero Mar h believes thatsome ofMahis Aug. 13 thuiestey lfiinietpefretuoesextngited I.n oa atirs rDtoi,-Sao .,. , iiisui zo.ugs. h iaie ouuisters may have beets saved ty AugilItuuoc 'iuv s.50 i.,9i.,:0 1, to' ii. , o'i p','i5 ,-.' -of gh t'suits siltp seot.hi'atoi nunuced n m s this skill of the surgeosAug.1it-Wotuuen's Leiague chittn- , It ,' orpe t thatuout uautiC. L1 To , psianti oly: 7o48 a ,.ii, Cooa. m , tour-t'y, otfte' Cornutl ruws, swil hi' ,o a u 5o r. ,.:;p,,.,:,'its the ntar future, ''Quick'' Cotuns pion, thus surgeonuI pios, fuse thiswtrld's c'hamupionshtip. a ht t itt 030i ciii a.ison" ...._-..--- LtOST-'APtKappa Alpha fraertnity IfOSTf Ledger tohboatoy ot its tsr otay s. 'ious'tuCourtneyu'hao hen o ct- no ocy t,,s ours t it so8 . . 1 'leasinug andilartistic polraissaue plusset with pearls atd garntes. It-+tiedutii thespi t atlu sicet's eli'rcis at Local Cons tor Jascs ot a a, 6:o . o,,iii ' at thIoppe's Studio auytitme. 619 bast oward offered. 'Teephonei'147-M outig38b. L ate t. o vterinte t'uugtkeit h en ttsitows idisuioveredl on uv~ t io~ ou :o ,, huo ietuly t 4th E. Uivesitfy. 1 soet fito ute asd.ta.tietuhatdu atfroclursuottll 1"LET'S CGO0CAN OE I "B"1 Calkins' Pharmacy I 324 S. State St. DRUGS RODĀ¢AKS Caa' yattd Soda Water CAILKINS' PHARMACGY MICHllIN CRtAD)UA'lES lD URE COUSINS & HALL IN W.AItt AS ('1RclSt'ONDEN'l'S 10112 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. anth Phoaes lit Ass Arbo,Mish, DetroitM toZ Put-In-Bay-Cedar Poiunt y t Cleveland -Sandusky DAYLIGHT ACROSS THE LAKE Qo0 Every Day Excursions to Put-In-Bay ~ 0 Round Trip Fare Round Trip1 Sante Day o 0 Sundays or75 Week Days - Holidays- Cedar Point Excursions--$1.00 Round Trip On Suday, ltMnday, Wednuesday and Fr'iday Cleveland One Way Fare -- Every Day --$1.50 Big SteetlSSteamer "Put-Itn-Baoy" earest Detroit every day at 8:00t a. ni. CsuntralStandard Those Steel Sids Whueel Steamersc"Frantk K. Kirby" leaves Detrsit week days aut 0 ).Iin . Csentral Thms. FREE DANCING--Finzel's orchestra on Str. Put-ln-Bay Whole afternoon at Pot-tn-Bay. Writo for Folders -- Three and one hiatt hours at Cedar Asly D tn Pont Vsi ery 1,0000 Y& emril.Th Cve, asno Dnc P- teme Ln Rtoberi tMountsher Coosmiuioted loy Brnitish lGovernmoettlotSecret Service Work Rtobert Mounstsier, a fornser nuemner of the Michigatn Daily staff, is at, pros- sent in Europe, gathisng mtaerial for a hoost nflue war, stud iticidenttal- ly-ons a commnissious for this Britishi goverusmsenst.'htsBullish governumenut loas giveouthimu thie sork of finding toc thBritish ofsficons swho hove been lost I swhile on utity near Constanstinople. I lisiworokl osill takhimut to thue trenches inth le vicinity of Constantinople, and so greatly does he appreciate the datn- s-sr o itt st missio, that, its a eterI sorettena to Otto I-ans, of this ctty, hueI said, "hood-bye," ittimating tflat the! nteve expeced to see the sld "Stars stoutripes" agaiun. After hits gessosutioti, Mountsier wsas~ ciihlsied sitthis "NoeYork Suni"andh shortly after securIng this positiout, w0aOs writing a whole featire page tsri seanti Suniday's issue. He is still writ- { tuig a page for "Judge" each mntths, featurinog thue gigauntic Europsaun struggle as only a houmoroist cats see it. the has nmade hitsstay'thurosugholu- land, Austro-Huntgary, stud Germiany, sohlenseeas last heard front, Otlier formset' Michoigans uuensahrosud ore S. B. Cotnger, corresondetut foe the Associated Press at Berlin, stud P aul and Edgar Mower, corresopond- suits ito Paris. While its this uiversity,. Edgar Mowter'tvso editor of this "Paint-- ed Winidow.," N. I". ALLE ',S ItED TAG CLO'T11RtID oSALEj Nosy outAll Clothitug at greatly ren- I duced prices. N, P. ALLEN CO. Al our utesw location, 211 So. Main St. tf Gjerman-Ajeicanain s ank TU TLE'S LUNCH ROOM Liberty and Main Sts. tOpen alltume A Most Convenient Place for Your LUJNCH-ES arnd SODAS Banking338 S. STATE ST. J The New Catalogue. of the 11111ver sity of Michiga IS NOW READY Complete information concernintg the eight Colleges and Schools: LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS, ENGINEERING, MEDICINE, LAW, PHAR- MACY, HOMEOPATHY, D E N T I S T R Y, GRADUATE, AND THE SUMMER SESSION Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, inciuding Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a course for those preparing for the scientific administration of departnments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Antuourncement, or individual Information, address the Dean of the School or C-llege in which interested, or SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University Ann Arbor, Mich. i