THE WOLVERINE Orpheum Theatre j The Ho Fa ouax1 'yb y anouse 'ayers. I Thursday and Friday, Aug. 5V and 6-John Mason and Har- old Lockwood in 'Join the Penman" and Paramount Travels. Saturday, Aug. 7-Mignon An- derson in "Milestones of Life." Sunday, Aug. 8-William Far- num in "The Plunderer" Temple Theatre ADMISSION Sc. (except Friday and Saturday) Thursday, A . >-The Silent "W," (Li a sV.ker). Friday, Aug. 0-Esterbrook Case and Zenr X 'efe in "One." Saturday, An. 7-"The Profili- gate," wi, ,':._i Stone House. Arcade Theatre SHOWS:AFTERNONS 4:00: EVE. 6:15;7:45; 9:15 Thursday, Aug. 5-A World fea- ture, "When It Strikes Home," with Grace Washburn. Friday, Aug. 6-"A Man and His Mate," Mutual masterpiece, with Harry Woodruff and Gladys Brockwell. Also a good comedy. Broadway Strand, Detroit Despite crowded audiences at every performance, so many persons as yet have not been able to see, "The Melt- ing Pot," that the management will retain this great film play for this week. When Isreal Zangwill made a play from his novel of the same name, starring Walker Whiteside, play and actor created a profound impression. Mr. Whiteside enacts his original role as David Quixane in the screen pres- entation, and his work bears all the artistic charm that made his imper- sonation on the legitimate stage one of the greatest of his career. Thee photoplay is especially well done, with many wonderful scenes visualized, that were only hinted at in the play. The principal roles are in competent players' hands and the whole produc- tion ranks as oce of the greatest achievements so fa cn the moving picture world. Prospective Library Workman Held Mr. William James, who has been arrested in connection with two other men found traveling in the company of a 15-year-old girl, and who are here peeding ace investigation, is said t have come to Acn Arbor in expecatioce of landing a contract for the proposed library extension. Mr. James is a fore- man and his home is not known. FOR SALE-Piano, upright, mahogany case, good condition; owner leaving city. Call 1031. No. 319 South Fifth Ave. 19-20 N. F. ALLEN'S RI) TAG CLOTHING SALE Now on-All Clothing at greatly re- duced prices. N. F. ALLEN CO. At our new location, 211 So. Main St. tf THE WOLVERINE The official student newspaper for the University of Michigan summer_ session. Published by the students on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday af- Reports indicate that many mascu- ternoons. Twenty-five issues. line arms are going to waste in Ann Arbor this summer. Subscription rates-By carrier, sev- Someone suggests that the B-el-V-e- enty-five cents for the summer; D-ere part of the charming Apollo mailed to any address for one dol- statue is the original B. V. D. lar. Advertising rates--Furnished upon ap- iYOUTH OF 22 WEDS plication to the business manager. GRAN)IOT'HER OF FOUR Subscriptions and ads taken at Quar- -Headline Detroit News. ry's, Cushing's and University Ave- WeaeadiatwoNer - . ~We have heard that women are de- nue Pharmeacy. Office Hours: Managing editor, 2:00'ceptive about their ages, but we never before heard of one claiming to be a to 3:00 daily; business manager, 1:00to 200 dily Phoe 96 orgrandmother at such a tender age. t:00 to 2:00 daily, Pheone 9110 or 2414, The manager of the engineering Address, The Wolverine, Press Build- baseball team reports that one of the ing, Maynard St., Ann Arbor. men on his team is so slow that he has to get a surveying gang out to set howard R. Marsh-Managing Iditor up stakes to see if he has moved. Phone--2414-1505 Ferris I. Fiteh--Business Manager 1)0 YOU'GEl'I'l Phone 960-236 We received a letter from a contrib S_ -today. He said, "I am inclosing a Assistant to Business Manager- clipping from The Jackson Citizen William H. Hogan Press. It's very funny; we all laughed at it here." Then he suggested a caption for it, We looked for the Reporters clipping and it wasn't there. He had Phil Pack forgotten to inclose it. But he insisted Ward Peterson that it was funny, so we will print Nathaniel Thompson the caption he suggested anyway. It Bruce Swaney was, "Sneezes Squeeze By." Can you David Rosenthal imagine the clipping? We can't. C. W. Lemmcson Karl Wehmceyer One sport extra, 2 ceents; G1 x 2 Jerome Zeigler equals 12; for one week, 12 cents; Willis C'. Goodenow 3 x 12 equals 96, for summer school, 96 cents. Save it for the Belgians! FAVORITE SONGS No. 6 - The Professor's - "Who Second Hand Summer School Text Books Woodruff's Quasi-Contracts Beale's Crimminal Pleading and Practice Mickell's Cases in Criminal Pronedure Hall's Cases Constitutional Law Wigmore's Cases in Evidence Ame's Cases on Equity WA HRS UNIVER SIY BOOKSTORE '1 he Mirror Will Reflect a perfect fit at every point if your clothes are made here. That we gcaratee. No ceiatter what your buil may be wecan assure you ap~parel thl ie wll fit you perfectlyuSee phe eace ao c tailors we are and you will see a perfectly well- dressed one. Haveyouorderedyour flannel trousers? 8- j;1na I KYER C WHITKER For Table Supplies-Wholesale and Retail 114-116 E. Washington St. Phone 326 Fine Watch, Jewelry and Eyeglass ...REPAIRINC... FOUNTAIN PENS Q CONKLIN, SWAN & OUR $1 SPECIAL Lenses Cround to Order Alarm Clocks 75c. to $3.00 HAILLER J E W,,ELRY Cili STATE STREET JEWELERS ' U. S. Postal Station 3 TELEPHONE 534 Issue Editor-Nat Thompson THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1915. SMOKE IS SWEET "Student activities" is a phrase which covers a multitude of diverse factors, Loosely, it means everything except studying; and it is a comfort- able mouthful which college men love to juggle with to the nqn-college man. .'Concretely, what is it? Is it any- thing more than sympathetic compan- ionship? Is there anything more in the organizations of the college man than in the institutions of the non- college man? Traditional atmosphere h a n g s around college and its life. This is rather an alluring mystery to the non- college man. To the college esan it is still more charming, especially after he has left his alma mater. He likes to look nack upon the "golden haze." But what is it? Isn't it merely the glamor which his imag- ination builds up? Is there anything more to "student activities" than wholesome companionship? We do not think so. But it is worth while. e'lIEA'TMENT OF CRIPPLES AT 1IOSPI'l'Ai INVOLVIS $60,00 Auditor-General Fuller gave out a statement yesterday, to the effect that the cost of treatment of cripples which done at the University hospital, ex- ceeds $60,00 annually and is appro- priated by the state legislature. In 1905 the cost was only $2,300, but the only children who were eligible were those malformed from birth. The law o 1913 resulted in the largest increase since it made all crippled children eligible for medical attention at the expense of the state, Knows?" T'OI AY'S RIDDLE Why is a professor like a coach- and-four? O11 IIALL OF FAME No. 7-All-Anerican paradox-The Ann Arbor barber whose name is Xema Scells. IMPOSSIBLE NOVELETITE NIo. 2 "Ifight Will Win" The Senate council was in session. It was a glorious affair. A student was beicg interrogated, preparatory to being expelled for life. Prof. Susenwakk was interrogating. "Do you always drink a bucket of gin between classes, as did on the evening that you were caught biting your initials in the Rock of '62?" "No, sir; sometimes I guzzle a bar- rel of rye whiskey and others I inhale a hogshead of cognac." "Very good. Do you gamble?" "Oh, indeed, sir. I am the grandest' poker shark you ever saw. I won 48 cents last semester alone." "How much time do you put on your work?" "Ha, ho,-I never work. I love to emagine things instead. Besides, no one here can teach me anything." "Have you anything to say before sentence is passed upon you?" "Sure. I think your school is a farce and if you boot me out I'll play with Pennsy next year. S'long, gents!" Prof. Susenwakk threw back his head and laughed a throaty chuckle. "What a frank, manly young lad. Gen- tlemen, I move that we quash proceed- ings against the dear chap because le is open and charmingly blunt." "Second the motion," came a chorus of voices. And it was unanimously carried. -Harold Shradzki. SONGS TO UNSUNG HEROES No. 2--The Garbage Man Oh, soldier of the alley gate- Great captain of the strong-arm crew__. What funny turn of Sister Fate Has made a martyr out of you? Were you condemned at day of birth To liberate the human race From all the rubbish on this earth? Have you a nose upon your face? The slogan of success today, Is "Service" to one's fellowmen. Success is yours! Ay, who can say You are not one of every ten? Reformers come and clean a while, Then clean some more and go away; But you, in your unselfish style, Cleaif on and on, day after day. You do your duty with a will, Accomplish tasks which others shun, With relics of the past you fill Your wagon, while the cowards run. And did the Kaiser only know The way you guard that powerful stench, He'd send a call for you to go And drive the British from each trench. Oh, macc of power, devoid of nose- Of unsung heroes, you're the rose!j -G. C. C. Musical Instruments, Strings, and all Musical Supplies at reasonable prices. Schaeberle & Son, Music House, 110 S. Main St. ft University School ot Music. ALBERT A. STANLEY, Director "A Gathering Place for AdancEd StIudIes" Annulal Summer Sess'on EIGHT WEEKS-JUNE 28,-AUG. 20 Regular Fall Term begins Men. Oct. 4, 1915 For Catalogue and Information address CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary Ann Arbor, Mich. NewQuvarters Ca Ea BARTHEL Law, Medical and Dental Books REMOVED TO 336 S. State Street Over cuc- ug's Drug Siore PHONE 761-M Enlarged Quarters LARGEST STOCK IN MICH~lIAN It's Cool in Mack's JULY CLEARANCE SALE All Spring Suits 1-4 off All Furnishings 20% off THE MAN STORE OF ANN ARBOR 6 i a NEXT TO ORPHEUM Special Luncheon at noon, 50c J F. W UERTH CO. Firm J. F. WUERTH. F. P. HARRIS