PRICE 500 TTHE ONLY OFFICIAL FOR THE REMAINDER FTEEESUMMER NEWSPAPER Vol. VI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1915. No. 19 D TORPETRSON r Poor Pastry Pigs Perish Ur~ ~ON NE _______ Putting Pie Past Palate 1'0_---- 'oday They should have known better. testants, were given a pie. At a sig- 2:00 o'clock--"Moral Education," Miss There is no doubt about it, for they nal, they set to. They crammed and Declares That Disease Can be Cured if Anna A. Schryver, Science lecture were college men. oBut they remem- swallowed the stuff on which Johnnie Taken Early Enough by room, fligh School. hered the old days of the coty f Maulbetsch trained, sure of capturing theprize. Rliabt:00 o'clock-"French Art as Expres- a.iop sive of French Civilization," Prof. proved too But they had underestimated the EA ugo 1. Thieme, Science lecture much for them. class of the opposition they were up EMPHASIZES CANER SMPOS room, HighSchool.So they entered the pie-eating con- against. A farm hand is a hard one 5:00 o'clock-"What is Good English test at the Dexter Home Coming cele- to beat at his own game. They stayed "The reply to the national question, -A Liberal View," Prof. J. S. I. bration. For two weeks they trained in the race until the finish. But they 'Can cancer be cured?'-is-'Most Tatlock, West lecture room, Psysi- on Tut's most insoluable hunks of lost out by three mouthfuls and one emphatically, yes,'" said Dr. R. Peter- cal laboratory. pastry. For two days before the coo- swallow, which is quite a lead in a son in his address Tuesday night in 7:00 ' o'clock-Band Concert, court test, they fasted. Yesterday they went pie-eating contest. house Dexter. Today they art suffering the bitter the Physics lecture hall on the sub- 8:00 o'clock-(a) Report on the Loca- In the afternoon, bets were called pangs of defeat. They are feeling ject, "The Prevention and Cure of tion of Ann Arbor, Mr. H. H. John- on the pie-eating contests. The two painfully crusty, and between groans, Cancer." However, he declared that son, Editor Ann Arbor Times-News; heroes stepped forward confident of exclaim, , "Raspberry pie! Never there was absolutely no cure existing (b) Indian Mounds of Michigan, victory. They, with a dozen other con- again!" for cancer at the present day except Dear W. B. Hindale; (c) "Ann Ar- l"(T'LY CONCER't OF LAST FORMER MICHIGAN MAN STARTS by expert use of the knife. hoc," (illustrated), Mr. . W. Swain; EVENING PLEASES A IENE SIMMER PAPER AT WAShINGTON High School auditorium.EVNN PLA S.1:DhCE le emphasized most forcefully the Tomorrow- fact that the disease must be found in 3:00 o'clock-Illustrated lecture, Dr. Miss Frances Hamilton and Miss Grace Lee A. White, '11, editor of The its earliest stages in order to produce James B. Pollock, Science lecture lavis iender Pleasing Michigan Daily for two years, and founder of The Wolverine five years a permanent cure. room, High School. Program ao, is the oor ne s "People should be educated to the 4:00 o'clock-Field Trip: "Identifica-I ago, is the sponsor for a new sum- symptoms of cancer in order to know tion of the Trees on the Campus," Pleasing in every respect was the mer school paper at the University of when to have it treated most effective- conducted by Dr. Pollock. cocrWgvnlaseennhnil intjounals dheph sactroes 'h - concert given last evening in HillWahntwerheiapofsr ly," be said, "but the greatest danger 5:00 o'clock-"The Evolution of the bi the journalism department. The in a public campaign against the di- Flower Garden, From Ancient Times auditorium before a large and enthus- paper is a creditable one and prom- sease would be in frightening people to the Present Day,' (illustrated), iastic audience. Miss Frances Louise ises to become a campus institution. unduly. People have been educated Prof. A. Tealdi, West lecture room, Hamilton of the school of music fac- Besides this new paper that has just to know what appendicitis is, mainly Physical laboratory. ulty, showed that she is a concert started, the journalism department through the press, and a man now-a- 8:00 o'clock-"Justice According to pianist of the first rank, and Miss ts out a little sheet of its own, but days, for instance, will insist on hav- Law," Prof. Roscoe Pound, of Har- this is not in the form of a newspaper ng an operation on some part of his vard, West lecture room, Physical Grace Davis, guest soloist, of New and has only one page of news, while inanopernatn orr smehpart symh- abr, lectulYork City, also lived up to all advance the new paper had four pages and anatorry even at the slighitest symp- laboratory. toms." Saturday notices. contains most of the news that hap- "I y Miss Hamilton's interpretation of pens during the summer session. "Pain is a late and root an early Civic Beauty arnd Art Excursion. Thsose a ,.,o~, -. ,, " 1-- I PRESENT SOMMER POC0DM [ECTO DES Professor llis Reltes Custolns of Dutch and Shows Slides of Netierland news IN i'S'IIIAL AMERICA l)ESCR11ED I i 1 symptom of cancer," he said. This lie repeatedly emphasized, say- ing, "I wish I had a giant megaphone so that I could shout this important warning to the whole United States." Cancer is a disease that is hard to recognize but at the slightest persist- ent swelling or small tumor may de- velope a most ralignant form of the fearful trouble. It is a disease, lie said, that carries away 75,000 of the population of the United States every year, and is one of the "six or seven worst diseases known to mankind." It is not a blood disease, but a growth from tissues and cells that are perfectly natural to the rest of the body. He showed that when once the disease had reached a certain stage, that the surrounding tissues were affected, and that hope is often abandoned of a cure even with a knife. He warned particularly against quack doctors and fake nostrums as advertised in current literature, and held up as the main hope reliable physicians and surgeons to whom people should go to for advice. Its cause is yet unknown, lie said, but he offered the greatest hope that in the light of modern research and advancement a permanent and satis- factory remedy will be discovered that will put this fearful malady on the list of our curable diseases. CIVIC ASSOCIATION RUNS A BIG EXCURSION TO DETROIT' On Saturday, August 7, an excursion to Detroit will be given under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Civic asso- ciation - for the purpose of studying civic beauty and art of Detroit. The party will leave Ann Arbor at 9:35 o'clock and arrive in Detroit at 11:30 o'clock, where it will be con- ducted at once to the Detroit Board of Commerce by sightseeing automobiles. After luncheon the party will pro- ceed to the Detroit Museum of Art where they will spend an hour in the inspection of the famous paintings and statues there. After that the party will spend the time until 5:30 o'clock in sightseeing Detroit in automobiles. All desiring to take the trip should sign up at the rooms of the Secretary of the Civic association at once. wishing to attend, phone 1779. STACE MODE SETS IN TENNIS MA9TCh Tack and Vedder Win Ganes and uimp Into Third Round of Play FINISH TWO FRAYS IN DOUBLES "Chris" Mack, of the Varsity tennis squad, despite the dope handed out by the tenis dopsters, succeeded in de- featin lDrury to the tune cf 6-3, 6-0i i the third rounld of the tennis tourna- ment. According to the score, the game would appear to have been fair- ly easy for Mack, but because he had his serve in perfect form, Drury stood little chance against the Varsity man. Vedder also succeeded in trimming his man by an even better tally, 6-0, 6-1, winning his way with Mack into the fourth round. In the doubles, Mack and Mont- gomery defeated Reeves and Fields by a 6-3, 6-1 score, and tIsn cleaned up on their opponents i the 'cond round, Drury and Wilhelmt, by' a 6-0, 6-4 score. These sames have livened up the tournament considerably and it be- giss to look as thou-ht the teetiis men would finish by the end of01 h week. On account cf the poor tennis seather, forfeitures asstated in the last issue have not been mae. Scores will still be posted is Hus- ton's for the convenience of tho tennis players, and scores may b marked up there as soon as gasses are playe!. National Forests Turn in $2,.i0,000. According to reports received from the Forestry Service at Washington )y the university our national forests have turned into the treasury during the year esiding June 30, the sum of nearly $2,500,000. Urrcle Sam's forests fell short of their usual returns by rearly $79,000 owing to the demoraliz- ing effects of the war on the turpen- tine industry and curtailment of the naval stores market. tier well chosen numbers was really delightful. She pleased best in her playing of a few of Chopin's shorter works and Liszt's, 'Hungarian Rhap- sody, No. 12." She exhibited splendid harmony and brilliancy, and inter- P i spersed many delieate runs in her charming selections. Miss Davis also pleased the audience with her rendition of a few light and Committee A verages Ietwee airy numbers. Her easily modulated $,51001 1Day in cones and fine spirit were most appar- Field eent in Massenet's, "Air de Salome (Herodiade)," and Campbell-Tipton's, TWO ('OACHES WORK IN *'A Spirit Flower." The efforts of the artists were well Averaging between $410 rewarded. Both received boquets of a day for the last few day American Beauty roses from admiring campaign is bringing encou friends, and also had to give encores. sults and with the 20-day ex The program for the final summer time for work among the concert which is to be given next alumni, which was granted1 Wednesday evening is now being pre- gents recently, a large pa pared, and will be published in an ear- money will be raised this m ly issue. The results for Tuesday -- $600 was raised on that day HISTORIO ANN'S ARBOR IS THE the test for any day durin SLECTURESweek. The sum needed at $30,300, and if this is notz nmonth there will be anothe Slides Portray Beanties of Boron arid September. Interesting Places Around Coach Fielding H. Yost This City Daniel McGugan, of Vande versity, are now working An interesting entertainment for the terest of the "Y" among t summer students of the university will alumni. It is felt that th be given tonight at 8:00 o'clock in the staff will be able to raise th High School auditorium on the sub- amount inasmuch as all th ject of the early history of Ann Arbor. 1 getting better results as FO D n $400 and UE'ETROtIT and $500 s, the "Y" raging re- xtension of university by the Re- art of the onth. show that. y, which is g the past present is raised this r effort in and Coach erbilt Uni- in the in- he Detroit he present he required e men are the time 111 spite of the heat Tuesday after- uroor, Professor H. 1'. 1tus' lecture on, "tolland and the Hollanders," at- tracted a large audience, many of them Dutch, which taxed the capacity of the West physics lecture room. Throughout the lecture, a spirit of amusement was created by the pro- fessor's stories and Dutch traditions. First the lecturer tescriberivarious curstomus of thoeNe'thes'rlsands, in lar- ticular the schools. tuttil the twelfth year the children attend what corres- ponds to our grammar school. Then they are ready for high school, but a great many o Inot go to high school because, unlike the custom in this country, in order to enter they must take a competitive examination. Af- ter six years of igo school the stu- dent is ready for college. Ie has a choice of five colleges, each of which specialize in some one branch of learn- ing. Seven years are usually spent at college and during this time the stu- dent takes only three examorinations, the third of which is formal and only nominally a test. A great many stu- dents take up the professions and consequently there is an oversupply of the latter in Holland. The second part of the lecture was devoted to lantern slide illustrations of Holland and its people. Dikes and windmills were shown. The fish mar- kets of Flushing, a statue of Rem- brant, churches, the dress of the people, which is different in every dis- trict, and many other views absorbed the attention of the interested aud- ience. Dr. Slurin'manD elhers Lecture "Need for closer co-operation be- tween the different American inter- ests," was the topic of Prof. I: L. Sharfman's address on the "Freedom and Restramnt in Commerce and In- dustry," delivered yesterday after- noon. He pictured the growth of the American industrial system from its earliest stages, chen it was a repro- duction of the English system, found- ed on the doctrine of unlinsmited indi- vidual rights and our subsequent growth toward the German system, based on the supression of individual- tsm. 'We now occupy the intermediate point between the two extremes. Professor Sharfman cited the pres- ent position of the railroads as an illustration. They are free to act, as long as they do not infringe upon the rights of the general public by ex- cessive rates or poor service, in which exingency the Inter-State Commerce Commission is empowered to inter- fere and regulate the rates. He wound up by stating that if the business interests were less suspicious of the objects of the various boards of control and would lend their hearty co-operation, that Industrial America would lead the world. Three reports will be given on this goes on. date, two of them dealing with the subject of the history and the other Dr. tames B. Angell Leaves For East one on the Indian mounds of Mich- President Emeritus James B. Angell igan. left for Narragansett Pier, Rhode Mr. George W. Swain will give an ii- Island, yesterday afternoon, for a visit lustrated lecture on the beautiful of several weeks. Dr. Angell was ac- scenery of the Huron river, from the companied by his brother, Mr. Charles Delhi Mills to the Island, and Mr. H. Angell, of Chicago. H. Johnson, of the Ann Arbor Times- News will lecture on the location of Former Fresluman Loses Hand in Saw Ann's Arbor, the historic spot from Ronald Winslow, '18, while working which the town derives its name. in the milling room of the Middleton Dean W. B. Hinsdale will give an Lumber company, of Aberdeen, Wash., illustrated lecture on, "The Indian had his right wrist andhand cut 6ff Mounds of Michigan," and will tell of by a revolving saw. the work that the Research Society is doing. Prof. Scott Will Speak Before N. E. A. The proceeds from this lecture will Prof. F. N. Scott, of the rhetoric de- be devoted to buying a tablet to com- partment, will speak on, "The Stand- memorate the spot where Ann's Arbor ard of American Speech," before the is located. An admission of 10 cents National Educational Association at will be charged. Oakland, Cal., Aug..18. (LASS IN JOURNALIS 'AKES TRIP TO' NEWSPAPER PLANT Mr. Lyman Bryson conducted his class in newspaper writing to the of- fice of The Times-News yesterday af- ternoon at 3:00 o'clock, where the students observed the methods used in putting out a paper. The class was especially interested in the linotype machines, the making of the mats, from which the cylinders are molded. The paper went to press while the students were there, and they were given a chance to watch= / the most important operations neces- sary in publishing a paper.