THE WOLVERINE MEDICS LAN)D(CHAMPIONSHIP BY GETTING D)OUBLE FORFEIT Finish Schedule in Vacation League With Perfect Percentage antd Earen First Place FINAL STAND)ING *VACATION LEAGUE * W LT Pct. * Medics......5 0 1 1.000* ' Litsa........... 3 1 1 .750 * Laws....... ... 1 4 0 .200 Engineers..1 5 0 .167* Medics won the championship of the Vacation league Saturday afternoon, whens the Lave. an i ngineers both forfeited their :aios r the Scientists. While the Lit: 11L ls two gamnes left to play, meeting ',,,.h Laws and Engi- neers, theycy imiat eqoal floe perfect percentage of to -:ra; and the re- mainder of the s' schedule has0 therefore heen cancelled, to avoid in- terferance with the activities of the All-Stars. "BLAtK FLY" PUTBLICATION ItCHIGAN GRADUATE HAS HIGH OF CAMP HOGGARDUTS ARRIVES RIECORD) IN AMERICAN LEAGUE Much "pep," as well as a plentiful Ranks 'Thirtieth as Slugger and Has supply of snappy cartoons, clharac- 'tenth Place as Tiwirler, With terize the foorthissoue of "The Black Average of .667 Fly," the summer blue-print isews- - paper of C'amp Bogardus. In its usual George Sister ranks thirtieth amsong humsorous way it features all the hap- the hatters of the Americans league, ac- penings of floe achelors' camp dur- cordiiig to last week's official figures.) iing the week,. frons basehall, social The Wolverine. graduate has bseniii events at the girl's camp, to scull races 25 gamcs, appeared at bat 75 toses, on Lake Douglas. Of the two baseball made 21 hits and scored 1f runs for leagues, the "Muckerc" lead the ain average of .200. "Hellyuns," and the "Scabs" lead floe 'fle Michigan msan's pitchlig aver- "Boobs," first and second in respective age stands the same as last week. Hej order'. has taketn part ini 7 games on the Of particular interest is a descrip- mountd, winnoinga two and losing one. finn of a scull race, in whicht onteBe has yielded 19 hits, aod his aver- Bleekmsaii, ain ox-Syracuse varsity age is .607. Only nine Americans league mani, pilots thse "Haunkies" to victory twirlero have a higher percentage. over a picked crew from the "Ark" in - - -___- a harrowing finish. Unlike ifs inear- ItAIX KEEPS ALL-STARiS FROM cousin, "The Wolverine," there is scant LI NG NO1tML'TEAM TODAY' space for advertising as the sheet Is- printed on one side only ansd is about Rain today preveinfed thse playing of two by one and one-half. But as ani the thsird anod deciding' game between additison of interest to the camp, it the M tcligais Al:-Stars ansd the Ypsi- iooiiisapaorisiiin osii n1ioisisrosni- The Farmers & Mechanics Bank th P lai Ro l 4For vaction tends, our Travelers, FANCY WORK AND CURIOS Checks can't be bnat. Payable 304 South Main St anywhere. Ask us. I'__ Whetever you aet out to win-hosor , in clavses, leadership onotrask, diemond or gridiron, tirein on Full of vim-every drop of itsupremely wholeeome andfgood .Delicious--Refreshing T i s - Q e c igTH E C O C A -C O L A C O .a as xsee an", AAlanta, Ga. ~ " Arrow thinkoyr ,oCoca-Cola tion. PROFESSORS GIVE LECTUJRES ON LOCAL('HAU'TAUQUA PROGRAMDENIIS)LTOECUEN "PRiMISVTE IMAN AT MI1CHIGAN" lanoti Noenoals, which was billed for flits afterooo nthfle Teachers' diamoontd, It swill pirobably be arranged for soinoc afternooin later this week, al- thocu ht the moanageenots of the to team. llt ofagreed 00n a oafisfac- tots timesup ion sthis onoon. The gamoe b^7 1, 'toti ins Yfsilanti. 'T'e All-Stars soill plrobably lineup University professors will give two lectures on the local ('hautauqua pro- gram this week, which are of especial interest to certain students on the campus. Moth are illustrated with European slides. Prof. Heverlly Robinson will speak on, "Among floe Cathedral ('hurchses of England," oin Wednesday afterinoon at 3:00 o'clocko in the Science lecture room of the high school. Prof. Hugo Thieme will speako on, "French Art as Expiessive of French Civilization," iii the sanme room at 3:00 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Su] Cleaned at C.'.' 1112 S. University Photo Portraiture Technique unexcelled Groups Each person posed. arti other Home Portraits In the familiar "homea Al Christmas lime you wi Why not have ii taken no much more lime .RANDALL PHOTOGR. 121 E. Washington St. Dean 'W5. B. Hinsdale, of toe Ilomoes- patloic college, wilt lecture on, "The, Primitive Main of Michoigams," at the Aini Arboi' entertainmentofnext 'ThIurs- day eveniing. The talk swill inocloide a a olw:1ies rnzc swell i'ouinded treatment of the Inodian ,osoo t eattd b esom aind will consider lbs discoveries otf aien ;Etnso remn Indiain life in Washotenaw county. land '; Andorson, r; anod probably The comsmittee ino charge of the en- tertainment are imakiing evei'y possible effort to discover lbs exact and an- S'It)N'l'A MILI'TARY ('AMP A'l thentic location of floe original Atom's Lt'DING'I'ON WILL SOON BREAK arbor and loopsefloat the meetinig will - - result in a purchase of a tablet. Social eventis and drill nmarcesono- flit as floetmoe draws near for the break-til of the studenot military canip at Ludioigton. The stay has beeii a proitable onie foi' the memo and nosy Sfloat target practice is over, arraioge- [T Sh o Tuesday, Wednesdlay and Thsdsare beions ofade ordthearycsil- did P r s ei aridb ac a n P r ;the dostamnce miarchoed wilt be about 10 Band concerts, dansces and bseachi partie~s have helped to msaks e the n particularly eijoyable. Last week an amoaeur conoedy was presensted by floe stadeoots with floe ait of a few of floe Epwvortho Heighots repsrters. If is said loaf Ohio play was swell given. AWoB 'M 'It'I'il"IICA TES.ANI) INSIGaNI I 1O VARSI'TY STAllS K ID D "M"t certificates to floe onumer of Phone 1530-J igau's varsity afhlefes ftois suomnmer, according to a statemoentf fromssthei athletic office. The accomopanying, "varsify lint" seas given also, aond -0000e of tfloe ones0000have been seeto already ono fle camopus, shle alumnio anod outof-o-tow'n athletes are recet-- boosingthIeirs though fle omail. tEleven g a h swe're given for baseball, eighot for trackhoatnd four for tennois. 1AItRY ('RASS GOES (ON'TRIP Last Friday the claso ino library msefthods wento to Detroit to saks oh- sen.aisos. 'They visited the moain li- brary anod several braonch libraries anod stically in relation to every heard a numbooer of talks 000 library I o rhk. j 1fichigan ('ares for ('rippled C'itldren Dr. Reuben Petersono, of the Medical atmrosphere" csllege, bias moade a stateentootflat this report fronm Iowa City, claimoing that Iowa wvas the first state to care for crippled childreon, is errooneous. Dr. 1want your photograph, Peterson shoswed thoaf Michigan leads tw wihen we can devote boo flis service atoo also that Michoigano to please 3 ou? is the onoly state whoicho cares for crip- plest oadults float are toot indtigeont. Our- bug thoe last year 700 chuildreno fook & CPA C advanstage of the Utiversity hospital ,APHERS NC. ALLEN'SREDl) 'AG CLOTHING APHERSSALE Phone 598 Nowc on-All Clothinig at greatly re- 'duced prices. N. F. ALLEN CO. AtI our nesw location, 211 So. Stain St. tf A LAKE TRllP FOR REST AND RECREATION. Have a real vacation on the Great Lakes, the most enjoyable cod economical oting in America. The cool lake breeze., the ever-chosit. P log scenes clang the shore and the luxueious steamees operated hy this Company are positive guarantees that you witt enjoy every minute of the trip, and return home refreshed and gtad you went. TAKE A D. & C. BOAT WHEN YOU GO AFLOAT. DailyeevieeteneDetroi nd Cleeland andDetroit and Bufalo. Frmlace 10th to Setemobere1thtlSteamerseCityclfDetroit lland Cit ofCleeland 111, the"Two Giants" sotse Get Lakee, neate daily service 00 the Buffalo Dieieion ou can'tafford to toben the pleaueof a tide 'C fhe.looting palnce., FOUR TRIPS WEEKLY lroam Toledo cod Deteoit to Macincslnd ad Wee Ports. Mackincslandc, the Historioc SumsmeReotefthe North Conty, isbecom~ingemorseolaeeseascon oith the Teoistsnoekigquietneescad repo-se. EKoosent Hotel end Boarding Houe aom mcodntiosa eaus eonable rateo. TWO TRIPS WEEKLY BY SPECIAL STEAMER, Cleveland to MackinacIlancd'noeboreecmruteesnetutDetoitecndAlea. DELIGHT- FUL DAY TRtPS between bottoitsand Cleveland, during Jslyad August four trips wsekly. DAILY SERVICE June 14th to Setem~ber IOhhbeteenTolsdand Pot-in-Bay. RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR TRANSPORTATION oncD. & C. Le Steames bnetea Detroi andBufalo lorDtritad eelad eithserdieton. Sendlmtwoet samep for llstrlated pamphlst and Goeal Late Map. Addeaa L. 0G.Leots. G. P ,A fDtroit Mich, Setoofspostereteaposmailed fcefivrees.a Philiil.I ,McMillan, Pree, A. A. Schantz, Vice Pres. & Gent. Mgr.. DETROIT & CLEVEL.AND NAVIGATION COMPANY All steamersarrtive anddepart, ThurdAvaeueWheel., tetit. "The next trunk I buy will be an Indestructo" BUY C&I4ES~TRUGIU This is the opinion of AGGAGEpeople everywhere who kno wtb e ladsomse appear- sues n and durability of In- destructo brook-, or ult-o ° . ..+. ... . "".. have set an how wonder folly " convenientl they are f, r a travelling and vnaaion trip, Vt'se have a moss lists of " Indtrocto' Irtisoks amid .leti'her goods. Comocin avid . ," ." ".'. " " see thin before you go west this soomnmer. Indrolrucbo tmasks are "absolutely guarant ed for "five years, too matter hoov " hard lbs wear 7 00 give Summer Furnishings Ruele, Conlin& Fiegel