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August 03, 1915 - Image 3

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The Wolverine, 1915-08-03

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F We charge yo Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and Finishing PRNSO
I nothing for devel- in Ann Arbor is at PRIN S I
oping roll films if V flAT719 A enue, VELOX.
you can find a A 1 79North IUniveebeittpaervmade
I ~Established 1905, and growing bigger every day I
DEtAl)ONE (CAUSES LOASS T10 lt)ryto local criics lfeloos some-
W OLVES OF EflBLAMIMG (AE tig like Sanag, th ohldDeroier;
MaetIou esr - while Barnum is aou 1ie saure of
B_________ y "1)ope" Ce Ionae George Iauss, the codgt woiii tchet
Palm Beach !Altoughtefirst h~oe gaimic sent Ithe Tigers tostheir pnntini 1:i71.5l
Als. Gts,01 Newmmberry esidence , I1lihe las: year01' le Aiericaii legu's
The S utmmer Conaot Clotta sill enmtert-inm informoaly this oter- _lta to the Wolerines y the forfeit roue, exisence.
In anainety otslaies noon froti3:3 0 to 5:00oclock in 9 to 0, the Sophomore Emblmsiig Score-
hoiioio1 the grs living5 in the dor- clas was deeted 5 to 1 Saurmday, Iniiings 1 2 3 4 5 6I 7 8 R HI E
sm i it nidsoihlei riends wheii a dead soldier ell ou ot the Sopi........ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 - 4 2
J. . M lco m 1:*h-blachers, and they left te gane to Wlvs *... 0 0i 0 1 0 0 0 4-51 553
604 E. Liberty Street There will e no more eitertain- j-AutttArbor's police departoetti is ato biiry le victim. , tlme foreiei, 9Itlitnint
sies giveii y the Women's League ae a new telephiomne systemisoo0 . 'rThe Sopli played a gooi gaime swheii Sopl tsmmmmmcr letfeld.)
- -iitil Saturday, August 14. Theim a It sill consist of a ceitral oard 10- agaiist the reurniiiig heroes, and ii
H (J~j TON BRO m dc-ltxam party will e given iii Bar- ated at headquarters and ive tee- the seventh round the crowd wnas s
* mJr" oor gymnasiiim as the closing event phones scattered arounid the city The cheerful as a morgue, wien le i-
The Finest Biliard Ream in the state o1flie siumier session new outit is all ready for business aid dertaker reached third with the wii-
CIA SadC N Y Plais fcc a vigorous caiipaign to toall sonic of them will exerience the seeiied ajar for a defeat to slip i inm I n e c l git
"We Try to Treat You Right" aise more fiiiiis for the third do- results of this nesw aid to the e hcie',sY the Wolves, ut the Sopi rai bses
mitory for wmomemi, mhtch is to e uilt of the police oh Annm Arhor. like a hearse. A 1log fly In cemtet'Oelmd ____________________
TIlE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK' a soii as possible, are eingmunade y -Owing ttth tiret titat tithemettl should have scored ti, utsit he hunig
Capital .....h..... a10,m00.o0 lie commmittee iii charge. More than colle e is closed durimgte suummer to third like crepe oi a oo. Tie Pumrmumm'UIiviersiy loam.is sistamt
5mmpis aindiUndivided io'simi.$maussm.oo
Rsonrces. . . .g3,o00, tam-mmLwo undred letters have een semt sessiot, all stiudents of that college d- 'Wolves wemnt ott im thin eighth amd p1hysic'ml udictm-rmeammimtrmcs cmach
Transacts a Geerat Banking Business to aluimnmiaim ormer to arouse iter- siring 1o take suummer work are over scored four rums, whiichm ould la hrsdhmiamy, whencm esm, emmm pi''stlm'dimd
3 pi Cetiintmeesmtai l mPavimig, meposims i-t hle project in lie conmtmunmities itt thec Medical school. Ahut 1201 mut, had the gamme tbeenmimise. mmiilythomiimmmiimeimrmit
ChasE. Hicnek, lic , MihelJ"rusEmt. Cash,nwalere ao canpagn has not already demtal stdents re tow'workinginm Chief Marsh disappmoined the crowd
w. . iari mam,vimec 'res., carmtIi. trammim Asis been startemd. tie Pthological laoratory. y not setding tie veetan tClsrchi s'eipe ctomrimcmemilmy'lm h
Cai5', n, wane, ss.miia ms'e5saving Deti~p. --Mrs. 1. P. Tiltey, wife of Professor tie sa, ut le in hling himtifor 11mme \'st Pomint M ilitary Academimy amidhlater
MtS (,tI KN E 7TOLETUR"tRE ON 'Tilley, of the Eglishu deprtment, has Wednesday game with the Medial fai- a1tBrinmmgs C'mllrm, Sumthk Dakota.
DETROIT UNITED LINES 11111RAiY WORtK FOR CHIILDREN returned to Ammo Arbor and reports ulty. "Pete" Barmnumm, a hurler the_
that her husband will return in about Wolves have just draf~mi from tfmm'
ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE Miss Marianm P. Grneemne of the New a mnoth. Professor Tilley was gront- Great Lakes league, was oii tie lmivriynstmiamimealas
(Eiastmnianodad Time)tlnivlCiaonx Wdedyo
- Ten~~Ymk puhlic lirary, ill deiver six d leae of absence last year to do mound, atd "Chck" Kendrick, mothers-ll'amCmiigsm-t\'dm'mmyot
Limtd n i ci as s iist70lectures ttm the library students this I ok ii Europe ut oti account othtie recrit, caught ins. a worvd mimi. lmuis haemui sm'm ched-
Limte an Eprss ar fo Dtrit- :o ild mm-tim eim, \\'msi'manmm mml Miimmi-
a. me. amd hlymio- 6:ao p.in'., alo s mo , "k H'r.wo' illda ihtiew sows unable to remain tier. He Fron thte ptess stand-nt mchet e
p. m. -e mwosml ea ih sarvo ierasiies i Jamiamnmanmdiisith Piluiip-
LcaiCacsifor Deciteii m a.mm.,t:o5 a, m developmnmt of tie cild's taste for has beeti taking up ok in Columbsia recruits shomed emought to justify pi 'tmmeemmm 1m 0hmni uss
and e i,,.,ritwo ,,a m'5 to m m5pm., 7,0asp.ienadimg,lie tets of a good book, atd Harvard and hiss been spendictg regmlar brhinbt tMatsh's judmgmet inineCies n- - aiannns
m., 8:o5,1) in.,s91i5mpm. m , rim)0: 5 1. mi.
Ta Ypsiimmmmi snlym:y7:48 . mmi, a as a cm,., booksothiat at 00 steppimig-stomes for tie last prt of the year iti Nova usitg theti agaimmst tieIMurmer mom
mm r om a. m., s oip. p . - ei., r: ai~ the child, amd tie use of ilustrations, Scotia for Iis health, vindicated. Willimi Kellehemr, omim of le bet
a. m., 12:,s.a. nii_ i oo . mi.
Limied Cr o a csohan ys5 .si. ampoery history, and biography in --Professor tE. C. (ase, of tie Geoogy hBaruni-seens hardly big emmmmgh iack fidmenmmi of Ntre Iim's lst
evcmy two houms tmm7:48nO.in. m . books Inc chidren.'CTe lectures will department, returned Satmurday fronm a for a big league hurer. Kendrick is ycar's foobmll team, uill och at
Local Caoc Jachkson-5i12sin., 6:5o a. in. occur Wednesday, Thursday, atd Fri- two wseks' vcatiomi at Portage ake, a heavy, slow receiver, amd where Ire hKe'yonm colege' mmxfl fml. He grde--
andc 1 a wo o s t 65o pm., aim'cay at 1:00 oclockm antI 3:00 o'lock iarry Gnult, who wiii be presideti got his reputatiomn for speed is a mys- aei fromm Notre lDaie is .ine

Calkins' Pharmacy
324 S. State St,
Candy and Soda Water

Boh Phons It510 Ann Arbsr, Mitt,

Put-In-Bay-Cedar Point y
Clevelan d-Sandusky
Every Day Excursions to Put-In-Bay pO
Round Trip Fare Round Trip
Same Day at 0c Sundays or75
Week Dayt- Hoidays
Cedar Point Excursions--$LOO Round Trip
On Ssunday, Motiday, Wednesday stud Friday
Cleveland One Way Fare -- Every Day --$1.50
Big Steel Steauser "Put-In-~Bay"mleaves Detroht evcry day at
Sm:00 a. m. Cetracl Standard Thimme
Steel Side Which Steaimer "Franik E. Kicby" leania Detroit week
days at 5:00OO.hi. aCentral Time.
FREE DANCING--Fitizel's Orchestra on Str. Put-tn-Bay
Whole afternoon at Put-ta-Bay, Write for Felders -
Threcestud onue half hones at Cedar A he &D si
Poit.i Visit Peiry $1,000,000J
Memorial.'The Cime,, Csio, Dance PinSteamer line
viioBiiHttels i, Bthingmeacheis, Asuaic
SlsiiBmard Walk, Midway, Lagoonsi, Detroit, Michigan
etc. !W -
Fis[e sn" a l

of thue Michigaon Union next year', spett
I aturdhay amid Sutiday imAuti Arbor. I#emnm~~uajnsak T T L '
-)r. Lyman Bry sot's class S1ain ii L)')L v N C H WOO0
eletuemtary journtlism mill vinit te Liberty and Main Sts. Opin asmme
plant of the Atm Arbor Tinses-News A Mest Convenient Place tar Your, LUNC"ES and SODAS
totuorrow afternoon. The party will Bankingj 338 S. STATE S'T.
-leave West ball at 3:00 o'clock. _________________ _________________
--)MI. 1'. G. Bartelate, titrecto- of atti- ______________________________________________
letics, has returned froni his annual
l vacationm spent its northern Mtichigan
suummer resorts.T h N e Ca lo u
-1oronteCiPihueatSuhState and Mlonroe streets, is progres- of the
slng rapidly, atnd it wil be ready forjy
occupationm s-len college openus intshie
- fall. U i
abll game between the ichigan All e s ty o ic i a
Stars otnd onme of the Anti Arhor lily IS NOW~ READY
leagume teanms.
=Dexter's Bomne (oming Celebration Complete information concerning the eight Cotteges
sum Weduuesday'amid Thursday hiss been and Schioois:
maode available Is local students amid
townspeople by time agreenment of the LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS,
Michigani Central tmanageme-nt to stop ENGINEERING, MEDICINE, LAW, PHAR-
crcaim trahns there each doy. MACY, HOMEOPATHY, D E N T I S T R Y,
-Economicsei elmsses are mteeting ini GRADUATE, AND THE SUMMER SESSION
differenit roonms this week owving to time
fac tht iuteiordecratng s gingSpecial Courtes in Forestry, Newspaper Work,
-Jeffiierson ulitg Landacape Design, Higher Commercial Education,
-teferiti untDiiisio steet, ieanincluding Railway Administration and Insurance,
time canipus, are beling paved this sum-I1 Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education
tame'.(affiliated wiih Ann Arbor Schools for Observation
___- - Study), and a coursie for those preparing for the
Library ('lass to Bear Two Lectures scientific administration of departments of sanitation
Samutel R. Ranch, of the Grand and public health.
Rapids public library, will deliver a
lecture Tuesday afternoon and one For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or
Wedtnesday msornitng to the class iii Individual Information, address
,library nmethods.I
-- the Dean of the School or C tiege in which interested, or
Now on-All Clothing at greatly re- Secretary University Ann Arbor, Mich.
-dmuced prices. N. F. ALLEN CO. At
our newv location, 211 So. Main St. If

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