Vol. VI.
No. 18
DflT flAQD TAI flT " _______
Paris and Ann Arbor :NWVOfLKSOLISIT
Must Battle While Playing; III UUU
--_- - 1i~I MR T PR IP
U LqJ I nVfoJ I I iLLiI I I Today Did you ever hesitate on the pave- ments has secured an aeroplane and I I
---- 2:00 o'clock-"The Value of Play in meut at the corner of Huron and pilot to thrill the crowd of town and
Drew, Loomis and Ward Are Strongest Child-Welfare," Miss K. E. M. Pur- Main? Did Ann Arbor's noble traffic gown which will revel in the day of Miss G
Group of Sprinters in tell, Science Lecture room, High officer ever majestically wave you carnival. Fr
Country School. around the corner? Did you ever one- But one unfortunate feature may
- 3:00 o'clock-"Playgrounds," W. M. step out of the way of the careening mar the day. Not the rain-of course
FARRELL GIVES PUPIL CHANCE Apple; "Ann Arbor's Parks and machines which play tag around the it will rain, but Ann Arbor is used to BOTH
Shade Trees," (illustrated), Ray E. court house? that. The misfortune will be in the
By Hap Church Basset; "Children's Gardens," Mrs. No? Well, go down town Wedn- nature of a flank movement from Dex- A li
"Hal" Smith, Michigan's track cap- James Foster, Science Lecture room, day night and you can dance on the ter, where a Home Coming Celebra- been
High School. pavement to your heart's content tion will be in full sway, the si
ain, will probably rule favorite in :0 ocloc "Holland and the ol- There will be music, and the streets The DEXTER CORNET BAND will
at least the longer sprinting event at '0 'lc-HladadteHl
landers," Prof. H. T. Hus, West lec- will be roped off so you can whirl play "Selections" to start the festivi- in Hill
the national championships to be held cure room, Physical laboratory. your lady love along the gutters, a:.d ties. A little later they are down on at :00
at the Panama-Pacific exposition on 8imagine that you are street dancers in the program for "Music," and right Miss
attheda.amr ,'aCifexositona n :C o'clock-"'e, Preve.tios .and Paris; only there will be bugs dro- there is where the can may be tied to prano
Saturday. Drew, the California negro Cure of Cancer," Prof. i. R. Peter- ping from the are lights instead of Ann Arbor's little day of joy. of Pro
"Joe" Loomis, the I. A. C. flier who son, West lecture room, Physical bombs from the Zeppelins. The local authorities are busy erect- sity to
holds the A. A. U. mark, and Ward, laboratory. There won't be any autos to dodge ing invisible barriers to ward off the fore a
the University af Chicago rach who Tomnorrow' Wednesday night, for the Ann Arbor deadly sound waves, and all avenues Davis1
won the Western conference dashes, 2:00 a'lock-"Woman's Responsibil- Credit association has arranged for a of approach to the city will be heavily credit
are the most formidable opponents ity," Dr. Jeanne Solis, Science lee- "Big Day" tomorrow. There will be guarded and itrenchsed. The fireworks many
Smith will meet, and this quartet will ture room, High School. regular county fair horse races. There of thie Dexter demons are not feared, New Y
compose the strongest group of sprint- 3:00 o'clock-"Among the Cathedral will be ball games. There will be as a return bombardment will be Miss I
ers ever matched outside an Olympic Churches of England," Prof. B. fights-although these aren't officially made by the local fleet of submarine soloist
game, Robinson, Science lecture room, listed on the program. taxicabs; but the dreaded music of the this se
Ward is the only memter of the High School. The old fashioned balloon ascension DEXTER CORNET BAND may play being,
group whom Smith has not raced. The 5:0 o'clock-"Freedom and Restraint will be missed, for in its place the havoc with the proposed open air ball pianist
Chicago marvel's marks in the West- in Commerce and Industry," Prof. committee in charge of the arrange- on the court house square. Of the
ern college games were better than I. L. Sharfmnan, West lecture room, ward J
Smith's time in the Eastern intercol- 5 lhysial laboratory. 1 191 Mr fnr nSIN ERn Pnn1SES Schesee
legiates, but weather and track con- 8:00 o'clock -Miss Grace Davis, Mess
ditions were superior in the west this soprano, of New York City, and Miss has pl
year, and Ward's conmpetition was also Frances L. Hamilton, pianist, Hill sr 1
keener. ad W a s c ant iop o s a s o a c u . H a m lton pia ist, HillI IH H iawell at S m ith w as n ot opposed by as A uditorium . w ill ap
capable fields as Ward, and did not ThursdayIrole of
have to extend himself in winning the ,:0'lk"olE ctn"Msuatig
2:00 o'clsckc-"Morai Education," Missaceo
two dashes at Cambridge. Anna A. Schyver, Science Lecture Mack Defeats Meyer and Wins Right New Structure Will be Among Finest shool
The other nmen will have the ad-aya
tae ofherea experiee than room High School. To Meet Drury in Third in Architectural Beauty and i year 1
vantage a greater experience than 3:00 o'clock-"French Art as Expres- Round Capacity of Service in Ben
Ward. They have all competed against site of French Civilization," Prof. a conc
each other, and have also been sprint- Hugo P. Thiee, Science Lecture DOUBLE VICTORY TO ALEXANDER USE COLLEGIATE TYPE AS MODEL is sure
ing longer than the Midway midget. several
room, High School.Th
Smith has been beaten by Drew at rosspih col
5:00 o'clock-"What is Good English? By defeating Meyer in a fast and ex- When the Michigan Union has raised The
the Pennsylvania relay carsival, hut follows
-Liberal View," Prof. J. S. P. Tat- citing game of three sets last Satur- money enough to build heir new Noetore
the Quaker games come too early for lcNoescturr oo, hsia
the Michiganmstar, who is never in ock, West Lecture room, Physical day, "Chris" Mack of the Varsity ten- home, a structure, planned by I. K. Fantasi
conditionduri n tho in eer sn laboratory, nis squad, won his way into the third Pond, '79E, the Chicago architect, will Etude,t
7:30 o'clock-Band Concert, Court
as his several defeats on the gym ouse Square. round of the tournament, and will be built, and it will be one of the Mis
tracks clearly shows. The hater part 8:10 o'clock (a) Report on the Loca- meet Drury, the "dark-horse" of the finest student union homes in the Air deS
ef April, when the Penusy games are . country. In a statement in the May .
hiArl, wthen nte Pnsyaesarcugh tion of Ann's Arbor, Mr. H. H. John- third round of the tournament, early c n IcemasyRondo
held, Smith is not i n shapce; aithough "Michigan Alumnus," Mr. Pond says,Iosd
he 'an a strong second to Drew in sn, Editor of the Ann Arbor Times- this week. Mack had to use all three "The Union, then, stands-for socialized Arabese
heNws ran a"strongnseonddtoDrewiin-
both events, pulling well away from News: (hi 'Iediae Mouds of Mine- sets to beat Meyer, whereas Drury life, for organized and wholesome Hnga
a trailing field. igan," (illustrated), Dean W. B. has never played more than two rounds contacts, for democracy, for savoir
Drew is still a great sprinter, but it Hesdaic; (c) Ann Arbor, (illes- to gain a decision thus far. The rac- faire. And the home of the Union, Orphcu
is the general belief of cinder critics trated), Mr. G. W. Swain, High quet dopsters figure that Drury will therefore, should be a place where this A Spiri
that be is going back. He has been School auditorium. make things interesting for Mack. democratic and socialized life can A Birt
racing for many years, and with Meyer and his partner, Stoddard, re- function normally and effectively."
Loomis may fall before Smith and TWO AUTOS COLLIDE AND COME talliated however in the doubles, de- Again he says, "It should be a place Miss
Ward, the younger college men. NEAR CAt'SING BAD ACCIDENT feating Skiles and Randall to the characterized, without and within, by accom
Smith has met Loomis four times --- tune of 6-0, 6-4. Other scores from simplicity, straightforwardness, dig-
this year. Ie won the 220 with Loomis Car Speeding Down State Street Hits the doubles have not been received. nity, serenity." With this ideal in PROF.
second at the Central A. A. U. games Leaded Auto as it Turns Alexander succeeded in trimming mind, Mr. Pond has conceived the new 0(! S
at Chicago July 3. In the hundred, Corner Butler in their long delayed prelim- Union building.
Loomis just nosed out Smith, the two --- !nary game by a 6-1, 6-1 score, and The style of architecture is charac- Sketch
victors being far ahead of the field in Carelessness on the part of at least thereupon proceeded to beat up osl terized as a modernization of the Eng-
both events. In the tryouts for the one of two automobile drivers came Hulbert, thereby advancing to the lis Collegiate type. The construction
selection of the San Francisco team near causing a serious accident Sun- third frame. Alexander will meet the will be of stone-trimmed brick on a
two weeks ago, Smith avenged him- day noon, at the corner of St:t and winner of the McMartin-Offut match stone basement. There will be two Befoe
self by drubbing Loomis in the hln- Hill streets. in this frame. large terraces on the south side. The dience
dred. Although the time was given A large six cylinder car own'd by All matches should be hustled off, main rooms on the nrst floor will be room y
out as ten flat, members of the Mich- F. J. Thieme, of Fort Wayne, Inidiana, as the tournament will be concluded the lobby and lounge, and there will Gingeri
igan track team believe it was at least was coming down the State street hill at tie end of this week. As was an- also be several dining rooms and the recital
9 4-5 seconds. They say Smith never at a high rate of speed and Osst as it sounced in Saturday's Wolverine, the kitchen on this floor. The great basc- morian
ran a better race, and the delay of the reached the corner of Hill street, Dr. third rounds in both singles and quet hall, private dining rooms, a Profe
timers in giving out the mark of L. P. Hall, of this city, turned onto doubles will have to be concluded by women's retiring room, assd two club alistic:
course means a dispute. State street from Hill. Wednesday of this week, and all play- rooms will be located on the second Englan
Support is uiven to this belief by Dr. Hall endeavored to make the ers not having completed their match- floor. The billiard room will occupy 19th c
the result of the 220, in which Loomis turn to the south but the Marlon "six" es by that time will be automatically the third floor and the fourth and fifth upon T
failed to place, and Smith had to fight struck his machine in the middle, turn- eliminated from the tournament. floors will be devoted -to bed-rooms man.
for a second, against a field which ing it entirely around and badly Scores will be received at The Wol- and bath and toilet rooms. The busi- hime w
Loomis and Smiti had found easy in sncashing the running boards and verine office and posted on the bulle- ness offices, swimming pool, general memor
the early meeting, and in the shorter edrs, as well as one wheel. tin board at Huston's. toilet room, and machine rooms will friend,
dash. The two stars cut each other's After colliding with Mr. Hall's ma- - be situated in the basement. The din- when Z
throats in the first event. chine, the Indiana car dashed over the LAST REHEARSAL OF SUMMER ing rooms will seat 1,375 people at age.
The tame thing may happen at curbing, into the yard of the New York CHORAL UNION HELD TONIGHT once and the kitchens will be planned The f
Frisco. Probably none of these four State club, and stopped there badly - to serve even more persons. The wall trayed
stars can win both races, and the disabled. The front of the machine The last rehearsal of the Summer finish is being planned with respect and his
men who show the best judgment in was bent so badly as to make steering CChoral union will take place tonight to economy of upkeep, durability, and solatiom
centering their efforts will probably impossible. Bezide this, the left run- at 7:00 o'clock in the school of music. charm. said, "
wiss. It will be a battle royal, and ning board was entirely demolished Miss Johnson, soprano soloist, and-- lost the
the Michigan man will be up against and the left side of the car badly Mr. Moore, organist, will be present to DR. 'OLBY RETURNS 'O TAKE In the I
the best runners of his day. The ex- sprung. rehearse with the chorus. All mem- PROFESSORSHIP IN PHYSICS sor Gi
hibition of generalship that Smith There were three women in the car hers who plan to take part in the con- tried t
gave at Soldier field this spring, how- with Dr. Hall and all miraculously es- cert next Wednesday evening must be Dr. Walter F. Colby, who has been opinion
ever, shows that he is as capable a caped injury. Mr. Thieme, who was present at this rehearsal. absent on leave in California, will re- Profe
strategist as sprinter, and Trainer driving his car, was the only person The final rehearsal will be held in turn this fall to take up the chair of lecture
Farrell believes his pupil has a good in it at the time, and he was not in- Hill .Auditorium a week from tonight assitant professor of physics at Mich- from t
chance to win one of the events. jured. at the usual hour. igan. the ide
hice Davis, Soprano, and Miss
anres Hamilton, Pianist, to
(ive Musicale
ght and delightful program has
repared for those who attend
th faculty concert to be given
Auditorium tomorrow evenilg
Grace Davis, a well-known so-
of New York City, and a niece'
f. C. 0. Davis, of the univer-
culty, will mae her debut be-
n Ann Arbor audience. Miss
has sung with a great deal of
in the East, as is attested by
flattering press notices fron
ork, Brooklyn, and other cities.
Davis will be the third guest
to appear at faculty concerts
umer, tlie other two artists
Mr. Jolhn Meldrum, the blind
and organist, and a graduate
school of music, and Mr. Ed-
J. McNamara, protege of Mme.
Frances Loise Hamilton, who
eased many audiences by her
ceompaiments on lthe piano,
spear tomorrow evening in the
a concert pianist. After grad-
under Mr. Lockwood, of the
of music, Miss Hamilton spent
in study abroad under Lhviesne
in. She has appeared often as
ert soloist since her return and
to please her admirers with
interesting numbers.
rogram for tomorrow's concert
ce, Op. 37, No. 2
ie Impromptu, Op. 66 ..Chopin
Op. 25 No. 9
s Irances Louise Hamilton
Miss Grace Davis
brilliante ..........Von-Weber
que in G .............Debussey
rian Rhapsody No. 12.....Liszt
Miss Hamilton
s and His Let e........Lullivan
t Flower .....Campbell-Tipton
cay .....Huntington-Woodman
Miss Davis
Nell B. Stockwell will play the
es Life of Poet and Discusses
in Detail the Poem
"Ii Memoriam"
'e a large and appreciative au-
in the West Physics lecture
esterday afternoon, Prof. S. F.
ch gave a charming lecture-
on Tennyson and "In Me-
ssor Gingerich first gave a re-
sketch of life and conditions in
d during the first part of the
ntury, and showed its affects
ennyso, who was then a young
"In Memoriam" was written by
hen ice was 50 years old, in
y of his best and dearest
Arthur Hallam, who had died
Tennyson was but 24 years o
first part of the poem well por-
Tennyson's feeling of sorrow
spirit of wild unrest. No Con-
n is expressed, but the poet
'Tis better to have loved and
ass never to have loved at all."
latter part of the poem Profes-
ngerich showed how Tennyson
to overcome sorrow and his
i of the place of religion in life.
essor Gingerich livened up the
with many beautiful passages
lhe poem which best developed
as of Tennyson.