THE WOLVERINE- --_____________S_____ .0 I AR'VWi,,L I~)USi4 II I 1471C VS TRICK IT HIGH S'hOOL 11EVELOlME. ;' TONbLI-rI iNINIE Ithe Farmers & Mechanics Bank I'A Kalamazso Sul erbnteudent Tells(if ((Continued "from Page 1) Feor ,actiee funds, our Tr'avelers, j 1 nt c ela Two Plans Nato (lear doubled, tbe fbrst tw o scoring Checks cas't be beat. Payable IUsed bhe usebicb decided te contest. eywhsre. Ask us. I______________________M____ichrigan made a bid in the ninth,, Mr. S. 0. Hartwell, superint endtenlt when 1P0100 got a life otn an error by Sunmer session classes at the Ui- Itasn ,t h ovrn a sest of Whito wilcoeof schools at Kalamazoo, Michigan,vesiy foasintrnwonlseca lodou t the Wo . lerine chseas discussed1 ttotpittsthofdhtohaschoolcinc July 30. dicwsaswopatoo highw.lold ~ tileay robbery , offer he hail velopmsetl.last evenintg, itsthe \Vest stcea second by a itarrow macgilt. Foromer world's record holder for lecture roonmof thte Phlysical labora- Brtown, the thtirdlgras up, wltiffed the mile run, John Paul Jotnes, of tory. He piittedl out the fact that wh ilet' Itttitias still alitve, although ('ornell, according to a statenment itt he wa's mitta eposbefo ih 25 years agoit he high schtools were de- ' iiyisoitl o it the Ne YorkEvenin Mailwill1sek115 cl ts, tis bile scoring the tregain li' loafluelg eilseestened for tie select few wits ster (ettfitlrertds Thrtocpeart o"trWdsstc ritor li'AIttassoed ~ 'hatever you set osutoto n tasken by Norm.n'fabet'. Teeaepeaigfrmr dace riig h l-tr hwdagreat to- imolasses, leadership onftrakld r-any who believe that Jones cati ati fiatlw thy ittet ih' ifeeldoFridayNin;io orgrdir0,0tra000o 'hlatter ''aber's world figures for the all flosse of hightschlo age. bt tire' slits, its optosted to the tine nrile, of 4 :122 ]I otwd _aittii re bt te oot. attY ps ii. Ia so' troved too veloptoeit two pltans are binitg poe-eteit'tii hItsttettitg If I'IACTE'l2111101 011)111 ~ uttd, ooeittthe coatts t doeirnithetie i tloasetete cstiubi tie tacit is soon FOUR >II.' PAOO (O hl'. lDt) west. Itt hte east tie specialize chool a s Ie fi oote y iooktsehilt. 1'as beet adopt ed, tcl issital ati ittiittia tit sott i himsoelf thte the vocational existingtes'parale. Itt re-liable ret'liefutriholing tite'vie!- 1Fullof vrn-every drop of itlsprow In February,1 ', ; lass for te thte west teaiss bitt adoptedithle t'tsttt0' itoes scoreless in tteirst tallfitifite ~DwloZovZ02 -Ref nirror of lie tew refractor at the poiit alsholwhitihtisia ticobintatiion jtttt it tl ff ~sen 1a'.a observatory woo ordered fruit a coot- of ttelasstitatl liuthe o tol Itsimly was lt infthebioks for 1Th rs&.Qven piony tontGeritany. Notice caeati re- Mr, THartwell shosweid toal the rits- Mirlietirto tti rn' yetrda'ty. "il ~ oAC~ Gently tat twco satisfac tory discs laves topolttati plato is superior to the other, trwill ptoatbly tiith ngooditeiare o1frte whenoser TECC-Alnaa a.: last beet made. 'ITetproblemn ow inthfat it offcers tie undieidedt studletit on" f 'I'i'teday. itt, sy ou s anos, Go. elats Iexpeitteti att fiil is oios~t. Arrow thiok resenting itself is htow thtese are toa anc t tinet ndfn i laintgceticefitliltorthfit"All-Stir", of Cooa-Colu b' slipped to Amoerica. 'It is totight desired lite of wotrk,.intis stay the olioteth fltteatrefilelinge playsaofthile that thoey can be seint by way of Hot- studet does ittthaveteolit aie a tsz- day, tstarioni seviral tilficiltf catches. lind. After te disc'sresacho this ardous- choice t wittiIlie is there- s ees lli'rslr i t o )untry, they will be snt to Cast- after tiound. \11-Star teamt are uittble to miakse t.' bridge Pert, Mlassachusetts, to be - - -- - trib 'tuesday, nelt tietiritig to play 1'11a o round downt to thos proper curvatuirs.. AUN ~'i"iAl''0(Et' sol 'ott hrh'acita - ITI'Ii\NAl IONĀ°vAl1,AlSO"1I hi ON lossibit ' 'i'bteamititill 1eat' Stite Op IAlumnus Takes ig 'raok for Summer -'t treet a t2::712o'tloiikTtu'sdasy tite- * O - -" 1H. S. Hulbert, '14M, who has been Secrestary W. It. Shiaw, tfthe l imtooin,anthi e ii expetnses 01- all players AETI O E insn ns r arto h s-Association, iteaves fitr San Friancisco lubelltrwill lit Ictred tot by tth ait- Have a real KEvacation ~ro ]tn the OR re copathic ward, has been granted a ftse first of August lt attenid aimetie-ig;ettetit. economical ouing in America. Tb. two months' leave of ahbsnce, in oetog of thie Nationtal Assocriatliotio01 llichigsto hal'Siars lng scenes along the shore and theI that he may, during the sumtmer, fill Alumnto Secretaries. Al t 1-1it0i A E Company are positive guarantees tI Thes metitt ill ccu Auust ice:y 11 4j 1 the trip, and return home refreshet the placs of Dr. IHsaly, the head of the Tss 'tettai eii it'Ai =ti ns ..."...... :1"t"0"4"1" TAKE A D. & C. BOAT ti jitveunile couirt and tie departnoent of 6 atid 7, aid will bte ielid at the Ui-A bi t , ct'....... :l 1 1 7 1 it Daily servicehbetwern Deroit ad leveles, Setme taesdlinquence in Cook county, Illinois. versify of C'alifornia antd Dland5ti Stan- Nit r~nn,2 3I.. 4 1 12 1 1 of the Great Le k operate daily serie al ie oura auoerso: FAC OikADCRO The ralais Royal 304 South Main Si diamon nly wholesomeand goda 'SaTANDI RECREAION.5, eat Lakes, the mootanjoyabc end, ecool lake breezes, the ever-cha. 3- luxurious steamers operated by thie oat you will enjoy every minute of :d and glad you went, W'HEN YOU GO AFLOAT. idand Detroit and Bufelo. From Jose 10thI iload City of Cleveland ItI the' To Giants" onthe nuffelo Divisiot yiou anooafford io BOOKS Law & Medical NEW AND 5SECOND HAND Complete line 'Text Books Laboratory Books Reference Books Dtctimiatries Comnpen&d, etc. Cash or exchange for your old Books Largest stock in Mvichigans C.E. B AR'fEHELL 326 . State SI. Tel. 71 -M Secestary Shaww ill remaininittCai- foruita for tre's or fioirsweeps tind drig that litte teill attetid iseetitigs of the Alautiti of lie Uivisersity of Michigani at Los Angeles titti San !Franicisco. Rfobiinsitit),it. t '{.titon ~ .. .. Kay. if ... fBrowni,if .. Mtcyiullen, m,' r.. liraccy. r Brltityci', 1, 2.. 2 1 0 0 4 0i 1 1 0 0 0 02 r n t 1 0 C1 1 u {y 4 t) is } 0 Toledo and Detroit to MackinacoIsladnmeod sd Way Porte, Maoinac Island, the Histaric SummereResort ofthe North Coutry,isheboin oeoprolevsereasonowith the Toorists seeig quietnssteandreos, set Hotel sod Boaeding House acm modations at resnahie rates. TWO TRIPS WEEKLY nY SPECIAL STEAMER, Clevelato Maciac Ilansd'sastopos eoteeetatDrtroitmadAlene, DELIGHT- FUL DAY TRIPS heweresnbetroit and Cleveland, dernsg July aod Augost foee tries weekhly. DAILY SERVICE Juse 14th toSeptesmhe 0hhbetween Tledanod Puti-Baye. RAILROAD TICKETS AYAIABLE FOR TRANSPORTATION on 0. a C. Lne SteamiereteeneDetroit and Buffaloor Detroitand Cleveland either direotion. Send twoceot staop forIllustrated pampeletsnd Goeat Lake Mop. Address L, G.Lewis. 0 P . .A. eteait, Mich.,Set ofpostr stamps moiled toe fivercens. Philip Ff. McMiflan, Prert. A, A, Schanta, Vise Prers. & Goal. Mgr. DETROIT & CLEVELAND NAVIGATION COMPANY All seames ariveand depart. Third Avenue Wharf, Detraoi. PHIYSICIST WI LILE ATE FORl MlhETING A'I'.SAhN IIIANCOSC() 'l' otals -- Yisilitlt Desan Ktarl E. fGuthe,ittfte gratdute dlepartmtent, wsill letave' for Stoto Frant- 1Frazer, m ... Ciscit, Auguist 131, to attetnd thte iieet- Armsttroog, c.. Sigs of the Assoc'iatitontof Amiericani fItiith, s.... Untiversities, aid tie Associatioti of Doyte, 37 ... Amtericant Stale tUtiversities, whlich (fecClear, r ... will fake place tie end of August. Dean Wtilt', If Gothic will nitet hits sitnandidautightier Specer, ?..2 who are itowte ravelling intsite'swt't, ' itytearsisn, 1lb aunh attenddthitsetxpotsitionttwccliii ititit. INttSot, p.. Foh'iley, It .. . . N, F. AhLLEN'S 11141) 'IbS 'IOl'I1NfI, ... 4) e t 2'7 G .11 Noanils Af t hi 1 0 .\ 1' 4 1 1 3 0.0) i 5 I0 2 1 2 it d1 2 00 1 1 0.2 3 1 1 2 20 it 42 20 110 41 1 41 1 2 0 I0 0 0 2 21 1 00 0 2 0 1 1 ; I 1 i 'r , I ' . SALE Nost ott-All Clothing ttt greatly ducied netic. N. IP. AI ,KN Ctl. ourtew teslocation, 241, So. Malt Sr. Tottals 3.... 7 8 1.4 27 8 -i > At Photographs Portraiture Technique unexcelled Groups Each person prsed artistically in relation to every other HomeaPortraits In the familiar "home attnosphere't At Christmas time you will warti your photograph. Why not have it taken now wharn we can devote much more time to please3 ou ? RANDALL & PACK PHOTOGRAPHERS 121 E. Washington St. Phone 598 Inntings ..... 1 2 .i 4 52( 7 8 l) it 1 ihigaen ......0 t040 i2 2 20- fYpslatitt......1 1 3(0 f) 1 o 10 - S Clhttic Stoti btast'--'razer, r.t um. Slptn1cerll'tyti tins o, hosot Fairy- it: ILiii'h 3,t, civic2, .'I~ini tuin, Ifahit- "oil 211gatsp 2-10. Steturhi caill ly I'ottiuscri2. by thrilmiy er '1 ll h/