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July 31, 1915 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1915-07-31

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Vol. VI.


No. 17.


BUT THEY ARE BARE FACTS!'' - '""'"-'-'
We knowyou won't believe this butA He was evidently a student, as he I"J CI [l" T O I

1311 FILL U 1(1115 hulL'
Accident Forces Withdrawal of Lawv
son After Five Rounds of
Effetive Hurling
13 Hap Church
Michigan's All-Stars fought an up-
hill battle against the Ypsilanti Nor-
mals yesterday afternoon, but lost
the return match with the teachers
by an I to 6 count. The locals out-
played the visitors in the field, but
the breaks were against them with
the flail, and a capable pitcher, one
Lawson by name, kept them at bay
for the flive rounds lie worked.
As the victory by the Normals
makes the series even up, a return
game has been arranged at Ypsilanti
Tuesday afternoon. The management
of both teams are taking out blanket
accident insurance policies, as it
seems necessary that some one should
be maimed in any contest between
the two teams. At Ypsilanti last
week, Schultz, of the All-Stars, broke
a collar bone catching a fly in left
field. Yesterday a fluke accident put
the Ypsi hurler out of the game, and
probably saved the locals from a shut-
In the sixth inning Lawson, after
batting, was struck in the head by
Frazer's bat, when the latter, who
also fanned, tossed it towards the
visitor's bench. The club cut quite a
gash in Lawson's scalp, and dazed
him, although it is not thought the re-
sult will be serious.
Up to that time, Lawson had held
the Michigan men helpless. Rice had
been the only local to get a hit, a
slow roller to third going for an infield
single in the third round. Mean-
while, Ypsi had accumulated a lead of
six runs.
Robinson started pitching, and
walked Frazer. Armstrong fIled out,
but Gump rolled to ice for what
should have been an easy double play.
The shortstop dropped the baHt, how-
ever, and there were two men on.
Doyle bunted, and Arentz threw him
out at first, but the squeeze worked,
Frat, c ounti en McFarand's slow
return. ' In the second, Ypsi bunched
four singles and a walk for three runs
off Robinson, although two of the hits
were flukes.
Brilmyer arriv ed and took up the
pitching duties for Ijichigan in the
third, escaping for two rounds, but
yielded a tally in the fifth. McClear
walked with one down, and scored
on Wiltse's double. In the seventi
Ypsi worked another rue around.
Doy>e singled, but was later caught
at second, Kay to Niemann. McClear
flied out to Robinson, but Wiltse in-
serted his second two base smash at
this point, scoring on Niemann's wild
throw on Spencer's bounder.
With six runs in, Michigan went
after Foley, who took Lawson's place
on the slab. McFarland hit to start
the sixth, and scored on Doyle's er-
ror, which also let Eaton on. Brown's
hit scored Eaton. In the seventh
Michigan added two more. Arentz
and Niemann singled with one out,
and Foley hit Robinson. Eaton work-
ed Foley for a walk, forcing in Arent,
and Brown's single scored Niemann,
but McMullen failed with the paths
In the eighth Michigan again scor-
ed two srusi Briliyer singled aid
nice wlked, both mien scoring on
outs and errors, Gump and Spencer
obliging by kicking the pill around
the infield.
Brilmyer couldnt quite hold Ypsi
safe, however, and the visitors count-
ed the two runs which won in their

half of the eighth. With two down
Gump singled, and Doyle and Mc-
(Continued on Page 4)

5:37 o'clock-Excursion to Put-in-
Bay, lake Erie, under the direction
of Prof. I. B. Scott.
2:00 o'clock-Excursion to a model
dairy farm. All intending to go
phone 1779.
2:00 o'clock-Ball game, Vacation
league: Medics vs. Laws.
3:15 o'clock--Ball game, Vacation
league: Medics vs. Lits.

it is true. Usually we make up these was acting without apparent reason.


stories, and probably some readers be-
lieve them. That tickles us; btut to-
day, when we are going to tell the
truth, nobody will believe us, and that
will exasperate us.
It happened down by the'boat housa.
We had been canoeing, and were tali-
ing to the geese (we mean the ones i1i


He took off his straw hat, and threw
it into the mill race. He chuckled as
it skipped across the water. (It was
a sailor hat.) He kicked off his right
shoe, and laughed heartily as it struck
in midstream and capsized. His left
shoe and more merriment followed.
(To make the interest intense, we
must here change the tense, gentle


Prof. i. A. Sanders IisplaysM lann-
scripts of New Testament and
Explains Making
Two lectures on subjects pertaining
to the Bible were given the latter part
ef ilQ t cl r l fn n ,ri . - I . d _

Tomnrrtw the water), when we heard a screa t reader.)ofnce
by the other kind. Hastening along Then, just as we reach his side, he eices.
the embankment we were awes: 'a . takes off his collar, tie and coat, and How the Bible was made, was the
as Illustrated in Robert Brown- to behold what we at first thougLt pants, "I'm so hott" substance of Prof It. A. Sanders' lec-
ing's 'Saul,'" Rev. Leonard A. Bar- was a movie actor rehearsing a "nut' And if you don't believe this is a ture on, "The Earliest Form of the
rett, Presbyterian church. film true story, look in the mill race. New Testament, as Found in the
10:30 o'clock-"How Sociology Aids Manucripto and Early 'translations,"
Religion," Rev. Loring, Unitarian teliverei Thursday aft''noin It the
etiurBEGIV.N ' IA1, S I i f~lI~ ffljj~ f~ West physics rotit.
10:r0 o'clock-"Prosperity-Immune \MDLLo G GIVEN '.."e S ' he Bible sas not originally in-
from Poverty," Rev. Lloyd C. Doug- tended to be a single consecutive book.
las. Congregational church. C. H .urge, '17, and E. Goggin, 'I, ts P flRP TO I The gospels were written down sep-
be Arranged Todayo arately and later collected into one
MondiayMonday . book which we know as the New Testa-
t50 octocke "'tenonyson and 'Ini-__
iTmet. The gospels were written i
Memoriam,' Prof. S. F. Gingerich, Clure H. Burge, '17, who has been Doctors Mleet Laws and Engineers in fhe last halt ot the tirst itury be-
W cst lecture room, Physical Tabora- Last Game on Schedule
terY. is jail for the past three weeks, will Ls(ao tween the year 50 and the year 100.
_rhave his trial either today or Monday, 'eoday 'te arliest manuscripts that we have
just as soon as Justice Kinney re- are those of the second and third cen-
turns frono his vacation. Ed Gogin, SHOULD TAKE BOTH CONT'ESTS turies. But in the course of transla-
who is also in jail on the same charge .Ctorns and copying, which of course
as Burge, passing of worthless checks, * * * * * * * * * * * was all done by hand, many mistakes
P PDR A I S EAAwill also be brought to trial on the * * and variations had crept into the text.
same day. Burge's father, who has * League Standing * So we have no means of telling just
9f roffered to pay both the boy's deficien- * W L T Pet. * exactly what the true content of the
cies, will take Coggin back to Cleve- * Medics. ....... 3 0 1 1.000 * original was. All that is possible is
Faculty Under Supervision of Dean land with him and give him a job * Lits ...........3 1 1 .750 * to approximate the original by (toni-
Cooley Evaluate Four working under him. * Laws ......... 1 3 0 .250 * paring and studying the different man-
Companies Burge reports that many checks * Engineers ..... 1 4 0 .200 * uscripts which have come down to us."
which hue is paying for, were not * - * Pictures of many of these manu-
T 0 T A LVA L U E, $ 0 0,00 0,0 0(0 cashed by himself but by others. * Today's Games * scripts were shown and explained by
-- One of them was passed in his own * Law-Medic, at 2:00 o'clock. * Professor Sanders, among others the
As many of the faculty of the Engi- tmse on a merchant on Liberty street, * Eng-Medic, at 3:15 o'clock. Syriac, the Egyptian, Codex Verel-
and it is supposed that the check was * * lesis, Codex Bez'ae and the Antioch
erig School as are available, passed by some out-of-town man. A * * * * * * * * * * versions. Te interesting points of
busily engaged in making appraisals drug store on the corner of State and Robertson's Medics will probably these were described ad places where
for various large industries through- Packard streets has had many checks grab the summer session champion- erasures and changes had been made
out the country. All of this work is passed on them in this manner. .noted.
under the general supervision of Dean ship .5 today's aoes, as on past per- "This study of the early manuscripts
Cooley. The expertness with which NET ARTISTS MUST COMPLETE formances the Laws and Engineers are has shown conclusively that many
Dean Cooley has directed such work GA MES SCHEDULED BY AUG. 6 slated for defeat. Double headers parts of thie Bible as we know it were
has been quite widely recognized, and seem to be just the diet for the Doc- not in the original, but still these are
as a result he is being greatly sought Preliiniaries Mill be Conluded iy tors who tumbled the same two teams always old and good, and there is no
by many important companies wishing ednes ills Fluded by in a' lair of games two weeks ago. reason why we should not keep them."
to learn the value of their plants. Wednesday, With Finals oss
Atth peeut ius, hefllwig Friday and Saturday If the Medics ose one gamue, tem e 'l-ls of Bible Illstsrations
At the present time, the following Lits can nose them out by winning Rev. E. S. Buchanan's lecture on,
appraisals are being made: Detroit their two remaining games, as the Lits "The Morgan Manuscripts of the
Jited lailway propertios, Detroit Owing to the fact that the summer have a longer schedule, and a single Apocalypse," delivered yesterday after-
Edison company's properties, New Jer- course in the Medical school will end defeat would not hurt their percent- "con, showed the audience how the
sey Public Service company's electric August 6, all scheduled games in the at wuld ng t the pea ot- tibluws huc atmiiiettee to the
rolwas. aliumue amd otooa Tee-tennuis tournsaument nmust be played off age as much. Owinge to tie team work Bibtle was ilustratedl min iSaio in 9lit
railways, Baltimore and Potomac Tele- of the Doctors, and their excellent A. D., when the manuscript was
phone company's properties in Wash- by the end of next week. pitching they are apt to grab both writtm,
hgesoe'Tie doubles must bcuneary finished pthnte r p oga ohwitn
ington, D. C. games, and either of the opposing "The manuscript which is contained
Dean Cooley and his assistants have by next Wednesday, as it is planned t teams which can cop a victory will in a large red, cloth-bound volume a
just finished making appraisals for stage the final games in both single.. certainly earn itL foot and a half wide by three feet long,
the Consumer's Power company's elec- and doubles on Friday and Saturday The Lits meet the Laws ext Wed- and is now locked in ol of the upper.
tric properties in Michigan, and have afternoons respectively. Tennis play- nesday, and the Engineers a week back rooms of i e library under a
also completed several minor jobs. ers are not telephoning their scores from today; while the final game will thick cloth to protect it from the
Professor Riggs has charge of the into The Wolverine office regularly as also te next Saturday, the Laws and light, was brught from Spaim by the
Miehigan work, anid Profess' nuder- was pan ned, thus making tim e work Engineers fighting it out for the bot- late J. P. Morgan in October, 1910, for
eon has direct supervision of the work of coiducting the tournament difficult tom of the standing. the sum of $35,000. Mr. Morgan's son
being done nNew Jersey and Wash- for the committee Today's games wind up the season has loaned it to the university in order
ingto For a schedule of the doubles, for the Medics, as their college closes that the Bible text may be extracted
Hundreds of men are being employed Thursday's Wolverine should be con- next week. Delinquent teams must and printed."
on these several appraisals, and the suited. Notices will be posted upon pay their assessment today, or the Dr. Buchanan has been working for
ttat value of all appraisals is expected the bulletin board in Huston's daily. games will be forfeited to their op- nine months on the manuscript, and'
to be in the neighborhood of $300,000,- The present notice contains the scores ponerts. has found hundreds of mew readings
000. Many college men are represent- itn the singles to date. Players may which were current in Spain in the
ed upon the various payrolls, and in mark up their scores there, but must Louis Vores Removed to Hospital early centuries.
this way expect to make their eta'nses also phone them to The Wolverine Ls The printings of the manuscript are
for their next year's work. office. A sudden attack of stomach trouble Oriental in their rich colors and there
Dean Cooley and Prof. Anderson There are still some unpaid fees. was the cause of the removal of Louis many Moorish pieces of archee
left Wednesday for Lue east to make These should be paid immediately, and Vorhees, '16, to the general hospital true portrayed in the buildiings. hhe
an inspection of the work now being if unpaid next Wednesday, those in last night. His trouble, though not last leaf shows the manuscript in the
done. They expect to return on Toes- arrear will be dropped from the tour- considered very serious, was of such process of being nade. The scribe
day. namen. nature as to merit his instant removal, is seated o the roof of an annex to
the church with a quill pen and ink
horn, copying an older manuscript
that lies on the samte easel as the
sheets of sew pachbmet At te eft
PRiESBYTERIANC URCH s a tower of ladsla e
HURON & DIVISION STS. story to thec ext. At the top is a bell
and at the bottom a person is seen
LEON A RD A. BARRETT will speak Sunday at 10:30 A. M. tolling the bell while the scribe works,
Reverand Buchanan held that the
TH-9ME: PERIL OF GENIUS-As illustrated in Browning's "Saul" Morgan manuscript had in some places
Bible Class at noon for students attending Summer School preserved the original text that had
been ost in ali extant Greek manu-
Professor W. C. Hoad will speak scripts.


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