THE WOLVEROINE I And a Choice Stock of RECORDS VOIAIT10KEEP WEIL[ SIOWS OEFEC1S IN JOPIC OF LEC[VDE' [1AL1 IOCEMOD Dr. 11. 1, (C'uings ReiewIs IWS .tI~~oilProtf. E. It. Snderlnid Deploes he r ad lfeits fCi ('' litnty i'l'arhs hInAmrican Ilseates .Igry Meb=,ds ENi'HASIZEi 4 ERSO4NA i hia.IEN I, PAi~S6 NLISii A W ilttTtIl)DO Dr. Hf.1. CummingsOf the Unter I his addrss on "Trial by Jut'y" sity Health Service,gae an interst-ryeterday afternoon Prof. E. f. Sui-ngadeso "C srvtnofelnofheaw coleprd Health," Tuesdlay evening to a fatt the hinfeicent y of the present Aeti sized audience in West physico lectre "scantjr sstett.Ile clearly sowed' rooms, lie spoke in the pleot'' a oss ttiriits to tis fonyof tril, Ueto on, who v tsunieto fe itvrngd try th al aci OtHtioi it fre ono '1 t Lsr, iii ee,}ystate o tttit'. Vt: 50ot 0 i' th 1inlthfanciy. beeti mssoed aal oited. "Conservation of Health," as Dt.,vi ss' 'ditsi ,'ttttnives saw0 it, nay be dvateu tt lv vshid tt-lti ,tt under three important influnces: it 'a' at law, a'd those of act. It is lft through the individual; acane, to the judge ts deide tie aastns t cnaglhec'spiysiciat,andtehtiird of lawatd tt the jury to decie shto throlugh tiel Iflcuneeof te Pubi' at are h at.Tefnig fec large, etp to fornite jdgtteit reittied Hie reveewedl tttnumtbertf tdistases 'ie itajority tof ot' jies lota arc whitih are supposed to be iteritable, igioratt of law atttlcoutrt tiocedue, and by tieans of lanttern illustrattttn:t;tsr tt'siness iteti ry tavtiti sittitg sowed wtays itt witchtdiseases may Ot0 tratl iesetgt a to beconttacteti iotit extetitally atttincaitot conprehtendthte tttssv otitailt ternally aecottat uystuttib ttaly prsetnteid.As aoesit ttt tt "Inivduas re ontanl~ hlnicjtry sysettthan dtetriortedi attl le- thir parentts ftr ill healh,''lie sait, comte iatateiit to litet'elindtts of "lbt their ideas are for the most part tettets. Somtte'gtotiadvitt' by'te imagintary." Tuberculosis, cancee,'ttt'ottiepttittcitetex leriosytttttLite ttttre inportantcdit- '"t tb'o is'f S assIe showesd otte ot inhieritet. 'nittn, buttin ti of tu'statsta Frotthevtost'andpttittitfte physi- jtg sitttlte' oepat cian, whio is ''otly Nature's itelpet,'' ak aletiar tit, c tit'tte 5'titt !atlie expressetd it, the greatest goodttndsitu littttlt" ist tone throughtte services tat itt endesoby tmeatts ofvacinatiotts.Ic 111)NIERO I lN sotwed, in to'e instance, thatsintiti EDITION C((.IN iNF'itdl'i'Sile. 1891, whiest the cottaisory arcioti tion law wsatpt into ehfect in Ger- msany, Otheehave beetn but 'eight 'Tree ismbesc of "'Te latt Fly," =clownt casos of smallpox. suntiter newspaper itt Cattp Davis, Ot' ''The pubilittic large, twhenfinaly or^'itt cirt'ulationt. "'h lDasis Fly" is 'ducatted up to te ptiit,''h itt'tta it db ro .(D ,'1E n 'ained, "tilutinist ott physittiaisanditsiprintedl by iandtn iii"itepritstpapr. specialists eniployed by the state whi Th'ie paper is written in a st'mit- will e of te greatest serice yet hutmotos syle, atd cnttaits ttat 'onteired of is the coservationiof clever cartoo by Harry ILesei. tublic health.'"ittseallt setts tietheitspreailit" _____antsettent attotg the stutetts atI PROF. IFRIDAY TO INVESTIGATE tatmp Davis, aittitatts organitetiit- NEW JERSEY ('ORPORAT'IiON ter tieinanmes of H"Boobs, "Scrbst," -,,-_anti "Huckers," engage itt daily batte Prof. David Friday, woit o w in -'tictheidiatimol suprecco'f tie California, will spend the motoitt c amtp. Atugust itt iovestigating tie fratciitia at the New Jersey Public Service N . P.LIsIN'S' i Hu 'll , 'ILTIH'ih N ; entpaoy, tite thief ofices oA siitu' it~: are in Netwark, N. J. Nto tti --A 'tCattinti gtteattlyr titititi pics N EF' AitiCO. C t [:" ID C('Ai hN tcrtnevilitt io 21It S. AlainSt t (Continuied from Page ti1iesiyS)olo ui itetmigr ntager of the Micigatii Mtilling cotitany; Prof. WV D Hetder- ALBERT A. STANLEY, Diector sot, Dr. G. C. Huer, antd . . W. " fCheinittttfPittAd1 iicii Stdettt" every effton possible to obai the Ana umrSStI necessary sftid.An alSm e >'o Dr. JanasB. Aingel, £Presidenti EIGHT WEEKS-JUNE 26,-AUG. 20 Enmeritus, speaksiigily of the iork Fegular Ftill Tr ies Moitni.Oit. 4, 191 in tefolowitig testistoiial, "If schit t at alta'ogs, t iti ittici"""'ss a work baa an interest in yoro heart, CHARLES A. SINK, Secrtary I kntow of ito('hristant citerprise Ass Abor, Mih. snort iortity Of yost favorabie consid- "ration."'iPresident 11.B.Huiicinis alto endorseoste sork and its ieedI of a boiitty, in taying, "The sork of the Aosociation is seriously hatdi- capped for wntt of adequate atetin-1 camnpaigne t ttland sall atcteed is, Law & c- e ict~ otte of ito greatest assets - ll N. . ALLEN'S IEl) TAG CLOiIIN' NEW AND SCONl) HAND SALE Noir on-All Clothing at greatly re-c Conmplete line duced pies. N.F. ALLEN CD. At our itevslocation, 2110So. Main t.c tf Text Books I Laboratory Book. Reference Books Dictionaries Compends, etc. Cash or exchange for your U's, 5IP ~old Books . i i I i I I i i t i i i i s 1- hetitarmet'tt echtticsBar The Farmers & Mechati7, wnilcs Bak Ifi ralds ('yiII For~ vactaonfunds, ourTraxelesn FANCY OR' AND CUt' Checsscant be seat. Payable 304 Soh Masnt I anyswhere. Ask us. Takie a tip itom the t e, who isp a11 the aversgutabbet. Dciink F/ o i to Jc -oL It 'iir -L yTA Co. _ e. y A At.50rr.1X5-1- AND RP 5tLE.A 1IOiN, Have a real vacatiosn on the Great Lakes, the moat anjoyahir. and economical outing in America. The cool lake breezes, the ever-cbs si- ing acenes along the share and the luxurious steamers fipeeated by .hie f Company are positive guarantees that you will enjoy every minute of the trip, and return home refreshed and glad you went. TAKE A D. & C. BOAT WHEN YOU GO AFLOAT. Dailr servicehbetweenaDetroitand CleelhandandDetrotandBuffalo From Jane I10th In September hIthSteamiers City of Detoit land City ofClevelhand IIIite"'TwoGiasts" oh the Great Lobes, operate dale servie asthe Buoffalo Diviion; u ansr'tard to miss the pleasre of a ride as tbese floating palaces. FOUR TRIPS WEEKLY frum Toledsoad Detritisto Maciacssllandad Way Ports. Mackinac slancd, the Histsrio SummeirResort of she Nrthk Country, ishbecomaingscore popular eery tseasosnuiththe Touristseeking quetness aod repose. Excellent Hotel ad Boarding House acom- smudatiuns at reasonahle rates. TWO TRIPS WEEKLY BY SPECIAL StrEAME., Cleelansd to MackinaclIlansdtasstsps esrouteemcpt atDeirsitandAlpess DELIGHIT- FUL DAY TRIPS hetersDetroit asd Cleveland, during Jland August fast trips 'weeklr. DAILY SERVICE Juse 14th to SeptmberIth betweenoToteduasdPt'is-lay. RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR TRANSPORTATION oa 0. & C. Line Steasmersbetweens Detroitand Buffaloo rDetrtoit andClteveland eitherdirection. Srsdltwo-cent stmp for illustrated pamphlet asd Great Lakes Map. Adhdrss L. q. Lewis, G. t? ,.,. Detaoit, Mitt. Setsofpstrstamapasmailed fur five cents. Philip H. McMillanPrert. A, A. Schian, Vise Pres. & Genl. Mgr. DETROIT & CLEVELAND NAVIGATION COMPANY All seamsnearariveranddepart, Third Avenue Wharf. Detroit. "The next trunk I buy will be an indestru cto"' Th'is 5iste opuittitotof lotpeopie cvorywvhoro Wito kn w tltoehta sottne tt7T-eatr- tsico ad u ritliability ofIin1- -s , dcstrustin rittik i, otrwho a . " " . ..ha'seoset it hoter woe u frilly "cttisemttcl they ate ft r it tratvolt titgasuetv-al iontiip. \Veittve a titoss' limie of "Intint ruchis trttitls aat ft coletter nectds. Ci mitiautd set' tht ii ltistt0 yo'uti go we'at ttissumret, Inti(tstrurc uttmie arc Q 4abltily g5tttttelco r "fivo years, .itomttterhiotw hand teswear \tin iv Summer Furnishings for Men RueleConlin &Fiegel WSHNGO l n ixIsaf ter. Maynard and William St. jLargest .Stock in Michigan C. EnBARTHELL 326 . Shale Si. Tel. 7'61-M