THE WOLVERINE THE WOLVERINE I Orpheum Theatre Teofca tdn esae o The HoueofamussnscPlays by Famus Teofca tdntnwpprfr! Players. the University of Michigan summer I - - -_____ session. Published by the students on I '' 'gtl eahrmnasl filleee'eily Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday af- f y 9-3o ceo a Frda Iaheed the "Please" signs on the eans-I Claire in TIhe Wild GoeC hase ternoons. Twenty-five issues. pe e(adeadatntr vn (teenedy) Paraoe unot'lraveis. ins, us to break the nloneoy, forl tots 31 - -St.--Cecectney oeancd Subscription rates-By carrier, sev- we useually htave a fairly interesting Gladys lesehoell in U fromc the enty-live cents for the suimmer; tille.~ Depths.mailed to any address for one dot- Majestic Theatre PRESENTS THE FAMOUS PLAYERS PROGRAMME Th lrsdy.. dle 9 '"Pride o enr, Fam-Plyr, ndChs. Capli i"l olecBy tay" Friday, tly,3o--Caite ves en "Clothe" sed Patheews:o Stoday, Jltl31Johice theeeoreoei "ArteeeieoCtien." Temple Theatre ADMISSION S. (eept Fiday and Studay 'tecs.., tele .ee "Sice Jekll coet Mad,,e Hydeee' .-ee,'Helen eat' eree. Fet, Jety 3e"'Il h eectaeieg," : eiee Stewrt. Set., J ly 31c-"Fraueds," fEldnat .\ye. Neot Week "Wt'erdel," Ca. Claclie. Arcade Theatre SOWS: AFTERNONS 400: EE. 6:15; 7:4; 9:15 llte'eelo, Jle e9q-'lhec, Jeffeso aonelAdelaide T'urtoneetic"Tics Sadows coeaIret City,",a grit' pieg drame tc pelyt'niv e ptat. Charlie CinetFereidy nigt. DFEATH OFW V. A. FitANKtLIN, '16 DEPESSEsS ('AKE IIOAIIIUS (an mprovtttements :Nearly Finished; lDe Vrieos and lrtwei Lost in Swampj Work at Camp Bogardus is now nearly half completed. The contem- plated improvements of the new mess- hall, kitchen and sewage syten are progressicng cicely, and are hoted to be ready for use Augtst 1. The canmp was cast into gloom last Wednesday when it received news of the death of W. A. Franklin, '16, who died its the Uiversity hospital of pneumonia, is the early part ot the week Mtr. Franklin was already sick when he left the camp, July 16, to go to Atn Arbor to receive treatment, and -c-hile walking to Cheboygac, he was cought icc a drenching rain and became chilled trough. When he ar- rived in Ann Arboc, he was found to have a severe case of peunonia, dy- ing the followicg week. F. E. De Vries and L. P. Browc were lost in a swamp around_ Burt lake last night, acd had to remaic all night before they could find their way out. Fine weather conditioccs prevail at the camp, and twice a week the t- dents hold their all-camp sicgs. Bute print copies of all songs are made and old at the rate of tet cents each. The music of the camp orcestra is also a feature of tics evening's enter- tainment. lar.t'lpill 'Hints Advertising rates- Furnished upon up- (letyuhseh ectn'c o-t plicatiocn to tics business manager. e! osoedctfl t ctrgr Subscriptions and ads taken at Quar- talk frornIter. ry's, Cushing's and University Aye- necePharmtacy. tglE~S'SOt IOOGE 'lAl~hKlt ON Office Boors: Macnagincg editor, 2.00 LIFT IN 6EF2:7001WB C' to 3:00 daily; business mcacager, -leesdlicte', 'elveritte' 1:00 to 2:00 daily. Phones 960 or cvectveoctietllir'cie 21. learnted genctlem'scc a'gole' Address, The Wolverine, Press Build- fu toeyl 1lw ce c oo ing, Maynard SC., Ann Arbor. stansrtroteomy sis laeakdeetecti- '1 eeee'ac'he ' li t lltenedlilg thote. toI Hloward RI. lMarsh-Mlanagintg Editor I lle' lectures. Phocne-2414-1505 ___ Ferris RI. Fitcht-Business Manager c'c'alkntg Crt'ek - Phone 960236 -'"ietdtesycr1cee'litytl Coctributing Editors- tt;. LeekI" -T''hc letuenft.ihalitsibhnille.' F, F.BMctinctey F. If. Churcsh 01c cltl ceytCeltl eIferoueiw',aistoseeieour ce rloe he .wecoiid Hand Summer School TextlBook i Woodrtifs Quasi-Contracts Beale's Crimmntal Pleading and Practice Mickell's Cases in Criminal Pro~ediire Hall's Cases Constitutional Law Wigmore's Casts in Evidence Ame's Cases on Equity -NVRIYBOOKSTORE 'he Mirror Will Reliect ~' a erfect it aI ccerycenent tif 30 ir cotties t I Ic4 a e lad ecre 'dliat we geco , ntee No mttcr c-itat yuccrcbulil my b t e' c-c acn I' 1 tasure youc elparel liedt oci 1lityoct c re'andi you owill see 1apcrflc Ily well- dressed one C _-- 4 I lv yuoreedyarfanetrue F KYER WITKEK For Table Supplies--Wholesale and Retail 1 14-1 16 E. Washington St. Phone 326 Assistant to Business Macager- Williame H. Hogan Isstue Editor D~wiglht W. Jennincgs Repotrers Phil Pack Ward Peterson Nathaniel Thompson Bruce Swaney David Rosenthal C. Wcc. Lecmmon Karl Wehmeyer Jerome Zeigler THIURSDAY, JUILY 29 Issut-Etditoir-Philipt(' Prck PREVENTION Two unive'rsity studencts are at pres- ent suffericcg the consequences of hav- ing cashed checks recently without having funds in the banks to cover them. There is no excuse for such acts in themselves, butt tics condition whieh makes it so easy tor studtents te casic large'cecks wtithouttmcany safe- 'uards thrtcswc aroucnd till tracnsactionc, makesuchkuncfortuntate occterencees icneitable, as the history of e'very ta- denet gecneratio shows. State street merchoants icc thcelast have cashed cheeks for compltaratively large anmounts wtith the utmcost free- docm. Usually the frautdutent cecks are for suchbsmcali acuonts thcat ccc decisive actioct is taklen, hot occasioct- atly a student, findincg the process so easy, goes a step too far, ancc then falls into the hands o1 the lass. If this soorce of tenmptationowsa re- mcoved, the student comcounity would be so mcuch tics better; asnd those icc- terested icc the welfare of the ucniver- ity are therefore pleased that two branch bantcs are to be established ont State street this falt. Studecnts will then have cno excttse for asking merchants to cash eheetks, and the latter swill not be foreed to ecngage inc the dangerous practice which competition for studectt-goo d sill and patroccage has forced thecc to engage in during the cost. 1 . t t 1 3 t 1 } 1 5 tcsertt'toc, rr-i g llll ttt thle sis to clove.: "CThe fectiots, '-I sae, for- jutec cst lsocvthsatt'halpl eteuis, landc I ca'tilr'etdtthis scritntg.'' C-h Ourc' Itll] oiMalatat hit -tesee ills Stellet' No, 5. citavorite Sonigs No. ,;.--Ssubmasrine sisitoc 'v--"Tlsre's it tote itttho Bottontofte 1cSect." HIltDtEN BALL T'IC(K BEAUS OUTI WOLVES IN' 32 INNINGI BYI tcpt' (ctKainit Broeoklyns, N. VY.,Juty'28.-Thse' Dlodgers wsorkedthetcsold hitdtese halt trick oc thlst Wolve's today in the thirty-se, et dinniing, and tthe ltter- ing Nfichigandtes drottpeditt'eist cutiet'o1 the tratinling trite series by it 1tie S score. "Nap" Rtulcer, Ike vetnerabte pitch- issg cripple of th' Sutperbas, cmanaged to stagger throucgh the entire roatse although ho only struck sat 46 men. 'The W-overines tooc hs~l hit up for 3f its, btnotoo 0001tisem camce iu Ilhe c-cle' ittiel, ostly I18tos themtebe- it, extra tase smaeshles. \Silhmis nltIon teybastes,lsoecve, 1st ti~ist 'eced cli':antIoen'ste b flamosee hi olve e wt'ecolitt crewc was uablhe to it hime. Ptersonc, genserally good foe at least a tritple 015 'acs trip, ss'as utterly' baffled by Roclieec,esnsd fansseed onc each 01flis1:; aleaeaecaees. Atthoet misthe come'vtar'tedcit 3:0 o'tcec, it was still lighlt at thee hisish, as Brosoklyc,tiletDe teoit, less P'sternl timetaced ''"eore deylielsl'' ThsePoets- ers sad solly misade flee scratchlt hits ttp to tisc'finsal rontd, ansdltise blingles werie kepv ellsi scattered ver the 31 early' rounssls hartpfietdietgaidinsg 'Churechsinll osniy thesaoc eltot aggcre- gatioti. With t'wso m x e nitsthe l3snd routed, atmcl "eecle" t f it eeltot, lice Suee ecsworkedthecirehiidenceboll trick. CbIurel thsewsshilyfemouss "Iis" halt, ased Whts, ill dodeilS, acciteent- ly bued'Sitoncfait territory.- AlottgceIRobinsons sawthsle' opecor- tunttyl at a glonce, aced quiekly re- leashed "tarrie," Ike let carrier pigeon Fine Watch, Jewelry and Eyeglass ...REPAIRIN1G... CONKLIN, SWAN & OUR $1 SPECIAL Lenses Ground to Order 1Os~ \~e Alarm Clocks 75c. to $3.00 6 HAILER JEWELRY CO. STATE STREET JEWELERS U. S. Postal Station 3 TELEPHONE 534 o1 tite Brooklytn club. 'The infucrate'd hece constinedcI: bird of prey rushseedlossnItotntics halt. lclnnings ..20 211,22 23 24 25 311 17 whlicht htad fallenl a feowfeett nfeotWolves .....II0S 0 i0 0 l0(o S _0 of thec tlate,.ansSseined it beefore either Ilodgers ..... 0 0 1)0 5d0 0 t0I0 of 1110 Wolf battery could tick it utp. Score contictoed: Rtisintg 05 ratpidly 15 0 Zepplit, 'leer- Inncintgs -....28 29 -0S.3132--t ItI1+ rie" carried thte boll straight as a Wolves ..... 0 0 0te 0---0.1 It strinsg over centerfielder Thoucyot's ilodgers ..... 0l 0 0 0 1-1 6 22 head, as he stood oct the toil of the Batteries: Wolves - Chuechc and Ebbett Park fence, in a vain effort to Marsh; Brooklyn-Ruckt'er actSConl- stop the ball. oats. U'mpires--Bigler ant ihart. W~heat hcored, and the runc was at- loewedl to otacnd only leter at riot. 'fllhe - Wolves decelareod itwa000fol a telelI, do Ite pigeon hod ticket it up. tempirt. ttivler, howevee, retied it was5 a ftyr hall, as thse birdl had flown immeodiate- itevrcollecjiat c ly after pickineg it upe. Umpiire Haort susetainced thsedeceisiou, otnd the flukee went for a homse edut, as "Carrie" __________________ brosught lice boll book to hser cage. "Every htde'ntscsehotauates fromc "Stals" .lohse, o1fcthegoyle hleg'.,iPricetons aniversivy metst ite an 110- antd "tBeateh" C'arpentfer, aniother pitce- cnmplishtedlswinimter andlihfe-saver," erwho hurled for thle'Daity inth ie is thse edict just preonounccedl by the Putblicationt league cast heason, will authorities of Old Nassau. Beginnting report to lianager Alaiesi at Salitte withe the class of 1910, every studeict Thusdtay. Fridaly tile Solve'o coks before he eon gradutate, must be able tile lottg jutmp front Saline' Cs Ypsilanti to pass te test icc life-saving that is Inc te lost ganme of lice training e-vetnoes eifficeult tsancthCie exansina- seatont, ocening the hoenateason1tioCln givene Co a professional life guardl algalihstthe Sohotl Etbaitnees hStr- at nmanyo elf11cbig uwaterinegilaces. layon seFerry fheld. hece: Stanfored's coast e'haetspioces, wvho Innngs... 2 4 ti7 89 1) escme in secontd at I eoughleepsie, will Wiolve-...t.S0h01)0 0 0 'S I0 0row against XWashinsgtoa Uciversity Rodgrs .... 0 0 00 00 0 0cn Seattle betweens Say 15 tnd June Sece coentittaed: 15, 1916. The exaet date will he de- Intnings ...12 53 14 15 16 17 IS191tidede upons when Stacnford determines WVolves-..... 0 50 0 0 0 0S0t0 whether leer Iroww ill gee InPoucgh-- Dodgers - h....S0h0 S 0 S0S0t0 0 eepsie 1nex1 year. It's Cool in Mack's JULY CLEARANCE SALE - All Spring Suits 1-4 off All Furnishings 2O1y( off 6ra)OZ7P7THE MAN STORE OF ANN ARBOR Service a la carte J.a "F. WUERTHu O I L- Firm J.T. WUERTH FP HARRIS