THE WOLVERINE We charge you Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodnks, Films and FinishingI [nothing for devel-A in Ann Arbor is at A eu PRINTS ON you can find a L YND oNS 719 North UniVrsiyOAenu Sigl defctTwo doors from Hill Auditorium (he best paper made) single defect Etalished 195, and growing bigger every dayII Madeto ourmeaure"Mike," Students' Friend, Takes Maet ou esreNtr' Chemical Remedies Palm Beach _ aur' 1tcrcoiegiate The Summer Comfort Cloth _ ledlaL is toolCooli, other wise know to, or forty-three years. He is 6 years In a f hads j ss 1s Itoi-so ready Irish swi ad inexaust- A suuat o1 65 eswomidhipe is vaieyt 1Ictasses itt the themitslibhilding, t upeo trishv ee oprctcing football twce a seek under J.K. M alcolm _______C m i utgo ohr'~rothofoeevsh~sdOe th ie gitdttce o Luet. J. It. trahao, 604 E. Liberty Street I Eaminiaions for fthe(nrcoutrse to mtitteral baths at Ypsilanti. of the ceistry bsildig. His strong- head coach at Asnapolis, adth iere is the_____summer________session______ theinssor tehiest tlawi d-tie- scktt ntlsoiitmeha Itrsytemctsingoic aemfaitotisewhissoeonosiiohmteiads.huTheTh ___________________were__eld__esterday__andto- sas insa o eisonetdcoditio so are-! Michigan 5studets attendedl chapel; chief hnd of the suas is A. C. Gimna, u 7 T 1 B O a caysutfloitng contfinemienttitsthe labura- tuapaticulart- of that pro hncr h lydtackle at torCol asten later H I STON B )S da tories. litsindividuals furnssieud early-norn- wtio playedt cnd at fotan td Tht Finestseiliirrrianomtintthe Slate'Tit)anything shoulssd happist to c- ituig visitors for the eiicatiosn of te rowed on te varsity crew at Cone. Mrs Fnne gvearinorml o acitd the oltmsisus services is re- rot ot the stusetitbody, ithie form The practice will itcrase its intesity CIGARS and CANDY Thusrsay f(rno to te library grstl as 'Mike" is a f'ixture. He f a cost sr a munue. Frost wichs we withi the coming of cooler weter. "We Try to Treat You Right" faculty' atd the students of litrry'asitsheIt distisctioni of beitg the olest say leant to our satisfactiotn that ______________m____________settodss, it iin the service of fleunitivrsityI Michigan was atmotg those ideal atd il Wast, te fatous Wite Sx THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK I -BartonsC. iludi, 1'5E, liss as(lttloaut r!lits seenstuets sone atd go picuresque universities of the past. pithler, is to retrts to Yale usives- Capitat ....... . .....800000 a position ini the sates detaritet o sity seta seasori as coachs of te Eli sutpuns andtUdiied Proft. ....i5,w0-o0 i the Packsard Motor companytotif De' OVEtRll1s0 tttEStNT'AT'tAST' P1RO)'. E. I). JONEStPEEPARING pitchers. Walsh servd in that u'.- Reoesources oo roi...............'t.t.t..... ' 14)K PON"O(IAtZ't'ON pait .6vuralsesosoIsudr he auol Transacts a General Banking Business!iIBĀ°L3Ii1TCOA tROP OKUO O RAI AIN arysvrlsaosudrteLs per cent inters pai ass savitugs Depositi. ' -Benjamin Stepard, 'I las, woi is - ~coac'hing rgimue, bit following the it- vato urlsri~es oitited. soicconnsected sitsft'Dimei'Sac-- r-"_ii 100tlt)turnedsoutuiTusday Profi. E. U. Jones of ftseecosomics augurafioss of tu'graduate syten, Chat. . 5'itiosk, Sco., Michael JAit. Ci'st ssowii aa as,Wm. . atsstc.carts cts usaviuguDeptg f's.,heofeekerdltth P i ammat vesing for fle last prelimnaury re-.Ddepartment, opesudingru, v n'sBulin C.,o Dtriti sen-Walsh's series were dispessedwitihi. Cast r wts t itA otC tr a utg s H sit fl' wo sit or(lie'li floistioiolustiniNew Hampshire ott thesores Old Yale stuethae bentissistisg that iteltti hosuse. iersat of fle sussmmse chotral usosn. Dela hustto Wititipesaukee, asd is gathering Walsh's return would ueasn a nore DETROIT UNITED LINES tt uresent the fnion sninplsoiienf Director itiueth N. Westermnsssslcd material for a (ook which he hopsa to dependable twirlisug staff' thasn the Eli's fuuis abe tO5usobh' esuppstuy work for a stresuous practice, asd cossiderisng publis soon. The ook will be en- had in the past season. The sew ath- ANN ARBOR TIMES TABLE sit those wrhotre apiplyisig. To that butest rehearsals have beesi had titled, "The Principles of Organia- etiss comnmitee closed a deal with (EastnItandasd Time)t eso ik ago there wsrpesty to io t Wsh hkesoutfar, te is well pleased with ftssay tion." Prof. Jones, its his trip, went W~t otk charge of the pitching Limited asd Saprots Carts oDtrnotpuiiit-7olie i a uats. tGotuod's "Gathia" is being interpreted. by the way of the Great Lakes andi squad whets the indoor practice starts u.sin.d hourtly i uto i in.'so 8i0s---i- Miss Auto Grace Johnsos, Choal Mostrea in order to tudy the eco- asd to renais with the mess 00 late Latal Cars on Dstroit-54oa ,.:)5a r.Lcl a .lmniiiu sirris at Adtiis, N.F. tUsilostsoprasuo soluist, was presentof nonic cosditions of the French (ana- i the spring aspossible, atu nderyto hust , p. ., 705s p r A. K. Hat, a graduate of flete rehearsal, and practiced the solo hiss, whirls wilt e inorpratsd in--- Topilaionly:i,5i5p00ii1 i tUsiversity of Michigas, as married pats which sie wilt have in the ial iiss bok. Professor Poid tRersto'eah Etuiuty 11:0 55a. in,., 5:55Pii. sit.1isp" i1nt, 1-5usto Mrs. lHarriet . hrnis, of Adams, recital to be ieldl itsHill Audtiorium - ----- Professorc'Rosoe Pounsd, of lHar- LissitsdCoa. noe, Joosos.040,. ii ' ~ ,at that city onl June 29. Utlitott August 11. ('tiittt-etst Issues for HmnTotday ard, aries itsAtn Arbor today. SHe eccrtwohs to 48 p. i. eenty, r. Hale was one of the di- All wits were present wilt receive Geo. V. Labadie, captaiss of sealtsilt teachu eqity in the law scoo Local Cars or Jasos5:1 :5 .In. rectors of fle Anti Arbor Wafer pernianesn seat numsubes front the di- year's Vsasity snie, leaves this een- here the latter hatt of the summer ou rnd ry w huto6is5o tp ,n.,ais, Works. ructourattic setatrehearsal, ig for hs home its (arney, Kansas. session. 9:5 Pi. sm., i : 5p. i. LET'S GO CANOEING Calins' Pharmacy 324 S. State St. *DRUGS KODAKS * Candy anSoda Water C ALKtNS' PHARMACYI COUSINS & HALL 1002 i. UNIVERSITY AV., Both Shoots 115 Ass Arbor,,MHch, to Put-In-Bay-Cedar Point - Cleveland -Sandusky DAYLIGHT ACROSS THE LAKE go Every Day Excursions to Put-ln-Bay 0 1. Round Trip Fare Roundl Trip Sane Day asn 60C Sundays or- 75C Week Days - ~Holidays Cedar Point Excursions--$1.00 Round Trip On Susday, Mosuday, Wedssesday and Fisday Cleveland One Way Fare - Every Day -W$1.50 Big Steel Steamer "Pus-Itt-Bay" leaves Detroit evsry day at 8: 00 a, mn.Centnal Stanidard Tins Steel Suds Whseel Steanmer "Frasuk E. Kinby" leavs Detroit week days as ti:00 p. to'Central Tsme FREE DANCING--Finzet's Orchestra on Str. Put-In-Bay Whole afternoon at Pus-Is-Bay. Write for Felders "- Three and one half hours as Cedar A hey ltl Pon.Visit er 10000Mmra. Th~e Caves, Casitsno.sDanse P- Steamer Line vlon. BigtotlstBthtin~g Bas, Aquasti Sldsor a. Mittsy, Laoon,, Detroit, Michigan etc- FIB I DOH M110 AnS4NCH IROOM Liberty and Main Sts. Open all summer Banking S STATE ST. J Sitiiis'Scthool StutdenttsOcetipy 'New -- The New Catalogue I ttlof4S'I EN t'Olt NtiX't' YEA:R of the Nesw(srry Re'sidenice, the inst of thi'e y serin's nut dormuitories whuichsis tbeiing Uoi troeseofatlMichuigan for womnstut- f.D Ive nwbeinmg ocupied by sumsmser school IS NO'\W READY students. tttIdicative o1 the great sired of reli- Complete information concerning the eight Colleges dence halts for stomtest studients at the and Schools: uniiverity is theo fact that not only aini alt the rooimus occupied flits soss- LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS, uter bitt every' roots is takenm for neat ENGINEERING, MEDICINE, LAW, PHAR- year, Time dormitories liars been MACY, HOMEOPATHY, D EN T I S T R Y, lhanned primarily as hmnes for fresh- GRADUATE, AND THE SUMMER SESSION smmit ucomnibiut test girls front each of the' upperrlasses still be admitted eery year. Sirce flue dormitory sc- Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, cossmmodates 683, the maujority of thek Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, girls uivn int Newberry Residenuce including Railway Administration and Insurance, stilt be freshmnit. Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education MINearly alt of the hed-urosoms out the (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation seconud and third floors are single Study), and a course for those preparing for the rsooms, completely fornishued in browno scientific administr~tion of departments of sanitation toaut. Features of particular interest and public health. o. re the kitchesnettes asndresuinug roonms sins e'achu of there floors. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Newcbcrry Rfesidenuce is flue gift of Individual Information, address the Newrberry fanmily of Detroit, to the unuierity. It ir goy crused by the tot- the Dean of the School or College in which interested, or Issuing board of directors who are ap- pintedt by theuensthfle usurer- sity': M1cs. Henry Josy, of Detroit; AMrs. SHIRLEY W . SM ITH A. I). Angell, of Detroilt,;lits Smuosd- Secretary University Ann Arbor, Mich. ins, ofiDetroit; Sirs. hi. W. Douglas, of Mutt .Arbor, amid HootsMyrsoBH 'Jordanm.