THE WOLVERINE - - ; _ R .-. X Fi t f :! ('ONCEWI' LAST NIGHT ONE OF HEST ON SUMMER'S PROGRAM Hr. Hlarrisoni and Mr. Lockwood Please Audience of 2,)00 in Auditoriumo Ai. Albert Lockwood, piaist, ad Mr. Theodore Harrison, baritone, heads } n the piano and vocal departments of the University School of Music, wurie hearst to good advantage last ee;uisg in tihe fourtis sumtmer faclty cocer. Both tIrtists so pleased te audiettce that they were called back or ecores. I s InBetovet's, "Sotata, Op. 5 \Valdsteit)", sd thopin's, "Bares- tlle, Op. 60," Mr. Lockwood executed ntber ot(deligtful runs and trill. intte taste and delicate touch addet the tsspletttitd rentditionsoof iis sele- Mr. HaIrtrnouts pleased best its Sctu- matsi's "lFruehliisgestaclt," atd tow- ti's, "A Birthtday." H-is rict ad mtel- los voice was powerful etougt to c ake botht his Gernan atd Etglilt ' t( ups greatly appreciatetd. ITe ctttcert was one of the best of the suntmer progratms that have been ofureid so far, atd the autesseeo1 2,W00 which nearly filled the main tlor of Hill Auditorium more tast aippreciated the efforts of the artists. ORi. (C. I. ('AMP1IS'OURISES ON NERIVOUS SYSTEMDISORDiERIS Dr. C. . tamp, of the university inedical faculty, readi assitterestitg paper lst evetitngttt,"Iiseases tf the NervousttSystenm." Dr. tatmp treated the subject frotm social attdlecotiomic phases, siowittg sotme surprisintg facts as to its appli- catiotn to our owo everyday life. fitowtised fthat over $2,000,000 has been spint anttntally its actount of Americans nervotus diseases, or "Amser- icatitis." lir. Canip said, "It is tmy belief tat to every oe case ofiissanity itt this couinttry, there are tets persots who cuffer frosms tevius idiseases ot somet kiti." He stowedI why trusted, level-headed tusisiess miets have beets known to give way to devistfidisonesty and teft. H~e showed that empliyees ott railroad cotpies5iio f this country jeopardize tie lives of passaigers, because o1 ussoe unknostwns nervoiss iisorder, asse theat the workmttansocomspeusaionslaw wao at fault ini excusing ijuiies thuts isicurredl witout physical exarminations tii the individuals before hati. tI,:RGE A'I)IEN('E TURJNS (OI' FOR IIINDIUS'I'IIAIPICT1UREIIS Tfhat other nusmbers osi the susmer progrismi of lectures nitettertain- m'ents, besiues adresses 055 isanity andin ttertial idiseases, cats attract ati audiincie was finely illustratei by the crowdvi that gathered in the west le- tiirieriomi ot the Physical labiratory yesteriday aternsoon. If was a "msovie .houw." Dr. L. L. Hubbiard, regent of the unii- versity, grey-hiaired, kindly, gentle vi, ciimipeteid with the crowel as the maiatatractiotn.lHe explained the piitsriessaidthlit'filmss. ''e "sioie" waore' si the usual industrial type, iesof0buildinigs, tmachinery, rough aniii n hishied proidists, the wirkers, wourer's hiioies, their clothes, schools, aimiusenst childen andstucshlsoler thlinigs (s thei'catmera msans cansnsiap in the ordinisary cays work. N. I. ALE'S IfED) TAG (CLOTHING SLE Now ott-A- ll Clothing at getly re- ticceul psris. N.i F. ALLEN tO. At Muir iieii locatioti, 2-11 So. Malts St. tft PROFESSORI MRUf 1LE(CTURES T (ON, "THIE REA'DIN1G 01'FFICTION"I Prof. J. R. Brumom, of thse rhetoric departmsent, gave a lecture on "The Rteading of Fiction," last Tuesdlay af- ternoons. Professor Brumnms strongly- advises reatlinig widely in the realms of good fictiots, becausse a book ntever fails to leave its inmpress on the reader. The works of Mr. Chansbers anid Mr. Wright were discounited in thse strong- est terms, since habitual reading of authors of that stamp msakes appre- ciation of really worthy mess impos- sible. Professor Brumus made a strik- imng comsparison between the two types of authors, saying, "The personts whit thrive ott Mr. Wrighst atsd Mr. Ulsast- hero will hond tharles Lamsb cattier tanmesoil unexcitinig. A tannsery is apt to spoil onse for the full enjoymsenst of a rose garsden." she Farmers & Mechanics Bank For vaction tunds, our Travelers, Checks can't be beat, Payable tanywrhere. Ask us.j FheEuisiteCarseSho1 SNuckwear, Hosiery, Utdeweat aid Waiss S PHONE 162 Whatevereyou setoustto winhonor r iclassosleadrshipiontails, iamon sir gidirontrain on Ffull of vim-everydrop ofit spre~mely wholesometandgsoil i Deliciou8-~-Refreshing Whenseve Atata a yso see an ~. Ahiti S, Arrs' thich -s oi Coca-Cats < WOOLA.ND)ACTORtS '10 IPPEftiJII1fAY (Costisiued frost Page 1) Arbrh, sill tarry thec leading roles its btts plays. Miss Elsie Hierudoss Kearsis, Smith graduate, ill be fea- tured its the leaditig fesminine rles its both plays, taing the parts o "Katherinta, the Srew" andil"eg \Vuiittgtom." Repiorts rout the advanite sett sale indicate that unsussal iterest is beisg siwis by the studeits ad towns- peopte its the series of pliays to e giv- en biy the Wioodlansd Playter Friday anid Saturday 01 this seel. ITe loal. commisittee its charge epet a cap~aiy crowdilat tutchlerformiance. N. . ALLEN'S ED) TAG CLOTHIING1 SALE Nost ottAll Clothing at greatly re- dicepricites. N. F. A~LEN tCt. Al str estlocatios, 211 So. iMainSt 1.t NOTICl(E TOIT. OP I. )YEN IHenry ordl has by popula sote heeistsonrededeh Ile g ratest livinsg sas. IHe is soic startinigtiponaoher un- dertakinsg, whlichs has astoisshsed theI world, lef. Foridhis plans to eret fator- leo its Westerntshroit ott a sae that haesneo50limsits. Yost taterealizeiwhat this will mseanu to real esate valies. IHnsdreds of Ieoph:e aurein vestig every day its this loaliy. tomse to Detroit atnd nmake frost $210100 to $500.00i per motuths by selisg proe~rty its this sectiusi and be amsosse LT. of M. Mes. We have tpositiosns for two or three goad live salesmen. Vi'W ehpyost its evsery stay to staler goosd. Wi' pay yo big coumslsiosns, provie, autos to shoes property asnd assit youssin cs- ig deals. Address: Sales Supt., Suite S Ces- teal Savings ass ldghh., fr. Fort asd Jussction, Detroit. i-i2-1 N. F ALIEN'S IRED) 'AG IA'IIIING SALE Nosy ott-AltClothig 't gretly re- ducedishpices'. NI'ALLtIN Cti Al out niec ocationts21'. SobMi t.'tft Mack's 6i A.dQmr -Open dtritgshuppisg Ilors -Serice a a arle Special Nusonday Lutnchieson at 5tiC -remcIecie Creuns (pus) toc -Iceereamss aidclefes delier- ed--pack~ed. -Music on Sattirdatys -Special dinners andlblut- duels by appoinlineut -Seroand Floor Annex A LAKE.5TRIPso OR ESt T t~e5AND J RLs(LATIO1,5', Have a real vacation on the Great Lakes, the moat Cnooale: and eaonomical outing in America. The cool lake breezes, the evaer-chseud-a ing scenes along the shore and the luxurious steameras'sperated by thin+ Company are positive guarantees that you will enjoy every minute of the trip, and return home refreahed and glad you went. TAKE A D. & C. BOAT WREN YOU GO AFLOAT. Daiyservice betweeaDetroit andClevelad andDetriteand Bfleo. Free, Jose 1 Oth to Septembher I OthSeamserseCitybsf Deroit hoo ad CityofaClevelands111, the "ToGiants" of the Great Lakes, operate daily service as the Buffalo Division; yes cat afford to mis sthe peaesure of a ride as thesefloting paleces. FOUR TRIPS WEEKLY froot Toledo ad Detroit to Mackinac Island and Wee Porte, Macblnacselad, the Hstoric SummerrReort ofthe Northeountry, ishbecomng more popslar eerysesonwithethe Tourists seeking quietnesand repose. Excellent Hotel ad Boardiag House accom- soatios at reaesohabe ratee. TWO TRIPS WEEKLY uY SPECIAL STEAMER, Cleoelad to Machinac Island;snostops esote eceteatDetroitand Alea. DELIGHT. FUL DAY TRIPS henween Detroitad Clevelad, during holy and August hoer tries weekhly. DAILY SERVICE Juee14th to SeptembherlItthhbetweenToledoand Pt-in-Bay. RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR TRANSPORTATION osD. & C. Linse Steaes betweren Deteoitad Beffalo or Detroitad Clevelad either direction. Send to-cent stamp forihlolrt e apleht sod CralLake Map. Address L. G. Lease, G. P. As, Dtrit, Micb et, of posterostamsepmailedfoe line coats, Philip H. MeMilla, Pre,. A. A. Schantz, Vice Pre,. & Grnl. Mer. DETROIT & CLEVELAND NAVIGATION COMPANY All steramers arriead drert, Third Avenue Wharf, Detroit. r. "The next trunk. I buy will be an indestructo" NDES0R ~ ) Ii is thse opiniomt of 1BA GZ G3.peo~ple tvei swies e ivwiho _________________________________ knorthh - i isoese alspear- ,,.;"--se e nsit u usrabuility suf In- ulesstcho htesuk" ,or n-Io . " .... is alc cs e uirfl sw'omlesfnlly rsiutvrutet thlley are for tAtrass(.II tiig autild otris' isisl1p '\V's oy'av ec-stew ie of " hush clruct thrtuks a n d ''' c- tle cues lsrfussr yout m 1 go~t .westltis csummesr. Inudetstrh lci trunuk-s ao ahissiletehy gtutsasteed itt " i -veret t o, maittaer'thow ' shardl the is ear 5ytu give' trns Suimmer Furnishings for Men Ruele, Conlin &Fiegel COL. MAIN & WVASHINGT'ON AB. Chase Becker Bros. Merrill Norris & Hiyde Aokermaan&Lowe For SALE and !RENT Cor. Mayna~rd and William Sts.