THE WOLVERINE We charge you Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and FinishingPRN S O nothing for devel- in Ann Arbor is atPRN S O opin rol fils itVELOX you can find aS 71 No t Un v r iy A e u(tebsparmd) opingrofl ms iffevrydayohdoors fUn iversuitrm) v n e(h bs ae ae Made to your measure U"Hwa ia Palm BeachJ terest to university women, wilt ap- Ili a variety of sa epear ii acti issue of fTie Wolveine. IlK L i .. 1 E /nuounneenients to le tiade in it should J. K. MVIalcolmr j_______be phonied to IPrancesogoan, 519.. 604 E. Liberty Strect Itttp itsar still some copies of the- - GRINNELL BROS., exclusive Mchgan Representatives; sssu ers oool student directory son Mrs. Gates, social dirctoriat New Asisaicerastat's o ply its' 1 L 1 1' aithot i 5 1a I Io a t.I'h Sale___________at____ 00The Woverne offic. They can terry esidenlce, gave asstinmal tiiissly pular among 5all loe.ifsi a ss' tamnt s sii.Ueuld fI HUST }N BRO (lurng bie d btaie uicd at hia place any hoe tea yesterday aternoon, entertaining HUST N B O .(eo the remainsler othtie eek at for the girls iing n the dormitory L TI''T~j s'Pj] 'PC The Finest ilitard Room in the State ils the egla price of lea cents. and their friends. This was the first Lj( CIGARS and CANDY On Fi uday nilit front 9:00o 'clock osf a series of teas which Mrs. ates E h $12, - $1 4, /( until 12:011 o'clock, ftse Michigan Unio is planniing Is give earlh seekt dringSt es-$14 "We Try to Treat You Riht" Isill gov ts nextsicn sfossal dance. John sthe smer sessios. EA CIICO N PL E T P WITH CANVASt A R1R YI N G CASE Fisietstas t, 'leEP, will be ecairmoans THlE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK it the affair. "Ite" Fischer' orchestra Collegiate Alsstnae, a nataiosal or h nivfa ia lTih smd Capital,.......I....wss i lltril h rUi"OL M ue os fn uusl.i Surplus. andsUnide r fit......5$: so o si srssl ls sssc gasizatioss fr ss omens swho are grd-O s 5 5sot0i sio lwI F sssstis Stae ONLY eI louse ofs Grinnil. It t i s Resoures. .. ........$: ,o . Nit dfinile' dateus' isbeets set fotte usates of any Amsericans college r u i stsssdiSg ad~eyiusc-lllwod Transacts a GeneraltBankinBusnesspcnic otheIstudasents sf library mseth- tersity, sill olsd a cossventioss itsSassasel fnioayi ue nten~nfctr g pe en iOnseestitpaid o a ving s ss 5eisits sds. Thse picnic was to lave teens Fraciso this summtser. Dr. lsie S fti ntuet hswxdi eyrr ni Ch s.a.ric L its Mss icaelsJioit ., a w i eldI last seelk, but was posstpssned be- Pratt of Iis unsiersity and Mrs. IF. A w. D,. Hasriman , vice'('te., Ca s'i 0.0 st, cause o Librarians End's absesce Scott will representthe local chatet. American Made asi'r, wt. walti, Asst. Cashsr sainst-kep5t. fsisistownsoti.hiIsisssscnve tions plans fr orgasi- V ( {l ol bis besinireceived ot thedeathltissyseveral teswchapers its various ~ / \ i'J ~ i il l DER ITU IEDLNSulsc sdssy osiohnLssi. urmsass at lartsf the cunstry sill be cospet / Moltsrs'otichIlligans. Fusrmnwas a0 0ed. All somtets graduates of the usstss $6-$8- $9-$1 ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE.1 freshismas essiees'risig stussent inthle versity shob are issterested inthle stork . (Eas tSdad Time om na~ e sdnusr unisvsrsity last year. ieseath fol- sthich cllegeswoten are doig are r ssi tlstn Limited ad Express Cas for Otiit loss s I ssp'aist trapnl lcisil sirgsl to affilitersvitlithyousaptetto a. mian aiss l tf:iy is . t, Is m .. (Collegiae Alusmsnae din the toses i sslsYU sitr le srefomte LslCas fr Detroit 55M isical Intsrssssesnts, Strins, s and wichs they live. iULLl fo th ceyfrs aii eeytwoisornis's', 5 os i i ,7:(i5P. oa l Musiscal Supilies at reassssable Ta 3:05Pt"I.,9t P.asilys:40 }rM.9is '5ce. Ss'hiebrle &i Son, Music No deinite planss for a fessnts tour Lrnieno5a. i.sstn 's.Pt , i srpi 's Is 1use, 11Q Sain St. tft atsentstto decide te cassponshspri n lB o s Cas orJckon 7 8a .,anlfor1 stosiets sstetslsofle ist styV'6 Liiedats sehour s t 1,.Ispedeeos'lms t s0eletsr rtll, this sunsmaer can be nadeuntl all Anan Arbor Store, 1 20-122 .Lib e rty ,Street Loalas Cart fr Jacsosas-512 ~r. s:o is s's's ovisisissticket free swith swho are iterestedl register at Ite eas roost, t:o i sssssIsp. ss ' s m"iI 11111tit'bi -Tsgymnstasium. There is still tinme for L ET'SCGO CANOEiNG Calkins' Pharmacy 324 S. State St. DRUGS KODAKS Candtyad Soda Water CALKKINS' PHARMACY COUSINS & HALL eof oritt!.s 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. Both Phosses 115 Ass Arbosr, Hich, Detroit Put-In-Bay--Cedar Point Clevel an d-Sandusky DAYLIGHT ACROSS THE LAKE co Every Day Excursions to Put-In-Bay d~ Rotnd Trip Faye Round Trip \ Sane Day at 0 Sandayt or- 75j Week Days - Holidays Cedar Point Excursions--$1.00 Round Trip On Sunsday, Monsday, Wednsesday ansd Friday Clevelandl One Way Fare - Every Day --$1.50 Big Steel Steamer "t-Ins-Bay" leaves Detroit etery day at 8:ice a. ins. Cesitral Standardti Timse Steel Side Whseel Steasmer "Frssnk E. Kirby't reaves Detroit week days at 5s:00 p. ste Central Time. FREE DANCING--Finzel's orchestra on Str. Put-In-Bay Whosle afterstosn at Put-Is-Bay. Write for Falderspp Dut Treansd osne talf hosurs at Ceda sh AhyO S Ptoint. Visit Perry $1,000,000t Memsrial. Tihe Caves, Casino, Dnse Pa-c. Steamer Line tiliass Sig Hsieis. Bting Bteacoiss, Asuticsli Sis, 15ard Walks Midway, Lagos Detroit, Michigan First 6L- Stee S 3i r { bl Nle 5 W1af -s- ® ^1 1N 'q r~gtlar practice in tensais to get into Germa___________ ________ the game and enter the toursnament.LV N C H RO0O0M The courts at .Palmer field and Ness-!( Liberty and Main Sts. Open all summer berry Residessce may be used by any-'A Most Convenient Place for Your LUNCHES and SODAS one ho as egisere wih Mis Baning338 S. STATE ST. Wood for Ibis purpose. Thsis afternioon in Barbonr gymna- eiiss, itse regular weekly'party of the «kossen's teageewill be givess irons h e C t lg e 4:00 to 6:011 o'clock. An iniformatlh e aao u (lance witt be a featore of the enter- ,of the taisnettwhichsthse social commssittee ( t o ba plann~e. ____ IUnivPQIu M I hi n July 11. Editor of The Wsoleerinse: IS NOW READY I save read sithsinterest the vartons _______ 'editorials itsThse Wolverinse abotut Complete information concerning the eight Colleges ' Fellow'ship," "hap-Filters," antd sadSc0os serth. I gutess tbey issterested toe be- an 'chos case I felt there was somnethsing miss- LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS, tssg.ENGINEERING, MEDICINE, LAW, PHAR- Ins other unsiversities I know of, they MACY, HOMEOPATHY, D EN T I S T R Y, Elhave a camspus sing every weeks, ansd I bielieve thsat if a'e coutld have osse at GRADUATE, AND THE SUMMER SESSION lea stouhaesome touchonee- lst toldaeme mthassoseer-dSpecial Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, enthusiasm forced into bitm,swhens he' Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, s eard the "Yellow ansd the Blue" and( inciuding Railway Administration and Insurance, somae of lbs other eongs. It would uss-j Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education tdoubtedly brinsg students frontotter (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation sichools into closer relationsheip with Study), and a course for those preparing for the Mlichigandiers ansd would also create scientific administration of departments of sanitation a stronsger feeling between gradsuateso and public health. fansd undergraduates. I believe this would be a good start For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or assdIserists pae Ise say or oherIndividual Information, address "get-togethiera." I hsse talkied to stusdents in clasoes the Dean of the School or College In which interested, or anid iss the boardisnglhosuses a little 'atborttil, assd thtey all seem to like tideat.SHIRLEY Wa ,SMITH AN INTERESTED CO-ED., rratrt jin .it A try"A A,^*-W~l, a.rtariy un.tiversity rists rsiar, icn. WANTED-MEast to dive for watchs; re-j wtarCi,'all at 1118 5. University. 14I