PRICE 50C THE ONLY OFFICIAL FOR THE REMAINDER__ OF THE SUMMERj j SUMMER NEWSPAPER Vol. VI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'IHURSDAY, JITItY,22, 191 5. NO. 13. .p = Popular Star Gay LN. R9Sg~n f Continues bu2 IN E I A SA 'l SToday Star gaunet; tas alwayosbeen itoit 1- :00 o'clock-"Shakespeare's London," sular in Annt Arbor. Years, ago. the for-'ight -Pitcher's Battle Ion i (illustratetd), D~r. B. S. Mallory, ttotttevartt atttdtte Iflrot were tier 'Tenth Inninig on Iwo Errors West lectore roost, Physical lalbora- recotgnizetd star gaesig caenters, butt the And One Hit tory. Visi-ont eas ute yct en etered etwteersI 7:00 oclork--Visitoro' sight at the a strayinog loch:otfihair andt an s e TYPO GAMES SET'! tt SAFFTIMIAY Observatory. Admnissone by ticket 1- ittletdtcttin. otnly. Wthile tttis fortttott star gtaittg is , ,* *otmort tlttaptttttr witte Miehaltee estdents, o League San2g :06 o'clock --Michigan "Al-Stars" tlee seesecs tave Ipresenetetdattest'vs- S TaPng leave tsr tse Normsal gamee ineY Psi- icty. titarlice hplin, Mary l'iceteret * Lila .....2 0 1 1.1100 * lanti. Iantt all te ottier staers ttt pattottise o" Medics . 21 1.000 *3:20 o'clock'-. Shakespeare's "Tierhaleacthteir legionee otf.eadeirers int Attt O S~as. . . 3 1 .210 Taming of the Shrew," tamepas t1ev- Arbotr. o Engineers ...110 ater, Boo2Gree players. But etto'estates still anttesr type ttf 0* * * **0 * * * 1:00 o'clock-"The Morgant Mane'- ____scripts of the Apocelypse" (illus- trated) Br. E. S. Bucheeaae West *' **** *** lecture roone Physical labeoratory. I.J i A i CDO o Saturday's Gaines 0 7:30--Visitors' night at tierObserva-j *Medic-Lit at 2:00 o'clock * tory. Admissios by ticketcetnly. f " i-nierat 3:15 o'clock * 8:15 o'clock-Reade aced 'layloer's TO APP [AD F[DIDAY 0 5 "Masques seedleaves" C'atmpus tier- ater Ben Greet players.,' lmn's h lcs tAtr Winning an air-tight pitcher's battle Saturday a, Fac'"101g f h Sles' in atr from the Engineers the Laws broke 2:00 o'clock-Ball ganse Vacatione on; lice''snllUr 'i its the winl columns Wedesdseay after- League: Medics vs. Laws. nco ona to0 sor, ad icientl-3:11 o'clock--Ball gamse, Vatationse NCRI'JA 1UX 1).11h l neo oc a2 t 0scoeace iesileettl- League: Lits vs. Enginceers. ll IIK '' h Il P i ly are sow tied with the Bridgers tsr 3:30 o'clock-Goldsith's "She Stooso - the buttons, whlile thse Medics aned Lits to tonquer," C'amspus theater, Blen "'Theee Taiseg tetthe'Slieee" citt arc even up for the lead. Greet playero. teegine the eg mens'st osettishesie reA Both ties will be broken Saturday. 8:15 'oeloc'k-Shakespeare's" "A Mid- \toodliandeI'ilayers a1 t3:.30 to morttreow Th btte eten heMeicad stemmer Nighet's IDreams," tanmpues atternonseicethse catpslen tlreair1 Thebatlebeevecetie Iedis nd theater, Ben Greet players, titrate's, stee, incaeesetf aitn, inc i esi Lits will decide the lead, wchethser the v. . etrsiDty ail. Fussers wchip thse Egineers or not. It is to iec regreted ti itseec lts If tise Enginseers wile their gamee they ALI-t19sts'veseen5pasot pe'rtormtanc'es s et l will go into third place, as tise LucewsIII L I treet's pitterte, tealt ir. 3enee te' who leave examsinations, dolest p lay i TIEI ll lnI~ tl ot be' witieus thslsi m esee', as Qlf,,..-TiAAri "lwia ~lo ~pil yiflWI 11 HV0IJ1 I14RI MPH it ecao iis sstetla" estiseg thset statilst'e zing Still VNIONcm9G it in New Mannerd AMAC star gazineg, and it heas proved at least. PLANS COMPLETED Iseore un eqent as asllurineg,as tie' eotlher kaineds. Last nighetteeueniversity ' ,$1,0tt0t,0ttt0 to B~e Raised in October obseervastory wscesopieenis toesmee'se's- by t'ommnittee oft 2,ttttt sie ls setswo evrer'alleowedi leeAlunii tak ai' e ep at thse heavessthroeughe tie big refrea'ctry telescoe'. PUBII('TY (GIVEN ow PROJECT Queite as seseber tooeel eadvantage' of 1110 lelnorlsave beeis fullylcolpleted and I i I 1 i 3 a i r e'd straintsisaevenineg.lMemeebers of lie atronomysesysipartenet sell fescue the worke of organeiatione well started tee hig tlees eer tiewoevn wheoswieesanesfor the canmpaigne of the Micisigans ios' ees whesther titer e is re ally a esate Union for the stew $1,000,000 building. ints ti seees, eandstie'meriecwho want. The project is thse largest ever tunder- a pestk ee Venues. taken by a university unione, ansi if the optiemisme of the men bebhied thte cam- AY paign is a criterions,cothing cats stand TENNISe MEN PL aosuccofstheycampus. ios ohe am p ucss. syedte flDFRIIRIOnPflasITFriday afternooce the bllilsl- OPENrIiNiiCi NT[5[ Batesmnittee, coneposed of Bean UILIIIIU UUIIs, Professor Burshey, Gardner S. --Williaees, formeerly a professor ice the 11t sheen, s'dsh'r, Wihelmi!, lOrtry, engitteeriteg departement; Roy D1. ('ha- eiacle hid 'lairk Emuerge pits, presivdenet.of the Budsoen Motor Vietslrilelts C'ar conspany, aced Hoeteer Hteath, met --with representatives of thee Pond I)St'I P1,1 Nh FORit1ELIN tTENT'' Sbrotheers, the architects fromCeshlicago, and arrateged a few fctal details bole- 1,. tG.lseibert defeeatedel eri\\eitter ing towrard thee placing of the con- iesthelsecon's-t eiintar-y gaeete in the trusts.- It is expected theat the grouned tenncis tousrenament, ther scores being will be broken early next sprng and 61, --7, 65-se. leetierleatter gamtes, Ved- thete the great Uneione buildineg will i er letfeated h'oel'ei hy a 6-0, 715 begin tee be a thing of realizatione. eden', 'eilittl iefe'ate d Clowe's to the Homer Meathe, the man who has testes oft 6- 6 5-2, aceelDruery suceedeed crked for this project durineg the itsi teeseeiseg Ballineger. "lhis" Mack last five years, seed is now the direct- ,enesesItie victor ftre is ithtiree ineg genius, says of the developmenst of vets agasiuest Stoedard, cwitht a score of the organeizatioen, "Efverytheing is cone- 6-, -664. ineg in great shape. The boys are Ic e iso,-cstee roueced, tie'oppioenets.( working hard and turning in Oine res- so ar s ae now, wllbe s fi-suits " Theere are to be 2,000 alumtnei lowss:tO. .T. 'Vilieitvss. S. G. Vrdeier. workineg throughout the country, ready - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - to give all the time necessary to in- be able to wein both gamses, they wviii he well out itt the heath. Robinison and Phelps w-err the op- psosineg hurlers yesterday, and the game went ten inenins, the longest contest of the seasone. Phelps whsiffed 14 batters, and Robineson. got 13: while each pitcher walked but four tuen. There eras but little hittineg, not an extra base smash etetering into fes- tivities. Fast -feldineg heept the paths conmparatively free oft runes, each pitcher being in trouble but once dur- ing the ganme. Robinson got his touch of leigh life in the seventh round, but a remark- able slay by McMullete saved the day for the Barristers. With a eman on firet and second McMuellen caught a linle drive over second base, falling see the bag for the seconed out, and therowe- ing to first fronm the ground in tine to catch the other runner, wits was nearly to seconed whein the catch cwas nmade. l'heetes wras sot lee daneger untlil the final iceceheg, ewhen tewo pasoses a coeuplc of error's ased a hit netted two rane for the Lawts. Cthe'r tBrowne eras the offensik'e steer tsr the Laws, isis il tending the teeo ruets across. Alhios gh tie caste was played rap- idly, the lateness nmade it neecessary for scatty players 1o le'ave befoge it wats over5, aced the large nueeebr of suebstitutiones meade tie prinetien" 01 box score impsiossible., Scorn: eeisehetl2345167 1 10-itH B I w s... 0e 0 0 0 0 50 2-2593 Eng...000000000 0-s 8 5 Batteries-ttobinesons aced Brcown; Pthelps seed Daises'. VI III I FI d LUIlIIll olies olrLi eset ise"steedacd tettose" teend i'eked '1'eam to Oppose iNor malSchosld1 tiees Iaceoceg tie'tossp- Isett Aggiegation'Toniorrow estecnts. Thses'parts, toevcer, aerC. tDrutryvs ..,t :to gomeery;: asssd to b filedby a vey cpabe acora I. G ulbet wll laysure success, Afternoon toleile t r7rsset'eeoae* .tsi e alpeythee wineter of - - le~~rotege 01 then Greet. Mr. hBolandelthe exandeeeer-tlettretatch.les83dtrc AEN WILL LEAIVE ON 3:ttt6 tA IItRusihtone will teake the parnt oft'" tlrses"'Flee seeseber otfreetracetsecessitatesbenslcd _ice ''fle 'hasiceg et the'Sherecs.'' anedhof a. ''hy''ice the thirst roeund, so alter all seumber of absn Miceigte' Al-Sarswil dah wth "Triplet"lee "Maesks'aelsd Phes," the'te erelimsitesries ace helayed, sa drawe GeeOctober thee Neormal summseer ssooi teamseat elevct'' edtey by Ctaeene tste ecendstill b e'meeeait' onetgtsthoser'eho leave te api Ton Tylo. dvnce t te scod oun i - front this time Ypsilanetihridlay afternsoone leethe irs'es ia o''stcessse ote'cress oeel e r of the two-game series whice has beene ice the'moeree seriouss parts.,IHarrytier to choeoese ses'weoestill advance mno he 2,0i aragdbetweetlie too aggrega- talcvs-nwsll tlat thee role see4'" ieettiste," to tht thirderondecshwitheouetheavineg to the raisingo$ ragdtionts. The local tease wiii be com- ea rich genetleemensoe ot dae. 1le. t'al- paistne the secel. when the eam' ver s aleadyknon toAnn rbo Thefollwingmenhavenot aidstartedtheco posed of players front thee four teasseses saned etseet ci eer 'u siesle cethaeco ad ,t o in th aainpeopele,asealee ar estyar i hi et Icefens's les tis sultanseouslhy ane th °Vctinleague. 'bss-es i 3rn eenen' selueestte-le a movingp Brelmeyer, formser Almeescoellege scveral of thee teashiess;roess. 21in. test- doees by Friday evenineg of this leeks, twirled ;'Pose' Soddhy, Michigancelr- err ceill also apehares ass"''uite'"eein hey wittlebe' automeatilely edroppedi lromienet alum: eramd Rsbceose Oeh Sttetcirir,'tlets steed Flets" tee be' playsedFi- tressestier tossrnaeneeet,swhether they assembled in a are the probaheemsoundl artists wsties eve~ e ninuttyst8:153 'ockh. Geoerge'hteerplasyedtheirsoeeeingegaesteor yells. Many se will weorks for tie cas; while sev- Sosxeess, a eweremeseber set thee 'csasilnt : l. Dt. Nalice, WC. P. Ballinger, L. thusiasm will b eral of thee Micheigane Varsity sem are to eeleenretfon tierfInst tittrmel teltnF. tBe'rry, F. Widemans, We. F. Judd, H. The fOnal we expected to lee ice thee lineup. (C'ontinused on page 4) 1'. Secnit, It. it.Itlser, S. G. Vedder. called "'mcn As the All-Stars leave' lad its teatsm graphic reports practise, theemncagemnet cr111 attemept .. daily front evs to select thee stronegeeltihitting com- contyTh binathionewheicheease le'cheoseen.uoney willun 'Pie All-Sears anutsspponreswill ing this week. reave the Stale street craiti elg'rom In the wayc effothaeb "aridety allterneoon at :01, and praye'rsofot hv e weill weaer their etniotrmet over, takineg inoie rmd herstreet cleothecs withe theeatit' they cueradm desire to dine' letine'psiiatiti ar er iher ee ilae gateec. is eec etmission is ho be sow and Octobs 'lea grs, stee ii'tiite teepta etucssecretary of the pay their teste traseaportsationt . has been in osu 'I here wilsundoubteedly lean oppor- of this wide ip: smnithyfor aneyonee malsing isr~ trip to utrurd play,butsel ifoelloweineg emeeseareespe- he has beenme '.iliy mrgee to be presenet: tpubliohers. B Laheadie, Bentone,NiemneaseAinta est id Rinsnt odBemeMlaln a .aAtr u yd aribeauEaton, Sche r 19erso,,coeuntrynewsp, ihusjahc, Rice, IMcMullece, 'eilmott, S(tOgren Aie'ScoeeiefromiiProduection is' I cii Gie t'c Vodland Players, -Who smeellest paper; Stulteaeed aighst. 'SshowHere' 'Ismorrowtes mesl'xtiim'day. Ifrom time to ti: The country is divided :to, amid conmmittees have with referensce to the mni in each divisione. 2 the fOrst meeting of proper will be held, and until November every 00 will give himself to $1,000,000, Oem theinight ipige will be formally mmittees will meet elm- d in each city there will picturefOhm eheown. A einnus cviii head the mess o series of Michigan hemoes for fosterineg en- be carried out. eek of the canmpaign is tration Week," and tele- ,will be received here cry eommisettee in the largest part of thme loubtedly lee raised elmer- of publicity, succeseful enmsnade to' get stories [pal daily papers of the nany of the "best maga- orun articles between er. C'harles A. Hughes, Be etroif Atletic club, setial in gaining moth read publicity, amid has irons New. Tors where consulting the heading le has made arrange- number of firnms which sate material for use ine gpers, so that even the rs will have articles mete on the canepaign. Friday afternoon: Annual Summer School Engagement of "Taming of the Shrew" Seat Sale at Wahr's Friday evening: MoayS. r, y na "Masks and Faces" TonaySJly19, at4 Saturday afternoon:B EG RT S P. M. Reserved Seats 'She Stoops to Conquer'm 75cts. A Reduced rate Saturday evening: Woodland Players of $2.50 for the Four "Midsummer Night's CMU HAR JULY 23, 24 Performances. Dream"