THE WOLVERINE [ We charge you Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and FinishingPRN S O Inothing for devel- in Ann Arbor is at PRNTIO single defect N( NTwo doors from Hill AuditoriumA e u tebs ae ae FEstablished 1905, and growing~ bigger every (ay 110 i 11 IIIIt;1S1"F11Eyal)Xzl i _____ Made to yourimeaisue lt tti perisstl - lso Pam Beach - - tcrcollcoliatc k I ~i,a Cf llep illie t PamB ahIsIluua eeto tThe Summer (Comtfort Cloth 11___141______9__________________ Itn a variety of slitdes f'r'ite t Oib l Iit Isit of01 ieig alluts (Cliital sitt y w5 iltthtld its rI tlar eti ng tt int 'aliftirita, f lly itteinitg Itto iot l rscta its Jlt 21 at r7:iii olok.sat ~t'ts-lttetuit i J. K.M a'colm the east again swihieight oasniseiwhotoThe iteeting wtillhIthlin stle ted irJh IIFobsBbtsnte 60 .Lbry Sro dtns 7wi 1jlts 1.till tiis timte "tcttaly will le inter- ul amphitiheater of io ltt i sesyreatest lEnglislt spaintg tator iii and Joe Dra____________________ 11( ii itke, 'I6, swm rot hetti ol ttlegiate 5water (classit." Alftought hospital. 'Te toeati iSflts: this )eteettiot, wtill appeainse i s locik 'at li the L teotse t ie' doklt.li1-I'"tPresenttiono aeSo ig ct etwnes potd b i HUStON BRtSril will lose for o this years ho of aCs uttii iytes tle,5ttt~'ilb i L S N BR S tttieugl, Wtiore Lakti, Fruitya e re y gautoteei teilSidle Cell Sari tisa of ttt'iFronital iftglisit etlilia iy iof 51players afteroot iaitleoe alhu 'irsiygalain r slst it ueilmNhlo peodFobsRbrsnisnwmkn i ah ietilard Room In the State steitiuifotlete stittr's ite, upotwterttfttullitcrtewtii nextitiieistyeiarit.titiThtgei The. Theesdistttraceuosetitioriseonexmier. Vii stlte-tierorCrebrailt "osa," lD. CIGARS and CANDY tule h ist teisatti it t 'experienefth''iistspsritig willptiatit1i. fisiop Caufielt. fartweltoulot the ori'ss ntolthis "We Try to Treat You Right" (iandthres'-qutartes atdtuhlii'reordi for finish the iiieotothat willsales ters 2 ''lltot of ''sTirTumsors of tieiseits sasoomittes'his ott of (le ___________________________________ ttSimeitiis 45 itiitt's. 'iTis rcordl iprac 'till iiunbeatable. t1ai,'' lie, fyteiits (Q. Drinig. tUnited StStes, api ngi intii'i t nhost' ciies 1 -THlE ANN ARBOR SAVNGS BANK, wastade y Vausrtishur, ix,.:lb. oach.tiv ~ia Niealls, of teliveir- " Rpt iioThree Casesit' '1'f01Au s tiii l hewis titabe to itcuedut- capitah ............... .t$3oo,oi .---C('113' rstelr ay IE. Iltsse hits his silt' ofPeinslvaniaisrowitig rew s i'tt('ce 01 the Biiiiiiauth Itetods otn'hsvstst hsco Surlu ad ndvitd roit.It's it.i P eviot sl hs e trtly. Resources...... ....Is,soiuo,ooo.coe sbtind of tree Iitui'es bttsy cliping hs iesigiiedto 10oinIthe IBritish artits "h e aonPtesn Transacts a Genral Banking Businuess ' ifotigt' from.tittei larger perettuial at Londt.uloute sal that.t his cutrtyI 4 1it g'teltottil tise ttssil t tt-iiii i 3peCont terestpaloll St avinlgs Dpitt sineeed.heu imi andirlt'co l ot stay Tyes itMltigttlnciy,'' Dr. CtI V r pr)toi, "''iniiti,' ''l'htt'light thai Your ti ttsrit Sitiotice. piritus oithii'e litpts, 'This is (e ea a ogrhit'l onte orh Wl(e aio, yBuyr iipigadte WD.Harrimian,VuD~ic res, CarlikiBrauntAstI atutiua lriii'iss iiof liantiut iiiatd or'i'thussars,tt:o l itfoi'malulrie'cetiion fr " 5 1ii iftthel 1iii ' 'l'tuittl b tor lr.'' Casir, wmW ltz, tieAuCuitsaintgs Det.u ldoctoriitg thti'trees. As tr' is timuhi i'illegeistiand ater sertiitg i uuusit'shoo si tuenits iw ilie'givel 'li T ese i play sari'I tsh ittnts lhe'acted wor orhe doniSitiM. Batsset xpets Iiis are ag'l tod y tier te riusarli at tel' tettis' Hometit 10 ichlii iall truiht .thtitu li 'titi Stats soil DETROIT UNITED LINES i tht'ieIthistmtitiatsettuk si'era weeks. fstle perfoietancue iif NirmTabe~rirtetrit'l'yivi'tedi. CSlaiatilastssesniti aeti hett ii'most 1111It ear'lyfotr mweeckiof te sunm- irimet' BrownUnluiveity star, Ii run-e''s iiuuu stuua'ii tsrpe ARE ARBOR ThOE TABLL scesu.adpouanhsrpr (Easeristdari Tite) itti t mtdiclt couitrse'complttiedet, sworh tuig a ile ithe woirld's recordil tite Slttelti IIs ttred it Ioxing' iatthle . siet F'ores-Rots'soiu is tueitos' - -_intt isdieprtett is giiig ioistesd- of 4 miniteis, 12 3- seeos.s, 'The itol ItWil ittgaged )inifriendilyiboxngs' lidgedithtli'greaest "Hitutet" ii)this Listediland Etxpres CarfDt oitat--7:It is' lotsi t o I t e sI ltude t s re tniiw titrk of 4:12 3-4 siiiod fue 211 } 'ea s ittc wiuths' ul .'sti.'uket, 't, ts- g'niera ist, i tionlilhih's e rdi thi is a mi. ait ul y i tos s i o pt . ii, iso,, 15 wisuhig in tteut'riology, iulsttt P ra , -Iedt ut'toiu it li'gtitiiti, tsul i ittgi h md Sie tosal Cassfoe Deiroit :4 a~ .o;5,,u, phits iloigypharmacoslo iigy satu pah- Atti typihoid vccinationttis itfeed Italtr . SMcKezie, '151t, of sby, Satess Caadal, Geirmans~y antil ulsnd. aind ev'eryo Iii' I ii, Si us 1in s 1 , fr it)f chargei'to (lii'stud''nts ithli'misIug neitote i hs o po t.tutu 's let "TheL'I igt tati ledi~'i,''is liut'etliut To Ypsilaoti oulety. :S a i sioiai suntii i''sissiioniat the ui stiof itabs ad sit 5a 'isul reeivdi itbPokinut izatiion ofi i n'sl noelosrtih e ,ii :erga a., 5.sit t. in., iu.i ;l N . I L- 43I !,'S 111) ''A 114 I I Vh I ClNO i oiforttos1e1. sameititilei,a dsitu sh IactouIir il a Limited Cars ot Jacsio 7:q1a5 n , d _._.IE._Dr.le lsp' setthut'fractr, atduiAlt- rle contrsting'stongy withi ti' every tW os tio5517:45tP. iN'toss -tAt .11Clottiiug it gratly ri' - Iliii it develops fthms at liic lier tl, Knieisnit, ut)expeeds)to stffit' ltiy'classicathi l eiiut.ui ''Passitg of liii Losal Coot o Jackou -:_mr.os a ,,.iiic~.p ices. N. lF. ALLFtsN C;'I. At ttnd its a 1i0c titovits tii'kit'lfi'e'' sithiserious 'oins'qi'u i'cs as a risut of 'rTirdlItF'loo atk,''is a modehruniter- Icd iery511 hoist 6:orn., lo;o r ew ation 5, 211 Si.tant SI. f e ici',iiipurthtu','T- T' e l tows sit'plit hiy Ittotmet'K. ,Jeome.t' 9:15 p. ni., ,,:,°5 p,. si LE-1"GO CANOEING Calkins' Pharmacy 324 S. Slate -St. *.DRUGS KODAKS Canmy and Soda Water C &LKINS' PHIARMA CY COUiYSrIS s& HAL L. 11K OtIE (1N(E lhl'It1IINH II=S 'tI L' NEAS . 1 1-tIE'10'N 1102 4. UNIVERSITY AVE. 'Par of News Buildlinug' Will tie Itettulp Both PhooesT I512 Aoo Arbor, Mich. , Ftr OccuatloSteDute ~ttittg'(stt' L\~ Detroit... Put-in-Bay-Cedar Point y _ Cleveland -Sandusky DAYLIGHT ACROSS THE LAKE cQo Every Day Excursions to Put-tn-Bay 55 Round Teip Fare Round Trip\ Sane Day ons 0 Sundays or75 WekDy ias-Cedar Point Excursions--$1.00 Round Trip On Sunday, Monduay, Wedniesday anii Friday Cleveland One Way Fare --Every Day --$1.50 Big Stool Steamer "Pisut-Inu-Bay" leave Detrit erery duty at tiu00a. m.i Cetntral hitiundtrd fTme Steel Side Wheetl Siteaimetr t"jraitik E. Kuiiby" I'ayes D~etroit weok days at h:00 p. in. CtraTime.uns FREE DANCING--intzel' aorchestra on Str. Put-In-Bay Whole aftornon at 1o uto Buyaq Write for Folders *- 'Tron and nt hlfl touts at teda ur Poit., Visit Ptoiry 01C,01)) 1111 &Duti Memorial. 'The Caves, Catsi,r nc I " Steamer Line os, Big H rs i ', n Becils Auai atides BustSiI Walks, M, id, i s' Detroit, Michigan ~0Fist tweo-]( ontthitsntw scieis bhutilig ts progressitug ripidlhy, suit a porins us)ftsheubuildinigusill Pu' ittshatpe' foe t hueStll termitit)schoolt, tututhtslash part. will pr'obabluy bh is'ntishetdl before' theiss niten is oven. Abouut :0 plasterers am's'at svork finishuing thur u ulusssini the 1tbasemenut, astiute'wosodtwounron liii first; floor' is beuintgra'ilyla'ssem'bledu'u. Thur wusodtworkbis sot heforeitIIleaves lt' fatory's,. SManty ii)ftt'buokcasos tune alretdini' thitsbuildinug, swhile thus ltters tie'shurd nt hhisdiffeirs'ntlbuild- tugs situthusesatpus. 'ilshe ookcases ltemselves aseof tortkfomoed tusk. 'Chirp'weoe all mtuade by flue studueunts ini I tse woosi h op of thsetunginerngrot- lege. Thete inmekueeper oithue buildiitg re- pourts that; 132 tintare workuhig 00 thusi bsuildhitg'ntiss. Thse rected nmberuhct sas haul Novembther, whuen. over 200 mueun were 'igagedl ii tte buuilditugopera- tionus. liiiretories Meet99ith Uststutl Stole Siutumr school direrctsries pubhlishisei lush weekt have so far iset swithansit t- usually luarge sale. Th'ieri' is still numubter of scspit's left andsithuesu' swll bil s tsale thusrens) of thusv "'sk af.thtll folloswintg Shale streel stusres' Wali's, Shteehant'sIHuistoti ittottists, Calinhs', attdiStigdenu's. I lIST, ShitRAYisi, lol STfhii'.N lst'romutcash register it thtsMicuhiganu hUnit tionsmall tutucktgti laueie(t, j iliusittit,,Je'we'him, 1I itii. hutiuuestu j iingrate'fullyrei'v'esd asitlhue't'u su- n hi o'ie. If Bman: ncan hsaa TUTTLE'SI LUNKCH ROOM Liberty and Main Sts. ,Opensalttumnoer A Most Convenient Place for YourI LUNCHES and SODAS I Banking 33 S.STATE ST. I The New Catalogue of the Ulliversityof Michigall IS NOW READY Complete information concerning the eight Colleges and Schools: LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS, I ENGINEERING, MEDICINE, LAW, PHAR- MACY, HOMEOPATHY, DENTISTRY, S GRADUATE, AND THE SUMMER SESSION y Special Courtes in Foretry, Newspaper Work, L~andscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a course for those preparing for the scientific administration of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual Information,' address I Ithe Dean of the School or College In which interested, or SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University Ann Arbor, Mich.