THE WOLVERINE Orpheum Theatre The lon aSof atnn nnasays by panost I PlaYrrn.. Jttiy ii 'oe s.-lilainanis i "Betty i Snanit ofa 'Till." Jnty . ' Tusad.Vi-S atin "Rotsin Biaby atd ana hs Cae, Majestic Theatre PRESENTS THE FAMOUS PLAYERS PROGRAMME Tue. Juty a-A li gas nt ~ta Robetsn' in" "Jak 'asty"ad Chas Chapin in 'Thoitan'.'antg."' Wed.Jlyt-'May Pi'kiet'o" in' 's aftS,' Status Csutty Thnus. July I halesi .A. Stie es t in "Shore 'nAeand uuChai' 'n:aplinu in "Hilu Jhnie" Arcade Theatre SHOWS: AFTERNONS 400: EYE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 'Tues. Jly 20's ' itS i hi ''leGn ilenaufom7ia i sisppi, " a i P arn't'~ Ctautey. Wed,. Jly 't it(;t\i.tO'BRiEN n "HiA INtt H aMR"AN ll g'Ttte Temple Theatre ADMISSION Sc. (except Fiday and Satuday Tacst Jly -"(aight In a Cabaet" with Cha. Ctapli. - Wedn. July nt-Capt. V anas& withn Vala Sutiti. University School of Music ALBERT A. STANLEY Directo A Gathering Place for Advanced Students" Annual Summer Session EIGHT WEEKS-JUNE 28,- AUG. 20 Regular Fall Term begins Mon Oct. 4, 1915 tiat' Catalagnte andl tnt'atnt~nioadadtrtsn GHARLES A. SINK, Scetry An Abor, Mich. BOOKS Law & Medical NEW AND SECOND HIAND Complete line T'ext Books Laboratory Books Reference Books Dictionaries Conmpends, etc. Cash or eichange or your old Books Largest Stock in Michigan C. E. BARIHELL 326 . State St. Te,.761-M ST E W SE R N1Te o ii l stut t d e n t n e w s p a p e r f o r r he U~niersity of Mihlignt ummaer lsion. PublishtedbySthie stuetsfonot 9'fnesidy, Titorday and Sturiay af- terntootn. Twetty-five insues. Susocitiottrateosy cannier, apv- eltyfive cesforfts fte sumer; tmaleido any adres for otti'dl- Advtrtisinig afes-IFucnihetpusonp plictiofitttostte butines mtaage. SitSbstriptiotts antiSads takeat uSQua- rys, CushingsantiSouthftUInier- sity Parmacy. (ie tor: Mlanagitg eito, 2:00 tnt 3:00 daiy; busitestmttager, 1:00 o 2:00 aSy. :Phttne 9600ot 414. A'ddrnes, Tie Wolreie, Press Build- ing, Mnatrtd St, AnntAbontr. Hloard ]t. Mrsl-anI~uaging lditr Pthone-'2414-1505 Ferri 11. Fith-Bsiess Muanagr Putotne 960-23 Contributitg EitXor_ F. F. McKiney F. 2M. Chiuch Asistantito Butsiness SMaage- Williamtt H. Hogat hse'Eitor' Fnrederitc A. Klait lieigtl\V,.Jetnitgs Pliii ack haS Peeso Na taniel lThompslsont BrutceiSwanutey Davoitd Rotsenthl TUSD SlA , JULY 20,tl015( sueElietolr-Dwaight W'.enaigs Its tepasttSwo years te woent o te utniversity thav'adeiemnt'akabl prtogrss inth le exra-crcutlnnmn aciit Sis that abononthtle cattputs. its ote octo ass, ntoaby lt C'omedytlubthle comnpet' witste metnttot acommnoni hasis tnd tee are aSreandy htalthly iictitosthlat thenumbtettr of Sles cottitin tse- etuse t1be intreastt. llTeeis nitt t.full-tget enis turnamnetfor (She tttit inter way anitSthre itte bright 5prospeit's t flithittwtttntatie shorlyfigtgo organi ize another ofthlrow.OTt t'etni isa gittithailttfis goetet y' t enite set f citles fit'both omeni ttt'ian mnt so ithSy ot orgaieta.toursnamettf of mixed dust. hasittbn doini, attd dlooe sccessfully, i thtle plaes , ttntS t ti, aS les, ecoltdonitt e ntttt y L'ast iseek a argne nautooili crashedintolia caa goniS t ~l tatet street' Antcttpte ofndays tier ott a-1 otiler Ants Arbor sfreet a tmian itas bolednioser tittdlseritusly hutbaifm't sinmal tutriny ar. Fo roevery acci-1 dent fof tisid, fter ene daily ",t- I torS alnrow scapies. Y etedayinn' apprteitied te ets-1 ott WeVtsartid arnssSttfe streetf tbmtitS niot. trie pmwerful utom tn~so- bilts sntiketlupttn ttt. (Theerfolo- lowedl a srigt chlare, followe by1 tin ftlantk aftacks. Tio chantgt our simtile', for 211 senondts ane'gore Sue amudittce ant accusratte iitaltittt of "Jimiei"Craitg wh~en Se wasitaShis btesttas a syriternedtiuSltrdler. We reaed theitt'hler sidlewralkaiil ttsae tin mianklinin ttstr hearts. Dtiring aSli h thle~ntSicetxsertion ott ottr pat.thtfieret' s nons aisoitundfertti anty of itni"attftobiles,excepita Sitm- tntn' gigglnenitti ot n(, Siteofattacinig Sihice nineundnnignifiedl charge 0o safefy, innelhtatverwated th iies nross SMte stretf. '(Vt' are certiiin tat some' day inn the intar future stome one winlS bie hilled inn treossinng. We doubt if Slier is any 1p5acr iin e sfate of :MSichSigtntwhr~'e autnonnobilists are coni- credSas liftle swils the solely of the,' pedtestriants as they ace on Itis Ordnitarily anntsnsslilists trill grout pedetsftris Stne coutesy of a istint- inig. For somie reason, inn Anti Arbor tey'dSintintS honose to sound ftieir (inns, or if theny do sound them, Stne hoinns art' so sink S in e fhroaftStnaI fty'are ns warninng of all. Agaiin-,in reial citins, atomtnnobiists horn t roude of artnisigtnals, wh~inch they insenwhen lien' are slown (t oin o nun' rininig Suichisigntals seinm to Innea amo t 1- Sinoisniii nnnA .rbotr. Vtundiestantha Sttithere is a stte San equn'iing tat aunfttobile'sSbn' eqipped wlS ithlipriopter waruning sig- nals. IJut therene'lans tnotseemto iibe a stte lainortaricity orinancitiere- (jihinirftatsliehtsignatls be sonundied cf(ttitild tloudly. Thore'''sento Ste noi reqirnemnnt as to Snthe amoutntiof nie ant auttoile hor(mn shldtini tnt ockilnihse'law's, totgthert tf aS.tI ttldisregardi'SoittaSS triclt rues tmlsi thefl~tite' of aipedenstriatn ini AnntArboinoneit asyt'1'ont', titu mantst nautse ItSin'tomontitbilist", sonnet itnasy' nomntls. \V e tir'atSit the nmency offtios ens'ho drist' atomobtilehs caeulessly uitil sonmit'sotieSof trlela stiiare tentoredt iii Atn' Arbor.SUntil Sthey tire, talliwe Sa o is t uk iithntornnbilists Sin pletase give stjust it.Siigting chaunicet Sins S hi tisotiptimstic;i ,it din'ti raitni toeri two huh'e(tins last mnuthtl, \Ve dontlahtmne' FitanktHoltfon' cottnmttingiisuiideti'anti e slt rspt:Sttt- in;itoli cimlal ttwottldirensent, havuinig his tartst;i'ea '(hitSit Sth beStlni SUMMER SCHOOL. TEXT BOS New and Secend-Iland Drawing Instruments, Loose=Leaf Note Books Student Supplies in General WA HR'"S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE 4 K The Mirror Will Reflect niterfcllfS at envcry pitifi younr clotsi ' ainnneee. Sit sscgnuarantee. No niF mtter wittyoiurStuiltd unay lie wecans asre sunaopael cithai wilt fiyoua perect ly.lieneitne nnawihose S.ailors we reanti youwnillice a perfcnly well- desetS one. tone yI!Ilv oIree yu lne rues r"nv/ I- KYER en WHITKER. For Table Supplies- Wholesale and Retail 114-116 E. Washington St. Phone 326 r j l t t i 1 1 z t i i S iti'i' yoil see'nt inticoesium 'croiti -o An sthtSotuittindown hi' sit'et? With iS S s uttisy' osi tt s blowinng-- 'it . g, ui'-f-te Times tet" Or htavte you heantd situitnrsiung lout Inn' ,ieeiinag in) tiigltit? l,,xitSlinini to a momnneinIg ncrtd l"T'e Titeos hit thi dut. Id". Peerhtaps yonu hai' eantrid himtfIliing :abitilthe' sighity Cobb-- "Stniny"' Siaiwford's virtelas yelliii--g eltaps yo've'c heuirdtiim stobt htr's iio i iili Sinkogitersni Outifsdthe t c''nt my jig''- 'S'.nsSthitant itt noamt;a t'ttnsin'- ,mi Tic t aseb Slibug Snuin Sissf Eitorli,SIluinarsue':--Aly idea of aiothiutnr0 l n itoinold betoisproeta tdeci'sitn oct i S'soires AlarsiandalChurch''S in a'Vactionsttletague"game.' A Stil- testi tioiltd gintn theSlat'tgnt'offiiatls, bitt Woustll Presidentt Chutnchs tieSec- netary 'harsunh oteruel' S'tpire Church on' Umpaire'-Maerst? fOrif evnthiey SinS, wouill Scirie line'metyioisi Sn his accountingsit'g tttathe ' is'StdiS is puislied intSmt Editor Martsh'sliaten'? (Signed)l 1'1LStnt'P'ayer.s lThi sdolumn, econta inuivg vnewssoflin- ternest tee university womenci, will ap. lper inaetahsse of live Wolveriane. nnvounacaeents Yo enlemadve int it slhould be phontaed to Fr'uaces Hovgana, 5194. Jeaniette Armsstaong, '17, genseral chatirmtan of thse WomnssLeiague iliac ite stninisenr stcninon, has appointed Dorouity Walker, 'S6, socil h'airman Curte i'rest: of ste ssunmec. Unider te dirctlionthfleSaguen'will cntsinue is etnertinmsents, tu' ne'xtpanty Sic- iug planniedl SnfcrSilurshlay afiernoon, July 22. Nou mhre'applic'ations Soc coonms in (Sue Marthna (sok cesidencne Soc women, whsich will be op1ened" in Octobeur, can lie reteirehbyStyh~e Sean, sine alt of fine vlaanies hatve iled durinug tine posh weeka. 'fle donrnmioey will acconm- sulal u abut 125 girl's, 45 of whuo will Ste frosm(the' thre'e' uper in''asseae Tine nest inSf(teroomuss hatvem'bee'nreserved fsur freushmuuenm enuati. I uFke (StatU mpInaire s ('husrcht tuiu (arsh reprt hatv'wrs "vigaa si' Wo over heard beforei of a '.I . ... etnu tltl la ae ou te wSgn %111 ..,I autI ) ' ,,tit ' ' t11 I Mllu, Vn' enlu' 11ittslow!lns A tilumi nrlmbrei' siet, thrftougyh Hicrkville'yesintrtay'. St.turnedSa wrIS inidetr sut. ai ''Set up nmside t' ulsitmov-11) ed i'thtw ine,(Sit'lSft notlthigbutlflit (ninugleofnuthei' couhoumse' rtin Sbtar- ieS, c1itan;edtlIhi' day' of'St'e elri ais- Sun uusnt- motage frontinSoSl-'er-kin's ftarim, bhew'th csivratcks simS ofte Stun srtods fInse Ia11)dSt'e iteSsuit ot a igh lschol pron'nfessor.Sonae' winid 'SculvaIlinut oltState Sitevt 1 Sav iie'you pisted arating1fllow WYith li.ibrutalI. beastly beloiw- in anteatinge, listslitig stew"' Havioe yomis ltimpuedla wiil-nydcigci'anr- tnoisledu.cae'tit-likaetoast, '(((in's ta wiundy, breiezay'breerafni l e umsta Sigem fair! I J 1 I A (. pinted i to ldl s S utnieof them:t"Bet- Finnas eeal ye'ars past, thneceinas Stile! ASSlnn u ska isarunnuing ta~t."f'beenan artiveecmanig~atncarried on la y flue Woumau's league tim raise Ourtn11:1t11 ofFitte mouny Cite cesidneac'Stlls Cfoc women, No. 1. All Amsericai n cmhli'r 'i7li' sudenths asi Sie unSiversity.ST'e ecec- mani nlnemoffteedl mmolbeStinis g"irlS fiot ntSte Newberryu'e'sidence'a'andl (I 'rany hbor ftst. l'ntrit simlf(nush IMachia StoolkSall has Sedth o an in- ahetadl of Sialtvr s tamt. ctasedh iateesti;inn (te Iproujet~un tine partof umauny alnumnabe. SmIn etroit, Mutsical inmsrumuentuis, Strinmgs, tatuS Iimiigani woemn ruu gint vlingyenntertainu- all Muhusical Suppiesura at reasonuabtle'utssonutrsisus sorts(buss sutmnmer prnicets: St'buuele & h Situ, lMusic fin e pi' uurpouse tinSaddinag to thuistouutS. Houitse, (S0 S. Maiun St. hf Blanks fume perate stubscriptints, pay- abhle't any (tile ihinf ire years, oa'e N. I". ALIN 'S RED 1A' l('1,0 'TIM.' ialsoni nug ciculatedi aumonug league ISALE15 omumbnes.Sucrhblankbsumay be' oh- Nw nti Alunt C(SI thnisg at gre'atlby ye-tainn'mbat iny hui'eSfromnJeauneteArm- luted p I5rice sN.I". Al .S.IN Sin Al, strngui, 'whotis Streasuer'u'of l~me league isrnew lesicsat i, 211 Sum. taiiuSmSr. fnfou'thebcongsniuyear. JVLY CLEARANCE SALE All Spring Suits 1-4 off All Furnishings 20%c off THIS MAN STORE OlF ANN ARBOR NEXT Tan OsREasUNs J. F. W,,UE 7"TH CO* Firm J . F. WU ERTH. F. P. HARRIS .. . I Fine Watch, Jewelry and Eyeglass ...REPIAIRING... y,= FOUNTAIN PENS ' yl/yy yLCONKLIN, SWAN & OUR S1 SPECIAL Lenses Ground to Order 9 t (Iyy 1 Alarm Clocks 75c. to $3.00 HALLER JEWELRY CO. .r STATE STREET JEWELERS. U. S. Postal Stattan 3 TELEPHONE 534 r