We charge you Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and Finishing
nothing for devel- in Ann Arbor is at PRINTS ON
oping roll films if V N D EN', '710 NoThK University AvneVELOX
you can find a YV IT LUjniln , 71* Nrt Unvesiy venue (the best paper made)
single defect (Two doors from Hill Auditorium) s e
Established 1905, and growirg bigger every day
Made to your measure CLAW S INT SOUTHW . Waterway Tales" Published By
jAA. I J ~~In an address at the probate judges' ) & C. line, Sent to
Palm Beach o convention at CadMilac Wednesday, You Free
Prof. A. M. Barrett, of the medical
The Summer Comfort Cloth By "ope" toe Kane wilts phosphorous having hes adopt-o school, declared that in a large num-
In a variety of shades Galveston, Tex., July 16.-Badly ed by the Wolverines for the evening er of eases it will be possile The latest contribution to the litera-
shaen p i a rek o th Alonworkouts. Manager Marsh believes save persons from hospitals for the ture of travel is the 250-page book
shaken up to a wreck on the Alton wokusrasgr aosblee
that batting practices at night wil bi ee issued by the D. & C. line. Itcontains
Jr . nar t. oui, estrda, bt inhstae itepatients are sentto the
J. K. Mm "sea St. Louis, yesterday, but with valuable to his men in improving their state psycopati spi for t detailed description of new steamer
none oCityeoferDeslroitjuIllpseveralitinterestinge
604 E. Liberty Street none of the players seriously injured, eye for dark days during the regular become violent. He said that the rela- City of Detroit I several interesting
the Wolverine squad reached its train- session, as none of the clubs on the lives of individuals who have insane Stories and is beautifully illustrated
ing quarters here today just before Pipe Dream Circuit are located in tendencies should notify the probate with fie halftones of scenes along the
BROS. noon. cities which have Eastern time and court of conditions so that the patints & C. Coast Line to Mackinac. Sent
HUSTON Chief Marsh chased his men out to "more daylight." m e sent s anywhere upon receipt of ten cents to
The Finest Billiard Room in the State Recreation Park without waiting for One accident marred the first day's prepay postage.
CIGARS and CANDY lunch, as the train was late and the work, when McKinney, veteran first Dive Smoker in Honor of Prof. Paxsoi Address: Dept. W, D &. C. Naiga
men missed most of the morniig prac- baseman, unnerved by accidentally Prof. W. Diw, f h s de- tiot Co., Detroit, 11
"We Try to Treat You Rtght" tice. The squad worked out from killing a fly, crashed into the grand partment, gave a smoker in honor of
10:00 o'clock this morning until 8:15 stand, which contained several other Profesqor F. L. Paxson, former men- NOTICE TO U. OF M. MEN
THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK o'clock tonight, when darkness forced baseball bugs.
Capital. ....$3owo her of the history staff and now lec-
surplus adiUndvided Prohi.. 5tsooo the peppery leader to call a halt on Church, the veteran twirler, was un- turing in the summer session, at his Henry Ford has by popular vote
Trsa aeneralankinBsiess e conditioning work. able to ork today; as he slept wit home, 554 Thompson street, Thursday been conceded the greatest living man.
3 per Cent interest paid on savings Deposits, Beginning Saturday the men will his arm in the hammock of his Pull- evening. About 25 members of the tie is now starting upon another un-
veer Business octtted. 'odngtpatc swl stomnbrh hnavsdb as
Cias. E.Hiscok, Pres., Mitet Jritz. Caste hold night practice as well as two man berth, whem advised by Marsh various faculties of the university dertaking, which has astonished the
W ea rrtianiVi res, Cart P.Oraun, A t daytime sessions, "ghost" balls coated to take good care of his salary wing. were presett.
CeseshWWatz, Asst CsheSais Dept,.ertesnt.wold.
-Mr. Ford has plans to erect factor-
DETROIT UNITED LINES QUIET RULES C'AMP DOUGLAS PROF. HOLLISTER RECITES "THE History Men Talk at Normal School ies inWestern Detroit on a scale that
ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE WHILE EVERYONE WORKS HARD RIVALS" OF RICHARD SIiERIDAN Prof. F. L. Paxson, special lecturer have no limits. You can realize what
(Eastern Standard Time) in the history department, gave a this will mean to real estate values.
New Sanitary Conditions Prevail Now Mrs. Malaprop is Famous Character in series of lectures ott "Peace" at the hundreds of people' are investing
Lisitedand Express Cars ta Detroit -tie Making Life of Students Historic English Drama state normal college at Ypsilanti this every day in this locality.
p o. o oEnjoyable of Bath week. Next week Prof. C. I. Van- Come to Detroit and make from
Local Cars for Detroits 5:4 a. rm., 6:o5sa .-.,-Tyne, head of the history department, $200.00 to $500.00 per month by selling
ad eevey to os o o5 p. ms., 7:05 p.
m., 8:05 p. m., 9:15 p. m., and 10:45 p. m. Reports from the university camps Before an enthusiastic audience of will lecture in Ypsilanti. property in this section and be among
sas an itsa io p. I.,t p. , at Douglas lake, state that everything 800, Prof. Richard D. Hollister, of the ------------ C. of . Mess.
a. m., 2:30 a. m., 0 oo a. m is moving quietly and that the stu- oratory department, gave a splendid Department Heads to Visit Libraries We have positions for two or three
every teea r tort s7: p48 a. m., and dents are well and working hard. recital of Richard Brinsley Sheridan's Dean Karl Guthe, of the graduate gotd live sateste. We help you In
Local Cars for Jackson-5:12 a.m., 6:so a. m. There have been but few accidents "The Rivals." school, and Prof. R. M. Wenley, of the every way to make good. We pay you
en.[ rvery two hours to 6:5 p. m., also and scarcely any illness, and now that This is one of the best known Eng- philosophy department, started for big commissions, provide autos to
special attention is being paid to the
Calkins Pharmacy sanitary conditions of the camps it is
324 S. State St. felt that good health will be insured.
DRUGS yn KODAKS The country surrounding the camps
Caty and Soda Water
CALKINS' PHARMACY is very wild, and it is no uncommon
thing to see deer come down to the
water's edge within but a short dis-
tance from the camp. Porcupines and
COUSINS ~& HALL chipmunks are very plentiful,
iF~rlcdThe swimming records in the two
camps are held by Norman Stroh of
1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. Camp Davis, who swam 1V miles, and
BothPhonest 115 Ann Arbor, Mich. by J. H. Ferris, Varsity broad-jumper,
who holds the Bogardus record with
a swim of two miles.
U. S. Officer Does Engineering Work
Liberty and Main Sts. Lieutenant Mayson Torbet, '11, of
A Most'Convenient Place for Your the- United States coast service, is
Banking taking special work in the marine en-
gineering department during the sum-
lish plays, and the reading well
brought out the purpose of the comedy,
which was to exhibit common men and
women with their human mannerisms
and frailties.
The scene of the play is laid in
Bath, and as Prof. Hollister aptly said,
"Everyone in England who wanted to
be in the social swim went to Bath."
Thither went heiresses in search of
titles, and titles in search of heiresses.
A humorous matrimonial mixup fur-
nishes the central theme of the play.
Sprightly, cowardly, countrified Bob
Acres, brave and honorable Sir Lucius
O'Trigger, and patient, deserving Cap-
tain Jack Absolute or Ensign Beverly
are the rivals for the hand of the rich,
romantic, sentimental Lydia Languish.
She is kept protected under the wing
of her "self-supposing wise" aunt, Mrs.
Malaprop. After the denoument, all
ends well. Jack wins Lydia, and Mrs.
Malaprop finds comfort in knowing
that hemicefortht she will he Mrs. Ate-
thony Absolute, Jack's mew mother.
Now on-All Clothing at greatly re-
duced prices. N. F. ALLEN CO. At
our new location, 211 So. Maim St. tf
LOST-Black leather pocketbook con-
taining about $7.00 in bills. Finder
University School of Music
"A Gathering Place for Advanced Students"
Annual Summer Session
Regular Fall Term begins Man. Oct. 4,1915
For Catalogue and Information address
CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary
Ann Arbor, Mich.
mer, having a 75 days' leave of
absence. In June, Lieutenant Torbet
was given a degree of Bachelor of
Marine Engineering.
LOST-An amethyst pin with two
pearl settings, Sunday. Reward if
returned to 411 Hamilton place. 9-I1
Musical Instruments, Strings, and
all Musical Supplies at reasonable
prices. Schaeberle & Son, Music
House, 110 S. Main St. tf
Boston and Cambridge Wednesday af- show property and assist you in clos-
ternoon. They intend to examine the ing deals.
public library of Boston and the uni- Address: Sales Supt., Suite 8 Cen-
versity library at Cambridge. tral Savings Bank Bldg., Cor. Fort and
- sunction, Detroit. 11-12-13
One lot of Music, 5 cents, and one lot ,TENTION STES
of Operatic Music, 15 cents. tniver- For Touring Car by the hour or
sity Music House, GUt E. William St. 'Trip, call Messenger Service-Phone
10 795--A.F. Brown, '17E. 9-11
The New Catalogue
of the
lliversity of lIchg
Complete info rmation concerning the eight Colleges
and Schools:
Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work,
Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education,
including Railway Administration and Insurance,
Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education
(affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation
Study), and a course for those preparing for the
scientific administration of departments of sanitation
and public health.
For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or
Individual Information, address
the Dean of the School or College in which interested, or
Secretary University Ann Arbor, Mich.
please return to 609 Hill, or call
Fine Watch, Jewelry and Eyeglass 990-M. 10
Several Real Bargains
Highest Crads
Lenses Ground to Order Apply at Wolverine Office
Alarm Clocks 75c. to $3.00
17 HA LER JEWELRY CO. pen al summer
U.S. Postal Station 8 - TELEPHONE 534 55 5. STATE ST.