PRICE 500 T H ONLY OFFICIAL FOR TH REMAINDER SMMR EWPAE OF THE SUMMER H5 NEWSPAPER 'Vol. VI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, :SA'I'L tA, JULYN 17 No. 11, MEDICS 10 SIACE JINo CAM ES IDDA Ilarilosau to Opposc Beaton in Openio lilt; Lits o 1*Not Play LAIWS HOPE TO DEFEAT DOCTOR Todreay's Gamnes * W L T Pct. * iis. . . .0 1 1.000 * Medico......0 0 1 1.000 * Engineers ...1 1 0 .500 1 * Laws ........... 0 2 0 .000 0 Saturday's Glames 0Medic-Engineer, at 2:00. * Medic-Law, at 3:30. Robertsonns Medico have a chancet catch the ,its in the Vacationo leagu in todays double header, the Doctor playing botho the Laws aod Engineer this afternoon. The first goase wil 1be called pronmstly at 2:00 oclock, an the seconod one will start immediate after the opense is decided. 'The league leading Lits haven gameo until a week from today, who: they are also billed for a double coo test. The succesoo of the Medics will de -pond on, what the conobined depart ments can uncover in tbe way of ai extra pitcher, as Baribeauo will hard ly be able to weork two seven ionic; contests. Ilie will probably pitch tt first game, opposing Manager 'Jack Benton, of she Engineers, in wha should be one of the hardest fough gamcs of thse seasono Benton loss been haodicapped by dearth of material in his first two games, but Saturday thoe Engineer sbould be out on force. They movo into second place if they wallop tb, Doctors, whatever she outcome of th Law-Medic battle. Thes Laws are out for blood today Actinog Manager Robinson has los two close ganmes, but believes that hi teamn will be able to wehip floe Medic: withoout trouble _after the Engineer: get through with them. Rtobinson wi probably pitcho for lis team, and if bo shows as moochl as ino last week Fr; day's contest, shoould wio withot' ftrouble. ('OLORElD PEOPLE PREDOMINATE lIS PROFESSO1 IES' BELIEI .lssertso Iuscupuous Explotalloi of ('pitalists Prevents Negro Progress In an eloqucot address Thursda afternoono, Prof. E. S. loses, speakin in thoe Cloatanoona series arranged fo Cossoopolitan week, stated that mos' men ioo the world ore colored. He believes that thoe hope for the ftur o h ol isi h ooe ae Professor looes stated flat the first - usc of irooo was omade by lis people an mbsrdteavneo hnre nti onr ic hCivil war. The speaker believs thoo teng hsagetftrbtlkall thse laboring classes is exploite ncuuoscptlssadms be freed by a greater spirit of democ. CDLLEGIAN PLAY 1S 21 [NIRANIS FDORIJIIIE5FSTIAA INda FEALLE ES DACUVEJITOVONEY AlT BSEDAIDY 2:00 o'clock -Balh game, Vacation -® sg league, Me~dics. vs. Laws, Ferry 1les4 Creel l'layers Ii illleotuse a Elsie Esties lor Ptelhooharhe s Openutl '{ lsrennmutcs Will EntertainStudents Field. Kearsume 'eriners Miii 'l'aesd~a3 ati k:611 I I s da lthJursday 3:30 o'clock-Ball game, Vacation ItesO'clock o ensa in le rstx league, Medics vs. Laws, Ferry EtS iField. . 1l,'I'lllNCIaI) IN CLASSIC lIIIAI 1AWARIDS OttItEl)FOR Wh NIkIIS ItFl IENT.'TIOLil',QTS'ItE ON .1t'lNG iSunday *10:30 o'clock--"Preparedness- Equip- lruld sTbwas foocBs oenty-access oens hasd enteresd the Siltesogato'obrvoyan ped for, Emergencies," Rev. L. C. summsef sennsis tosarnamsent at thoeaIetr00cosrosiigthsr- BDo uglhaas,First tongregational Greet WoodslansdIlay ers are aa no-tieogontops.Aarsav a cur ncpermigluta- Church, hec of stars whlose work sould 'nsure 1iseosorderesdanod will be os display ed coits mooos eakoensoisollhecloses of 7:00 'o'clock-"The Shadowc of thse succesful performoances at toe ap- somse timnexet sceeko. 'Ihey will coos- toepe r piccjenisssti, oproably w il * Pagoda," union' service, Rev. M. C. Lee rasooes osthse scompsany sos theseist of a ils-er lovinog-cup for th~e isn-j provec fliv biggest noossber s o the * Parsh, reubterin chrch, campssus next Fridasy asnd Satos:dty. ses iso the sinogles, anodl watch-fobo for speci'sl prograoso of leocbores and en- londay Miss :Elsie Herndono Kearnss wiii play the runsners-up in the singles, and for tertaoso sssnext5055 seels. 5:00 o'clock-"Historic London," (ill- ftse inners in floe doubles. n ctr ight atOtse osereatory Iustratedi, Professor E. H. Tursner,Thgeearusfote orn- iios'i west lecture roomo, n Physical labora-d osslz sr, o efono s ooorsa wil bse 000lVoedoesslaoysosi I'Thusorday tory.::;<:.:::;::::.'::. :;::<;>;::: Wolverine asndlthe followsisog asdd,-seeninsesfronm 7:30 losl0:0a0 o'clock. *Tuesday 'loss .sl Iosolos' soldsolsi pros ofs.lissterest Adssionso o t i so'aoroy soill .be 4:00 o'clock-----How May a Comnmunsity too theo entrans: by t5ie,et, ando theo snescoary cards to Become Musical stud Is It WorthsI ors oy esssessll lsaoyosy bo'oloasisoo',isot Ilo' ro itrar's of- rs While?" Professor A. A. Stanley, of0 000xltasselk; scores ssholo be tels' fiso by flo e 0 sentations of thoe sf00- ro University School of Music. pososl'o ollakatfo' Iol rsesosstooorr o io. h'obr ro 1:00 o'clock -"The Reading of Vie- officeo sat57000 oolsock,00n sle slay ot oaf iloeobscstory 55taff arill beon 0 lh ion," Assistantf Professor 1. R. :::"xIs. . > ;< h on5tes55.;sosses are' 00toobeplayedl lonssooltoo-usloo' olo isolos 5 tsee-oro, as oso 0 Ld Brummn, aest lecture rooms, Phlysical 000tlescouroose st Perry lFielolin000 h o ointot,00 thso'inte'restinog objects in ly oatr sngles, asndldoubles. 'The douleos sill tisblingls se w,011aslio fle sies.: 0:00 o'clock -"Some Social and Ecs- ottesa to osllfo atrpart oi 'leilsartdlecture on copper no nomical Aspects of Diseases to h io co sts'ls fpstsr ssoissgioIl'5900 0 ssssawl ens Nervous System," Prof. C. D. Camp, 'i00c ompilletse o sotohsentranot sosld cll be olivoered by L. L. IHutbbasrd, of n west lecture roomPhoysicahl1' bora- , for 1theit cacationo Professor C. It. VaosTynesos ossonto shlis soummsser racy', 1 O losos' sn, nortn loeo s cogaso Friday afternoon: Annual Summer School Engagement of 'Taming of the Shrew" Seat Sale at War's Frida eveing:State t. Store, opens "Masks and Faces" Monday, July 19, at 4 Satuday fteroon:P. M. Reserved Seats 'She Stoops to Conquer' B RIS 1$25 75cts. A Reduced rate Saturday evening: Woodland Players Po ma2.50 for the Four "A Midsummer Night's CMU TETEJULY 23, 24 Performances. Dream" CMU HAR