Y THE WOLVERINE ANN ARBORli ('IIA'I'-QVA Plt ANS NOVEL t'O)S3FO)P(}i~i'AN W'EEK:I _lIneresting Program Will lie (riven By Variouis Visitors and Foreign Students A most interesting and sovel pro- gram has beens prepared for the Cos- msopolitan week of the Ansn Arbor Chatauqusa. There will he several addresses givens to the science room of the high school buildiog. Thse speak- ers inctude Rev. Ltoyd Douglas, minh- ister of ttse Congregational church; Prof. Elmer S. loses, of Fistk tniver- sity, andi severat foreign students at- tending the sunnsier school. rho fol- lowing programs has beets planned: Tuesday, 2:30 o'clocek- "Social Teachinigs of the 01Ol'estamoent," IRev. L. C. Douglas; 3:30, "China, ItsOhtts- toms and Music," Mr. t~ieg. (Pro- grams includes speaking ansd singing.. Wednesday, 2:30 o'clock -"Social Teacinigs of the New Tlestament," Rev, L. (C. Douglas; 3:30O, illustrated lecture, "A Tour of India," tic, lar- dikar. Thursday, 2:30 o'clock-"A IResme of the Social Ethsics Siisce ttse legin- ning of thmeCtistians Nra," Itev. .'C Douglas; 3:30, "'rie Negro," Prof. Ebnoer S. Iies, of Fistk University. Friday, 2:30 o'clock--"The C'hurchs's Present Method of Solving thse Prob- lens-and Our Age's D~issatisfactiss Wills 1," Rev. L. tC. Dougls; 3:30, "Japan, Ancienstasnd Modern," Mr. Mlitouji Kiyohara. BAil EIRIES 1'EA'I'1IE - smosssd, borrowinsg Sclsultz frsssssee SATURLIDAY'S (O IEISMedics to takce'Iis place lsetstoslIlcs !plsate. Niessans alsss playedslwills thse (Cosntinisuesdsfrosss Pasge 3) was a fatl o v se, sassstwithsthse Isases full Schsultz lasssedl ossne of ReLoad's' slatasofsr a triple, whsis'h netted thse Mesdsicsfor runs. Issthse sevensth.tPhelps toosk uptsphle pitching bturstess 'tr thse.Lils, He walsesdthse first Iwo msessassd Rehosr sinsgledt, tieinsg thse score. "Bilt" Nie- ma0nwenissnssat Ibis posint, sassd sssan- aged to get thsree sssessoust withosut lttinsg anosster russ counst. Blaribesau, whso twirled for the oR's','-,r, butatsssost provedl iheir sssdoisg, swakcing tsree slips as first 'iscslet a.;ssansy ssses sonsthss'pa1ths, assd cost .Besstson ashutout.ss 'The tbig Varsity caltchssr prosvs'sIhisss slf qisiesa pitchser, strikinsg out ninseE fIbattesrs, assd allowinsg btonse hit, Ms- Dulle's spoilinsg his cleass slates. Abe snathy 'twirlesd goodii ball fosr tI lss fannsing ssevensasnd teepiss e lehits saeol'resd over thse'five'innsinsg routes. Enigineers PROFESSORS. Now is the tinme to get your lantern slides .made. We can give. you better service, and our usual high grade work, STUDENTS. Let us develop your films. First class work guaranteed. D-AWNES & NICKELS 3534 S. Stmte St. Ovr . Chl"s ''h lyss Studio ote Ctms"ssts i Mesdics, sdeserved a msushs better goose. l;atsss, s ..,.. lie selsd th ise110o10six hits, of whsich ;Otis, too seesortliteestatproperly sod lsBentons, 1 ..s fielsdcrs would hsavse caughlt. Itehor, Blakser, 2 ..,.,. whoss hit ins the ist run for thse tesis's,! Niemsans, 1 .. as wsell aso thsslast sand tyinsgosse, was OSchsultc....., 11sf snsthat cassoed Basribeau all tlbs' Paso .,..... trssubsle. ansy sgll Iit to righsi tiels IMills, .... wao good for a (loaes base's befosre'thsc tuieisssss, If... bgfsssstssalllisnesmans 'colsd run15itdowns. lisslts, sss... 'Ihe Lits piled uts five rsssn snthse tirst fssur inninsisonsssbsuttlosnits, 'rotals...,.. althssughsthseir two runso is the sixth wesre' cashed' ssssthsree hiso. Niteman fseattsrs'sI I L'Iits attasck, runnsingewilsd Wilmsot,s . .. All It I 1 1 0i I 1 .,. 0 1 I , . 2 0 0 2005 {) 1 0 1 i} ; t) 0 rrf}+ it ll 5 ; t it ft} lJ ffl tl n O' .. i ;} 1; as tnnl //l1 /it tt ffV t rrV tl} tf {eft on the bases. lIit's tiee, s ...... Ilssjslm , 2 . .,. .. LAres'ntz, s'.... Niessass, I-p ... Stsll, I . ..f . . Grascey, 3.... A11 11 0ftA N 4 110 1 0 :10 0 1 0 0 3 0I 0 10 2 0I 2 2 1 4 01 0 31 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 110 1 3 1 2 0 Ii00 0I II0 2 0 0 1 0I 0 1 1 10 2 0 1 0 1, 0 1 0 0I t() I00 Rinlssoss iss.. Abesrnas thsy, s . ,. 'oNsless2s ....... 19 ws B ,> 1 u 2 2 L C V 2 It. 05 (? It It Is It () It ii 0 15 fI 0 0 A 1 0 rull ofvims-everydrooisuspresely wholesome and good Delicious -Refreshinfl Thirsts-QUenching~ T1t: COCA-COtA Coc> Aosesats Alna a cse,.,3wotih _, e r ______________ - MMllesn, Is... GREADU'ATES SEC'URE POSITIONS K ays', r ..... AS TJEAC'HERIS FOR -NEXTI' YE tt Mce,ess p-c ... -Witters, p ..,,. Rocky lMtountains 'eachers' Assoehulion t lselpss, '-pa-I .. Asks Appointmient ('ommsittee to AS~is 1.'teltt'Totals ..., ...... 24 7 6 21 5 1 Mansy teachsers' positions Isave bests Bldis filled by the appointmenst commssittee T oArsn, lt...5 I 0 0 A0 lately, somse of tise positionss securest''d tletss, f...3000I heiigasfolow;Laleght, 2 ...... 4 0 1 2 4 0I Clara R. Stahl, '15, assistanst bsssi- 1Iros'kssass, 2 ...... 2 2 1 2 2 2 ness manager, Bryn Mawr tollege; 'Shpult,cs......... 1 01 080310 Hess Maker, '15,. Dransatiscs, tOratsscy, Campbelsltsss, 1. . .. 2 .. 1 1 0 0 .2 Debate, Newcastle, Penna.; Marjsorie 'Rbrsn 1.. Dlavis '12 Mathsenmatices Petosksey Miets. sehssr, r ...:1 1 2 0 1. 1 Request has beetsnmade thsroumghthetlsMead, sss ....,..... 2 1 01.1 0 0 Rocky Dounstains 'Teachers' Aeenc'y y lssrriss'.s....p . 1 1 2 0 020 1 Prof. S. M. 1=laddons, Deams of Indusrial Irbap.. Arts of thset'oloradss State 'Teachsers' -Tts237811,1i college at Greely, C'olotoIs the appoinst- 'oss . 2 11 mnmt commsnittee of thse Usiversity of ! mInnins-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N, Michigan for the followinsg positions:- Its ,............ .. 1 211 0 2 0.7 Man for the chsair of Moderns Lass- Mesdics ......0 0 0 1 1 4 1--7 guauges; instntbe well qualified to teacsh 'l'lhrsee-bas'e its- Ss'tssmtc, fras's'v Glermoan, French, Italians asse Spanis; 'l'sco-bsase hts--sLaighst, Wissters. Stsslesn salary, $1,800 to $2,000. bases- Niemsnm 4, Busjahsn 2, Gracey 2, Museumssisans for the Indstrslissl Acts! Winsters, C'ampbsell 2. Struout ose Iy departmnsst; salary, $1,800 tso $21500. lBaribeau 6, by Winters 7, by McLeosd Assistanst its Sewinsg; salasry abssut1 1, by Niesmans 2. First bsase 00 halls- $1,000, withs extra pay fssr ssumsmser't Oftlssribeass 2, off Wisstsrs 3, off' Ms- school wsork.Shle sbssuld bse qualifiedsI Lesosl3, ott'CPhelpss 2. Left ssns bases- its dress textiles, plaits sew'ing, smeths-gMesdics 4, its I. "irst sase ssn errosc ods, and nmust supervisetelsawosrlkins Lit' 2,.Passesd balls --Arsntz 2, thme grades, as .well as do sosme wvsrk S( lsultz 1. Flit tsy pitchser Bly Bari- inthle ihighisochool connsectesd siths thse eau1A.t(Gacey)t, by Winters I (S. college. Rossertsons) . tUmpires- Marss anss Assistanst its tookinsg; aalary, $1,010, IChssc'h. with extra, pay for sumssmer schlssst Eugineers *Will IFrom sLawes work,.'Thes Lit-Mledic scrap hsad to be cssllesd rise appoisnmentl solurnsittese will at seventslsto 1tasllosw thssEnsginssss provide free registratiossblansks tos ts ighst it ssst. As thse Moilerssakers those whsosmsthsey see it to rcosssmmesnd taced ss pitchser, Besnstssnstsookbthes 'otls .....is 1 1 15 4 00 lisissgs - 1 2 < 4 2' It Ensginseorso ...... . 0 3 0101-_1-4 Iaw ............. 00 01._._0.1 Stolesnss basss--iesiams, Kaye s 2, Schsultze. Strucsk ost--113' Benstsss, 9; tiy Atserssotlss, 8. 'First tbaseo'nssbIalls -Off HBestson, 1; osfi Abesrnsathy, I. First sass- ons ccrorossaws,4. Left ssns bases l aws, 4; Ensgineercs, 2. Wild pitch-- Bes'ntons,1_. Passed sails -Ss'ltte, 2. Hit by pitcer---117'Absernsathy 1, (Blsker.) t'ssspireo -Mar'~s andshusrc'h. SOCIAL i.VENI'SI,LNN El)lOll 1PSI LANil t 'U I11155111111It Sevalstgood tunse ssssnds sssssmbser of lines sosial gathserinsgs were's' sjoye'ol bsy thse'smemssers sof tse Ympsiloanti scsub of thseUnsioversity last: susmssesr. The'lsu'sb plas t osreorgsezotils sasu er. Its orserto ossakearsraisge- siesits, a miseetisng 'sill bese' slsdiss tse rssoundtasble rssssms sf thsegeserasshIi- scars' at 7:15 oscssck tomsorrow sigt. A picnsie' up thesHronthssss~i's wece-ende is beinsg plannsesd. 'lbs slot smesmsssrs ot the' slubhure'all fssrinerYp'sillansti stusdents to attensebtsthetssmseetismg tomossrr'ow silght asid Itse'pis'sis'lte's iss the weeks. Thosse' tssiriss fsurthsers insfssr'mastisimicassssbtains thsc samie by s'allinsg '. N. Csoper, 'phlosse988-Rf. Musieal Insotrusissits, Strisies, ando all Mussical Supplsses at resasonsables prises. Sctioe'tssrle & Sssn, Msusic hsosse', 1115 5. Maiss St. tII Pleoasinsg aiisartisticsorstrasits smadeo .at Hoppe's Stuioi isansytimess. 1111 N ~ib~erty. tf "The next trunk I buy, will be an indestructo" This is the oinion of ,. oym . - _ pe'nple everywhere wlt in ii'sc 7t555,nusmae ho isosrl lseovr 's on gihe u ..... have silm isso. w ne ul forenen Men r o Ruele, onlin & Fd igl ih (OR MAIN &a WASHINkeON is' 1 . EAill Special ""Flare-Up" in ALES Stein Bloch Clothes for Critical Men EVERYTHING AT FROM 25(/, TO 50(/ OFF Our Annual July REDUCTION SALE Come Early and Get the best Selection flt' LineslnlAptel & Co.