THE WOLVERINE We charge you I Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and FinishingPRNSO nothing for adevel- in Ann Arbor is atPRNS N oping roll films if LYiN D ON'S, 719 North University Avenue VEL~OX you can find a(tebsparmd) single defect (Two doors from Hill Auditorium) ~i etppraae Established 1905, and growing bigger every day Made to Yur mesture IIIECID DY SK [ES TPlm Di EGIN 1I NOON Ini a variety of shades 1Firl Bond List o Smmner School sudents tiff the Press J. K. Malcolm 'Tdy 604 E. Libery Sreet NEAItEY 1,00 (OPIES PRINED) H USTON BROS Mu hign'v First offcia bound su- 'o( liscool drcoywsputonsl The -Finest ill1iardI oom in the state this nooopi(e0)100 ay be obtained CIGARS and CANDY 1tils afternoon and tomorrow ater- ' We Try to Treat You Right" aon at Ti' Wolverine offcer olnay- nard street. Subcriber to The Wo- TH .ANN. ARBOR SAVNGS BANK enor vill receive a copy in exchange C pltat ...........$300 0l.<0 epioad nivill rfit'....01.50s,000.00or 01 teirosubscription receist, owhile Resorcs..., .........$3,)ooo,000.0 oiea(alio0le(110frt Trnat eneral Rankng Business 3perCnt l iteretpaidt o unSDevlposits, lCle1t. Yhs ; iccerBe'. i,iovoS~el . a t.. aslr 1Althoulgtit 1wa10expeted tiat the W, 1)n Harialoelt7VifiK.,c, lrltaoa'ssnIilectory 1011uld'e put 0n sale at Coo,r SVm. '0ats 0,. lstr, Ei 00 1)p. w1e1'k dlain' 1till' printig held the DETROIT UNITED LINES book1 iupl fIlr several days. Alowing - Ill tie deay, till' directory is isued ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE (Easern Olndc I Tme) 1in1comllllet' form n eary three weeks --beor e toseo of tile'mast years, which .Linited ad ad Enpry l crs0 porIt alsroi-o8''1--_haerw11mo11t1,1of tie smmer thirogi l, he olumn~ls of 'lhe Wolverine. LendCaneionDnnal Il~ 0 ' Iluded ill tbedirectory are nearly v1l1er 15tw1o 0'.ui: 11to 11n15Va. i, 50nti.sly1 M1.11 10,whoerollei ap to tiriday of last a. 11., 1:30 a1 . - 1n0 a. M1. 11eekh Cal ' was takenlil editing of _ Linitend Cr inn Jcso~sn--7:4 1 1. an ee7l1h1ours1 to 7:41.18 , i hboki, ad i~dI~sakes 1w11ich1oculr Lscal Cas fonn Jeson-511 a0111 6:50 a,11m.Icall 1he laedito tie illegible and- and11 evy tw 11111110to06:51, p, 1m.,also wIillng of te til e t si, 1 001rdig to th dior. Ir il Iliiiation of a large sae, near- I l i j _"JI,E "S iv 1,90011copieils of till diretory were IU N C H R OOM pritd. iSale of theeiilee11 ltiuel LUNCHES aJdvSIDAS 1lee 1101111the a fil sexhauste0d11. 0 338 S. STATE ST. Calkins' Pharmacy [ 324 S. State St. *DRUGS KOAK * caufy andt Si Ca 111 ter this colnon ti~i nnws o n CALKINS' PHARMACY ereSt to unitiversity woie1, will ap- - -.- tpear itt echissue510of The Wlteritit. anooticetetis to be made it it should COU1.SIJNS &. HAL be phnied nohFracelHgal, 519-. ..jf~ott~t~...At tiel ll'1iilg o tie Ihose co- 002 . UNIVERSITY AVE. Iliteellof Nebelrry Reiencel elt' bd Bth Phones 115 Ace Abr, Mih Stundaby, reullar rlels for stdy hours Itere deidedl 1110n. 'iwo girls 011 ('0(11a111111'rIwill hI' appited every (entI ~ia '[ i we ocryotterlso h onnteLiberty and Main Sts. *** A Most Convenient Place for Your io man~ly applications for '00155ill Bnigtill' dormliory duinllg tie cllomig year Bankinghate beln lct ived by till' deal that alt of te(' roms reserved for upper eslenl haveeen111assiged ill both Uiversity School Di Music ( the Martia Cook10 Residence ad in ALBERT A. STANLEY, Dirctor - Newberry Slt]anld all of the rooms "A athrig Pacefo Adancd tudnts _ illthe MartiatCook Rhesidenlee havn 'A atorii lac fr ivactiIlitts" been taken Annual Summer Sessionn EIGHT WEEKSJUNE 28,--AUG. 20 Thulorsday afternoonl froml 4:00 tegular Failllarmbtgis Mon. It. 4, 1915 ocloik in tBarbor gylnasinnl, the FoatalolguendlIfomton ael1.s \1m Ore's Leaguesilt give ito tird CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary party. Alteagu' parties are free to Ann Arbor, Mich. lmember'slout a ee o1 tell coos ill -P1'elchlrged for visitors hereafter. i I51LER PROVES111S AIiLITY IN MAJOR LEACUE iBASEBIALiL Sisler 1s back illtile St. Louis lilleuP, and Rlckey no0w has iin iltile outfieldi willeIe Geor go played 1011tile Varsity z- whlenlnot pitching, anld whlere lhe was expec ted to play ill thec~major leagules. ite11a5 also proved il' ability as a substitute infileder, andl a pitchler. -Ilargoret ('ooley, 'lid, is takitig wnrk ho Ian Sisler ihasn't tailed to get at inl the d~omestic science departmsenlt least one hit ill every gamel0h10 110 at tile Mtchigan State Normal College played withl the Browns. tHe has also tiliS0111010Cr.begoun to steal bases, a play whlichl most recruits are nlot allowedl to at- -Mrs. E. B. Pond, oif )24 S. Stalte St., tenmpt unthtil tey hayoeibeenl in fat lied Su~nday nighlt abaut 8:00 oclock. c'omlpan~y for 00o11 tinme. Shreu'as the mother of Mr. I. K. Pond anld Mr. A. B. Pond, wnho are to be tile archlitects of till'newv:Michligall 1111010N. F. ILE 'S RED 1'AO 'xC411tI NG bulilding. SALME '-laotht registration in the sci~ol iof Now on-All Clathiing at great~ly re- phiaacy this summris ~18 1, thlis be- duced prices. N. F. ALI4EN C'0. At ig a gain of 0110 student aver last stir new locationl, 211 So. Main Si. if summer's enrollmelnt. One girl is rob- resenoted.s,:. -Illil furthier tiotice, tile libiralry for . chenmistry anod phlarmoacy stulden~ts willi O; be 0.ell iln tise mornin~gs from 8 5tol 12; s1 . iln thle afternloonls from I tol 5, an~d 7 CLV AN to 9, anld 011Saturday fromol80to 12. 1 *O *E*O - ' -Prof. A. R. White, of the chiemical A LAKE TRIP FOR RE; departmenlt, and family will spenod the Have a reel vacation on the Gre sunmer 't Old :Mlissionl. economical outing in America. The Reget I.E. eal ll tis ity1usc Company are positive guarantees tb elected prcesidlent of the'plublic dcll,:tin the trip, and return hcme refreshet commnssionl for the fifth tills last TAKE A D. & C. BOAT N Firiday. DailyserviehbeweeDertaned Clevelanc to Septemher ltth Steamers City of Detrocit Ill -Prof. Slheppard, of the psychology ofithe Greet Lekes, operate daily sereno: mies the plnesre of a ride on thee batils departmeolnt, las ann~oeulced that the ToledccandDetroit toMackina and andcs SummeorResortcofthe NorthCountry, isee, contract for sinkin11tile New Scienlce Toauriets e eeiequieteseeeand rep ceo,~ bulildinlg 1105beeno let to tile(Canle monedaint reanlereatet eec conmpany, of Dietroit, who wii furnlishl FUL DAY TRIPS hetwee beteoiandCle weekhly. DAILY SERVICE June 14th tcSept soap-stonie sinks in pilace of (lie cuis- RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLE FO Steamers hoersee Detroirand Bufifalo or Dei toliary cost-trollotnes. I. is claimed Send twoceenstam orillustrted pamplerta that 110'thiePy 11111 w1'ibl omr ema- Q. PA . Detoit MinhtSof pcsterostee Philip ti. McMila, Pree. ren~t and oat isfactory. DETROIT & CLEVEL.AND All teaersearorive sed depart, Third Aver mlade chlief enlgineer of thcelPackardi Mtor tAr comipanly, lit Detroit. der the ilt ton of SMr. tl. S. 11' ,amn, a sill P.:tthealtSatolada,., , Or' 3,. -l 11 wh~o dcsire to go should brilng their n~ cavml~eras, ad meent ill the ihighischo111001t lectu~re roomu at 1:30 o'clock.s A -Sumiter schtiool stutdents, whii desirehe to droll hooks froma the genleral li- brtr o r b'overanighlt adllover' Slulday ulse, should obtaina caa'ds, granting that - plrivilege, froml Miss Gillette. -Dattring thu ssummler thte museum will b hopen1Sunldcy afteranoons 7from he N e 2:00 o'clock to 4:00 o'clock for ill- spectioni by visitors. of1 io on iilat' t ar by ill, 1 11 1)(1'or0 ta F. S I1"A, . rslDI, D' ( ,i.'t1tf 1) 1 N.w o'n hhitN11 1)0 '1 "- . -,Ae(.1 II et LO11St , 11'1 !1tyI : i , t Iallrtl eat Lakes, the mccl enjoaeand ecccl lake hrneezes, the ever-nhaug' I, luxurious steamerc nperated hy thin tat you will enjcy eveey minu to I and glad you wn. WtHEN YOU GO AFLOAT. d acd DeroiandlBuffalo.From Juse I1Oth :IIad Cityof Cleveland II,rthe'"Twonatsl" onthe Buftalo Division; roe cnct afflord ao ag palaes.a FOUR TRIPS WEEKLY tnom, Way Pcrta. Mackinac Iland, thne Histrc :comiagcoerle plarevnnyseason'wiithnh xcellenoteanod Bonrding Housacrn-~c IFS WEEKLY BY SPECIAL STEAMER. ilenec t Dtitn d Alpna. DELIGHT- evelocd, durncJilicand Augcst taur trips nahbr 1thhbetwen Toledoand Pu-i-Bay. 'R TRANSPORTATION ccD.& C. Liane etroitand Clevelandither direction. ad Greet Laakes Mcn. Address L. . Lewis, nps mailed tor tive cente, A. A. Schantz, Vice Prea., i Gn]. Mgr. NAVIGATION COMPANY eWharf, Deceoit. .1 'Catalogue the SMIlTt ('ONSIIIEREI) CERTtiAIN OF (COMPETI NG hI' EXPOSt'I'IO "Hl" Smoitih, ccptcinl of tile Vcrsity track tecam, has practically beeno pick- ed as one of the athletes who still represent the crentral section of the counitry in the A. A. U. track meet to" he held ct San Francisco on August 0 and 7. Sniith won the right to compete ct the Exposition by winninig the 220- yard dash at the central A. A. U. meet held in Chicago July 3. At thct tinae he was the only Michigan mcai to qnalify. Amlong other college men who are conesidered certain of going are: Diaimond,, University of Chicago, star qtuartermiler; Camphell, University of Chicago, tha best half-miler in the ceatral section; Myers, DePauw, who holds the conference record ill the mle; Simpson, University of Mis- sooni, hurdler; Mucks, in the wteights, and Stilei, in the broad jumlp, of the Uaniversity of Wisconisinl. 11111versity of Miohigall IS NOW READY Complete information concerning the eight Cohieges and Schools: LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS, ENGINEERING, MEDICINE, LAW, PHAR- MACY, HOMEOPATHY, D ENT IS T RY, GRADUATE, AND THE SUMMER SESSION Special Courses in Forestry, Newapaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Obiervation Study), and a course for those preparing for the scientific administration of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual Information, adjiress the Dean of the School or College In which interested, or SHIRLEY We SMITH Secretary University Ann Arbor, Mich. Fine Watch, Jewelry and Eyeglass .,.REPAIRING... FOUNTAIN PENS x CONKLIN, SWAN $&OURS$1 SPECIAL G 1CpjBE1 Lenses Ground to Order I II Alarm Clocks 75c... to $3.00 HAILER J E WELRY CO0 STATE STREET JEWELERS U. S. Postal Station 3 TELEPHONE 534 N. F. AL1LEN'S EDl TAGO CLOTHING SALE Novon O-All Clothing at grectly re- duccd pricns. N. F. ALLEN CO. At onr news location, 211 So. Main St. tf