THE WOLVERINE Orpheum Theatre The Houseof FamousPlays by Famu Players. July 13-14-15 Mary Pickford as "Fauchon the Cricket' Majestic Theatre PRESENTS THE FAMOUS PLAYERS PROGRAMME Tues. July i3-ROBERT 'DISO150 n "TILE CALL. 1O11TILE 'NRILL". Wed. JulIy 14-MARY PIC.'{PIRD inL "G001) ITTL I, LI 1VIL,". ThursI. Jul)y Ly- UISiF ARNUM in "SOLIIERS OF FORTUNI'." and C11ARIE CILA111IN in1 FATAL, MALLEFT" Arcade Theatre SHOWS: AFTENOONS 4:00: EVE. 6:15; :45; 9:15 Tues. JulLy L3-iMAY AILEN f&gCALPH1 LEWIS ILL "The OutEast" fIrm lhe storypby Thomas PelonIL PaLIge. For parts. Also CI-ARIE ,CLAIA1IN iLL "'11riKncLLoutIIL".'Two'upart'.. Wed. July L-JANLIL LLEIi.LEL( iu "ineuuFeathersI" tukenufomueneL WlteLr's fatLLLouRIplay. Pived pLrLs. TLhurs. Jly L)-LLLLI5RT ELILIIIN iLL his famo~uus".us"TheC'LlGIhefItIBehind M~e". Five parts. Also CHARI IL) CHAPLIN, iu "'Thuse Love Pangs". Temple Theatre ADMISSION Sc. (except Friday and Saturday) TuesI. Jul~y t3- "TheirChaionLlI," (withl CLhas. ChLaplin) Wed. Jul~y L-"Peli' Hlt" (withIVla P1mith) 11ien desiring experiee ini *practical journalismi tre urged to tryout for Ilie Wolverine *staff. '['hose who intend to work ' on the ediorial side should get *in touch with the managing edi- *tor, while those interested in the y *business end should report to *the business muanaiger. T.lryouts *will continue for a week, after x which staff applointmecnts sill loe made. Attention! We have a few mlenl's straw hats left which we are closintg out at hlf price: also all soft and stiff hlatst at ha lf prc while they last. FACTORY HAT STORE 118S E. HURON ST. Near Allenel Hotel BOOKS Law & Medical NEW AND SECOND HAND Complete line Text Books Laboratory Books Reference Books Dictionaries Compends, etc. Cash or exchange tor your old Books i ,i s r i THE WOLVERINE rile oicial student newspaper for the University of Michigan summer session. Published by tie students 011 Tuesdtay, Thursday ad Saturday a- ternons. Twenty-ive issues. f SutbscriptionL rates-By carrier, se- enty-five clts fr tie summer mil~ied to anLy adress for one do- iar. "Avertisinlg rates--Furnisihed upol ap- piirationL illtieibusiness umaager Slbsriptions ad as taken at Quar- ry's, CushinLg's adl South tUniver- sity Piharm~acy. Ofie Fours: Maagig editor, 2:00 to :3:00 Laiy; busiess mlaager 1:0)11toII2:00 (aily. PhioneLI 9101 Il 2414. Adress, Tie Woverine, Press Build- in~g, Maynard St., Anun Arbor loward I. Harsh - 1auagitig' Editor iPlone-2414-155 Ferrs It. Fith-Bsinesi anager Phlone 960-26 Contriblting Editors - F..F. McKiney Asistan~t to tiusiless Manager \Vl'liilam i. iigan Issue Editors irI'Iiel'kA. Kilill tigit Wt. Jenm~igts Pilti(alik %Vard i-Peersonl (David RsthaI'lili fsse Editor ._llwihII,'.Jetningsu Imipotant tmeeting Lof'The 1ol e'- ieept' orllls11taf at 12:11 o'lok N-eteday noin Wolv1111erite eot- ers' room. 111 stff try~outs and all GAl1 FIiLiERS Recenl'ty a summe~lr baseblli leage was 1organLizeid. Tihreel'iiIals ihae beell ilaeI'l. ltRecreationllhas bIel fur- 11i51114forty 01'fift men'l. iProbblby gamsLi'. "'('ileaguwill' libe a sccess, of helingto iliil he trribl svoid fl 1111'nerly llo sdrngtesm 111s. 'T'le actiies or tie regar seIssionLre lcinilg. (Onle'day is ike till'nexet,-featuriless. Tiodaily Ianothier''(ori to fil te gail (ILs ble ell1. A summ111e'tnnlis tournamsLLent ilas be1e1niorgnied. If theL'plmi lis sulL'L'-ssfuL, probabiy fifty or 1155silmen siliave somletig to do tainslievse'L greater succless, as miln) womenl'Llwilt ieave' their books to spedl LaI LatternLoonI 011till'tenn~is courts. Ti'hese are15aSliss ill tie rigt d- rectioem.Ytlthey' art .iadeuate. They reachl only one-teilh of the st- die'nt body. Whia is neded ar' lctivi- ties other ta~n athletic, as wevii as athlieti. 'ihelr' is needed nore re- ceptions in whicallstarc ivied, more gathlerillgs of every kind. nrl I r Just 1115 Le explectedlinc1111'heIpulb- HeiLLI1of 01our picture i Saturday's ltters5 fromlL ieopl'eLasking that iiheir p l 1 11 icueeIiisl.v We'5, h ll 1111' It IK ist 1hate Been T'llns Newls Item-- "Mtaria toilinls, (lie wl~itne~lsto soni whoilltihat tilili'as I l ithItiegirl. is saiii to live 11011'nlar Quil Ilnil, SiL." -Saturday's 1 ltritilFreires' Wthat's theB lope? Whtlitdoes it meanl~,---his flltter Ath(lpisbey of macinLl~es? AndL this smlil of gasolines? Say, have' youl viewed till' ''11151'> Ti'hat blonlg to studlenit "cusses? " tail you un~de'rstanld i itl? "'Twould seemlifhe j1111y'Ahealiyi, Wh'iere stuhl's are motoor-car-fell, And lily hasi" an Auto Coveg. Whiat mesL'itiiall--these Iwagonls 'ihat lbedeckiIo1117CampuILs gren These snlorting, puffing liragonls, With thelir gassy gasolinie? Are 1111 tile summeir schololers 'Tile progeiny otfLmoney? Younlg nmilionaire tomlfole'ry? The dope looks rathler funnly. Oil raggedl, poor mlan's colege- Wihat mleanse thliSssummer scenlery? Tihese iadls who tilirst, for 1110owledge Disiporting g Lsoiinlry? B 'eatter 'Today' H ot, alo its olit i. BWeather t ltilrlsl I udoo Sportls ilL 1II / . nI-.i ' 'The Mic'iiganl tUnionsihold take' the lead ill prov'idin~g get-to~gethiers. Uil- fortunlately, tile Unionl is nlot initerest- 1.1 ill siLLnLl'r schiool. It remIlains 51n {hIll') 'nht tobserver 1f tile stu~dent life' (luirin~g Ill' summeLlr. Possibly thlis is 'iecessary, for the activitie's whicil till' 1tunionlconduclts are drunlby studen'lts, andltle e Is Lwho managei L'the Iaffairs Li et enCvroll O in um erscihool. Sonlething--Should be lone to flliitile Ioi. 'The' LUiioin 01 someI'other or- ganization should accomplish it. It mlight lbe Lione'by sLIoiLI's, 11y'sings, by water carnivais, eseni 1byIl pii. hilt is sholid iLL hone. WI' needi more gap-filers. .',il lltS:"01rortie crLintglsealson, the tGarrick 'LL fliI's?!jtiheater of Detroit, ihas already booked 1ll LII 'em,1 swaLtL 'erri, LIwai'Cli. i" h Li iumbertIdolftgoold ipr'oductionls'.''il inet ere Bird of Paradise'," 11(1llidi Watson N I~iig'1'eel1'illey 's drieamliof I awarit, wliiopen SliliL~ilLtile newl'seasonl Septem~ber 6. Som~e of, (I'lLI inlcludel: "AiModiernL tNve;" 'W~iliam ilL~~llilL . i 4aIL'rsilaLmiill he "P n"til''o LII 'L fLS ig'ht olperas1,"Thi'Lia1c1151'ininlLa," anld "To- Iteal 'l 'elQ Iiglls till'Nigh;''c''A ll l io s" 'lo (LI'naLL lo LL Fod.mglit Iwithi LiLIL''p .'arsonls; I i Only 11,11ofFi IleGirl;" till'StalLCarilos opera'Scoimpany Ilull in llaslsic 'ollpositions~l, "itPair of Stell~l~iLLI ' 11' llLli11101 iiiLtoSixes;'''i"'le Passinig 1h11w of 1915,11 b~~~~~~ly ~ ~ ~ ~ n LiIL" l LrSill~~ i~l I sl'A fiLtr of Sill: Stockiii-s;"' Til- til' Al-II~id tLIL Ir~lilial. by;" GrLanlville tBari' er's prLoduction of '10 BWORRl I11(1' USE- thel'IL Lrli, lives ini Africa~. t'rtmas carnseL oue ILDe'em'biter ? inl Bleause Ithere wa1s olly' one super'- lative LadjectiveI (i tILL'salutationl lf thait letter. 'Thei'barbler(Las aLL alts- Aend doesn't tsall{: football any mlore. IIEQU tE'IfIt) 1111 III)EDRtB At a faclty-meetillg last nigh~t it wlas dleided 10 requ~est the plarents of 61l studlent~s of tile literaLry departmlenlt ILL withidrawl' the latter from till'Ui- versity. 'Tilunmber is a little lrger than 1thtlof thll'staudentls dismissed last year beeaulse of the greater nLumO- b er ofstdn. LO)S'T'-An am~ethlyst 1pin1 -1ithi two pearl setin~gs, Slmiday. Rewvard if retu~rnedLII 411BsHamiltonLlapise. 5-11 i I "'(111 :11a11 Who Niarrio'LI a 11011 b It(iI'," 11y Allatle'FrancofI, and ''1)11n11, tilL' 'tilc15i1r," Mack's SUMMER SCHOOL TXTBOK New and Secend-Viand Drawing Instruments, Loose-Leaf Note Books Student Supplies in General W A H H' UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE New Patterns ad Weaves 1 elosely., fTheir a11111 eeids L I Il'right, but we want111youL 10 1ac111lly 1I y I ill otn U3 - them~. Tile valuke1islmost exIc llil uttd wve imake y oh a suit at a reasonabble price GIL ii)nyIpiece youLl ct.c Palm Beach Snits made to Measure K YERW (U WHITKER For Table Supplies- Wholesale and Retail 114.116 E. Washington St. Phone 326 i E --Open doting shioppin~g hours --Sertice a Ia caIrto - Speci