THlE WOLVERINE Orpheum Theatre The ose o f Fsams lays by Fasss Players. July io, Sat,-"A Child of God." July 2-13-14, Maa.-T"e.-Wcii.-. Mary P'ickford as "Fie iesalae CricketC" Majestic Theatre PRESENTS THE FAMOUS PLAYERS PROGRAMME Sat. July as-MARY' PICK ORD in THE EAGLEV'S MATE+. Sun. July CI - THE, BLUR MOUSE, MADGE LEI"SSI:NG. Sundayontosshow z pim.tio aIn ALL SEATS 10 CENTS THE WOLVERIINE IisT.evofficial studet 1espaper for t1 UlIih el llyiii ofMichiganiSummeni Unitarian Church ; cSsioIC.PubiCsheCd by the students on St-ite andl] huron ts Tuesday, Thursday andl Saturday at- ternoonals. Twenty-live issues. E tII,,daCc C 'C C a____ _ tia,C Science and the Prableis at' E+vil, Subscriptiala rates---By carrier, sev- enty-Eive cents tar the summuer; by ite'v. It. S. Loring.SapraCCCscolo nailed to say address tar oneadol- by Miss Stevens ad Vialin solo by SUMMER SCHOOL New and Second=Eland Drawing Instruments, Loose=Leaf Note Books Student Supplies in General UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE i Arcade Theatre SHOWS: AFTERNOONS 4:00: EYE. 6:15;1:45; 9:11 Sal. Jalyio C-CII.s CLII' CHAPLIN i "Caughtin C a Cab~aret." AlsCMargaret Wysiherly iCs "THE 1IH~iT" Cby ihe Authsor at "Within tles Lass.'' Temple Theatre ADMISSION 5c. except Friday and Satur'day) Sat. July is-"The Lad~y oathe CSnos',' by Mrs. C'arteHarriason (WithC lIns Maya). Next Wek-"The Ch~am~pian," CCCa. Chaplin. Men desiring experience in practical journalism are urged to tryout for The Wolverine staff. Those wile intentd to work 011n the editorial side should get ia touch withi the managing edi- ' tor, while those interested in the * business end should report to *the business msanager. Tryouts: will continue fotr isMeek, aftera *which staff appointmsents will bea *made. LOST-Lady's silver watch tengravedl C. B. W. on back), between E. Madi- son St., and Physical Labaratory, fob and trinkits attacised. Reward. Mrs. Wenley, 509 E. Madisoan. 6-S N. F. ALIEN'S RED 'lAG, CLOTIlNG5 SALE Nose on-All Clotihing at greatly' re- dosed prices. N. F. ALLEN CO. Al, or new location, 211 Sa. Main St. t BOOKS, Law & Medical NEW AND SECOND HAND Complete line Text Books Laboratory Books Reference Books Dictionaries Conmpends, etc. Cash or exchange for your old Books C . f 1 k 1 7 t ._: 1 tar, ACdvertiing raltes--Furnisised upan ap- plicatisui to he busines manager. Subscriptions and ads taken at Quar- ry's, Cushing's anCd South Univer- sity Ptharniasy. OffiC iCe ous~: Mlaaging editsr, 2:05 to 3:005 daily; business manager, 1:00 Ia 2:00 daily, Phone 9EE or 2414. Address, The Wlverine, Press Build- ing, Maynard St., Ann Arbor. Hlosard R. Marsh-Managing Editor Pisoae-2414-1502 Ferris Id. Fitchlosiness Manager Phone 90-236 CantribtingsiCE Eitrs--.RM~ne F. . Church Asst. to manaager... William . Hgai lIsse Editors Fri'ierii'k A. Kantn Dwsigt W. JeninglCs Rleporers j hit 'ark Wiard i'etersona S. IH. Springsu Nataanie lhaimpsonC Bruce Scwaney David Essenthal SATIURDAY, JUDY 14I, I9l5 Issue Editor........F. A. Mlann t'LAY IBALI! Wh'ati are you gisig to Ia the Sat- CCrda~y afternoionis thiiasisnmer, wcena it is.toa lat to study and toa close In goC to the "muoies," and your sys- tomCCcraves exercicC'? Thse uter- nooin s will seem tieernallty tang, and Anti Arbor wiii be as vdesd as that graseyardi iat' thom~eWhat are yaii goin~g isi ds? O)1CC'oodsaCInIIswCiroccurstSCitsi. I sugestved iself yesterdasy afternoon. Tserse as a balamgie at Ferry field, lthe opeing gasie at the Vaatiais segie. it sas a gd game, espeial ly tr the firt ne 01' te seasa, and weci anme assay. ssel sCtisied tr ta- ing' sC'C'uit. Tsere we rC'enouh oln eon hand is. motley un~-unifrin garb to make up vswa teamis, ad leave a ews o'er. TlherieswerC' asa a febleach- iCrites. It seeams to us that thsose as the blsarhers lhadias mCch afN as lthse iwhiaplay'A. 'lisy'scrainy ejoyes thCC umii~prig. SOP tik that they, tCo ,cere glad fit they ladswalkd sowsn to Ferry fiel, had sat out las lie asaand iroateilfor teir favr- ies,awiethier theiy knewis'thenm r-nt. 'They ccee the oaies ciha suggested the answer to us, Cd left it fr us to suigget it tiC youis. Whyidont YOU tulesa handiuin athe ball gumes this siumimCr? If' you ilay, or eer plaayed, tit oui sm" ennis',shoes ad turn oit for your teama; they'll prbaby neediyau befire thii suismner is ver. If you ion't play, take a haaad lan the gaile anyay ). Co uowanad it n itii softest board oni theosunaiet Unitarian Church a bleacher; forget your lessans and your buard bill, jain the great army of the "withouit-a-care." It silt be seorth wehile. Play' ball! iathibsbleachirs, iir oas the field, play ball! ''ilt, PD'fTEN'liA I I it iIGCANIIE. flune sitthe tiiggest Iseritagic ii'e haiidi'didossni throsigh tarsuccreedting class's atfItichigan, is theievusrilista spiirit at loyally that binds siiidirg'rud- Cal C, atlumnusiiiid inivsity iiito 0oCc uiifiieid ishate. Its best kvnoiss's iude is chiwinsa iovria'atltlraicoti'cts, and in i the 'fflailsaf iiiidiviialssaid virgisn- izatians tossard thse aebieveamenit sita isare perfrct unity', bait the ramaifira- tiaois of this spirit ran be Iared ilso every phase of activity that taurus the university either diretly or ini- diriectly. 'lust is, except one, ad that ione is ciimmer school. Miechigain has caiie inito tier great- aivss largely' through tier abiity to assimilte the limge portionl if sin- detnts 'abshase poured into AniniArt- liar from far counitries, and~ friiolothe seats of learnlig. Anid it seas minlly through this all-.pervading spirit that this slows process of asciiltioni has takenCl iace. Inisuimamer schlao w-i eer, there is a notieeable tack at rI.- fart on the hurt 51fmaive Itirhig anit- era to keep alice thivswork. The ini- tiative must coime froii us, iCCtis reaci'nig olt far news blood. 'The burdenl of proof is osii s to shoiiv iii'e csmmer visitors thaul Michigan is ini the: frionilrasnkCof universities. Buct ice cani nes'er dii it bsytianging onI to that cliqueishiness, ini the class- roiiiiian uital, wichti'aisec a ilcl- aiaiiitabte barrier betseena the nails s01 andiiithe ovtlanduuei' Th'is colsun, Cont'inting ne'os of in- terest to un1iversity women, will alp- pear in eachs issue of Thte'Wotlverine. nnsounseemsents to he ma~de in it shsould be phonted to Frances Htogan, 5194J. New Patterns and WeaVes wCotmisi tt attCl examineirthese fabrics clusely. 'Thiir apperanicse is all rightl, jivat we wvant you to actually lay hiaids son ' them. Tue valaue is nastl excellsnt, and os ake you a suit at a reasonable price t foman y piess you slest. - 1i~l s ' fir- Palm Reach Suits made toMeasur"z l _ - $10.00 up :'vlsc Strule of the SihlsaofalMuasic. For Table Supplies- Wholesale and Retail 114-116 E. Washington St. Phone 326 1 IIEPA ITEN OF1'OlRA'ITOIY 1T) 'wo sea iiys iilltbeipretiniited duiring lie summe~iCr secsion biy' the Shakeis- plearianlireanig clrsscof thie vdipart- menP~t of oratory. 'The first to be pre- siented wiii be Shiakespeare's comedy,, llit XI'S 14)11i.111t11 SI 115 tE('ORIl) Literary C'olle'ge ,StillreasOthers; laws ad tng'inaeerinsgShow I iecrentse Summiir schooul enro'liei'lt conitin- I a i i "Mtuh Aio About Nothings." Lterli'r ) ues ta incrrease,13' stiadetsohavinig the sessionnen of Shakespeare's trage- reeistered ths. past tunee days, bring- sties is ill alco be presented, but it hasingtettluss 14.Ti s5 sat bes'ii deinitely dieideid yet swhichmtrethnttaeuptoal64t.the'hna is 18 one i, to b seleced. Th d see an sicodseek of registration last year, plars's of piresentlationl ciii be 511 anid more than the geuaud total of any nouned lter.suammer session at Michigan. These pltays wehich are pirescnted by 'the literalry rollege is still in the tie aratory dephartmein t eeery summiuer head, and also shiows the greatest in- fui fr 1111111th t Ciii' iinte~Cresingilin- crease iCC registration over previoos ti'rlliuaelliu the suimner program. years. Tithers is a decrease of 22, how- ovr ntz efracs hyever, us this'lawusschool, and 21 in the rlaims tih' iappreirationi of their avid-enierg;clg. iencs. o carg is adeforadms- 'rafessar 1". Ii. Erasus, dean of the sion to these pitys, their production sunimer sessionu, stated yesterday that beiag pusrt nof th' regsilar weork at the lie expectedisewsetsudeunts seould be oratary depa'tm~llenth. eosing in intilthfle eud of the session, as0 maiiy teachers are taking Cadantage "age r eat to .tryaouIt;sar Wialserine nf the oppartunuity altered to review Althugha tetatve taffof he nd attend thse excetlenut lectures oh-. tt'slc 's cc s ' lets es 'terday, liii'fared this silummerl. The is gures for editrs nnoncethataddtios t itthe uariouus rolleges anld schoosaare: cilt be maude is soiin as ties'umeni literary colleee, 719; college of engi- iluatify. Seviral misre meo n both neering, 230; graduate school, 252; Ills' miuoituihhuisesase fhi iedical school, 149; lace school, 175; ticeoushl be placesd, and men its- o hray 8 siringk soums experience iti practical college o hauay 8 joiurna:lismii 'r"eurged to repoart to thus cuhuhirs.REQ. I. C. 1)O1'PlA TO DELIVER SUMMER SERMON LECTURES .Xiiit Comma (itttteehe laaces Six Dluritui;hss.ast wseek thei'followinug In a series of four sernmon-lectores, sudients haves'secaredh feacthiang po- Rev. L. t'. Douglas weill speak on the tions for uext ycar throughi the ap subject, "IamperiatlLiving." iMr. Boug- luiiutiii'ut comamsittee of the univer- lai has very recently takcen op the city: F'lorence Tiixsan, scrieuce at pastorate of the church, and is to give Eamton RIids;. Gertrumdae 'anderhonof, this series sf lectures especially for depaCrtmental ciork at Saginase; Floyd the itudeuta of the summer session. Craweford, aaperintendenit at Three The first of these sermons will be Itiscra, Edwiardt Abell, superintenudenut given next Suniday moarning and the at Munmisig; aid Charles Greiner, others will follow at iutervals of one chsemistry at Orchard Lake. week. - ___The subjects are as follows: Bible Cltass fnr Suummer Students at July 11-"Poise-'fle Babit of Self- 11:SS Cnoonmouirrow at the Presby- Bnminance." tcrian tChurchm. 'raf. 'T'masaE., Ran- July 1S-" Preparidness - Equipped ksin ccitt speat. For Enmergeancies." -_-. .-. July 25-"lease--Insured Against Un- Pleasuing and artistie portraits nmade rest." ct Hoppe's Stumdio auytimie. 6t9 E. August 1--"P'rospe'rity -uImmuns From ~ibierty. If j Po'verty." Tlhree h~unsdred andstfifty-eightseoul- s's ire registeredin timlieuliiesrity far Clue sium'rsiessionm. Althomugh the smujority of this numiber are eurolled in thie literary departmenut, there are mo~re s'omeniniiithus Isve01and medical schoolas thain ever befori'. Tlhere is also aim suusually large enriollmmenmt in thai graduate school cehich has 7f0 wo'inustudents. Mlany of thu saumsmer school studenuts ire tuaking adveantage of the opptortuni- ties ofafired by time*Woumen's Le'ague to aoeet other ceomen studeants. Loth of the parties wshich thC League his givenm thiSsvummer havee been swell at- ts.'ided sild there are many nae mem- be~rs, making a totatlumeuubersbiu of 12 J Largest Stock in Michigan Co E. BARTHELL 326 . Slate SI. Tel. 761-Md I! e n JULY CLEARANCE SL All Spring Suits 1-4 off All Furnishings 2O0c off THE MAN STORE OF ANN ARBOR NEXT TO ORPHEUM J. F.,WUERTH Co. Firm J. F. WUERTH. F. P. HARRIS i I i W d e IThe Exquisite Corset Shop Neckwear, Holisty, Underwear and Wait IPHONE 162 304 S. Main Street Capitl, $imi 5,urplius, $50,00 Unaitviidrd Prots, $ca,cia The Farmers and Mechanics Bank ANN ARBOR, MICH. Snfe Bankiiing ad Cou~reiusTsraieattf Oac CustmersIs Ourh Wathword,, 3 per seat Interest ie cur Savinegs Departmen i "1 (#I