VTHE WOLVERINE We charge you Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and FinishingPRNSO nothing for devel- ? in Ann Arbor is at PRNTIO oping roll films if + l ~N VELOX I you can find aLV N D U S, 719 Nthi University Avenue (tebsparmd) sigedefect (Two doors from Hill Auditorium)(tebtparmde single A Established 1905, ad growing bigger every day1I 1' Made to your measure SPalm Beach The Summer Comfort Cloth itn a variety of shades J. K. Malcolm 604 E. Liberty Streot 1(1 AM'tli lt i(i iisoa hcsI riven by tlie Michigan tUnion daring the summoer session, wilt he held it Undoer auspicsious iweathier c'sndsi- the union tomorrow night, from 9:0 tions, thei' 0 civil ('ngineers Patim('li o'clock to 12:00 o'clock. J. W.'Fink- Davis hove put 1in o10d10ys of ('nstaedlt, 'it, is chairman of the party. citrenuous work. For msen who have Memisbe'rsip tickets are required for jus come forth from class. rocuomiisad thsee portico, while admission tickets not thoroughly seasoned for heavy ioanlie prouredl ot the door. Ike k, HUSTON BROS. The Fineat Billiard Room in the State CI4CARS and CANDY "sWe Try to Treat You Right" :ikle W(hiov eni of (hei' vr sistiy of ssouiii, iheIiv' issofitWashing- tio areimiiisi(g liti'siii'algtoilk In tercollegiatec J s o loesheld illthe afirsoon at (liin f h snie esin hr r abouul340 ons inroilleini the lii' s- o il (raising uiepau'rtimiiit,.''hey Lire Because of Yale's poor shioiiti abmot'quatllyidiviiei'illisclasso's in: (lie idiamuottdlthis yar seeing- t fli-dancossg, bIskbel-hall iuiioiiit'bise- elhaniges ore expeetedin tsthe llliii'' al oleyiival lii'stacuuslas' iii baseball policy. Undser' auneii'poliernm radrwn. h cniae o it is expected that the nw athleic,' plare s (si'inse ruupusei'iltroasckiiiat's consititlee -ivill lobe abasil to cur- uirsanthcopiinke. tail (lie aitthority o1 (hi' lasibllcs- tautninnrioduetinig(he ssison's costs NEW IVSIEI 11 EN 1)15(09 1E111 paign. It is stated that uimoer lie IAND IX I~TEAli IN 11ISIIU-)f plsan nosy indier consisdset'stions, this coach ivill hi' respotisile'fort'hei tr'''s(cdiso'rs psisno Ipolicy of the tesmtis eatol li trie Mcoutmiittee iwill ho' respiotisilei'for thei' e i is isv (olsort, lizaridlissbeen coach, aotedsstlsIsdilplacedis sitsexhtibsitinon Fratik OBrieni, of Auidover', 'aditheli's'usen loorsofi' heii Its iuin.Te June's, of Foxtet', Morgsans towmansotfsi Iessisrossnissi iisiviss, as it is tech- Hill School, otid lFt'ed Muritphy 'at's' ((icltyrsiall, isis on inihsibitaof n'the (lie cotididates fis t'hle poisiitin 'oseathidiurisig thei'Belriissntueriuudl (((sit coach tnext year', to tlobs'e le te ofS20,000i,000iyers'aro s, at thei'soauui'time Frank Qitimby. ii-issrs us 555'i''lot(i It is atinotticed that Prof. Itobert "arthi. T'elsi'-,i 'iiusofounis by Prit, N. Corwin has beti electedl chasirmiatnILS. Casi'ofth115palesI'slogy sdspart- of the teir Yaleatletiic cmmtte.instlintselia norrelssbos' lus, He was appointeil foottbaill tieiber''aAreliers'ouuuty, 'Tsxss, auuni issttheoly year ago, sticce'edinth(le ve'te't'nt th- fosil sitits ktiol intsheii'isorlid, letic adivisor, Walter t'atmp. As chssr- mian, Prof'. "Coin will hays' a son- spicttuous part in the revisioni of Yae's N. 1, 1,, " RE1111) AC ('IDi'llINOq athletic affairs. S M11 -o -Nows'nis lililtingse itcireatly irs- Vassar college gradutateid 243 stut- duce''d prirs's. N,.IF. AI{N COi. A\ dents this year,.uus i o luslocain, 211 So. tMsain St. IS i k e cx r ti r k? r . 1 1 x A A ironsiitiey haves is irlsish mithi sis-I THlE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK system'thalotshey lie ac'suulstislsesl Capital.................,.....$30,00.00 t uors' thon averaoge'lsaboiirs osslil Iso. Resouncets....................$3,000,ii0s0ts( Otis' if lis' uuistl itt'rs'stfiso Iliuig Trasacts a Geaeral Banking Business item ' sdos'isl s-us pis theiin staslliung 3 peeCeot intererstpaid ons aviitgs Depoisi, I YotucButsis Soicet sit fis lsc'isstus'sos'ssrsigs'sytsyst sits- Chas1. iti-eock Prs.,Mihael) Pitzash'ts's W. D. artimaoVits-Prs.,sCarisBaunis ast._slerthe lirleseliots of '(ir.A. N. lairdl, Cash'rWmt Waitz, Asst. Cas'ritasintgs Depit.t'it sictut it ssantasry stihritig st DETROIT UNITED LINES Ish uituss sily..A iriseh, 1(,0 vseet long atid isisaits avrage'of1fivi'fet , IANN ARBOR TIME TABLE (Eottern Staidard Titme) Limited asd Expeess Cats tie tietroit--7:10 a. it. and hosurly to 6 :io 1). mo., also S is LcalCarstfiretrtoit-5:soso. i., 6:05 a. is., antdleery twilosous to 6:05 P. Mi., 7:05 P. Ta Ypsilasti only: 7:i8 a. is., 8:2o a. i., Lismitmd Cats tie Jacson--7 :48 a. i. n eser is's hssirs to 7:48 is.m FLocal Carstfor Jacstss a aso.m., 6:oa. in. asid every isws hours to 0:50 is. is., as 9:5 P. mi.0, it :15 1).im UNKCH ILOOM LNCH'ES and SODAS 338 IS. STATE 8T. rCalklnsW Pharmacy [ 3245S. State SI. *DRUGS. KODAKS * Cay and Soda Water C ALKINST' PHcAKMA CY [COUSINS & HALL 'sleep is los hi' sug. 'iscis sisre Istha half dotie. Plaits bhas'also liesanimaplped out for the cotstrutctionisosit15 steel butiil- isgs this year. lDuriuig thi'(Oct fewv days, foundtiiotinsaes'eis built for Beve of thissebitiiliigosanti hree(hiss vse already- be en rcompleste'd. 'T'hiss'ecess structures wiiilii'e1perumunenti, sandl iill trove asdequauitesusstiltuOs's lorthle csui- vas titits sichrl they isill dslacile'. Each builinsg hs modeslrntsansitiary asppliauces. A 3(}-barrel stptic (ts will take' core 01' (hi'vsariumokitissof refuse its it iv iusiiliti's. A tuew-kitcenisisill salso lii'built idi- rectly overrthe tews wer'ss'cystemi. At presetlmeals one oursved intwoslasses mesos tensonstshle crest of sa lors's' (ill, givilng itgouodsiewss'fi Dougls Lake. Pool wvster is guotte'ntrimsa 18(-font ivell. '('le viry lest of foosd is prepared by tie'E'. 2Mclullens, '1(11, who issit espe'riencedl usterist In ((is tiew and large uvtvs (sichshas hi'sen recently installed, Leslie Rtuishbrook, '16, atn experieticesd baker, baks breasd and all kinds of pastry for the tmess. The boys do not ivork all (lie tiss', hiowever, atid devote'nost of (heir 6 ' sparetimc' to onch spiorts assic i- 1t02 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. tintg, (sisalgu, basibsillsisnshfishsig. Boih Phases 115 AssArbotr, Mich. irwelve bsaseboll teas ohove bisis for (lie 'spre'mac'y of this'cssuit. ssrge ~~ s~~ivingtossers hase bee'eii5r'ctedI aind help to timas'le (laity(lipimosre' so- Liberty and Main Sts. joysable. Maisy if(lie buys also taphe A Moat Convenient Place for Your ini (he Saturdhay e've'nin g dacs'sivr Banking at Riggsville, a smsall lossiwnsier (lie ___________________________________ Goruudonu 1.'uCoke', '1(1, iscudit cr sit University School at Music Fly," whlichtgiveccaliithess'eis'stlt(le ALBERT A. STANLEY, Director cusp. A1lcr'etforest lit's'is tussisrag- "A Gathitg Plact lit Aduanctd Stdets" tug aoutsixivmiles soutshsitthis' ssasp girouitds,(suitino sdamatgelissb(esis slums Annual Summer Session (toe(propierty of ((us unive'rsity. EICHT WEEKS-JUNE S8,- AUC. 20- Ritular Fill Turmn betg in. nct 4, 1115 11ST-Siomuewee'be'tw'eets:5th S. For atalueacash informtati~oadsdress Statei'St. oach Gyms, si col C'ufftlink, CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary (sills initissl "0" e'ngrave'd. Finuser Ann Arbor, Mich. sill gutetiral russrdoril ist-(Is tur_____________________ snsAddress, 5th S. State' St. 7 rlisehsr's four-pieice rchestra iill ltfurniisthe imusic. -it utu u rnuiial, the offiil organ Of vte MilOsrihi Sociey, is ntuw out file 'in the eaditg ennui of the Alunmni Me- mosuril (all. -Prof.A. . 1Cr(ittlendten, o iteLatiti departmett, is occupyig this chair of Lsititn itt OhisiSate Untiversity for the -I s s tuenannosuued that fle pi- ic of thitsUnitariani church, which was t(toys'e beenitheh(Iis week near the hotte of Proessor Latngey, has besti indueiitely postponue. --rtof. lEudwini C. (Gtoddard wIll spend (lie suitmmsen altic houe in Cedavill, i-- 'ery Sprinug, 1, witocmtoifle' uiy funr(le reunuion of his class during co'mnsc'uemtent week, returtned to iii homute its mAtgees, Cal., Monday, -IhislEll Zaiutie iHensel, 12, of this rity, wans mtanruedh Tuesday monntg to I M. Franctis 10,Casosiudy of Worcester, -Ptof. H.II, 'KIsig, whsittis udireting thse wovrki in hyrulic~nutgieeing t C'ampu Davsis, ovas calls-ilto Grnd (ap- idsc last useksil ou eoutitof he cdatho ofs (tcfathui. 'oessornKini'somoth- on is-ohlhot, yestn 'whie (ie 'uas its --'i'rtrntyiLodlttge, I. &A. .1I, wuill mworks the thirudgee Friday eynitg. 'ol vsititng members ar itvited to e Tis columnuu, ectntaininsg sews of Iii- tere')t tuiversity women, wilt ap pearinutetuchtissie f liheWolverne. 'Annuncsuemeteus t be aade iu it soltd btt photnetdtt i'tuu5 ltoFasHgatns, 519.J Aushuunformaludaute featured the see- ondl5 sc enetainmeun't givens for members nfth shu \iotiei'scLeague is Babour gymsussisums yesterday afternoon. ,Sisce soi smany studs-sts eave An Arbor for theeelsendsh, this socal c'ommusittee oth(le League his decided 1o gins-thoseep(arties duig hi'week rater (tsnsit Friday, as hey frt b(1ss Janes Cochrnue, dean of women, ands Airs. (ates, social diecor at New- berry Reisidesnce, ill old a receptiots ius Ilse p(lstno of the sdomitoy this aftenoutoso :30 to 500 o'clock toe all uivesity women. Ushen thus' uiectionisof Mr~s. Gates, lt' wsosunsitoudetsl ivitg itsNeo- bery (lll t(s sunmier have organ- ied, not onloy for sel govenmnent bt tfor social psuposeo as osel. Thisfirst scisl s- ,s'u givent for (le wonen liv- ing inut(I'h ormitorynw05as apinic itt C'scadesi'e(Shots nhuudy fternioont, Nn 1-.AOLLENS RED TA'G.(1COTIfNG Nown-utAll Clothig at greatly re- sists u ic oess. N. F ALLEN CO. At I I I I .. Jf you appreciate unusualness in Service, Appointments and Cooking, visit the O'~pen during shopping hours. ""Meals served a la carte, except Noonday Luncheon at 50 cents The New Catalogue of the Ulliversity of Michigall IS NOW READY Complete information concerning the eight Colleges and Schools: LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS, ENGINEERING, MEDICINE, LAW, PHAR- MACY, HOMEOPATHY, DE NT IS T RY, GRAD(JATE, AND, THE SUMMER SESSION Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Adminiatration and Insurance, Architecture, Conseevation Engineering, Education (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a course for those preparing for the scientific administration of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual Information, address the Dean of the School or Coliege In whtchs interested, or SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University Ann Arbor, Mich. Fine Watch, Jewelry and Eyeglass ...REPAIRING... FOUNTAIN PENS it~ CONKLIN, SWAN & OUR $i SPECIAL 10 s D~ Lenses Ground to Order Alarm Clocks 75c. to $3.00 HAILER JEWELRY CO. STATE STREET JEWELERS U. S. Poatal Station 3 TELEPHONE 534 o ur usc-is- lusahion, 2 11 So. Main St. If i