THE WOLVERINE Orpheum Theatre The Houseof FauosPlay by Farnooo Plyrs. July 5-G, Mo.-'fle.-"The Woan' July 7, Wld. - Mrgurie fClak i July 89, T', 19.Fri.-"Thec House of the Majestic Theatre PRESENTS THE FAMOUS PLAYERS Proram~ 711011. Jly 98-I MUNII BIIIR,1 1n '111E9MASTERO MINI and CHflA. CIIAPIIN. Fri. July1-HTq11ff RR1191 511111i1 '111J9INlGITINGA.IX1. Sa. 91117ll -OIARX' PICKFORD 91ill '11119 EAGIl'S ACI. Sunll.y111i11- TH, IS 11,719 501191, MADIGF lFSSNG. ALL SEATS 10 CENTS Arcade Theatre SHOWS:AFTERNONS 4:00: EYE 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 Thursl-. Ju195196ly'0ATI' I Mlflll,1'NA 1t9k11 frovio the1o11e1a1of the' 011111 Fri, July '1--Geor1g ltl 1111,0m11111e1 markable119 ,' lee, "SPAR10TA ~," o 'T eeol o the G ladors," Six.''9 Sat.l.y9111- II Il 19.11 IIAl',IN i XWyely ill ''V119,111H'"' by 111' Temple Theatre ADMISSION Sc. (except Friday and Satrday) Thurs~. July - "Jll,'Waso0WOll It," Br'odwa1y 01101feature, (w1it11119,1111 Sorly). F1. Jully 9-"1,01y of 1the Ligthlolse, Bodwaly star1'featurew'.ith101R19se Talley ,ool'''The,' 19011101of 1111ine." f Sa. July to-"The11lad~y of 111e Snows," Myo). Attention! We have a few mn's" straw hats left which we are closing out at half pJie; also 'all sot slnd stiff hts at' half p1ic while ilhey last. FACTORY HAT STORE 118SE. HURON ST. Near Allenel Hotel * lDenidesiriig experiee in *pracieal Jouralism are urged * to. t ryout for Tie 'Wolverine * stit. Thofse 'who(1itend to work* * 0on the editorial side should get* *inl tottel with te umantagiig edi- * '1to, while those hiterested ithtie* * business endlishufld lreort to* * he business ouanger. Tryouts * *will eotitlle for a week, after * 'r uri t 11aflf pitmlies williibe * imade.* THE W 0 LVT E R I N E Wlvin werecettered with log ________listsofuninteresting__names._The sl- dents were forced to keep 011( Trie official student newspaper for 9110111 over worn copies 01 tie pafers. tile Unliversity of Michigan summer ConIstant care ihadi Il be taken to keet session.l Pubished by the students on tie fles copete. TueIsdaiy, Thulrsday anod Saturday af-- Tie results of this systm of plb- ternoonls. Twenlty-five issues. lishing a stdlents' directory were o- viosly distessing This year, tie Subtscriptiono rates-By carrir, sev- enfrollment is larger thanO it 'wa00last. 91017five cents for tioe sumnmer; 'To contiue 'tie oli systmIl would1 mlaiiedl to 0117 address for one dol- hae beel nothing ess 911a1 a joke. larTiis smmoner the eitors of Tie Avetisinig rates-Flurnsied upon ap- Woverine took it u11o01 themselves plic ationl to tile businless mana1gr, to issue a bond irectoy. I ias Subsicrliptionls and adOs taie tfl 1Quar- iben a5 iig task, bigger 91111n y0u ry's, Culsinig's iandl South Univer- wolld tintk, for it was bigger ta sity Phanrmacy. we79ath foulgt, 0an( w71'wellt itoit Office Hourlls: Managinog editor, 2:55 witlo our eyes ope. to 3los0ldaly; uinssl mS lanager, Tie 101991'copyng 0andrearranlging1 1:50 to 2:05 buiy. Phlonle 90 or 200egistraion slips 1isll itself no~ 2414. little job. flt the wriig'. Al the9 areless!1 "Luritk," trnsribed, gl- Address, The Woverinle, Press Build- erally meat "Smitt;" "Senes" 19a11s- in~g, Maynard St., Anno Arbor, lated stood foc "Lewis" 'fo juldel by Hofwalrfd R. Alarsi--Manallginlg' Editfr lived near a telphloe. Fr 9111sf P11o11092414-15052 who omllitte'di a191ho11'11n1111er, 5'e'1101 Ferris H. liteih-Business Manager to id it. Phlone 960-2:16 we' a9e11t99r111g. It 11a9 1fu1,-at -___________________lest f119 a5whlie. Conriutig ditrstUliess somleting hap1pns5in1thoc K".M. Church byelI (lut Sturday. Ye ihav' 509111 y01 F'. St t'110('ilt91919 wees. Ad ll tt99'an0t11yo011o 110 is to9remem11ber11'w71191yo011fail to Isue Editolrs 51140 101111' w11191'it ogtto19be, 911 Freer1'ic' kA. 1K111110 ~'1190' wi11h us.''We he 01'sc Of' Itight IW'. jeml'ings fcurrences5 wil11be 901'. 11u1t1w91911teyi Rteporlters 110 0happen1, remem'b'r till'f111111 9905 P1hil Pack 9''Smoit" 9011be speled1'1, anld 1109 Sward Pe1te'rson "'Lew9is" looked 1inlng hanld, 011119t1e1 H. H-. Springstun 10o1k som1ewher1'le else for 11101 10111, Blruce Swaney '- __-______-"' 110v111 Rosenthal THUR~iSDA.Y, JSULY , 19151 Wiy oes tie girl of your dreans RtAIN AND T'rile 01911S9 alwaysylwn willioae 701o09k108111? Somlleblodyi 15J0nahIt0aine91195 It lad to rainl Wededay m'oring yesterday05, it is rainin~g tolday and its we lft 1our1ricloat 1111m1. g0o11g' to1rai111tomoorrow., blt om~~e dsy _ it'll 11091'tol stopi, 119900se071' are1 0ut1 We Acept te Nffmintifn. 911 get thlat Jolnah.Inth le Imentime Newo Item-l 1111 clothes a099 getting sticky, roomie f"Oly feen pe1r cent of the people 1s gettting c(ranky anld till'mosqui11ts 110 til town go to church'i. Let's make '1090 aprox'iating eugeically 11er- it unanimous0110net Slnday." feLt. 11ut1 as soonI 0as 1we in~d Jonah, -Sockbridge (Mic.) tBrief-Sun a0n14we a191'51119'to get 11i1m, this i19 1901111 to cliase, and 119 will strt to Captainoft the Tank Team. live. Tfhenl the suSn will sh1i111, and tie lie's law in teioarning and lit at famoous Annl Arbor 01001 will soften night. --L. P. M. even the engineers19. Io the meantimse are you getting Amyleetoa yourself in right? The lits re safe. Were 7001 ever17(morenbarassed, T11919 tasko 5 il '007as 0111, for the'y 110991DOd you ever feel so small, themoldaily' in their' 'ourse 111 "Trop- Ever feel sI sorry- 19c01 Fruits" 111111"'fhe listory' of 1100- You started o0111a01all, 111 10111115t911191t." lilt t s oeWere 5011 ever more disgusted 191190 1111 11911190and 9engineer1s that Thalnwein 0monligt's 9110910, we re oryin aout Oce heWhenlk lig wihlhontly117gil, balm das ariv andyoufin .yur-She wouldn't ake 71109r0911? selt11witotl at fai, yo1u0ng com1panion1,_ t~~~~~~ ~ ~ hen you umrsho a eni hnyured thiis colyull, are you vain, 01111971' absoltely crefu1109to g 100111111111gIat 010o09withIus? 71101 011 sympalithyt. So toke advantage of th11'r9a1ny7spell Oand 1w0k 01t 0Aipigihare st1a1111 i1. "You were takilg ill 7009 sleep last l"urther1'thalo thils 979hesitate to igt." su~ggest, 91090 1101matt1tu'ent 11n suml- ":'P09110 m119for 1interruping 700,' me119is 11 finickly animaol. 'le prefer _ bonldes orself, blut1119, 1evryone11RMoid 'Transit. Ill lis 11971t10s11. Newo Itenm--. "Society girl sell kisse for 91109- "liFAf WITHrUS11" 1." Last summer09hfl inl nam0es9 of tie 'fie jitney bs is growing 10 p0110- studen'1t' direcory 117999 published 10911,y Aulgulst 1. I1n other w.ords, it ois 11111917 0 oln~thl before *10u91ts cold Alumni Activities. 81' sure o lloatin~g 90911oher. By The class of 1914 1191(1 0 11110101 last tis tile, tho ue e1111199Sssion ws nigt. Acording to hospital bule- mloetanlalilf 099. Through this tis, he 11011a011e0991111111tim~e. l a i a 1 C >> t 5 1 t 1 G SUMMER SCHOOL TEiu'*X T BOOKS New ccnd Secred-liam Drawing Instruments, Loose-Leaf Note Books Student Supplies in General WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE New Patterns antd Weaves r ~Comne i n a nd examince1these fabrics closely. Their appearancfe 15 all riglht, tlwe9 111a 71ntyo t ull ly hanilds on thema. Thaue 110is most excellent, Old we make you a sulit at a reasonable price a L f 10117n piece yon select. o - Paint Beach Suits made to Measure. $10.00 lup I KYER CtL WHITKEK For Table Supplies'-.Wholesale and Retail 11 4-116 E. Washington St. Phone 326 I I r i t T You can tll whlethoer you are getting 0Ou' lbuildinogs, roads 01111Industries, away or n101 by tile way sheleo1118 at 0119 light, our food, 0o19 drink, you when you aren't looking. Are tile results of all our efforts, -fBit of thois thoey 110 not thin1k. Wily110 instructors ask so mnoy sino- pie qulestionls? To investigate conditions primeval, __ Tile mlode of livinog to uplift, STAY AWAKE NIHTS May result ill 009 contamoination, VIItlliR[ 7z1P4r~r F'rom res1ponsibi1ty wI1 9a11 lot shift. FEvelynI Tflaw-ed. It.111a17rain for Bell 1reet. 'l'iat otoorcycle se'aredIthe street Motor tires 01117 last 4,0110( miles. We Mlaintaini Neutrality. file followinog intfernoal macine was 90o11111ill 019rImail today. Thoere are 100 clue's 1o0the perpetrator. I'M ONLY AN ENGINEERI. "He's only an enoginoeer," they say, As they pass noe haughtily by, 'All 119 (oes is dr'ink beer," 11197 say, 'Andllno1119it1for 7011 andI."I*' "~It's a pity they're allowed to be with To be boorisil andl loud andl free, To) be*01 the very00111* campuOs witho 01, Contlaminatinlg 7011 ando 10." Thuls spoke09tile simple lit, 700u know, Sophlisticatedt, 11011simle01101114,. lie was privileged to sit, you kno0w, Tralkin~g 9ethics of every kindh. So ofteno I hlear thois applield to uo, By inledic anld law 01111litt Were ftoere rea0ls onsuppliedl 1y7u0, 'That ever lenot990911 to it? 'The worth owes nouch to the enginoer, 'fhoughl no credit they receive, Yet I am pr01111I'm1 anlenginleer, But tihis you'll not Ibelieve. So we ask a little indulgence, For loabits so acqiuired, We'll try our best to restrain them, So you'll not be benoired. 'lie's only an enoginleer," they say, As they pass moe oaughotily by, "All lie does is drin0k beer," they say "C'ontamoinlatinlg 700 andId."*0 BUT I'M PRO0UD I'M AN ENGINEER! --An Engineer, *Enginoeering license. UINIVEHSIThY POWER PLANT TO HIANDLE('ARlS jBY ELEC"TRIICITY Purchases 10-Ton Locomotive to Bring tool for Purposes of Fuel Beginning soon, the university, power plant wiii be able to handle its coal cars over the lenogth of track that extenlds frono fle Michigan Ceo- tral railroad to thoe power house. An electric locomotive has been late- ly purchased by the university and thoe road electrified in order that the sh~ipments of coal may be placed at sucho tines as they 1007 be needed. Thoe locomotive is designed for a large tractive power and a comparatively low speed. Two loaded cars can be drawn up the bill at about six miles an hour. A double trolley and double rail are thoe 011an11 of current collection. The trolleys are used over a portion of the track and the rails over the rest. At thoe cool bins one rail is discon- tinued and one of the running rails used for propulsion current. It -was decided that the coal buckets would BOOKS Law & Medical NEW AND SECOND HAND Complete line Text Books Laboratory Books Reference Books Dictionaries Compends, etc. Cash or exchange for your old Books Largest Stock in Michigan Ca E BARIHELL 326 . Stale St. rel. 761-B interfere w.ith one of the electric rails 'Thie railroads, tile bridges, the ships, if two w'ere used at this point. The Are tile products of us boys; Vet you nlever hear frsotiheir tips, That thlese099esonly toys. Vic; 'riod of 1t111, tfl o lumns011of 'fleI -F. H. P. -ii JULY CLEARANCE SALE All Spring Suits 1-4 off All Furnishings 20% off THE MAN STORE OF ANN ARBOR NEXT TO ORPHEUM Jo F. WUERTH CO. Firm J. F. WUERTH. F. P. HARRIS i locomotive weighs 30 tons and is equipped with straight and automatic air brakes. The Exquisite Corset Shop Neckwear, Hosiery, Underwear and Waista PHONE 162 304 S. Main Street Capital, $zoo~sao Surplus, $5o,o Undivide~dPeofits; $30,110 The Farmers and Mechanics Bank ANN ARBOR. MtCH. Safe Banking an111CourteosTreatmentl of Our CuosomersIt Oar Watchworod 3 per cent Intereat in our Savings Departmen .,