THE WOLVERINE SUMMER SCHIOOL D)IRECTORIY 'TWO LOCAL DOCORS WILL MEM,0BERS OF HOSPITAL STAFF PROBABLY OUT BEFORE FRIIDAY ADDIRESS PROBATE JUIl)G.ES TO GIVE SERIES OF LEcTUlRES Approximately 1,700 ANames AreetBeing Arratnged anda Listed for Printers Registration cards fronm the colleges of literaturc, law, enginecring, need- cine, lpharmtacy and the graduate school are in the hands of the editors of the summner schtool directory, asd indications are that thc hook will he issued hefore the ettd of the week. Int the neighhorhood of 1,700 cards leave to he arranged atnd typewritten copies made, hefore the matter can he turned over to ties printers. Much of til work htas heett doter, and untless lee work is nnavoidahly delayetd, the hbtund directories will be ott the street hy Friday. The present summer session is flee first onee in which any effort has heett made to ptuhlish a separate stummer school directory. Heretofttre it has heen customary to ptuhlish the list of names in the columns of The Wolver- ine. In this way, the last installment of the directory was not out until the Two Attn Arbtor mn will give ad- tresses at the tmeeting of thse prohate jtttges of Hichtigani, whirls will bte heltd itt Cadillac ott Jtly i3, 14 anstl1I>. Dr. Rteuben Peterson will speak ott the topic, "Thte Admission of Indigent Pa- tients to the tUtiversity Hospital," whle Dr. A. MB. Barrett will talk ott thte suhject, "Thle Field Wttrk and Functionts oi the Stale Psychsopathic Htspital." Both of the ntens will he on the progranm of Wednestday, July 14. EX('ELLENi'1T WORK '14)BE GIVEN GYMNASTS IN SIIMJIS('IDO0L Dri. May llopes to Be Able to C'orrect Manly 'oinnon Physical Defects Gyntnasittt work this sumnter will he hased upotnatt altogethser ttew plasn, for althtough classes will he held as usttal, a coutrse ttf lecites in anthro- Dri. Hiarret to 'lalk on 'Tle "Extent andl Ca'sies of Feetblemindednes liI Michigan1 Dr. A. M. Barret, trofessor of psychsiatry attd diseases of thte eervous systett, citt give te secontd of a se'ties of letutites itn health antt netdical sttbjects itt tt estnetmer attphitheeater at 8:111 o'clock tottight. 'These lectttres hytmenthers of uni- versity heospital staff attd the mtedical facttlty ttrt' designetd to furttishlthte taymntwcitht altelemnetaryktnowledge of ttedical scietnce. Thtey are as ntott- tet'htticttl as thte cstbject ntatter witt tiernit tttd shottld giee sttmttttttutt- dents a valtuahle t'ottrse in healths cul- ture. 'T'he lecture totnight witt treat the extent attd cattses of feehle- tmittdedinessated itnsattity its Michigant. tOts Friday ttight Professor F. C. New- cottte, director of ttte hotatnical lah- oratory', wcill speak itti"Thee teerint- atiosntof Sex" I). & C. 'TAlISMIIAN. A useful gift to any ntentter itftte fatmily. 'The Di. & C'.Litte cave prolcur- eel a limtitedt ntumtber itt unitque ''oldets, "cog Gttod Luck 'Ctarmss"--Mett's Scarf Pitt tic Womseti's Biroorch Pitt, set witht Mexicatn ltcttiee andl lEmeraldls. Will cot tartnistt atit is a bteatuty. Sent tfi ansy addcress tntrcec'ipt itt ttte dcltlar. cashe or motiteytirtder.'lTis wotuld te appreciated as a Birthdtay Gift. Ad- iresliept. S., iDetroit &SClevecland NavigatioitsCo.,, Detroit, Mich. University School of Music ALBERT A. STANLEY, Director "A Gathering Place for Advanced St1den1s" Annual Summer Session EICHT WEEKS-JUNE 28,- AUC. 20 Regtlar Fall aTrm begins Mon. Oct. 4, 1915 cor.'atatoguetanttiifottaoadnidrss CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary Ann Arbonr, Mich. f, thitnk of Coca-Cala Take a tsp from uhe men who top all Ike Thceyhinowit 'od to trasn-to iwork ' s"o.The-oetbst, lckut-ouphirse- S Delictous-.Refreshttngi Tiirst-Qunelsrij latter part of July. poneetry, hygiene, physical neeasure- Dr. AbratetSitton, flee distingutisteed .Becatuse of the inconvetnience attd mnts, ated general first-aid will take rahhi frotet Niaehittgtoe, echo steaks inadequacy of thse otd neethod of hand- the place of those ott Tuesdays and on "'TheeBiltical Eira in Jiecishe Edo- ting the list of sttmnmer schoot sfu- Thursdays. They will he held at 4:00 catiote" at 5:110 o'cloctk totdat, ccitt de- dents, the hoarid inc cottrol of stttdet o'tclock, and regutar classes will nteet liver his secotee lecttere ott I-lehrewc puhlications grattted flee editors it at the satne tinee ott Hondays, Wednes- ctlture tomorrowt afternoote.tie citt The Wolverine permission to put outfdays and Fridlays. Work on tite apa at this titme discustee rabihinical era a hound directory. Whetn printed, ratus citt he etmpheasizetd, as well as in Jewish editcatiotn. tOt Wedtnesday' these can he otained itt exihatege tier tiarching tactics and tmor athleticstrc Simotn, ini hit ocst tallk ituft'ettum- the suhscription receipt for The Wol- such as high-junmpitng, pole vaulting, seer programnsilltaeupisepreset-day verine. *Copies may also be purchased and out-door shot-putting, As soon aste'iicledeutcation. for 15 cents. the class becomes fatmiliar with gyns- tastic tmethotds, fencting atnd club- 4"" lE:'IlI)S .'0 BIN lBU'REAU' ANI N'EOPRTNTES1 swingitng will supplemeent the regular FOR >EMPILOYMI' .h:AL l, I II lSE FACTORY WA1STE NVIA'l'EItIALS eecss ofte tieri Dr. May has exansineid about 120 Bcueter r ag esete Forestry department o h nvri students whso intenid to tatke the course, Beasthraealge um r ty has been able to announce that and is desirous of a nmuchs larger regis- it otsccliii would el euntable tie atted through thse sooperation of the Uiniteid tration, for flee real bensefits tittered by the utniversity it if were nsot tier the States Forest Service, stills and facto- this course exceed those offered dur- fact that fhery are able to obitaisswiirk, ries throughout the country are teow itig the regular sessiotns. D~r. Hay teY I ' .le eie e cc abl tobuyandsel wate esaerilsstate that the prevailineg weaknsesses their enmploymnttbtureau opeti frotn at a profit. Any concerts is permtitted and defects to he footed its the average 7:30 o'clock to 80:1<5 o'c'lock intshfee to list its requirenments with the "Wood applicat are flat-footeess, Isernsia, snorting ansd frittt12 :00 o'clock to 1 :00 Waste Exchantge," without charge. and istcipient appenidicitis. The course o'clock its the aftertnotn. It those hay- Sinece the ittauguration if this sys- will lie valusable since it is tie attemspt inegtidid jotbs will telephotte theses in ti tensthtlree mntths ago, 147 nmills have to ressiedy these defects. tebtatewr ilh ie been listed as hsavissg a great variety - _hebuea,_hewok__lbgve_ of ast maeral or al, wile7Ggreat imepetus, 'The telephoniee sumbler ofwst iaeia o sl, lil 0NOW-A-DAYS is 823. other wood-using cotncerns have an- It s'lotlaing,HBats, acid Fliiesliiig Mets desiritigft wait ottfabls for nounced that they desire ft purchase Goods fronii their board trill findi a large number of differetnt kindis of waste woodl. . N. F. ALLEN ('O. positios available if lucy wil 'all at Rotzel to Staidy in Blostn Next Yeair 21 t S. Malts St. ftfit "Y.," Rev. B. L. Rotzel, formnerly stuidenst pastor of the First Methotdist Episco- pal church, and a graduate of the titi- I LET US versity of Michigan, lees severed cuts- D v lp Y u t fJ l im nections with that church, atid is at D vlp Y u t fJ l ~ m presetnt overseeing flee pastorate at Our Service Is Prompt Our Woerk Is Good Salems. ft's Cloting, Hats, aid Furislhing DinetS & Nickels Gosfroni 334 S. STATE STREET Over Cushinig's N. F. AI14LEN C'(. "The Only Studio on the Campus" 2tt S. Rain St. tII Have a real vacation en tke Great Lakes, eke mesa anjoyahble and economical outing in America. Tke cool lake breezes, tke ever-chang. leg scenes along eke shore and eke luxurious steamers operated by this ai Company are positive guarantees that you will enjoy every minute of tke trip, and return home refreshed and glad you went. TAKE A D. & C. BOAT WHEN YOU GO AFLOAT. Daily servicereteen Deroitand Clevlandand Detroit andnBufflo.From JIce10th eo Srpremher 10th Seamrs CiysfDeroitIload CitoftCleelantd III, te"TwecGiats at the CGretLakes, opresdriby service on ike Bnffalo Divsiion; ceasntcard eo mssteepleasure ofa aide on these floating palaes. FOUR TRIPS WEEKLY tfro Toledoanod Derosit to Maiac Islandad Way Pants. Mackinoc Island, eke Historic SummerrResort ofterthCountry, is bseoing morepopulareery season with the- Touristscsking quietnessandepoass. Excellent Hotel and Boarding House accom-e mtodatons at reasonable rater. TWO TRIPS WEEKLY BY SPECIAL STEAMER. Clevelad to MackiacsIslad no opsssnmutsrercttDetroitand Alpena. DELIGHT- FUL DAY TRIPS hewecnbetmoitad Clerelad durneg Jalyad August tour erips weekly, DAILY SERVICE Jues14th to SeptemerOthsbeenToldoand Put-in-Bay. RAILROAD TICKETS AVAIABLE FOR TRANSPORTATION on D. & C. Liar Steaomers betweensDetroitad Bfloor Detroiteand Cleveland either direction. Ssnttwo-censtampeorllsrtedpampet and GCoal LakeMat. Address L. Q. Leecis. G2. P...Derit, Mich. Seedofposestamps mailed tar fivees. Philip H. McMilaFree. A, A. Schapttz, Vise Preso. & Geal. Mgr. DETROIT & CLEVELAND NAVIGATION COMPANY All steamers orrveaned dsepar. Third Avenue Wharf. Detroit. 75cts 75cts THE WOLVERINE MICHIGAN'S SUMMER NEWSPAPER OFFERS YOU A BOUND BOOK DIRECTORY OF THE SUMMER SESSION FREE With each subscription to the Wolverine-All for the regular price of 75c SAVE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION RECEIPT 75cts 75cts i