THE WOLVERINE ____________________ -T H E W 0L V E R I N E good will, as well as to place thleir Orpheum Theatre goods before hlis eyes. They have The liouse ofCamoscPlaysram usanadone it oot of a desire to oee tudent. Playersn.Thle official todent newspaperfo fractivities successful. Tllcy lhave benl the U'niversity oi Michigans sommer loya~l to lI 555i01, lublshol iy te sodeitsO~l "Tunl aboot is fair Iplay." July ,9-, Ms.-To us'.-"Th o 57 m" Taesday, Thorsday and Saturday at- Tesec~~l vs aeavrie July , 7,Whd. - Marogue rite Ctart in ternloonls. Twenty-five issues,. nTeWleie hv upre n "Wildflower''. ihaslis Chaplin., _in__The___Wolverine,_____have___supported_____one_ of your in~stitutionls. It is oip to you July 8-9, Thurs,. Fri.--'The s Hase sfthlts Slubscriptionl rates -By carrier, sev- to su~pport theirs. Is- tssl" C~ss~nss 'Istis. enlty-five cents for the summser; - smailed to any address for one dol- lar. --_____________________ -Advertising rates-Furnisihed upon ap- __________________________ - plication to tile boniness nmanager. Soubscriptions anti ads taken at Quar- - Arcade Theatre ry'a, Culsinig's and Southl Univer- Has your Gernsanl prof started to ex- SHIOWS: AFTERNIOONS 4:00: EYE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 sity Phlarmtacy. plailltile war to you yet? tOffice Htoars: Managing editor, 2:00 _ Taes. Jolt' 6--Charlie C'aplins O,,ttgtto 3:10 laity; btusliness manager, Thlere are still sone who htave Slot aoldIynamote-Is' 1twosarsts, Also 1:00ttto 2:00 daily. lPhone. tt0 oritotught a text. treespatFoCxscFeattre-, "lir.liaoisiesl 2414._ Cires" parInt ted, ii tlMaissYBlos, tt". Aiddress, Tile Wolverinle, Press Build- "31i l1II Headlinle TiI c-Nesvs. Als Katryn serlttti otne r0e1l1 ilg, Baytnard St., Ann Arbor. Suppose its drownvled it? coedy. "Sau'etfrothel,auders" __________ ________________________________ -Ilovurd It. 1Marsh-3)Iauaging EI~ter erd11( at1ltheiiiF'iculty C'oucertl. ____________________________- P'honle-2414-1505 "Whlat rio yosu tinik ttf tile singer?"I Maesic/Ferris 1. Ftc Businessn Maager "Give mte tile Wbite every filth'." Mae tcTheatre Phoe 960-236g SUMMER SCHiOOL New ansd Second=Hancd Draw; n g Instruments, Loose= Leaf Note Books Student Supplies in General UNIVERITY BOOKSTORE BICCEST AND BEST PHOTO PLAYS Matnee 3 P.M, Eve 7A&830 July 6-7, Tues. Wed-yMAX FIXMAN In THE HOOSIER SCHOOLMASTER. Five parts ALL SEATS 10 CENTS STemple Theatre ADMISSION Sc. (excopt Friday mnd Saturday) Jutip 0, Ti,,ss 'fkIt 5,0 OTiC RROR5 by th()Iti o LIlyl-:. JilteyIhVsspe- int wii t'IA R,SC11 I1',IN. Csaning-fitselFxploits of Samse or lh- ClutchlinglHaind. Ann~ounceen~tt of the tact thast iB. C. Whittney of Detroit, has at~iaini takeni over tht' mantagemientt of tile Whittney teater andilghat ftsenitnagetielt sill be under'S thisoupervisian of Donliiiic- Intyrs' of this city, is welcomenewls t ts' thea'teir-goter s of AnnitArbor. 'Tt' thtitir stiltlIts'conucted Ias a hight classtthos, hpllying tilytsett'st prodttttIis, iniciluding-t? lii' sost ltpopu tar mutisicaiS~'ltcmeies. 'fTsestars who tavs already' blentbooked for itext trest, Williait Gillette, Forbe's-Rtob- i-St5011, Guy Dates lost, Blillie' ttttke, 'Mautd Adamis, Frantces Stalrr, l1thl' liacrylitore, itarry Laudtier, Davidi War- fiettd, FraintoMIntyre, tOtis Skiitier, E'lsie',Talis, and lithert Edison~. BOOKS Law & Medial NEW AND SECOND HAND Complete line Text Books Lhaoror Boks tonttribuitingt Editors- 1F. I". MhcKinnesy hi. XI. Church TtTESDAY, JULY It, lot5, ISSUl'F: rT0lIOR wight IW. Je111in1gs. TH , E ttALTRtAGEDIY Satourty afternoon, htaving finiased his switc for the wveek, IRVYING B. FENELL, of Greensbturg, Pa., went up the HurlontRtheir, capsized, anid after a vaint'ffort to haul himself out of liii water otnto the otverturned canoe, dlisappeatretd in the sluggish water. A shtorttittlf houtr later a fellowstuildenlt nesated the corpsse bsy diving, and haill- 'it it ouit by te toe of a tennits shoe, We siho kitesw the dead roani snly by asssocitattin, sautsed lontg enottgh to conldietinill'symplatthize, anthetnl for- setbut fts ereal tragedly ihapplenied se'veiral hundtired stilt's assay, when til '!tunsuspectin~g father and motther re- ceivedl a brutal yellowv slip of paper telliitg ltititheir sonlsndead, andI