TIMES A WEEK, 75c SUMMER NEWSPAPER ATYURDO THRE HE W OLVERINE TE NY1FICA Vol. VI. ANN ARDOR, MICHIGAN, -SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1915 No. 51 VACATiON LEACVE PLANS PEBFECJEO Summer Baseball Assured as Result of Thursday's Meeting. at Unions BOARDi OFl D)IRECtTORS SELECTED) Summer baseball, on a more sub- stantial basis thans ever before, was as- sured Thorsday evening wben a Va- cation league was organized at the Michigan Union. Four teams will be placed in the race for the campos championship, and arrangements will probably be made whereby at least the Saturday games can be staged on the Varsity diamond on Ferry field. A lit, law, engineering and medic team will take the field, students of the other professional schools being grouped with the medics. Each team will play three games with each of the other aggregations, making nine con- tests for each team, and an 18 ganme schedule for the league, George Labadie, '16L, Varsity base- ball captain, will manage the law team; "Jack" enton, '16E, Varsity catcher, will pilot the engineers; E. V. McFarlan, '13, who has played in the Vacation league for severalI sea- sons will direct the campaign of the lits; and a manager of the combined departments will be chosen before the meeting Monday evening. "Map" Church, '14-grad., was elected president of the league, and "Howdy" Marsh, '15, secretary; while Intramur- al Director Floyd A. Rowe was made an ex-officio member of the board of directors, which will also include the four managers. The' directorate will meet Monday evening at 7:090 o'clock in The Wolver- use. offices, when. a schedule will be r drawn up, and all other matters ar- ranged. The opening game of the league has been tentatively scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, when the lits and laws will raise the sunmmer lid. The only difficulty in getting things started is the problem of reaching the men interested in playing this sunimer. All men are requested to get in touch with the managers of their respective departments at once, in order that a schedule which will not conflict with classes can be drawn up Monday even- ing. At the conclusion of the regular schedule an all-star team is contenm- plated, which will probably play gamn- es with some of the city league teams, and the Ypsilanti Normal aggregation. PAXON LIVES "lNl)EPhNI)EN('E' ORATION ON FIRST' AMERIICANS !Although no formal Fourth of July exercises have been planned by any of the schools or colleges of the uni- versity, Prof. F. L. Paxon, of thse his- tory' department of the University of Wisconsin, will deliver a lecture on "The First Americans" at 5:009 o'clock Monday afternoon, which will be in the nature of an Indepensdence Dlay "oration." Professor Paxon, who is giving sev- eral courses in American History in the susmmer session, has made a special study of early American his- tory, and has worked under the aus- pices of the Carnegie institute in the iational archives at Washington. Ka nsas Dtean fiuest of Dtean Effinger Dean Olin Templin, of the literary department of the University of Kan- sas, is the guest of Dean J. R. Effinger, of the literary college. Dean Effinger gave a dinner yesterday to whirls all Kansas members of the faculty were invited. f r f c d r 1 E z t: 1 v . r n Y l LUXENI..1rn LIS[T OFLUGCKY soassoo5 I..J.N*.7..IiI en desiring experience itt LAB RE S.LA D TAURELS * ~practical journalismutri- utged* to tryout for 'hue Wolverinte -o- * staff. Those w11o intcnd to work More students made an all "A"rcI Judiih (,mnsburg,'1 t; larence Goshorn,*ont the editorial side sihold get- ord last semester than ever beforeac- '15; Andrew C. Haigh, '18; Edward W.. nfo cwit temnteesedintei cording to statistics given out, yest:er- Hrwl, '17 Harry M. Hawley, '15;' - 'rionces Hickok, '15; C'burles F. L~am- buiesndholrprto day by Registrar I-all. Thse numlber' bert, '58; Alva J. MeAudlan, 'lt;George* the bsusintess mtanager. Tfryouts receiving nothing but "A's" this se10- W. Myers,.''it; t art Neumann, ,1; will eotiue for it week, tfter ester is 31. L~ast semester there were Mtacy'T. Perkins, '1; Elder A. Porter, * istafaponens ilb 28 making this record, and the largest '16; Louis S. Ramsdell, '57; Dorothy * ae number ini any previous semester is lB. Roohni, '15; Howard W. Roelofs, 58. Of those making this record, 12 't5; Harold W. itosenheinm, '18; Eadoes were seniors, three were juotors, six S. Rothschild, '16; Lena Sackett, '58; D~r. D'Ooge to Preachit it31. E. Churtcht were soptiomores, and t0 were' fresh- Hlnen King Sehoeffel, '15; Josephine DrM.LDogpoeormriu men.Dr Mh.rL.rD'15;HaroldoBesTegardeni'57 'e.SezrI'5 aodB egadn 1;o he list of students receiving the Muriel Tlysons, '16; EosU. Walker, o Greek, will preach on "Our tObtiga- highest marks obtainable to alt suit- '18; and ('harlotte E, Weller, '15. tions to the Fathers" at the first M. E. jcts followss: 'T'he Ann Arbor high school furnishes church at .10:30 o'clock tomorrow' to Etsie L. Backus, '17; Ruth L. Blailey,; six (If this list, Detroit C'entral seven, place of the regular pastor, tDe. Statlk- 'tt; Albert A. Bennett, '1t; Ralph tar- I Detroit University School two. The cc, who has been calledl to Califoriiia son, '17; ('hester W. Clark, '18; Glenis rest are furnished by schools scattered on accotint of the serious illness of his Mt. Coulter, '15; Harry C. Fortiner, '17;j throughout the country, sister. LADC[EAOIENCES ATTEND_[[CT ODES '(wakes, Sas iPi'ifiessiir W., 11. Ilohits "''EA('H THE'h'IIIK(A."SAYS KEELEII That Mithtiisins I curse o oi Ilni, lectures are find'ngtavor withlist- xeattsei entils is eo idencod by the largi' and apprec)' iii aidencIes that have fild tile'letuire 'Oillplil eat('i for the nuboils thits weelt,. While a fewc of th'eleetures las1y ill's5010- what technicland011dets'igned'(lfora splecial class iol studentiis, tile COal- Dh?(i~t M.AYIRECEIVYES BIG ENRlOL~LMENT 'AT' GYNASIUM Dre. U. A.,Stay, idirector of Waterman gymnailsium~, aiiiouniieid yesterday that miore thaunt1ll men have already ems- rolled'Iini she course anid have receiv- I'l physical exaiilmiations. Tihe princi- pal iotject (If the exercise will be, ac- 'ordinig to the idirector, to discover pre- vailing veakiiesses aiid defects, chief of whichi are incipient appeiidicitis, he~rnia an111flat-footedmiess. L~ec'tures in anthiropometry, hygiene, physical mieasuiremencits and general tirst-aidl, ti) te given at 4:00 o'clock oni Tuesdays anid Thursidays will fea- tire Itle gymnasium wvork this sum- mier. Apparatus work,. imarchimig tac- tics alodinollr athletics such as high- Juing, pole-vauiltinigunit out-door .sho-puttinig will hi' given in the Mon- IAIOLVEINE STABS ADDIVE IN CHDCACO Fasrrell's Proteges Will Rttutng'ainst Former M~ictigant Men Monday HT' IVALRY ,AMO NG ITRAINER IS By Mali)tCturcht Michigan's track athletes whlo will run in the C'entral A. A. IT. ganies at C'hilcago Momiday are alreaidy at thi- Windy City, workimig out oii Marshall field. Most of the iiieiili-ft Thlursdaiy. noon; Traimier Farrell aiid Carroll, however, did not git away unitil F~ri- sinsusof0 opinion seeiis to indlicate (lay, Widiteoday ,amid Friday classes day, that ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~whc ansgtvnt sll ccl11p1al o lso511mieet at 4:00 o'clock. t''enotthr ifteSltlgi all tastes.Prsn mebrofteMcia P'rof. W. IH. IHobbsl, ini his letrlle' track teami will compe-tie agaimistfitr- omi the' earthqu~lakes of Itly yestierda[y lh K~l AC ner Wolverine atleels in till-openi aftermnoi, shioswed thll'causes andii I II IIIIULL IILII IIS meet, as Kohler, turmer captain, will null ofthe aillili ('rti 11 ll 5IIIheave this weights fur thte t. A, I'., history, illustrating hits pioints by pic ture oftheSl ssiaaAzznoandSaywhile ('runs, present Wolveinie strung l I 1 1 N H 9EFramicisco earthquailkl's. He t10111litp iLiiV.0mNaEA nL5111, oill carry thte ciolors iot the I'. A. tmst the resuilts of cartlllllak' 5. 111ol A. 1i10 that 1h11ertiim151055 iteilt a 1,60ithl'1i ,lt-r So Firt''rils Week As Ilainthaugli, premier idisiamice star vertiaul oreorlintoll'd icido'-talies l:;,a st 14Sar umithe Michigan teami a few seasonis examlesof ombtons ad satus Lst earago, is also expected tu comipete, btut that wvere buiriedIIini Ite earth 1(o Iris' whether he will meet C'arroll ini the the first, and lie eigeav ploitioins lof thill It1Y'OLI EGI; IN LEAD mile, or rumi the two miile, his coIllege houses to prodve1th' taller. I event, is not knowmi. "No oii ed151fler 'earthiquakes (IOfficil figuires given out last inight 'l'There is niore or less bait btliod bc- wshens the proper builinmg prcauaitiions 1by- lrllf. H. Kraiis, ideami of the susi- tween the Michsigan msen uand Trainier aretakn. einored onceteishemi-c session, show that a tittal of 1,004 Mahion, of the I. A. C. The ('hicago best materiul for aitlustamndiig 1111' mentor sent Kohler Is Anni Arbor sev- shock of the earthituaikes, and aith its Istiideints have emirolled thus far ini theerlw ksaotsinuth Mci- univrsal use the dansger is heilg re- variouis schoot~ls anid colleges. Thins is gan mcen for his aggregatiiin, lint Far- duced 10 a miimumliii," said 'rofessor aninlcreasse of 5t fitr the corresponding rell advised his men that he would Hobbs in' concluisioni. hatini 1914, only 1,54t havimig emrolled rather they would not compete this "'lTie teaciniig of tih-ereadinig habsit is hi Ohlti~ihlrthil imsamsemtltat the 'mid of the tirot week of the ses- summser than to run for Mahsan, ims- is te mst iporant undmentl,"tinsating that lie disapproved quite said Mr. hF. L. Rester, state slpit))- lin lust ssiimer. stroogly of the training niethiods of this temide_.t in his 1,etitrl oni"Somuniid- All schools amid colleges, except law latter. amen1 10ill U 7ducahiti, - last night. andl enginieering have a larger enroll- Kohler carried the message baek to -'Less thsams60 per cenit of this boys nieit, tse decrease ini the Law School C'hicago, and Mahan has waxed elo- alnl girls ini this Unitedt States tiiiishs beimig 211sld in the emgimnering col- quent in- the burning epistles he has this sixths grads, thieefore we' shiold loesahoiit it. The literary college, sent this local athletic authiorities. This devote much attemition to teachinmgi with itt studemits, heads all the others. Michigan men all accepted the advice these grades. After this rcadimig hahit 'Phle comle~~te figures arc as follows: of Farrell, however, and will run for this subjects of impllortance are':Iprat- Literury college, 080; college of en- Trainer Delaney, of the C. A. A., whose tical arithimitic, penmailnshipt, spllig, gineerimig, 31;thc niedical school, 144; methods arc approved by Farrell. amnd eral lamugage." tilt She. Rester the hale sehool, 17t;the school of phar- Captain Smsith, sprimter; Carroll, brought out the falct that unidernieathi lihicy, 19; this graduate school, 229. Ins miler; Max Robinson, quarter-miter; and runmnming thiroughs all this should additlion to these there arc 35 students Fox, distance msan; Corhin, hurdler; be "thse teachinge lft 1u1r boys andI girls at the islogical statiomi in northern and Cross, weight man, compose this to thimik."Mihigan. Michigan squad which will compete. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HURON & DIVISION STS. LEONARD A. BARRETT will speak Sunday at 10:39 A. M. THEME: A FLOWER OR A BOOK Bible Class for Summer Students 12 Noon Prof. George W. Dowrie will speak WASHINGTON DADD TO LECTODE IERE s Onei of Most tPopular Seakers of lewshl ht'uqasqssSel'iit3 'his Yeari ShANLEY 'lALKS(ON "FOLK SON(45"7 tDe, AbrmilSiiion,mutdItJiishi Rab- biI, of Washington,ID. I., amidlautshor iof several oorks 1on1 Hebrew cutre, who aill delivr a series of letures 0o1 Jewishlidci)atiio, withltethis principal speakier oil1thessprograimiof special 1c- tures next a-1k.'T'he first lecture will the at :00 oclck Tuesdasy aftermionm, 11111wilt he cmii"llh- Biblicalf Era imi Je-wissh Educ-ation." tDe, Simnm is known as one of the mohst efective speakers of the Jewish ('IuitauliaulSociety, a1nd11hils appeared'51 at. mely all of thes larger umiversitis ill Amserical. H-I will arrive im Ann Ar- sieor on Monday, umnl lcomes dirctly from C harlivoix when' he has biemi atteninlg lthe-nathional c~moventioni of Rabbtis, 'Phil'otlher let-ursiltte gives. at 5:1111 o''lckh1onWe'dnesday andllThurs- lay respeivlyt, 111)1with taki-tp lt- e eras imn Jewish iducatiom. At 4:115olck oin'Tuesday aftermioon A. A. Stanlecy, profissor of music, will lelture at thisumiversity scool of mu- sic 011 Maynardt Streel-Iomi "Folk Sonmgs." The leture withlte ilustrateld. P'rof. A. S. Barrett, olithtel Medical Schtohol, will speac.011 "'T'he Extemt ani Cauuses of Fl"e1-Mindedness-5 in Mich- igan" at 8:110 ocloik 111 thi saOme evi- img, ''hisleti--trI, as well as thiise by hD. Simuon,iilt lbel- 'iveed'in ithii labiioratry. I-ORIN E ELDhllll)1N h''h"ISRhttht ON 'I'HRfEE SF:hhl10IS ('IARIES Unles's $25,000ttBil Is Obtaied e Will Not lie Relemsed 'Phomas .F'rneuy, this formier Mic- igani student who was arristed in Washinigton for attempted murnder, is beimugfIe-Id imn Pittsburg umder the -carges f l'copiracy, -feloniouus as- saullt 11111battiery andl atempt to kill. Georege Mc'fenry, thisaccromipiei in this assault, is 11011o 11heldudr thissane chailrges. 'The principa witmess, F. T. Schni- le, slates that as hu ensmtredhhis room. at thits olte Andherson last Thulrsday, heswas attal-cedt by two mienm whollstuclk him over thus 110a11andl then muad the esrape. It was also- testified that McIHenury sas a giest at flue litel on this ay of this assaul, amd thaItlhe'hall 1een see1111talmperig with thus lou-k 1111thusdoor hot Schneider's room. Wsarrants charging both men with enterinug this hotel with imtnt to kill, andt jaihl olsunitnento ill default of $25,U00 1h,,il werue seredlagainst the mnen, and so even if their attorney's appeal for 01511 in the case of the first swarrant is granted they wilthe c- aloed onu the secomd charge. SIMMHEII (CHORAL UNION WIL lIE 'ON I)tl'ED5HII WESTERtMAN t'Ucder thus uirectionl hutMr. Kenmuethi 'Westermaun, a regular sumnmue Choral U'nioIn will he arrangeud this sununue, sot fluhsobjet toutpr-senuting Gound's '"Gallia" fo~r presentationl at outs of ths fauuty 1-oncerts isnttillauditorium. Au-cording to Ste. Westermuan, who is amn instructour 11nthis university school of music, 110 exainmation for entering ths chous wl Iithltsbecondtuctedt. Any who- delsire-ho fluter the Ichorus nmay 110 01 )y oil-ruItappearing lat the ist rc- il'air'ah tol1be11111li tt hue ulusil' scools ilt- 'luesdlay at 7:00 o'loclik.