THE 'WOLVERINE BE CAREFUL! You "don't take ohanoes" when you COME OVER TO where you eat, for these are EAT AT O R E N' S O R E N' S CAFETERIA days. You inspect everything before you buy it CAFETERIA PPIA-' !i:tll-riillf. 41ViP IVvl,'v lo. ?e i114Viir' l'l.l'I2 i4'SI.1 lyll;kt!VVrl' 'I'() 'IA 1.UN INV F: 1I5k t ats!"?y. f tit' 'tIH !' ii"+ NVX'T' PL A Jolhn Williams, volted iy hip: claiss 11zdllaic( f1s aiseisil y of Mich- slates tho 'best at]lliarind atlk1( l j""M'4ireto (ti.ia 5 ii'(i'I is slus Lapser high scoolisasndsoiw a is 1551 kil. T?): I ('ls c lab, tbe nao mnost proinluoti prop at~lotid s iillii l'i'l'"ity d(I,'alilit01s'a iiiitio7, is dlai.- stale, has iinllic iesi thatlhois' si' lil. hillto iii ]ii'i'" i i:Iias (ils siiidy ini n'tios 1' liii' iiir iS'~s, Ii f:. ) i'Piit. .. - l. , f to lianislos ithe ''lir'5thesills. i ilias hails 110551 1i sis ofe-11siols coillisgis, hut finaslly sdecided to (-droll 11e will coma' it liia esip lilal 15.1as ali ansually stoad]footbll , 1?'s.liill sid tirakssaii. IV:etir larri'es is Sho tovSRM ilt 555S1 rcittilt issiset ;tpThe. is i s1lmaea fiti e ii I'andis stlli Ness York liii] fliii'. inlit tit ll ii''"t .i liii li-''iii sia sisw 'ruliing lay thie las'- iA.thliCiliisui clistsplasy issttibe 'it4s lisn ii'lste sri liin s lid a]btw el soJ' sor inoithlei'Seconds Isemsester ,s ostil'iss (lii' illlto tis slhortens- ill- illshethus l~r os duc0i~ltlionthes ard L. Sisslattis, '1ltthe holiimteiiifl' rait, oui. Cios as isisispIrsitssdsringatOw hser lfathe'r, .Judige' mu iiis,sit litsioi 'sslsilli I isis' ii' itoisiilite thes'prs- ass Tuesday. Shse i si lsen l lithis 'lll : tifort its s:fal. School of Micos, isis]a msmeror f the I 'Isis arc= 'stinsdseris'ay issthse Hautllhi Epsilosos irority. S llt'iili,:5i'it itO lii itiss i st assoiaistioni to iso aoessiber oatheis'Phi (', it'Ia i1(,,u4 t%\olls i,set yeas. i°,ss ;idi(iit sily ieis 1ish s h ilthserts Se'ver'al (tttt otts Optentfist Stseents tlii"' ie ii' ushi iii 1. 'ii ss>osiati Foroi ie f h areiiysislo" t ~yo Oi ~~~rrtattshasve listedsnesitfor'tstsleihi'iii'iliihe proits.5 io1 tlse'Si tai:i waitesawsithtili'heUisisisisiployn t - --sh --- busrsau. The bursausassslsosas asat it1S.ISAll: iii sill s !is,'Tasblse Sel- tar a miasstswisisngagoosi siosm iiiitlo, and tWittloswRockierts. Csllt a exchsange for teninsg a tlssn. Aplii Univsersity MuticksHotusei l I'. Wi]- 'alian fos'ainy osithelses'aossoistld tliaSt r 'iemaeatt' nonofie bfi-a - - - ]Fridtay. ( 8t_1'] BOAR, Cleana n a tainsinsgcisrids 'snit$21. Itowan] it retuirnsesdtos Nsevsa ts'sigtiss 181iS. ills to Citilis'is s'ii lrraly liii'yousr tfll s. Phtones tlt15. jICIsily nsodaillwateilr. It's just 5a5r55s NOSY -A-DtAYS'(i ieIaut -Lawrence 1). tatupiselt, '141', of the tPeisterttsy Issjector Co., Detroit, w as is Asnn Arbor Tuesday to orrasso" withs M~r. Menetee for same brasi:;*.s'. PIrof. Frail tLtrcht, of thse sreittitee- iota] departmaent, was appointed yes- terday tus the state board of regioteri ini architecture, by Gar. Woodbaridge -Dteans11. 31. Btates o~f te Law Sethool is visitisiglii samothser, Hrs. Alisosn hlats, ini Chicago. He will return to Assi Arbor the first part of next week. ---tbrarheet 'T. W. tKochtantd )hes. hoest sestertaissed thse Library itaf and the stissesoessrolledt in the schsoal of library miethods at tea, froms 4:0lto :001 o'c'locrk Wedsiesday afterooni, ini their isomsoat 18059Ilill street. -'te' s!'tsih loftittratry omethoshtas Iin esirollissesit of 28, of which 23 are 'rois the State sfithsigan. This is tie capacity of the library far trains- lng studesnts. -Althousght no sanniountcemetfwas madie ini thess' cjtin~~s of H. E. 22 beisig alter- ed thsis summtoer, Hr. Einiwiler has 'sossitest to tornm a class if a feo' store sister. -JotitsBig'elowon'tsof ProfesstorHWge- lisw, Isas retursied to AsiaAnrior after hiavisig sosmpleted his jusnior year at Horvrrs. White at Harvard, Bigelow played cesster osi the IHarvarsd teals, thesrseby wininsg ass "Hi." He wit] re-- sainhisere durissg the susmser vaca- tion ass, ilri]etusrn to Harvard iu the fall. H--. Illusions Hawles, ex-'17, secretatry sif the Asia Arbor tivic associatioss, lis scsti]nisiissresignsatiosnasnd leaveo toiday for Coldwater, Micts. While its Cldswatser, Hr. Rawles will lobe sip isewspaper work. NOW-A-D)AY S It's Clotthing, Hlats, and ti srnilts'4 Goosdss front N. F. ALLEN CO. 21'..MHin SL. tf University School of Music ALBERT A. STANLEY, Direcater "A Gathering Place tsr AsatIcel Students" Annual Summer Sess'on EIGHT WEEKS-JUNE 28, - AUG. 20 Regular Faillserm begins Mon. Act. 4, 19t5 orCtalogueisndoi issiatlio addesis CHANLES A. SINK, Secretary Ane Arbor, Mich. Takesa tip from hhe men ho iop allth average tbles. Drink Ths elwit'sood-Rt fstrainon-o or T o ot O C A -C A C .Atlasii n s, 'a. ; t. '4 Have a real vacation on the' Green Lakes, eke most einjoyahle and economical outing in America. The cool lake breezes, the ever-chang. ing ecenee along the chore and the luxurious steamers operated by this Company are positive guarantees that yin will enjoy every minute of the trip, and retuns home refreshed and glad yin went. TAKE A D. & C. BOAT WHEN YOU GO AFLOAT. DailyserviehbetweenDetroitand Clevseandand Detrit nsdBuffalo.Prim JussenOsh to Septembher 10th SeaesrCiy etroitIad CitysofCleeland ItI, the"TwoGias' iftshe Greet Lakes, operate deity service is she Buffao Division; youcan'safford sto msisthe peaesmeofiteonistheeseaing sisleces. FOUR TRAPS WEEKLY frost Tstedo asd Dearote eoMackinac Ilanodsand Wsy PostsMackinacIsland, the Hisoric Summeer ResrtftheNrthCountry, ihececomisgsmorepoular eeryseeasonwithethe Toorisseeekigquietneessd repseEceteHitet and Boardisg Hiousccom miodatios at reasneitesr. TWO TRIPS WEEKLY BY SPECIAL STEAMER, CleelanddtosMackcIsclansd sosee tee eptateetriosit and Alpena. DELIGHT- FUL DAY TRIPS hestreesnDeroit and Cteveed, duinlg July and August fier trips wreekly. DAILY SERVICEJune 14thetoSeptemerhethheweeesTiledissnd Put-in-Bey. RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR TRANSPORTATION io. D & C. Lise SteaeseeeneDetroit and Buftalo or Detroieand Cteveland either directiin. Sedtem-ceetSampfotillustrtedepamphlelt aed Greas LaeseMo. AddresL. G. Lewi, G, . A, , Detroit, Mice, Setfpsterestamps soitedh tiefisvecens. Philip H. McMillan, Pee,, A, A. Schantz, Vice Pres. & Gsnl Mgr. DETROIT & CLEVELAND NAVIGATION COMFANY All esteesrive and depart, Third Avenue Whart, Detroit. TON " . It's tlothineg, hots, and st "ste sisttittIt Goodits fsrom 211 S, Hall St, . t Huslt.sices] Isstir'suisssils, Stitnlgs, sitd .1ti issslbhSuppiess at reasosnabile phititI'5. . laet s' s' .& lSons, tmusic' IRENE FEN WICK, in «The Commuters" TODAY .. {=efr hl~ile aS irxlt .e1 tI!thf ,T IIII ' us1' sII'V ss' C- uc t "'1'11: "'t}ll\1 "I'11ti hich will wn ole iv o ly a15 1 , 1I1 A )1" "'fi . c)1111 te s" t}, 1the wel si ll s I i' sil t~s f 1:.t 1