THE F1 '1'I] fI We charge you nothing for devel- oping roll films if you can find a single defect Estf Amateur Photographers' Head quartersfor Kod, in Ann As h;r is at LYNDON MS, 719No1l ablished 1905, and growing bigger every dlay D)EAN JORDAN DEAN IEII) -t'.I. PRIOFESSORtSHIP ItVi 'ItE(A'ENTS Made to your measure In recognition of her serices('C'4 Palm' Beach dean of women, Mrs. Mi'ra 13.t1. rr~ The Summer C omfort Cloth has been granted a foil piofessorohIip Ilstslst(e _in the university, bsy the re ;cats. lt'rtsl -s,"o i In a variety of shades Twelve years ago, tirs. Jordan sue-prinioI c eeded Or. Elisa Mtosher asdeans of fallitsis's stei lo is J M ~ ~ i women, ansi during her Occuopanoyof hr pl2n Iis i' Us~ W this office, isas done a great deal to_ 604 E. Liberty.Streot promote tse welfare of the women students. Through her efforts pla15 nsiitni Iint for a dormitory system iiaee been nir-i 111 1'555 i ! . asoued, and are being rapidly calrriel(drc1iE TeFinest Hilliard Room in the State ;l CIGARS and CINDY copied by summer. schooi students, anld lll ; "We Try to Treat You Right" in October the Martha tools itli nill ____________________________________be openced. In botic of these biiiia' silit 51 THlE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK many of the details iiave beens piano- Capital ............u.o.. o0000:0 ed by Mrs. Jordan with the (ionors, Sueplus acd Undiviidedt Psfits...$50,0.ooal s'y Reournens,...........$3a,20u,00.0u so that every possible need of studnitts 1h 1( Transaets a Geserat Banking Blusiness has been provided for as asr('still iofteis ea a3pernCent interespaid on Savins Deposits, doillo t 'anus Basins Solicited. ' ter thoughtflnsiess,st 555'iv s Chas. E.lHiscock, Pres.,Michl eJ. Fritz, Casht'r a________ t 'itrltlt _ W. D. Harrimaun, Vtso.Pns., Carl F.Braun ssnt.St -55 - CaueWt. wim AI. ase ucigoDet.FOR RENT-Fine furnished costtasges Tecut' DETROIT UNITED LINES EiSWidemansi GroveryWiittloire - .sslsi ''frt Is ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE S.-Division. 1-3 bryii l (East~en Standard Tinse)l6:_W________ Limited and Eaprest Cues tor Detroit-7:to FOUND-Silver friendship circle. tOsn- s. .sad hourly to 6:to p. in., atso 5sso 05 er call 7t8 5. Ingalls or Phone 1911). Local Cart Ior Otnit', 6:o5 a. i. asndeeny tw ooustto 6:o5 p. ius, 7:05 p. ii' To Ypsilanti only: 7:48 a. m., 8 $:as a. u., E ' 11:5a. sM., lot ein., 1ts:t5, i :S ~isil tsttstit s it' v aIn,1:oa. um., isous. mLv ri4C H R O ORI s ilitisso . i 1 Limnited Cans fun Jacktson-7:4850. us, and Open all summon tiery twoo Sunrs o7:480p. m LUNCIHES and SODAS t tt Local CarstforJackson-5tsta.tcn., 6:so a. .La:l andeenytwooubiso 6:sosp. us., als 355. STATE ST. 9:15 p. in., t11:15 p. in. ...._.. - _.... . - i : , ks iirsand Finishing I PRINTS ON iv fl venu the ELO f (thebest pager msade) t $ : s4I I I;P1_ Sr P 't't si Is