THE WOLVERINE BE CAREFUL! where you eat, for these are CAFETERIA days. You "don't take chances" when you EAT AT OR EN'S You inspect everything before you buy it COME OVER TO OREN'S CAFETERIA - J- -During the summer session the Health Service will be under the su- ervision of Dr. H. H. Cummings. Hourei for both men and women will be 9:01 to 12:00 daily. Dr. Cummings will be assisted by Dr. C. P. Cour, and Dr. Elsie S. Pratt will take charge of women students. -Because of the campa gn for 1on1y for the new "Y" building, the secre~- taries will be too busy to give any time to the ordinary duties, and so the employment bureau will not be open after July 1st. -Reuben Peterson, '14, lmss landed a place on the Evening Enterprise, ar independent paper in Poughkeepsie; N. Y. While at Michigan, Peterson worked on both The Michigan Daily and The Wolverine. This last year he received his A.M. degree, at Columbia University and finished his journalistic -Providing enough students enroll, Prof. Glaser of the Zoology depart- ment, will give a course in embryology this summer. All students desiring to take this course, should communicate with him at once. --Rev. H. Walton, ex-'17, has left to take up the Methodist pastorate at Andover, N. Y. He will not return to finish his course until 1916. To reduce stock we will offer Pop- ular and Operatic Music at greatly re- duced prices. University Music House -011 E. William Street. 3-5 FOR SALE-Mission desk, Table Set- tie, and Willow Rockers. Call a' University Music House-601 N. Wil- liam Street. . 3-5 ChIlIAN ENGINEER CONTAINS HARVAlII) PHYSICIANS LEAVE ARTlfRESIi BY UNIVERSITY MEN FOR BRITISH ARMY HOSPITAL r1 biers of lacAlty (ontribute Piscussions and Articles On the 26th of this month a unit of Harvard physicians and surgeons sail- ed from New York to serve in the British army hospital for three Popt '.s tise 1915 Michigan Hisgi- J months. The unit consists of 35 grad- .er, th :e ii al publication of the uates of the Harvard medical school Michigan Engineering Society, have and 75 nurses. ',an rec ived biy the editor, Samuel It is expected that a unit from Co- I. Hoexter, of the engineering faculty. lumbia or Johns Hopkins will relieve , . dci'the Harvard delegation in October. Ac clrs as:l discussions by msemsbers af the faculty are the features of the 115 annual publication. STUDENT BOARD. Clean a n d Pro. C. I. Johnston has written an bomelike. $4. per week. Sheldon's- artici. for the annual on, "The State7t4 Monroe St. I-5 Supervision of the Waters of Michi- gan." Pro. IL. E. Riggs has contri- Go to Calkins' Pharmacy for your buted a testimonial to William B. candy and soda water. It's just across Scars, for many years chief engineer the street. Get the habit. of the Pere Marquette Railroad and! the man who "located" that line. John FOR RENT-Fine furnished cottages J. Cox has written an article entitledI in Widemann Grove, Whitmore Lake. "Sulphite Liquor as a Road Binder." Electric lights. Phone 212-J. 312 Discussions of these articles are writ= S. Division. 1-3. ten by Professors John R. Allen, A. J. - Decker, H. W. King and W. C. Hoad. NOW-A-DAYS -- It's ('lothing, Hats, and Furnishing LOST-Zeta Psi pin on the Campus, Goods from near State Street. Finder please N. F. ALLEN ('0. call 120. 211 S. Main St. tf - -- - you think you'd -- like a drink-or ~~~- ! ee you needc one-or know c you must have 1 I 1 one-make it It answers all occasions-fits all times andyseasons-always delicious, delightful, refreshing and good. Delicious-Refreshing Thirst-Quenching THE COCA-COLA CO, yu aene q c Atlanta, Ga. Arrow think of Coca-Cola I I IJNIV[RSIIY SCHOOL O[ MUSIC ALBERT A. STANLEY, Director "A Gathering Place for Advanced Stude ats" Annual Summer Session EICHT WEEKS - JUNE 28th - AUCUST 20th PIANO -VOICE- ALBERT LOCKWOOD THEODORE HARRISON FRANCES HAMILTON NORA C. HUNT HARRISON STEVENS ADA C JOHNSON NELL B. STOCKWELL KENNETH WESTERMAN EDITH B. KOON ORCAN-E. V. MOORE VIOLIN-MARIAN STRUBLE HISTORY, THEORY ETC.-E. V. MOORE Regular Fall Term begins Monday, Oct. 4, 1915 FOR CATALOCUE AND INFORMATION ADDRESS CH AS. A. SINK, Secretary . Ann Arbor, Mich. he 601 E. WILLIAM ST. Can supply your needs in Bargains in Used Pianos PIANOS FOR RENT Victrolas $15 to $200 ( } i + + I i FST A G DESTRUCJ'94 Y This is the opinion of people everywhere who knowthehandsome appear- ance and durability of In- destructo trunk, or who have se( i how wonder fully convenient they are fsr a tr-vellingiand vacation trip. We have a new line of Indestructo trunks a n d leather goods. Comei in and see them before you go "iest this summer. Indestructo trunks are absolutely. guarant ed for five years, no matter how hard the wear ' ougive them. Summer Furnishings for Men "The next trunk I buy will be an indestructo" . ,,' o a ,. e Ruele, Conlin & Fiegel GOR. MAIN & WASHINGTON C O O L ! PLEASANT! inba UfIta B OARD $3.50-$4.00 THREE 0DRS NORTH OF HILL AU0IIORI M O' INGALLS ST. SANITARY! CONVENIENT! Summer School Text Books New and Second Hand ENGINEER SUPPLIES Sheehan's STUDENTS BOOKSTORE and a CHOICE STOCK OF RECORDS I i