THE WOLVERINE.,..., _________- THDE WOLVERINE Orpheum Theatre Thte titasf FCetas Is y ruiCesn Players. Tie official student newspaper for the University of Miciigan summer ]tre 2, ues-;hze Dan i "iob." session. Published by the students on Used to tie new faes yet? Jaes~ se.Ilm stsis"isc" Tucday, Thurday and Saturday af- -__ Junte 3-Wednesdasy--Al Sar Cast i ternoons. Twenty-five issues. Many cone to summer school only Rebooked C.R - , yll e ____________________to return home iecauss of "ill health" July t2-Thans. Cri.-Lsis M~eedithlin Subscription rates -By carrier, ev- when the marks come out. "Help watted "s n arsamountal nly-five cents for the summer; Tavels. mailed to any address for one do- Think Se's an Octopus I lar. "Slippers? What nunber?" - - Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap- "Two of course." plication t the business nmanager. MaesicThate Subcriptios and ads taken at Quar- THE SENIOR'S FAREWELL. Majesic Thatre rys, Cushing's and South Univer- Out where the last dog' had his swing,a BIGGEST AND BEST PHOTO PLAYS st hray u hr h e ettrst ry Matine 3 P. M. Ette. 7 A 830 st hray a hr h e ettrst ry - Office Hours: Managing editor, 2:00 Were atplalulas swipe and sing, Tesday-"CFoue eatlers," C ,15l,.s to 3:00 daily; business manager And the muigwump wimps all day; Howsar'd issteebrcck. Cive Pres. 1:00 to 2:00 daily, Phone 960 or Out where te jtjn ashsjw Wednaesda~y, Tursda~y-Carly'e tBe- welin "Th~e tHighltnds." Si, prt. 2414 And cicks his teeth in glee, Chares Chaplin. ___________________ Cidaoy, Saeday;,Sunay - iDaniel Ot xhee the hie-haw howls his haw pestiacleslentsiesupCie," lhoto- Address, The Wolverine, Press uild- And sharks skim over the sea- pCae wil eEtalCityeiby Hal- CaieSwihyPauel- se edr iyc'. Po-~ ing, Mayiard St., Ann Arbor That's where I've got ny "ten-bone" ALL SEATS 10 CENTS jb; ____________________Howard R. Marsh-Managing Editor I'll hit that burg,-atd red I'll paint it.Phn-4-10Iti'trgtfrmtosb Ferrs H Fich-usiessMangerA pleasait prospect, honest, ain't it? ArcadeT te Phone 90-236-W.AP.J SHOWS: AFTERNOONS 4:00: EYE. 6:15; 7:4; 9:15 -_____-io'Sceig Taes. Jose 2q-CHARLIIsCHAPLIN ie "His Trytgtiase," 2pots. Aloaat L Sign in a Liberty street window- 3pateoafeassee, 'Te Stsesn of life. __________________- "CholpSey, 25 cents & Up." Wed. Jane 3o-0. Aubrecy i,,,th is "A. Btider onCBrdders:" A fie pot TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1915. I o hn htti o'u s' World'featretproduced by the roPet. -fyo__thinkthatthiscol'yumisn' man musmentCo.foeny, sit down and try to write one. 'hursesaly, July 1-treeic, the 'ON YOUR MAKS!"-W aeyu chritntg atiste in atsixpartcomedy W aeyu deaa "Tihe Catsmautens" pola edt -for a flying start in the egit-weeks' -eleneCo_ race. Dig your toes in the cinders, Those new bar exam rules don't ap- and get ready to sprint. A good start py to Schlitz and Scinopp. I i haf te rce.And all of you are racing toward a What did father say when you told Temple Theatre definite goalhinm you toght you wovold cone back ADMISSION S. You, Societyman, Goodfellow andj to get a few "extra" hours? (exnept Fiday and Saturday) Larryite, are here at the invitation of; the fatally. You ailed two courses ! SOMEWHERE- Tues. 20-Th~e slaskhThreed a migty last seuester You are here to show Somewhviere big Oils are abhiin', stoey of the Se, alsto easts Selia the men who did the inviting how Ae liybs r fgtn weekly.good you really are, That is yor To a sady streanmakitin' Wed. 3-sleeck Steep, with. Vioa Altos, goal. "On your marks!" IlwIw s Thurs. Jtly s- Ittdaylo ame tite a Your goal, Mr. Principal and Miss I could travel, ut a'writin' Brsadway Star Fetere 'y Jaese Yotngteacher, is to try to help that Isthrlwbif fgtn OlivreCacassod. tgta or thm oIsthrlwbif 'ih~n tilta orda ot oappreciate For there's not a thought to brighten- ____________________________your worth. You'll hae to travel fast. I'M te FISH! "On your marks!" -G. . . "GETSET' "-You needn't look so cocky; nearly -for ight long blistering weks. Get anyone can get a girl. * ,, -s . - "' set for days when the classs seem ____ I- s last forever, and the sats are We otta build a loft monument ticlty and the drinking water lake- To "Malie," "Sis" and "Hal," v...... 'arns and the cooking tasteless. Get Their praises ota wreck the firma- et for becthless nights of grind, teent, Fores-obetso toExtndTotr whetn the piatto across the road adds Bt-Oh! You smmer gal! ForbesRoberton to xtend to the torture, and the baby net door ___ Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson, the has the summer complaint, and the Look to Your Laurel, Ypsi! famous English actor, who tr the past temper is short and the nights are Distinctive or unique-? "The Ann two years has been' saying his fare- long. Get set!AroPes. well to the leading American cities, Alo rs, will return to this country next Oto- "GOt" STAY AWAKE NIGHTS her to make a tour of those cities he -for all you are worth! Go after ANDI WORRY BECAUSE- was unable to visit during his previous orwr!Seeitas osi n stay in this country. Forbes-Robert- worry it and tear it! Attain your Once someone said, "My! How live- son will positively not be seen in any object! Dot let upunitil yud! t n als si lme! ofte iie eha lraysadfae But don't forget the other kind of - well to, but so great has been the de- "E." Nowy and ten forget your work Some doughnuts have holes in them. mand that he include those places he and your worries. Go up the river- has not played that he has decidetd to and tlls at the mosquitoes. Pack a Mohair does not cone from Moe's. do so. He will visit Annl Arbor. lunch and go down to the Island to help the ants at it. Go to a dance; Writing comedy is a serious thing. - STUDENT HOARD. Clean a n d a 'tilted collar cans be lundered for - homelike. $4. per week. Sheldon's- two or three cents. Go to the movies, The death rate anong chipmunks 14 Monroe St 1-5 see Charlie and laugh at the way he has been increasing for-months and walks. months and months. Theis go hom, and see how much - Is K s easier it is to work; howv much better Students are often "held up" on the your work is done, and how much vay houe from Joe's. moore vo rths w hile it all seenms._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ So again, as unoffical starters in the NOW-A-DAYS La v'& edical eight-week race, we call, "On your It's Clothing, Hats, and Furnishing marks!" "Get set!" "Go!" You're Goods from NESW AND SECON[D HAND -off!____ N. F. ALLEN CO.' --__ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ 211 . Main St. ft Musical Instruments, Strings, and - - Complete lne all Musical Supplies at reasonable STUDENT OARD. Clean a n d Text Books prices, Schaeberle & Son, Music homelike. $4. per week. Sheldon's-I Laboratory Books House, 110 5. Main St. tf 714 Monroe St. 1-5 Reference Books______________________ Dictironatries- Compends. etc. Call at the Daylight Store where Cash or exchange for youran old-Bunks - FClothing a d Furnishir Largest Mtock in Michigan THE MAN STORE OF ANN ARBOR ___________________NEXT TO ORPHEUM C. EBARIHELL J. F. WUERTH 326 . State SI. Tel. 761-MH-Firm J. F. WUERTH. F. P. HARRIS SUMMER SCHOOL New and Seccnd=liand Drawing Instruments, Loose=Leaf Note Books Student Supplies in General UNIVERISITY BOOKSTORE ®I Orr 5 c ~cflhE.f A LAKE TRIP FOR REST AND RECREATION. Have a real vacation an the Great Lakes, the meal enjoyable and economical olting in Ameriaa. The east lake breezes, the ever-chant- ing scanes along the shsre and the luxurious steamers opereted hy this-r Company are psitive guarentees that you will enjsy every minute of the trip, end return home refreshed and glad you west, TAKE A D. & C. BOAT WHEN YOU GO AFLOAT. DailyservicerhetweesDetroitand Cleveland andDeteoitiand Buff t' Feoms June 1l^% " to Septembher 10th Steamera Ctyof DetroitIll ned Cite ofClevrland 1l1,thine TwoGias" at the Great Lakee,oserate daily sereice en the Buffalo Divisi~ oe you c't aff rd to mtiss the pleasreaof a ride en these floeting ptlae.sFODERITRIPS WEELY froms Toledsoad Detroit to Mackinac Islad asd Way Forts. Mackiac s5tlad, the Historia Susmmer Resortof theNrmh Country, isthecomingsseeelemore mopuo-oser sewith the Yauristekinqittnsd repose. ExcelettHotelel40Bosdeng Hseeaccom- emodstionns reasonable rates. TWO TRIPS WEEKLY BY SPECIAL S rEAMER, Cleveand toMaekinacsland; nstpenrotetermpat tostand Alpea. DELIGHT- FUL DAY TRlIShetweeen Deteoitand leveland, duringeJlyeand Aestfouretips weekle. DAILY SER'VICE Jsnr 14thtoSleetenmberetOthbetweeesTel ei an, I Pot-is-l~ay. RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR TRANSPOSI ATIu'.! oe 1?. Is C. Line SteaesbetweensDetritand Bufnfalor DetroitttedtCleveland e ' rdircies. Sodtetworcet stamp foreillutrated pamphlet atd Gret Lakoies a.A.' ', L. (7 'Leatls, t0. P.?4.,'Deroit, Mirb. Sesfpostrtamps emailed Is" fere -t Philip H. McMillan, Fres. A. A. SchantzVice Pres. ar Gent. Mgr, DETROIT & CLEVELAND NAVIG kTION COMPANY Alt steamers aerivr and depert, Third Avensa Wheretroias. YOUR F XACT MEASURE is neresstroy itt order to tsave a perfect " ~fit, We kntosr howvmu do mtesuring. ther cuttling and the puittg together of garmsense. Ouardfe t easre; soils 1 represets the hsghsest detree of portect- 500 at intcomsparable prices. Have us * l~~tilor yostomte or twvosmmerl atuets, yout will ItIe ecorrectly sttired for, yoar utintg 011 tse-'Fouomt'" t4I" .t AT FREEMEN'S Board $4.00 803 E. WASHINGTON STREET EVERYTHING CLEAN AND SANITARY 75c. per day Dinnier WE SOIL, OUR DRINKING WATER AND COOt, IT Onzeblock reoe-th fr-m I 13110Au~di~trum 35c. , . We wash all goods in soft water We do your mending and sew on buttons free Buy a cash card and nave 10%f on your laundry Phone 2076-2077 and our wagon calls promptly z in need of The Exquisite Corset Shop Ntcksear, Hoierity, Unodtrwearhnd Waists 11gs PHONE 182 304 S. Main Street CapitalO$eoo~ooo SurpIl, $e0,see UadividedPofits, $Mores ~ II* *The Farmers and Mechanics Bank c o o ANN ARBOR, MICH. 'Safe mBastiog a ou rtousTreatetoIf Our Custoamers IsOerSWatshwsord "' 3 per cnt Interest in ear Savings Departmnent