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June 29, 1915 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1915-06-29

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TIMES A WEEK, 75c T H E11111 I
* ® ' ; oratial journalism are urged *
FIELUVUMMER RESORT t tryout for The Wolverine
* staff. Those who ined to Eork * ION LCTURE
*aen the editorial side should get *
"Phii" Bartelme's big sport farm, I merely changed their abode to another in touch with the managing di *
somewhat widely known as Ferry field, shack, and accordingly, the sheriff's those interested in the
Presden Hary . Huchis Epresesmay not be as desirable a summer resi- office was notified. for w hl hs trse h r uhrAdro ie ako
Enihusiasm Over List of business d td should report to "The Awakening of China"
Arain dente as the Henry Ford estate, near I'hat night a war party swooped *trelin the business manager. Tryouts * as First Number
Dearborn, but five hoboes found it an down on Ferry field. It wasn't accom tuwill cont nue for a week, after *
agreeable location last week. plished by a band, as are most of the
Caretaker Lorenzo Thomas discov- forces which invade Ferry field. Nei- s ' " MABLE TO RENAISSANCE"
-oed the uninvited guests who were tiher was there any admiring crowd * -
"The program of lectures and enter- enjoying the hospitality of the Wolver- to see the stalwart heroes run across __Michigan's summer course of pop-
tainments that have been arranged for ine athletic plant, being comfortably the gridiron. DiAN VAtHN RETIRES FROM ular lectures opened at 4:50 o'clock
the students of the summer session is housed in one of the rude shacks left The usual cheers were lacking, as aEDWiA ASSOCIATION OFFICE yesterday afternoon in the west lec-
yby te builders of the stadium. the bravei athletes from the sheriff's
probably the richest and most inter- byt(bidr f-h tdus ie rv tltsfin h hristre room of the Physical laboratory,
The tramps didn't seem to mind the office completely overwhelmed the turthroconfethionysfcahe boratory
esting offered by any college this sun- fact that there were only two walls home team. The hoboes did not at- A the c ovenition the Americal when Professor E. H. Kraus, dean ,of
mer," said President Harry B. Hut- to their quarters, but they did resest tempt to press their squatter ci 'ddical association, which ended last the summer session, announced the in-
chinschins yesterday, in characterizing the orders to niove whis Thomas gave to a corser of the broad acres of i Tirsyday, Dr. Victor C. Vaughn, Dean troductory speaker, President Harry
th odes omoe hihThma gvet acone f hebradare .o he College o Medicine, retired fronmIB ucis reietHthn x
the 65 numbers on the lecture pro- them. A little sleuthing by the care- Ferry field, but moved on Jackson- othe office of pesideot of the body . Hutchins. President Hutchins the
gram of the summer sesio.,tne h odilgetnso h
gra o te umersesin. taker revealed the fact that the ward after a night in the county jail. thIfieo rsdn ftebd, eddtecrilgetnso h
An attractive program is offered for knights of the side-door Pullmans had -hurch. aer which he has presided during the university to the summer students, and
today and tomorrow. At 5:00 o'clock past year. expressed the hope that their stay
this afternoon, Mr. D. W. Springer, hISS ETA LEinRT EMPLOYEI-would be pleasant and profitable.
ina~nmi rnn ir MSS VA h~hkltTEMPOVEI flnmn Th opninglecurewasdelivered
s e c re ta ry o f th e N a tio n a l E d u c a tio n a l A S EY WACnTT h en ,op e n in g lle c tu r e w as de i s -
Association, will lecture on, "Teach- lSN .W A E Tby Dr. Luther Anderson, of Meridan,
ing as a, Profession." Mr. Springer Connecticut, formerly professor of his-
i as a yrof ssion." cHr.Springe. At a recent mseeting of the board of iia for mnn yr tory in the Imperial Government Uni-
waCo ayyasdrnia fte IIIILIoirectors of ths Students' Cristiano As" '' *
Pr.a Arbar -i-h ,s vchool, and is rsoe a oiattorsi decdeed to enpoy I IVH-l E versity, of Peking, and for six years
member of the Ann Arbor board of s t , LLd e yforeign correspondent for the Chicago
education. His lecture this afternoon1Miss Eva Lemert of Kansas City, Mo. News, who spoke on, "The Awaken-
will take up some of the difficulties Mfeeting Planned for Thursday Night as general secretary of the University Micigan Star Holds Chicago Team ing of China." "The Awakening of
surrounding the classification of teach- to Prepare for Summer Y. W. C. A. . Scoreless for Three China is one of the most inspiring
ing and its relation o the other pro- Ina iss Lemert bas accepted the poso- lunings signs of our times. As a movement
fessions, such as medicine an law. tion and it is felt that she will be sue- making for progress, efficiency and
The third number on the progran LABADIE AND ROWE INTERESTED essful this office. She has had ex- NE SINGLE FANS TWO culture it is comparable only to the
will be a lecture on, "Preventive Sr--perience this ie of work. Renaissance. No one who believes in
Miss Lemert will arrive at the be- the progress of the human race can
gery,' at 8:00 o'clock tonight by Dr. Varsity baseball stars will perforni ginning of the next school year, by Hal Church, fte ipressed the spetace
C. G Darlig, clisical professor of for the summer school fans on Ferry George Sisler, recently Michigan's of four hundred million people reject-
surgery. Professor Darling is recog- field diamonds this year, and the Va- leNAIMAIIA SCORES BIG HIT star pitcher, made his major league tugfthe superstiionpand lprejd t-
nized as one of the foremost authori- cation league, which will be formed at IN APPEAAAngE Al 'EtROI iehut with the St. Louis Browns yes- of the superstitions and prejudices
ties on surgery in America today, a meeting Thursday evening, promises teday as a relief pitcher, holding the past and devoting themselves
Professor W. J. Hussey, director of excellent sport for the lovers of the At a gathering 05 tie nentecs of Chicago White Sox safe for the threm to the task of making over their an-
the observatory, will lecture on, "Some national game. thde Detroi Athletic flub so last Siu- rounds be worked. cent civilization," said Dr. Anderson.
Astronomical Journeys" at 5:00 o'clock Captain George Labadie, of the Var- tay e-eming, Etward J. MeNamara, a Thi league headens made four runs The lecturer described the deep-
tomorrow afternoon. In addition to sity nine, and several other regulars t Scuan-heink, off Perryman, Rickey's slabma, a rted culture of China and gave a
aenon.Iamdtn stynnslseea relasp,mtfege o aa cumnH ,off'st'm-nnynsandbrief summary o testrugglesth
having been director of the observa- will be enrolled this summer; and and a sutdent ion the school of music, Sisler was sent into the fray in the rY of the strgles the
tory at the University of La Plata, in teams representing at least four de- sang several solos. Oven 40O were to sixth round. He held the Windy city reformers had to make their people
Argentina, Professor Hussey has vis- partnents will be put in the field fo, attendance, and press notices state I sluggers to two hits in the final three understand the uselessness of the Con-
ited many other observatories through- a spirited race for the championship that Mr. McNasnara was unusmally rounds, but as the Browns only scored fucian learning towards solving mod-
out the world, and has made a special rag of the campus. veil received, twice, the Rickeyites lost. em problems. That the reform was
wel _ecivd.yfinally ucsflwsdg codn
study of eclipses. The lecture will be Intramural Director Floyd A. Rowe _ __ _. Sisler singled on one of two trips ny successful was du,,according
illustated.to Dr Anderson, to the work of te
illustrated. expectes to be in the city this summer, to the plate, his hit being a factor in .
All of these lectures will be given in and will probably assume direction of the Browns final run in the eighth great Chinese scholar, TseunnChih
the west lecture room of the Physical the league's affairs. REC INT IJIIUUI L round. He struck out two men. Tung, and especially to the udaunt
laboratory, which is on the south side Those interested in the affasc have What dispositionslos heeu made of ed efforts of Yuan ShifKai, who is
of the university library and faces scheduled a meeting for Thursday Tthe Pittsburg claims to Sisler is not now president of the Chinese Republic,
South University avenue, eventg at 7:00 o'clock at the Hieh- known, although it is assumed locally The lecturer also considered the
The first complimentary concert of igan Union, where a president, secre- that Rickey inserted the Wolverine abolition by China of the opium habit,
the summer will be given in Hill audi- tary and treasurer of the league will graduate into a game already lost for one of the greatest moral victories of
torium at 8:00 o'clock tomorrow night, he elected, and managers selected for 'i . Forney, '14L, Arrested for Plot e purpose of forcing a decision on the age. this he said in part:
to Assassinate maIagrs sele"ThatorChinaephasosucceededininaeradsioat-
at which time several members of the the several departments, to Assassinate His the case by the national commission. "That China has succeeded in eradicat-
faculty of the university school of Labadie, Rowe and several members Father-in-law ing the opium, though deep-seated in
music will present a varied program of the sporting staff of the student NEW LAW FRATERNITY FORMED the life of the people, before Russia
of vocal and instrumental selections. publications, who have directed the CALLED "THE MASTER CROOK" AT UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN abolished vodka and France absinthe,
The program follows: summer league in former years, will is proof conclusive that she is dead-
Thirty-two Variations-.....Beethoven outline the plans at Wednesday's On Friday, June 25th, Thomas G. Articles of association were filed earnest and sincere in her purpose to
Capriccion, Op. 70, No. 2...-..Brahus meeting. Forney, '14L, now practicing law in with the county clerk George Beck- reform, adopt and renew her social
Sermon to the Birds........... .Liszt Everyone interested in baseball is Washington, D. C., was arrested on the with, this morning, by the Sigma Delta and moral life."
Albert Lockwood urged to attend. While there are sev- charge of attempted assassination of Kappa Fraternity. Objects of the or_ Among the many Chinese students
Ma furtiva lagrima (L'Elisir eral Varsity nmen available, more in- his father-in-law, T. F. Schneider, in ganization were given as: to promote present was H. C. Ling, '17E, who had
d'Anore).................Donizetti experienced players will be required the Anderson hotel. the university spirit and to maintain met Dr. Anderson at St. Johns Gt-
Kenneth Westerman to fill out the teams. The literary, Forney was taken to Pittsburgh a chapter house for the Alpha chap- versity, Shanghai. Ling also crossed
Legende...............Wisniawski its, laws, medics and engineers will bei where he was subjected to a thorough ter. Trustees for the first year are: the Pacific with the lecturer last
Liebesfreud.................Kreisler represented by teams, it is expected. quizzing. At this time he broke down Walter E. Morris, '16L, Carl Folks, September.
Marion Struble It is expected that the other scientific and confessed. '16L, and M. E. Carleton, '16L. Parties
Arabian Song..-..............Godard departments will be grouped with the He stated that hoe, with the assist- "to the association are: Paul G. Eger, BRITISH GOVERNMENT GIVES
Summer (A Cycle of Life).... Ronald medics, in forming the fourth team. -ance of George McHenry, a waiter, '16L, James T. Sloan, '16L, Louie H. 10,000 RUPEES TO MISSION
Kenneth Westerman had planned to execute the murder on Dunten, '16L, M. C. Coulten, '16L, C. S.
Arabesques on the Blue Danube PROF. BURSLEY INSTALLING last Thursday morning, but it seemsI Neitheroutt, '17L, and F. S. Rosenthal, On account of the valuable service
Walzes-.........Straus-Schulz-Evler NEW SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT'L that Forney weakened, thus saving the grad. rendered to the wounded British sol-
Albert Lockwood life of Mr. Schneider. - diers during the period of fighting in
Accompaniments by Frances Hamil- On a leave of absence from the en- It also developed that Forney was Many .Enroll in Engineering College Arabia, the Bsrah hospital, which is

ton. ineering department, Prof. Joseph A. a member and leader of a criminal Although exact figures are unavail- supported by the university, has rn-
Bursley is assisting in the installation band and was called "the master able, Secretary Bird of the Engineer- ceived a gift of 10,000 rupees from
Ohio State to Have "Mortar B; )-rr" of a system of scientific management crook." ing college expects an enrollment the British government.,
Ohio State's faculty has grantLo per- in the plant of Eaton, Crane and Pike Forney was married last December which will be slightly larger than that During the campaign of the English
mission for the establishing of the Co., of Pittsfield, Mass., a large paper and has lived in Washington since that of last year. Many late arrivals are on the Persian Gulf and in the con-
"Mortar Board," a senior honorary so- box manufacturing concern. time. While here, he was a prominent keeping the officials in charge of the try around Busrah, the hospital was
ciety for girls. This year's linking ex- Prof. Bursley will return to the Uni- figure on the campus, being president registration busy, and active class crowded to the limit and the doctors
ercises will be held during commence- versity next fall to introduce a course of the "Round-Up Club." He came work probably will not begin until the and nurses rendered valiant service to
ment week. in scientific management. from Ohio State university , latter part of the week. the wounded on both sides.
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