THlE WOLVERINE- Orpheurn"E heatre The (lose oft ici plys by Fmo at tiuvAg '-W . r i th Sv-, Ausg. c'-5i1' aci'ite Cahi I'liceGos' Gi rl.'' Arcade Theatre SHOWS:ATEIINONS 400 EE. 6:15; :45; 915 'nlazlc, :C i in I~evIi n fsairi Fr.,Aug. cc (licciWaricinThei Mau h o Sic n ol di t'ef' isa Clii'~c Capli i "Tng'itangld."' Sa. A g.'c-"Tliii'1 n i I cctnu Path,' feature n hce ai Temple Theatre UNDER NEW MANAGE- MENT W~e give you the finest selection o pictures av'a lable Our bill Is olways sure to please Several Michigan women rain News York and Detroit who are interestedt it the proposed thirdt residence tiat] for women, visitedt Nwerry Iesi- tenc andl the Martha (oanti)ormi-i tory ,yeterday. An aggesive can paign is being cndtctedibyhetliiri aumnae. Altxoimeiistuiiients wh have een using okrrintartbiir tynynaini thiia sunmaer are requetect tcirev their beingings fromiiiit te gymaciatm before Friay, Agst 2, an te icild tng wiltte coseit lfter tis ate. Atl aeaber of tte Wnman'eage who have stt paid their Ine, wtic are 25 cents, fr tei'tsmer sesin, are asedi to comimaaniate neciat etv with Jeanete Armstrng, '7, genrat chairmtnaof tfelueague. New uarters C. E. BABIHELI Law, Medical and Dental Books REMO0VED To 3316 S. Sta te Stroet o,'- C ,1, in,1,ru to PHONE 761 -M Enlarged Quarters SA (itsr STOCK IN MICHIGtAN TEWOLVERINE'-- __ 'r'ie octital trid'eiitiieavspaper for LI tc t cc Uivitaly atMictigaa siunaner L-_________________________ :c.,tin. t'ablishii'ctby' tie satudiats on{ 'ccc'; ci',T'hurasday and Satirilay at- t'oiiiiig tack cnest aeiuci'ter?: t'c'ccc'as.'t'cWc'it-fire issuea. hlIPiNili, v, 1 hNV; Ilaarl i. othi aiigigEdiitotr tIi'tii h LoA'lta asusne'o~e. j t'hine -24t14-1s50'5t io's ;thtat? Mactirei ciatlin .0,: 'ertis 11. Ftle lA~sitiess Mlanager'!'.No. Satit eficclia i t astoii cca t'toine tIC0-230 t icktet. Second Hand Summer School Text Books Woodruff's Quasi-Contracts LBcale's Crimnsinal Pleading and Practice Mickell's Cases in Criminal Procedure lHall's Cases Constitutional 1 aw Wigniore's Cases in Evidence Ame's Cases on Equity UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE i Ash ,i taclt tic t isineis ccMclicccgi'°°' ' iiiicci I. Ici1cc In0 int. i gci kCarditctrsni tlrice Swaccey Daidlittosencthat (,'. W. tc'illccai Karit lii iccic ci Ji icuciZile Noit Come s "a Set'liisglDtsposal as CItt.lEsi'i'nld I{{i' S1 m- 1555'' ID1"'t'sxi' -Ailicutic ict, DtittNi'ic iI Aut(]ioily 12!) clay s tictare'C('Iriat- cc]t lIccis hb''iincaliiardiionliito ilt- NETis tlttKEN N I DsIIVEI ti1cndcicitici13 cili'Ypsilict i 1lii's. }j xs >l E41ito'x cWci' omcici clIlit't Cic "Ii'? iciitXcii Clo i" l olose' voiilu'i'i'-- ticto ,TiltTIISIAYA, AUGUIS' 19. 1131:7. I t They've Arrived eit " 'fTesmiarit'iuappiest,'and tmost effect- 1 ic_5'attl'iid hWinter Fabrissthat ever 'ianammeractioot stautntswinwis'h to osrdIertheir fial stinsef r e i sg - waitt findI' I aihansoinic 'isoetoicm sitf Inew aWoclcs, r Am 1 ' .-I 4 III thei ticrlcian'citofii'wspcipier iiie'i, '"3t''sigifi''ies tic'lcud.'' P'aicdcit tic' cnd of'a lies' slsiiry, it indiicates tha] tichri'is nocimiorictic follow.c Sictocdiay, iill 'ticipblicat iioiiofticis piiii'r, wesac' l'a calt''"30.'" This Issiic' iciha ic cumer liii've tried 't'clake IItiOSSI:1 NOX'ELi'"I''I; oss. 0 iftlw wn an i'iiiythilig.ilcliiihei citi 1Iilni lltt lrc Bld ct (1, it was," clitiowishe' is'lovdto daiii cC Acc j.S".'ti1ioiiee(Couiiiy clu'tid liiCliithe lothir hnd, Icticlcad "tacit w, ii ceitelicitdancer cci Vii' 'Scici 1 (' ii sty",,aint, suit t E i KYER c(. HITKEK Ior 'h'abte Supplies- Wholesale and Reiail 1 14-1 1 6 E. Washington St. Phone 326 i I Fine Watch, Jewelry and Eyeglass ...REPAIRING... CONKLIN, SWAN & OUR $1 SPECIAL LensesGround to Order tI Alarm Clocks 75c. to $3.00 1, ~ /4tiHAILER JEWELRY CO.* =STATE STREET JEWELERS tU. S.Pestl lStation 3 TELEPHONE 534 i ' , i l(Ist, wese iscce'edtec. i.lcrey oieee cliotdcloIthccplicatillo itoag lis di 'circry', is ihis ticenI thei'ca:sei'll ticpreviouiceacrs. Althtliigliice iii' imainageditotafilltht~e ccluiimis cclliii'paperwilthir'cinig iciatc'rialthere'hlieeIeniccmainy' hanici- caps ioas'erciic. lccii toaghc iic sunnicii' I te're'is 1litlolie iansct Ssecercrtaripaper, we scarcity cave had a laige ciccicghc ctciif togarerc thec' limcite'dinimiercclre'piirters wss thei'refuisaloithlie uaivieraity toi give 'ciedtit fortwrkili doniclce ciii The Wot- Sverne. Such i'ewardt is givc'iccii thosec whoci iiorts onctiescinters st'ientipa- per,.tProbtablty mure wcrks C icioi' by cactih ctindvdalTh'l vert cic' si ati ticiic lithe ccrrc'otinin iid'cicl oni The Michciganc Daily staft.'there scenictic be n reasoic tcr further re- fcisal an the part cit the ucciversity tic rewacrd']tiuc'fott iaidctitme spenat oai tlivecguiucce.' iscolpciper. Wc.haopi' fo 'lec'rcgicici til lii 4cc' cccvion w hve'cfwchak ic dclivis cc ir grcctest ithankls gic to 't'l'cccit'en cca'dozen liii swcic hcii ic p t f"e lice tape 'fliey' haviiv n cc cit ide candiilabcor cheer-wihlter- %vrcn idex:,' liiithatiifoucc iiiii xeii ciad -ce ''p1luctlcsii. Thoioyalto ih lacsc; 11cc news cfcrcicod1ay s iscc' vims gcatheredt is prctic]c'cli ° ilec ui' ccii isrl iWho 'aticci c rdtl dcforltce first. CC, ti cyvac, liceciricers.cii El cc 1)'i 'cc 'eic)cli cuiccigic c t icl) cII' witihus. 'e tc' l thec t ilvii'ci ,ri'. Williui 111th alcitici 'oIthu pcpec o lii have been iimposiilitly. WCcIchccik Gciiihal thueis iithelast ccsu acccccc cciicall, tacll at thuoCounctrycl''utu. Someon'ic cili ccI iimiatiic.eNini a nevo c' dec ill) cl becf In'otre.ii' At theiiccii'liii lict cccl] tretI,' e trinuc' f thfirst lif'i ofuithei' cfirm'c onheiigh inst ce'p, acid she nick 11c the'tci ' dli dcei' ct wchichtingelucuc hctc- 11111ricped liier 1 ccii, ccciitic scnd .cci'etaclly seeditct ciio i c er lcini. Iulcilif1:11e tontli ulidacnc 1 1stedhis Ii" lbocs nil' lier tulcuus wiliti' cial- is.ticuiug thein''lu l'icleelcuc Ic'stiltl- 'cc 'cciioffto tici iiciai. Stilt a lititleioticutIs liiio nior cAutu ciipikes elohsy'cays 'Ihiuc cc ticetunic 'tiln'slcouncia" ccciii Ciliareccincccii' ill ccore ticec' 'cccasilthei'dccii, cud dthe it cl}''e'tioncCli ciil. Tell I'tccc11c li'canigae i t 'ienn 'fel'ciiiasli youri'sluicc' ctes. Words'tcari infutil ccl sccc 1 1 l i 'S m' I(n.]100:+ aresblaceduon ictihi',,c!ale lust ccaa c is (i' ]lo\' i'l ccii. 11OF I. SADlLERI TESTS TYPES OIF i'lhiI.SIIINES FORl (SITERNMENT c . A part ot the plans lately props- - ~gaited biy the IUnitecd States in placinag Uousu-h-lyc', irho, w e irol . jthics ciunitry onia suitable war footing, lice inivenltive genius of D~r. Herbert r Saidlei, professor oifsiaval arcthitectitre, XIIJIS'I' lIEFII.I~h'IILii] sbe'nicmpotyed by the government V ISITORt",'1T'I'(ISEIIV ATOIII inclesigining, and teating various types cf ut cbmarinec, '11cc classncei 'S;i'a t,cuejoyedh a Six niiciel s of the undierses craft trip tic tic sccravatccry tics ticopcir- hdiscbcec mpaleted alreaidy, andI have poce at viewing the craiters o it c'attracted considerabile attenition. Dr. mooccu uesdaacay night. Aboat 40 took Sadler is trying to detersmine the adivantage oithe1c oppartuity ta look streanmline forms anid carves that will thrurigh lhe big glas; be moot successful, It is to be ex- -pected that with his ability and equip- Imemt, a type wiltlIce perfected that seolofiiII usahi'iSessinSucesfls ilt coite up to ivery expectation anid hshas beeict1he nudstsuccessf'ul requsiremcent, sccumersssioncincthuethistocry af tile'. ___ tuniversity Sechol c utsaic. tI pact; N. F. AJIIIN'S ICED) TACt'LOTING scisscuns thec'atten'danic' averaged 3S, SAII ccct thin ye'cr, due largely to supple- Nasa on---All Clothing at greatly re- ccci iary cocert wo'urkc ofttredi, it has duccedt tricca. N, F. ALIPN I'O. At tiden ccreldci. aur iiewv locationu, 211 So. MainSI.tft Vacation ti me is close at hand. Get that Suit Cleaned and ]Pressed before you go. All Spring Suits 1-4 off All Furnishings 20 ((,off T'HE MAXN S'TOREGic ANN ARBOR NEXT TO ORPHEUtM J..0F.W -Ur'ER_"T H CO. iretaJ.F. WURR'I'H. F. P. HARIS fifty Cents C. I. KID-D 1112 S. University Phone 1530J F ii